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Canine nuisance...what's the answer?


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While I agree the number of soi dogs throughout Thailand is sometimes overwhelming, I have lived in Kan for the past 5 yrs, on that road, down towards the bridge, for 2, & have never seen, had or heard of one experience like what you described.

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It would be a tragedy if you spilled a bottle of antifreeze on the ground while they were barking and snarling at you. The bleach in the water bottle.

I will tell you you need to figure out which one is the leader of the pack. good solid stick or a piece of chain , if you can confront the leader the rest of the pack will back down and hide behind the leader . They have all been beat up by the leader that is why he is in charge. You need to be fully prepared to beat that dog in the head with the stick or chain .

I turn it on them and go after them swinging my stick they then keep there distance but do not turn your back on them . Swing your arms and yell they are not used to this .

Get your hands on some good fire works to .

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Get pepper spray as the authorities won't do anything. Just don't hit yourself;-)

Or tear gas spray, but you should have your gasmask ready.

I had a problem with dogs in East Pattaya on a back road, who would go for the different sounding Honda Phantom bike.

Made up a chilli spray with vinegar and other solvents filtered through a coffee filter to remove debris and put it into a plant sprayer bottle.

One dog was actually floored by the spray and temporarily blinded when he went for my bike and was targeted by the girlfriend!

I have not had any trouble now for over a year, even though the dogs are still there. They know better! thumbsup.gif

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Down my way it would be impossible to go anywhere on foot after dark without being attacked by packs of dogs. Even coming and going by motorbike during the late hours, I have to take a certain route to avoid the areas where the dogs hang out in packs.

Some sois have become no go areas for those who do not reside in them because the house holders deliberately let their dogs run loose so as to claim some kind of territorial rights over the area. Then if anyone gets attacked or injured by these dogs the owners claim that the dogs don`t belong to them.

As regards reporting these matters to the police, one has a better chance of obtaining divine intervention by praying than the authorities taking any interest.

Welcome to Thailand.

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Down my way it would be impossible to go anywhere on foot after dark without being attacked by packs of dogs. Even coming and going by motorbike during the late hours, I have to take a certain route to avoid the areas where the dogs hang out in packs.

Some sois have become no go areas for those who do not reside in them because the house holders deliberately let their dogs run loose so as to claim some kind of territorial rights over the area. Then if anyone gets attacked or injured by these dogs the owners claim that the dogs don`t belong to them.

As regards reporting these matters to the police, one has a better chance of obtaining divine intervention by praying than the authorities taking any interest.

Welcome to Thailand.

but run over one of this flea carriers and they claim compensation within a second...

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The local Plod will do nothing about any of the dogs... unless they get attacked that is. Yes, you can slip a local a couple of thousand Baht to take care of things, but I have a feeling that nothing will actually be done at all with the possible exception of re-locating the animal a couple of streets over.

You can get yourself some pepper spray or a stun type weapon or a baton (available at any local market here in Thailand). But if a 'Cull' is what you are after, then you have options. You can find these on line. But I do NOT suggest that you take this route. It is both inhuman and could become criminal in the eyes of the local population (as it would be in the West).

So use the aforementioned sprays, and weapons to retrain the dogs to stay away from you. Be consistent, even if you are not attacked, thereby reinforcing the image of you and your family members as being 'dangerous' in the minds of the Soi dogs.

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Dogs in Thailand are nothing compared to Mexico. When I lived there it was not uncommon to have a groups of 20 or 30 dogs chasing a bitch at 2 a.m. in the morning past the house barking. The houses have flat roofs there and most roofs contain 2 or 3 mutts for security. Street dogs are more prevalent there to and will attack and bite you and you will need rabies shots.

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Honestly, I never quite understand the fuss. I have been running, cycling and biking in SE Asia for 20 years and never had an issue. Maybe I have been lucky, but I would be a lot more scared of the massive dogs back home than the mutts here.

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I gave up on the barking dog issue when I stayed a year in Hua Hin a couple years ago. I rented at a nice condo. On the soi next to the condo was a block of very upscale Thai homes - all with walls around them. 2 of the homes let their dogs out into their backyards at night and they barked the night away - each dog trying to outdo the other. I figured if all the Thais on that soi did nothing about the barking then I had a slightly less than zero chance of quieting them if I complained. (I bought a fan for my bedroom and ran it on high nightly and it pretty well blocked out the barking.)

