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Thai Army clarifies political situation to foreign military attaches

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As military to military , it is important that Thailand commands repect . In view of the recent disrespect shown by an American official , this briefing will help to clarify to foreign emissaries the intent and integrity of the Thai military government .

¨As military to military , it is important that Thailand commands repect . In view of the recent disrespect shown by an American official , this briefing will help to clarify to foreign emissaries the intent and integrity of the Thai military government .¨



"...the army will hold a press conference to clarify to the public about the indictment against former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra over the controversial rice-pledging scheme..." Surely it should be the arm of the investigative judiciary that explains the indictment against the former Prime Minister, or has the Thai Army not only usurped democracy but the independence of the judiciary too?

This is a rhetorical question, I do know the answer.

Yeah it is called martial law.....

...or called it "Armed Services". It's not only the army involved here, the guys in the Air Force and Navy are also in this.

To be fair to all, the problems in the South would not have just fizzled away; it would have been like a festering sore. Problems would not have been solved with grenades, bombs, rifles.

There's a way to go yet. Part of the recent problems in France have been because one radical group, born and bred in France, didn't understand that following the French revolution in 1789, that country has had free speech and a free press.

Step by step. The Armed forces of Thailand have a job to do, cleaning out the corruption, the nepotism, the collusion.

Step by step. The Armed forces of Thailand have a job to do, cleaning changing out the corruption, the nepotism, the collusion.

Which given ther reputation regarding all 3 is ironic don't you think?

Just same same but different TIT


I actually wonder if Costas & the other Juntaista's have ever read any Thai history?

Maybe if they had they would have a somewhat less 'rose colored' spectacle view of the Thai military after their decades of questionable ethics. Unfortunately, contrary to the current view of revisionist history, Thai corruption didn't start with the Shinawatra's, goes back decades.

So dream on if you think ridding the country of the Shin's will somehow rid Thailand of all it's ill's...but rose colored spec may help!

From Wikipedia, the green lines say it all, as does the population changing governments after short periods of time,draw your own conclusions ...




As military to military , it is important that Thailand commands repect . In view of the recent disrespect shown by an American official , this briefing will help to clarify to foreign emissaries the intent and integrity of the Thai military government .

What disrespect did the American official show?

He din´t show up on time for ¨attitude re-adjustment¨ class, he thought it was like all Thai schools and EVERYONE would pass regardless whistling.gif

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It really doesn't look like a big turnout. I also wonder what Gen Supakorn means when he said some attaches understood the position of the Army. How many is some? Doesn't sound like a lot to me. Also why would the Army need to clarify to the public about the indictment against former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra over the controversial rice-pledging scheme. Wouldn't that be the job of the Attorney General or the Court. or did the military also take over the function.

You're not good at reading, are you?

There were 25 countries invited, ergo it's likely that there were only 25 attache's present. It was a military to military meeting, at which the Thai Military answered questions relating to the situation here in Thailand to the Military Attache's of the invited countries.

This has nothing to do with "the public" and was not a "public" meeting as such.

The current Prime Minster (who happens to be Military and is in the main using people in that self same Military that he trusts for various positions) has no qualms or reservations about directly informing "the public" when he feels they need to know something or if something needs clarifying to "the public", so don't worry about getting your questions answered at one point or another.

excuse me but some countries have more than one military attache in case you didn't know. There is not only an Army Attache, but also an Air Force and Navy US Attache in Bangkok, I am sure other countries have more than one also. Sorry to bust your bubble again.

You are not a good looser.....are you?

Throwing the toys out of your pram again?

In fact I agree with you, they should have invited the whole embassies personnel, so you would be satisfied.

...or called it "Armed Services". It's not only the army involved here, the guys in the Air Force and Navy are also in this.

To be fair to all, the problems in the South would not have just fizzled away; it would have been like a festering sore. Problems would not have been solved with grenades, bombs, rifles.

There's a way to go yet. Part of the recent problems in France have been because one radical group, born and bred in France, didn't understand that following the French revolution in 1789, that country has had free speech and a free press.

Step by step. The Armed forces of Thailand have a job to do, cleaning out the corruption, the nepotism, the collusion.

Internally or externally?

Internally or externally?

depends which ¨club¨ your a member of....


