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Thailand's transgender people aren’t just 'Ladyboys' anymore


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From: English_M_in_Bkk

Pure comedy gold - packs of gays and breeders???

Amazing how the mention of ladyboys brings out either the sniggering childish dolts, crowing about men with dicks, and other stupidity. And then the swivel eyed loons, with their conspiracy theories about every transgender person is in it for the money, they are all thieves, or if we don't all watch it we will all be taking it up the arse while wearing a dress and swinging a handbag.

This is about basic human rights, the right of a person to choose their gender identity, you really can't get your thick head around that?

and my Reply to English_M_in_Bkk

It's true!! They were calling me and Becca "breeders"!! We are as it happens, just not together, we both have kids. To be honest, I couldn't care less about them, they leave me alone which is handy and the chances of me frequenting places where shims gather is very small. If I do come across one working in a coffee shop or whatever then they get courtesy from me if I get it from them - but that would be the same for a man or woman too. As for me being thick-headed? Because my opinion might be different from yours doesn't mean I'm thick-headed, it means my opinion is different from yours and the fact you cannot either see that or accept that would make you the dullard here, not me. We are what we are but if these people want to flounce about pretending to be birds, great. Just don't expect me not to have my views on it all. You want to party with them? Go for it, who cares?

Well like I said, comedy gold, and you just added another 'flounce about pretending to be birds' - no wonder the gays in that bar gave you shit.

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In Thai traditional society there is a role for trans but not a role for the modern concept of gay. So yes it's plausible that many Thai boys who would identify as gay in the west feel that a trans identify is easier in their social environment.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Aha, curious.

What role is that?

There are a number of books on the subject.

This isn't so unusual in older traditional societies.

Such as "berdache" with native American Indians.

Not gay. Different GENDERED.

Just a theory but I would guess there would be less of the traditional pressures on a Bangkok boy than on a boy growing up in rural Thailand.

The very idea of a GAY MAN as an identity is arguably a very relatively modern WESTERN concept probably from Germany in the 1800s.

That's different than men having sex with men (that's obviously ancient) ... talking about the idea of men identifying as gay men and gay men being an IDENTITY group.

Edited by Jingthing
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In Thai traditional society there is a role for trans but not a role for the modern concept of gay. So yes it's plausible that many Thai boys who would identify as gay in the west feel that a trans identify is easier in their social environment.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Aha, curious.

What role is that?

There are a number of books on the subject.

This isn't so unusual in older traditional societies.

Such as "berdache" with native American Indians.

Not gay. Different GENDERED.

Just a theory but I would guess there would be less of the traditional pressures on a Bangkok boy than on a boy growing up in rural Thailand.

Not sure. I seem to remember seeing loads of young men cross dressing up country. Maybe in Bangkok they can disappear into the crowds. There have been plenty of historical roles for young men willing to pleasure older men, but, not sure about cross dressing in such profusion.

Eunuchs have been around in Thailand for a very long time.


In Siam (modern Thailand) Indian Muslims from the Coromandel Coast served as eunuchs in the Thai palace and court.[136][137] The Thai at times asked eunuchs from China to visit the court in Thailand and advise them on court ritual since they held them in high regard.[138][139]


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From: English_M_in_Bkk

Pure comedy gold - packs of gays and breeders???

Amazing how the mention of ladyboys brings out either the sniggering childish dolts, crowing about men with dicks, and other stupidity. And then the swivel eyed loons, with their conspiracy theories about every transgender person is in it for the money, they are all thieves, or if we don't all watch it we will all be taking it up the arse while wearing a dress and swinging a handbag.

This is about basic human rights, the right of a person to choose their gender identity, you really can't get your thick head around that?

and my Reply to English_M_in_Bkk

It's true!! They were calling me and Becca "breeders"!! We are as it happens, just not together, we both have kids. To be honest, I couldn't care less about them, they leave me alone which is handy and the chances of me frequenting places where shims gather is very small. If I do come across one working in a coffee shop or whatever then they get courtesy from me if I get it from them - but that would be the same for a man or woman too. As for me being thick-headed? Because my opinion might be different from yours doesn't mean I'm thick-headed, it means my opinion is different from yours and the fact you cannot either see that or accept that would make you the dullard here, not me. We are what we are but if these people want to flounce about pretending to be birds, great. Just don't expect me not to have my views on it all. You want to party with them? Go for it, who cares?

Well like I said, comedy gold, and you just added another 'flounce about pretending to be birds' - no wonder the gays in that bar gave you shit.

So you're saying that ladyboy's don't flounce around trying to be like birds? They flounce more as they tend to 'overact' the part. I wouldn't expect you to listen as you seem enamoured by them. Each to his own.

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They are not ladyboys. They are men.

Correct, They are MEN, who have had their bodies chopped to bits to look like women. And its all in the chase for Money.

They wait like predators, not surfacing until after midnight to take advantage of the drunken Farangs.

Not All ladyboys are bad. Yes it's easy to stereotype when you read so many negative stories about ladyboys...Usually in Pattaya or other tourist hotspots. There are many good, polite, friendly, kind, intelligent ladyboys, also. i've met a few and got to know them. They worked at a cafe in Bkk that i like. Very friendly and pleasant to talk to. Not once did they act like thieving bitches. Your comment here, well, You just sound ignorant or maybe you're attracted to ladyboys and you're angry or frustrated that they aren't 'real' women. And BTW, if your weren't aware, many people have cosmetic/plastic surgery these days.

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Live and let live BUT it is a FACT that many (not all) ladyboys, or whatever you want to call them, are aggressive and nasty. I hate walking past a group of them and have seen them go 'bazzerk' on many occasions and they can be really spiteful.

I avoid them at all costs for these reasons not because I am biased against them. BTW Tom's can be just the same - jealous and spiteful nutcases. They can call them what they want but they are chicks with d***s at the end of the day and they can't change their chromosomes even if they get the chop.

Not only can they not change their chromosomes they still produce hormones - not estrogen which probably accounts for the aggressiveness when in a pack? My missus will never employ one because at some stage, it will go wrong with it.

Or maybe she is scared you will be 'converted'.

Every time I have been in a 'pack' recently, there was no aggression. So, you are saying all people with 'male hormones' will be aggressive if in a 'pack'?

A pack of thieving reprobatess will become aggressive in the right circumstances... Football crowds ring any bells with you? Have you ever watched a session in the house of commons? But to qualify your question, no I was saying all people with male hormones will be aggressive in a pack but I am saying it's more likely than when they're on their own. As for my missus being worried I will be converted? Well, actually I thank ladyboys and people like you as it leaves more real women for real us men. I would have to say that unlike you, I haven't been in a pack of gays before except maybe one time when a friend of mine asked me and my mate Becca to go with her to a pub quiz in a gay pub in Bournemouth. They were pretty aggressive towards us even asking our friend why she brought "breeders" into their pub! Enjoy your life on your bar stool mush.

Thanks for clarifying you're a 'real man' and assuming you know what my sexual preference is.

My sexual preference is 'often'.

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