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Chinese tourist charged Bt90,000 over damaged jet skis in Phuket

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Look at it from the insurers' perspective. Rule of thumb: each jet ski operator has several claims/week. Each claim is tens of thousands of baht. Unless each insurance premium is at least a hundred thousand baht/month, the insurance company will soon be in deep doo doo.

Who cares about the insurers?

The shareholders?


At least something good is happening here. If this was 2 years ago the Chinese had to pay 200k. Now he can complain and get away with it for only 15k.

Actually, they should have paid 30,000 - 15,000 per jet ski - but after complaint they still paid 50,000, viz 20,000 extra. Profitable renting jet ski, Thai-style. Yes, whoever pointed it out, the 200k he demanded was a bit steep, seeing as even the negligent operator accepted he should get only 50k.


'The owner ... claimed he had to collect the damage fee because his insurance policy for the jet skis had expired.' Tough s . . t!! That should, in fact, render his renting the skis illegal.


One of the best Thai Bashing post on this planet.

Should choose the best basher for a gold award.

Would do Thailand some good



Well if his insurance had expired he should not be allowed to rent them out, simple, <deleted> thieving Bastards, I see nothing in Thailand has really changed,


To be fair, they did crash the 2 jetskis into each other. I'm wondering how much damage was done from the accident.

That's why they are meant to be insured, and that reflects that in the rental price, so no there is no to be fair too.


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Extraordinary that a tourist would EVEN pay the money.


Lose some money or get brain damage.....lose some money or get brain damage......lose some money or get brain damage.

I'll lose some money, thanks.
Ok in a nutshell, Phuket is as lawless as it it ever was. Cosmetic Bullshit about reforms.

Ok, thanks for that.

The entire reform seems to be superficial.

Not sure how that logically follows my post though.


They should not be allowed to operate without comprehensive insurance. These greedy morons will eventually get the message when the tourists stop coming.

thumbsup.gif My rented Pattaya house was recently struck by lightning. About B100,000 loss to me. Landlady let insurance lapse so I'm stucksad.png

How much damage was caused by this lightning strike? I'm always very scared of lightning during the monsoon season or anytime there's a thunderstorm in Thailand, even if the chances of getting a direct hit are very low.


When tourists will understand? NEVER EVER rent a jet sky in Thailand. NEVER.

In many places around kingdom also avoid rent motorcycles...

If you do it, you are ready to be scammed. Very likely. So just: AVOID.

True. I agree with this statement. Generally speaking, reputable motorcycle/scooter rental shops should be OK but you have to go around and do your homework - steer clear of those that demand your real passport as a deposit.

But jet skis are a definite no-no it seems. Too many scams. Either buy your own and use it when you go to the beach or head over to Malaysia or Vietnam and ride there as they don't have the jet ski scams you have here. In fact, the only place in the world I've ever ridden a jet ski was in Mui Ne beach, Vietnam and it was very straightforward. Guy comes to the beach asking if you'd like to rent - you give him the agreed amount in cash and off you go for a spin and then you hand back the jet ski at the end. He watches you the whole time and there are no problems.

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I'm sick of hearing about these stories. Anyone dumb enough to rent a jet ski in pattaya has no right to complain for being a moron in my opinion.

...and in my opinion, your opinion is worthless.


Still scamming, no change! They must have some powerful protectors?

Which scamming? The tourist had crashed and damaged what they rented. All what has to be ascertained is the amount of damage.

Chinese tourist charged Bt90,000 over damaged jet skis in Phuket

Excellent. Nothing like some Chinese pr1ck tearing up the ocean and spoiling everyone and the sea animals' peace and quiet.

How many times do we see this? And yet these morons, of every nationality, still insist on renting them. Screw 'em all.


Extraordinary that a tourist would EVEN pay the money.


Lose some money or get brain damage.....lose some money or get brain damage......lose some money or get brain damage.

I'll lose some money, thanks.

The damage to what passes for their brains had already occurred when they'd actually approached a vendor to rent them one.

  • 4 weeks later...

Rational discussion of this topic is actually irrational, there crooks, powerful crooks I think we have established that haven't we.


He claimed he had to collect the damage fee because his insurance policy for the jet skis had expired.

Tough titties, dude! Grow a brain.

Best way to sort the jet-ski issue: ban all current operations, demolish their skis and have soldiers run it. Not ideal, but would take the current scum out of the equation.

So the'scum' as you call the Thai people who run this beach business would change

T-shirts, flip flops and jeans for boots and uniforms. Same dog different fleas.


If the skis were insured, I can understand the Thai man wanting some immediate payment because there are costs associated with filing insurance claims. However the guy says he didn't have insurance so my sympathy drops a bit. As for the Chinese renter, well the story seems to admit they did hit the two jet skis together so there was some damage maybe evident or latent. So the Chinese guy should have to pay something. Messy all around. 15,000 Baht is about $500 USD. I don't know what jet skis cost or what the damage is, but I doubt they did more then dent the outer "hull" and scratch the paint. I didn't read anything about the engine or throttle controls or any mechanical damage. Now a shiny well painted and presented jet ski can probably bring in more renters than a dented banged up jetski so I would be sympathetic to a repair bill being needed

The problem is that unless there was enough damage to prevent usage of the Jet skis then no repairs will be made and the money will be pocketed..... Also they will most assuredly use this damage to scam a future unsuspecting tourist of their money claiming the damage was made by them.

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"..He claimed he had to collect the damage fee because his insurance policy for the jet skis had expired." Another Thai person rationalizing things away. Just amazing and constant deflection of guilt or fault or dereliction of duty. Having said that, if there was damage to the jet skis, I could understand the renters having to pay something for loss of time, material, possible insurance rate hike, etc.

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No mention of the physical damage done. More often than not, if there's physical damage - it can be fixed with a bit of epoxy and (later) a couple minutes of hand sanding. Cost: about 75 baht.

However, I've heard the Jet ski extortionists use the same dent over and over. They put some paste over the dent (and maybe spray paint), and when the customer returns, the extortionists clandestinely wipe the paste off and reveal the dent/gash.

Jet skis should be banned. Simple, clean solution. Who will miss 'em except the extortionists and the officials who get a portion of the pay-offs?

In Sri Lanka, I went along the coast, and every 30 to 50 miles there was a sea turtle hatchery. Tourists pay money to visit the hatchery. Similarly, a manatee sanctuary (I wonder if any exist outside the US?). Some of the most popular tourist spots in Florida are places to see manatees in the wild. Which would you rather see: places for environmental husbandry or jet ski vendors?

If a manatee is sighted (a very rare event) along a Thai coast, some villagers might go charging out with knives to cut out its eyes (for a folk remedy). Thailand is to environmental husbandry what ISIS is to church choral groups.

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