I actually wonder if Costas & the other Juntaista's have ever read any Thai history?

Maybe if they had they would have a somewhat less 'rose colored' spectacle view of the Thai military after their decades of questionable ethics. Unfortunately, contrary to the current view of revisionist history, Thai corruption didn't start with the Shinawatra's, goes back decades.

So dream on if you think ridding the country of the Shin's will somehow rid Thailand of all it's ill's...but rose colored spec may help!

He's a sycophant Troll.

Deposits his Spam rhetoric and then runs away.

Actually, not even a proper Troll.

Most Trolls keep at it.



I find the bickering here about the numbers who showed up, etc. a bit off the subject but I will add my two cents about why this briefing is of no use. Absolutely no reason for the Thai military to brief the military attaches on the military's need to continue with martial law or any of the other bits of propaganda they dispensed that day. Everyone of these attaches is well aware of the current situation in Thailand or they are not doing their jobs.

Everyone can plainly see that the military staged a coup, took over the government, selected the puppet NLA, has put pressure on the judicial branch to prosecute in sham trials and hearings people that the military disagrees with or wants out of the picture. This whole thing is not about justice for the Thai people nor is it about stopping corruption or righting any of the many ills of any of the previous Thai governments. It is about CONTROL. The military and their political allies have a view of how they envision the structure of Thai society and the hierarchy, and anything that does not conform to that picture will be crushed. There is no doubt in my mind that this group of generals and others in the hierarchy that support them are hoping to set in place a structure wherein an outsider can't get elected and run the government in a way that differs from their particular point of view. All the little things that they are doing with street vendors, beach chairs, etc. are all eye wash. It is interesting that the press is not allowed press freedom, the people are not allowed to speak freely or meet in groups, the lese majeste and defamation laws are archaic. They are doing nothing to bring about discussion and openness in society. They are just squelching any conversation differing from theirs.

The true test which none of us can really predict is how this new constitution will be constructed. How legislators will be elected and who will control things. If indeed the new constitution is really something taking after the European models then I will predict a future for Thailand. If on the other hand the new constitution is structured so as to manipulate elections towards a predestined built-in model for a particular group then we will judge this junta differently. Right now they certainly do not seem to have any desire to bring about reconciliation or dialogue with regard to the constitution as it is being drafted basically in a vacuum.

The whole briefing was a stupid attempt to sway people who will not be swayed given by puppets of the regime. As said by one poster, a briefing on prosecution of Yingluck should be done by the Prosecutor's Office not the military. I personally feel that the junta is missing the boat on prosecuting Yingluck with such a weak argument. If she personally profited from anything then prosecute but get the evidence, bring it to court and have a trial. This stuff about malfeasance in office, etc. would put half the military, politicians and government employees in jail. Everyone can see this is not about any personal corruption on her part but an attempt to remove her from a possible future in politics, something I am sure she is happy to be out of at this point. There is certainly no reward in trying to govern a population where so many lack any moral turpitude.

In a nutshell ladies and gentlemen.




I find the bickering here about the numbers who showed up, etc. a bit off the subject but I will add my two cents about why this briefing is of no use. Absolutely no reason for the Thai military to brief the military attaches on the military's need to continue with martial law or any of the other bits of propaganda they dispensed that day. Everyone of these attaches is well aware of the current situation in Thailand or they are not doing their jobs.

Everyone can plainly see that the military staged a coup, took over the government, selected the puppet NLA, has put pressure on the judicial branch to prosecute in sham trials and hearings people that the military disagrees with or wants out of the picture. This whole thing is not about justice for the Thai people nor is it about stopping corruption or righting any of the many ills of any of the previous Thai governments. It is about CONTROL. The military and their political allies have a view of how they envision the structure of Thai society and the hierarchy, and anything that does not conform to that picture will be crushed. There is no doubt in my mind that this group of generals and others in the hierarchy that support them are hoping to set in place a structure wherein an outsider can't get elected and run the government in a way that differs from their particular point of view. All the little things that they are doing with street vendors, beach chairs, etc. are all eye wash. It is interesting that the press is not allowed press freedom, the people are not allowed to speak freely or meet in groups, the lese majeste and defamation laws are archaic. They are doing nothing to bring about discussion and openness in society. They are just squelching any conversation differing from theirs.