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Thais take no resposibility for their dogs, every afternoon a dog "fires up" barking for ages, opposite my condo, i tracked it down to a restaurant opposite,it is a cross between a rat and a poodle, and the funny thing is, there are people in this place eating food and are totally ignoring this racket, so they are immune to this and stone deaf,

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Some responses talk about 'the owner'.

In my experience often there are no owners, a lot of those animals are literally soi dogs.

And if they do have an owner, when questioned all of a sudden they don't have an owner.

On my push bike they are REAL nuisance.

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Get pepper spray as the authorities won't do anything. Just don't hit yourself;-)

Where can I get pepper spray.

Seen it at pretty much every night market. Probably illegal and you might want to try to see it actually works before you piss off a bunch of dogsbiggrin.png .

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As an overall animal lover...

I can tolerate a dog barking at me and if I charge it and it backs down...we're all good.

But, if he attacks me and is trying to bite me... he loses, no questions asked. I am NOT getting bit. I don't give a sh!t if its a soi dog or has an "owner".

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Typical whinging Pom with superiority complex lol. A visitor to a country is just that. Visitors should not get involved in host's way of life. How will it benefit him if he complains? Ditto for culling the dogs? Think of a dog bite mark as a souvenir. Better to focus on issues locally before imposing your will to change another country to suit yourself. Colonial era is long gone. If you guys ignore your local issues your wife will be wearing a berka in due course. Now that's an issue worth concentrating on before worrying about dogs in a country half way across from your world. Cheerio

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I stayed in Phetchabun just recently, had the same problem, the dogs must be able to tell the time as they only tried to attack after 6pm (normally later as I was going back to hotel after a few beers) I suffered the problem for nearly a week then one of them caught me when I had, had a couple too many beers, nipped my leg, I bought a stun gun off of one of the locals, stunned a couple of them that night, then kicked the granny out of them, after that they used to run away from me (not legal but I could not go to my hotel)

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I like to walk...have been bitten and harassed by soi dogs on numerous occasions...my solution was to get a long round stick...like a hoe or shovel handle...when I see them coming...I just drag the stick along the ground...the sound keeps them at bay...I have never had to use it...but would not hesitate if I felt threatened...

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iv'e seen a dog in that soi it was clear to me the dog had rabies foaming at the mouth and staggering around, stayed in the 7/11 with my kid until it was gone

Not sure if you're an accredited veterinarian or speaking metaphorically about some types who hang around 7/11's.

Personally, I've never had a problem with any Soi dog or (plural) dogs. Some have barked and grumbled a little, but emulating movements such as; throwing a stone, or just charging the offender(s) causes them to take flight. Seems to work for me and the locals also.

Unless specifically trained to do otherwise, dogs are like bullies and think again when they see you're not scared of them.


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what annoys me the most is, the ignorant thais who "own" nasty packs of dogs who get angry when you take the dogs to task.

the dogs always go for the vagrants and mentally ill that wander the streets, so those types of thais see you as the same

i have now developed a "growl" that shows most dogs i mean business, and i do!

sticks, rocks, boots, my front wheel, everything and anything

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Never defend yourself, let the damn mutts eat you. Pretty much illegal in Thailand to defend yourself against a dog. Check the lawyer thread. Dogs have rights, you have none. Screw the consequences, I'll kill any dog that comes at me or my family if I can, and I've tried. Oh, about the anti-freeze, the newer red doesn't work, you need the old green, works on cats too. The only reason I haven't killed the 6 or so constantly yapping "poddle mutts" behind my house (subdivision, not village) is everybody knows I would. Before the "neighbor" locked them behind a gate they couldn't get out of, my wife left the house for about 5 minutes, leaving the gate open. We hadn't completely moved in. When she came back, they ran out having pushed the screen door open and crapped on the floor. Had I been here then they would have died. I'm thinking I'll make a recording of all the barking, growling, yelping, howling and play all night at max volume on speakers pointed their way when they are home. We had an unofficial policy where I lived and worked (certified/commissioned law enforcement officer) in New Mexico, any dogs more than a couple of miles from a residence, especially "packed up" died just like the coyotes. They killed the deer etc. Ordinary residents did the same.

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Catapult works for me dried mud balls hit one or two and they are long gone.Only have to raise it now and they are off.Some are downright dangerous.

