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Did someone successful install the dyndns service from no-ip on a 3bb (Huawei HG 531 V1) router? Whatever i do, the IP don't get updated. Or may be someone was successful with another free dyndns service on this device?


Have you successfully used the no-ip (ddns) service before?

Your post is a little confusing, as dyndns usually refers specifically to dyndns.org / dyn.com (a pay ddns).

If you have a PC or Laptop, as a test can you download/install their DDNS update client to verify your account info is working, then troubleshoot the Huawei.



I used no-ip on a Dreambox (Satellite Receiver). And also on a old Cisco NAS. I read some threads about this issue. I seems, that it's not possible to use no-ip with this Huawei router. Either the router using a different protocol or there is a fault. I also use a TP-Link router, but this model only let me configure DynDns and a chinese service operator.

I choose custom configuration which allows me to configure it manually. Without success.

On my Huawei Router no-ip is not a pre-configured service. But obviously on the H G630.



Most likely the script being used by the Huawei for No-IP is out of date. You might check whether there is an updated firmware available.

Another solution could be to check whether your TP Link router is supported by DD-WRT: http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Supported_Devices#TP-Link

If it is then you could put the Huawei ADSL modem into bridge mode and use the DD-WRT flashed TP Link as your router. That will almost certainly work with No-IP.


My TP-Link router is to powerless / weak for DD-WRT. Not enough RAM. The Huawei model is even not listed in the Huawei support website. There are other free dns host services. But all of them need a update server address like <username><password><domain>. But the Huawei device only accepts plain IP numbers. Low-cost soho Chinese garbage. I got this device just a few weeks ago from 3bb.

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