The true test which none of us can really predict is how this new constitution will be constructed. How legislators will be elected and who will control things. If indeed the new constitution is really something taking after the European models then I will predict a future for Thailand. If on the other hand the new constitution is structured so as to manipulate elections towards a predestined built-in model for a particular group then we will judge this junta differently. Right now they certainly do not seem to have any desire to bring about reconciliation or dialogue with regard to the constitution as it is being drafted basically in a vacuum.

The whole briefing was a stupid attempt to sway people who will not be swayed given by puppets of the regime. As said by one poster, a briefing on prosecution of Yingluck should be done by the Prosecutor's Office not the military. I personally feel that the junta is missing the boat on prosecuting Yingluck with such a weak argument. If she personally profited from anything then prosecute but get the evidence, bring it to court and have a trial. This stuff about malfeasance in office, etc. would put half the military, politicians and government employees in jail. Everyone can see this is not about any personal corruption on her part but an attempt to remove her from a possible future in politics, something I am sure she is happy to be out of at this point. There is certainly no reward in trying to govern a population where so many lack any moral turpitude.

In a nutshell ladies and gentlemen.



And they will continue to enforce martial law right up to the elections so that the lop sided constitution they intend to impose on the people cannot be debated.

It will then be too late as the intended military oversight will again install martial law at any future time where changes to remove this power is being considered...Deja Vu


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As military to military , it is important that Thailand commands repect . In view of the recent disrespect shown by an American official , this briefing will help to clarify to foreign emissaries the intent and integrity of the Thai military government .

You earn respect you don't demand or command respect. This is the problem here. The military side of the government has no business getting involved in this. You want to clarify anything to foreign embassies you direct it to the Ambassador not the military.
Butt they tried the Ambassadors and they couldn't convince them. I guess they thought foreign military would understand about coups, overthrowing thier governments and how to control thier politicians. The only little thing they over looked was that in thier countries the government's are in charge and not the military. It's very different outside the borders of Thailand.

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

As military to military , it is important that Thailand commands repect . In view of the recent disrespect shown by an American official , this briefing will help to clarify to foreign emissaries the intent and integrity of the Thai military government .

You earn respect you don't demand or command respect. This is the problem here. The military side of the government has no business getting involved in this. You want to clarify anything to foreign embassies you direct it to the Ambassador not the military.
Butt they tried the Ambassadors and they couldn't convince them. I guess they thought foreign military would understand about coups, overthrowing thier governments and how to control thier politicians. (Soldier to Soldier) The only little thing they over looked was that in thier countries the government's are in charge and not the military. It's very different outside the borders of Thailand.

You're not good at reading, are you?

There were 25 countries invited, ergo it's likely that there were only 25 attache's present. It was a military to military meeting, at which the Thai Military answered questions relating to the situation here in Thailand to the Military Attache's of the invited countries.

This has nothing to do with "the public" and was not a "public" meeting as such.

The current Prime Minster (who happens to be Military and is in the main using people in that self same Military that he trusts for various positions) has no qualms or reservations about directly informing "the public" when he feels they need to know something or if something needs clarifying to "the public", so don't worry about getting your questions answered at one point or another.

excuse me but some countries have more than one military attache in case you didn't know. There is not only an Army Attache, but also an Air Force and Navy US Attache in Bangkok, I am sure other countries have more than one also. Sorry to bust your bubble again.

You are not a good looser.....are you?

Throwing the toys out of your pram again?

In fact I agree with you, they should have invited the whole embassies personnel, so you would be satisfied.

Seeing as Athens is now overrun by Commies, why aren't you polishing your jackboots? Stop rubber necking with c..ck in hand over the Thai Junta and sort your own mess out first.

I don't usually answer comments of that nature, but I will make an exception for you.......feel privileged.

Thailand is my country now, that's where I choose to live now and hopefully for the rest of my life.

If you are so much concerned about Greece, why don't you go and help them with their mess?

He probably already did that in Vietnam to judge by his invective.