It fact I'm sorry for the poor mutts what kind of life do most dogs have here?

All dogs and puppies that are handed in to city hall in Pattaya and thats loads end up in a death camp with little or no food and care currently some where between eight hundred and a thousand dogs there.Many don't last long.

Check out PAC Pattaya animal coalition on facebook.

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Time for a poem ...

Soi Dogs

Their lot is a sad one

Or so it would seem

But in actual fact

They’ve got the cream

No owner to lick

No commands or orders

No house to protect

Or patrolling any borders

They have their own order

A social ladder

Peeing on things

To empty their bladder

It’s far too hot for conflict

Just gimmee some shade

A small bowl of water

And I’ve got it made!

As for female company

That’s nothing new

The worst that can happen

Is the back of the queue

Oh look! There’s a group

An orgy in the ditch

It’s times like this

I’m glad I’m not a bitch

I can vividly remember

A little puppy boy

Thinking he’d be safe

In his own Soi

To venture beyond

And over the walls

Required intelligence

And a whole lot of balls!

Hygiene can be a problem

It isn’t very nice

If it isn’t fleas or ticks

It’ll probably be lice!

So although we have no owner

We are completely free

Doing as we please

Let’s have a pee

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First off - you were visiting - you don't live there right?? Okay, but when you do live in a Soi Dog problem area, do as I did, and have reported in previous posts, look ariund at who the Soi Boys on MotoCys are, offer them a heap on Baht (think I gave them 10K - 5 up front, 5 when the animals were gone) they arranged relocation (??) destruction(??) of these animals, I didn't care what, all I know is they didn't come back, the Soi Boy's always saluted me when I walked peacefully down my Soi, I'd drop a bag of coca cola and 7/11 snacks once in awhile............for 1 year, no dogs. Okay, from time to time, one of them would drop his bike, I'd give a donation to help get it fixed, just being a good neighbor. Now, listen, hear the complaints from the Soi Dog lovers about how terrible I am................waiting for it..............waiting for it...............Silence?? Whew!! Thanks


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First off - you were visiting - you don't live there right?? Okay, but when you do live in a Soi Dog problem area, do as I did, and have reported in previous posts, look ariund at who the Soi Boys on MotoCys are, offer them a heap on Baht (think I gave them 10K - 5 up front, 5 when the animals were gone) they arranged relocation (??) destruction(??) of these animals, I didn't care what, all I know is they didn't come back, the Soi Boy's always saluted me when I walked peacefully down my Soi, I'd drop a bag of coca cola and 7/11 snacks once in awhile............for 1 year, no dogs. Okay, from time to time, one of them would drop his bike, I'd give a donation to help get it fixed, just being a good neighbor. Now, listen, hear the complaints from the Soi Dog lovers about how terrible I am................waiting for it..............waiting for it...............Silence?? Whew!! Thanks


Just being a good neighbour, paying someone to kill my neighbours ..........

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First off - you were visiting - you don't live there right?? Okay, but when you do live in a Soi Dog problem area, do as I did, and have reported in previous posts, look ariund at who the Soi Boys on MotoCys are, offer them a heap on Baht (think I gave them 10K - 5 up front, 5 when the animals were gone) they arranged relocation (??) destruction(??) of these animals, I didn't care what, all I know is they didn't come back, the Soi Boy's always saluted me when I walked peacefully down my Soi, I'd drop a bag of coca cola and 7/11 snacks once in awhile............for 1 year, no dogs. Okay, from time to time, one of them would drop his bike, I'd give a donation to help get it fixed, just being a good neighbor. Now, listen, hear the complaints from the Soi Dog lovers about how terrible I am................waiting for it..............waiting for it...............Silence?? Whew!! Thanks

No disrespect intended but you must make Thai's think that immigrants are stupid.

Edited by Rooo
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If you are interested in changing things long term, you could always support the Soi Dog Foundation: http://www.soidog.org/en/about-soi-dog/

I liked your post but misunderstood what the Soidog.org group was all about.

Once I viewed their website I realised it is a charity dedicated to save and re-home the poor mutts whilst likely lining their own pockets from donations, in the bargain.

I don't want to see the soi dogs "rescued". I want to see them gone (in other words, I don't want to see them at all).

Quickest and most humane way to do this is to just make an example of them to their owners and/or those who might care about them.

Call me "harsh" if you will but, in some instances, tough love is the best love of all.

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