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Serious And Disturbing Email


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I've been a member here for a while.... I went through a large absence caused mainly by three things, I was originally in England and very little of the content applied to me, then I lived in Thailand but without an internet connection, and lastly, it used to annoy me about the petty little fights that used to break out on a regular basis (that situation has improved drastically over time)

I don't know Tip. I have let him know what I think about the situation via PM, because he sounds like a fine individual, and I would do the same for any one who I didn't know that well but sounded genuine.

Unless you have walked in his shoes for the last five years, you can't really comment on his feelings, his experiences, his dealings or any factor of his personal life.

This topic has now become little more than Tip-Baiting territory...... and that sucks.

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With the african wildlife and the saint ... it IS obvious that the other site must be down

The other site is not down, what's your excuse for your attack on others who do not share your point of view?

Perhaps, like me, he thought that your post did not really offer a point of view. It was a rather pointless and cynical post that does not really have a place on any forum.

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I don't think it is a good thing to have this kind of "long distance"relationship over years, nor is this something that i expect from married life ,

rcm :D

Don't know about that. I'm in a long distance relation for over 10 yrs now and on average we see eachother every two months for a couple of weeks.

You can't compare it with marriage really cause it's something different. We're more like best friends really and when living apart we have our own things to bother about.

She's free to do as she pleases including sex if that would be important for her. As long as she uses protection and don't give me any disease I don't worrie too much.


Romance clearly is not dead... :D

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Not to mention CMn. At least he's honest enough to use his normal nik, and, with a struggle, did manage to get some lucid thoughts out. :D

He is gone.

You can read about it in the jungle soon I am sure, also it will be the pedo that got rid of him :o

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Please do not close this thread, why end a good soap-opera part way through the season? This one ought to be called 'The cop, the girl and the loser in Podunk, USA'. You have had your 15 minutes of fame, a lot of advice and many shoulders to cry on. You have had people on this site believing this puerile drivel. If your situation is true and I do mean if, only you know the full facts, only you know how the participants will react and only you can do something about it!

With the african wildlife and the saint ... it IS obvious that the other site must be down

The other site is not down, what's your excuse for your attack on others who do not share your point of view?

You mean like the excerpts from your above post? The difference is I didn't ATTACK :o

Now .... to the topic! Tip I sure hope it all works out the way that is best for YOU in the long run!

Edited by jdinasia
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Losers.com is still down and has been all day.

Some folks seem a little obsessed. I thought they didn't ban anyone.

I've been reading Tippaporn's posts in another place and I get the impression he's cleared the decks for decisisve action. So everything should be ok.

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Well Tip....if what you suspect is correct and your lady has been cheating on you then I too feel for you and the heartbreak that this is bringing to you.

Your experience I am sad to say will however I hope provide some knowledge and advice to others who have read the posts in this thread and make them aware of the possible pitfalls of being apart from your loved one for so long. I am sure that in hindsight you will be questioning yourself as to why and how this situation arose.

From what seemed like the perfect loving relationship which you thought you had has come this very sad situation.

It is not easy to have a long distance relationship and to maintain a business or job and there are many predators waiting to take advantage of situations where they see an opening or an opportunity for themselves.

I trust that you will remain strong and wish you good luck for the future.

Edited by Pattaya_Fox
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Let us know when you want it closed mate, everyone does want to know what will happen over the next few weeks, when you arrive in Thailand and confront your wife.

Perhaps let us mods know when/if you want to carry on with this, otherwise shall we close this thread? You seem to know what is going on now, and in reality we all now what will happen in this thread from here.

TV members have shown their respect for you, and from me, on behalf of the Thaivisa.com admin and mod team we wish you all the best, we want you to know that all of us are concerned for you and will help if we can.

Maybe rather than closing the thread it could be moved to bedlam, where the trolls wont have access to spout their <deleted>. :o

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TV members have shown their respect for you, and from me, on behalf of the Thaivisa.com admin and mod team we wish you all the best, we want you to know that all of us are concerned for you and will help if we can.

Maybe rather than closing the thread it could be moved to bedlam, where the trolls wont have access to spout their <deleted>. :o

It has unfortunately taken a turn for the worse. But must give credit to most TV posters that it went a long way before it happened. Also believe that there is a lot going on in the background with Tip and speculation is not going to help here anymore.

Edited by tywais
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Maybe rather than closing the thread it could be moved to bedlam, where the trolls wont have access to spout their <deleted>. :o

Probably a better idea DB, that would xclude me mind.

Good Luck, Tippaporn, listen to the advice, but only you can paddle your own canoe.

I wish you well.


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Maybe rather than closing the thread it could be moved to bedlam, where the trolls wont have access to spout their <deleted>. :o

Probably a better idea DB, that would xclude me mind.

Good Luck, Tippaporn, listen to the advice, but only you can paddle your own canoe.

I wish you well.


Your only 86 away anyway, wont take long :D

Edited by daleyboy
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So you feel you have commited fully to this relationship?

You have been together 5 years and could not commit to a proper marriage.

You invest more time, energy and emotion in your work than you do your wife.

Is this not true then?

Seems your 'wife' thinks so.

Jesus Christ, Sebastian. You have no facts to support any of the above, nor do you know what my wife thinks, nor have you the slightest clue regarding her psychological makeup. Again, you're talking wholly out your arse, mate. Desist.

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Let us know when you want it closed mate, everyone does want to know what will happen over the next few weeks, when you arrive in Thailand and confront your wife.

Perhaps let us mods know when/if you want to carry on with this, otherwise shall we close this thread? You seem to know what is going on now, and in reality we all now what will happen in this thread from here.

TV members have shown their respect for you, and from me, on behalf of the Thaivisa.com admin and mod team we wish you all the best, we want you to know that all of us are concerned for you and will help if we can.

Thanks, Tuky, and yes, please close this. I will reopen it after my return to Thailand and once it's been sorted for good.

I'll close this for now with my most heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your magnaminous support, advice, and help. :o



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Our good friend Tippaporn has gone through a heart wrenching couple of days. He has asked for our advice, which in my mind was a brave thing to do.

Over the course of this saga the truth has been revealed and therefore the reason for this thread to run has expired.

Tip, our hearts are with you. If you ever need anything please let us know, as you have seen there are many people here who are willing to help, in any way. Myself included.

If you feel you can cope, then please do let us know how this works out. If not, then please know that everyone here will never forget you, we will always worry about you and will always be hoping that things turn out well for you.

On this note, I think it is best we close this thread. Tip has told me via Pm that he is willing to report what happens when he finally gets here. In the mean time lets support him.

Tip, best of luck to you. In reality a lot of us are a only step away from what happened to you (myself included) so perhaps for our own sakes we all hope everything works out well mate.

Love and respect...

the TV admin and mod team

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