Of course the rest of the worlds military would be concerned over Thailand and there current political standing. Does anyone know what is happening around the world at present? You only have to look at geo-politics right now and look at all the manoeuvring around by the super powers and their allies on both sides. Thailand is a strategic chunk of land in SE Asia for China and the US, only problem is these guys dont have a clue and the rest of the world sees it, hence the meeting! Typical Thainess, head up there own backsides and decades behind the rest of the world!


Further to Costas stating Thailand is his country does his country allow him benefits?

Does his country allow him to purchase land ?

Does his country allow him all the rights that a naturalized Thai citizen has ?

Answers submitted onto the back of a stamp for Junta approval !!

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You're not good at reading, are you?

There were 25 countries invited, ergo it's likely that there were only 25 attache's present. It was a military to military meeting, at which the Thai Military answered questions relating to the situation here in Thailand to the Military Attache's of the invited countries.

This has nothing to do with "the public" and was not a "public" meeting as such.

The current Prime Minster (who happens to be Military and is in the main using people in that self same Military that he trusts for various positions) has no qualms or reservations about directly informing "the public" when he feels they need to know something or if something needs clarifying to "the public", so don't worry about getting your questions answered at one point or another.

excuse me but some countries have more than one military attache in case you didn't know. There is not only an Army Attache, but also an Air Force and Navy US Attache in Bangkok, I am sure other countries have more than one also. Sorry to bust your bubble again.

You are not a good looser.....are you?

Throwing the toys out of your pram again?

In fact I agree with you, they should have invited the whole embassies personnel, so you would be satisfied.

Seeing as Athens is now overrun by Commies, why aren't you polishing your jackboots? Stop rubber necking with c..ck in hand over the Thai Junta and sort your own mess out first.

I don't usually answer comments of that nature, but I will make an exception for you.......feel privileged.

Thailand is my country now, that's where I choose to live now and hopefully for the rest of my life.

If you are so much concerned about Greece, why don't you go and help them with their mess?

'my country now'' Costas? you have a passport and full voting rights (oh I forgot none of those now) - congratulations!!! Costa's our first neo-Thai

you also say "them" when referring to YOUR COUNTRY the country where you were educated (hopefully but sometimes I wonder), you had a career there? do you get a pension?

don't fool yourself you will NEVER be Thai or completely accepted by them and to think otherwise is delusion


Further to Costas stating Thailand is his country does his country allow him benefits?

Does his country allow him to purchase land ?

Does his country allow him all the rights that a naturalized Thai citizen has ?

Answers submitted onto the back of a stamp for Junta approval !!

Mind you, does he pay tax here?

Bear in mind he is Greek - he probably expects the rest of is to pay it for him.

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Paying local income tax makes no odds either, I spend 6-8 months of the year in Iraq and the remainder in Thailand, I don't earn anything from Thailand to pay an form of income tax, on the flip side is that ALL my salary is paid into Thailand, and it's a nightmare trying to send some back out to the UK !

As to why the Junta needed to brief up the consular military attaches who for the best part are spooks anyway and would be far more keyed in than their ambassadors defies logic really, as unlike Thailand most military attaches are accountable to their respective Presidents and Prime Ministers and not a law unto themselves.


He told a press conference that the meeting was aimed at fostering a common understanding about the political situation in Thailand.

So does this mean that the military has admitted to committing an act of treason and breaking international law by staging an illegal coup? I doubt that very much but the facts are the facts.

The Attorney General is set to file a criminal lawsuit against the former premier with the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions later this month.

So does this mean that when a new democratically elected government is installed the AG will be filing criminal charges against all those guilty of treason for staging an illegal coup? I doubt that very much but there is no legal justification for their acts.

The truth is out there but it's not available in Thailand due to martial law, the trampling of basic freedom, the suppression of human right ... I could go on but you get the idea.

In one word you can sum it all up ... FARCE.

Are internal coups the concern of Internationa Law? Which particular law is that ?


Further to Costas stating Thailand is his country does his country allow him benefits?

Does his country allow him to purchase land ?

Does his country allow him all the rights that a naturalized Thai citizen has ?

Answers submitted onto the back of a stamp for Junta approval !!

Mind you, does he pay tax here?

Bear in mind he is Greek - he probably expects the rest of is to pay it for him.

The word "Tax" is derived from Latin, not Greek whistling.gif

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