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TNT Bomb Discovered Near Thaksin's Residence


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Sgt-Major Chakhrit Janthara re-enacts the alleged car-bomb plot at Bangkok military airport on Saturday. The case has been shrouded in suspicion since Chakhrit named three generals as conspirators.

Source: The Nation - 13 September 2006

Now the hip-hop Sgt-Major Chakhrit Janthara is in deep shits and are having a hard time knocking his head. :D:o:D

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Did they ever recover all the documents regarding the case that were smuggled and sneaked out of the Police's CSD headquarter's vault just prior to the arrival of Army troops????

Apparently every piece of evidence, every document, every testimony was removed.

That is very interesting, let's wait and see which heads start rolling.

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Did they ever recover all the documents regarding the case that were smuggled and sneaked out of the Police's CSD headquarter's vault just prior to the arrival of Army troops????

Apparently every piece of evidence, every document, every testimony was removed.

That is very interesting, let's wait and see which heads start rolling.

Does anyone have a link that mentions this? I've searched and found nothing. Interesting indeed.

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Did they ever recover all the documents regarding the case that were smuggled and sneaked out of the Police's CSD headquarter's vault just prior to the arrival of Army troops????

Apparently every piece of evidence, every document, every testimony was removed.

That is very interesting, let's wait and see which heads start rolling.

Does anyone have a link that mentions this? I've searched and found nothing. Interesting indeed.

The story was on page three of Thursday's Bangkok Post.

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Did they ever recover all the documents regarding the case that were smuggled and sneaked out of the Police's CSD headquarter's vault just prior to the arrival of Army troops????

Apparently every piece of evidence, every document, every testimony was removed.

That is very interesting, let's wait and see which heads start rolling.

Does anyone have a link that mentions this? I've searched and found nothing. Interesting indeed.

The story was on page three of Thursday's Bangkok Post.

that's where I read it... here's a search on it (but only a partial is available)

Police, bomb plot file vanish

Bangkok Post - Sep 20 1:06 PM

Police lost no time in picking up the car bomb investigation file and running before soldiers involved in the coup took over the Crime Suppression Division (CSD) on Tuesday night.

Perhaps someone with a paid Bangkok Post archive-accessing membership could be so kind to put it up?

Follow-up reports indicate that the Minister of Bird Flu, Khun Newin from Buriram and who is currently in detention, was the man behind conceiving the idea... which fits with the laughable excuse he calls a brain.

Edited by sriracha john
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So, is Thaksin fuming over the fact that someone has maybe destroyed all documents related to an assassination/bombing attempt against him? Has he complained about this with the media yet? :o NO! :D

Let's wait and see what kind of charges are brought forward on those who disappeared with this information, even though it was likely all a setup.

It seems that his fortune is more important to him than his own life :D

Edited by Tony Clifton
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So, is Thaksin fuming over the fact that someone has maybe destroyed all documents related to an assassination/bombing attempt against him? Has he complained about this with the media yet? :o NO! :D

Let's wait and see what kind of charges are brought forward on those who disappeared with this information, even though it was likely all a setup.

It seems that his fortune is more important to him than his own life :D

To be fair, Thaksin is not exactly in a position to publish a complaint in the Thai media.

Of course, he could do so in the British media (or any other), but I don't see them getting overly interested in that story.

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Did they ever recover all the documents regarding the case that were smuggled and sneaked out of the Police's CSD headquarter's vault just prior to the arrival of Army troops????

Apparently every piece of evidence, every document, every testimony was removed.

What do you think was in all the Coffers, Trunks and Boxes he flew out of the Kingdom? f he supposedly 'forgot' 50 Billion?

Obstruction of justice/evidence or what is it called...more "honest lies"?

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  • 1 month later...

Just a question, what ever happened to this story, and is the driver of the car just rotting away in jail? I tend to think this story is an important litmus test to where thing may go in Thailand in the coming months.

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Probe to be concluded next week

Police investigation into the alleged car bomb plot against deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, which became stalled after the Sept 19 coup, should be wrapped up by next Friday at the latest, a deputy city police chief said yesterday. After a three-hour meeting with the probe team headed by Central Investigation Bureau chief Pol Lt-Gen Montree Chamroon, deputy city police chief Jet Mongkolhatthee said the team was waiting for forensic test results. Once the police have a complete summary of the investigation, they will decide whether to recommend indictments against some or all of the suspects, and on what grounds, he said. The alleged car bomb plot made headlines on Aug 24 when Lt Thawatchai Klinchana of the Internal Security Operations Command was arrested allegedly while in a car carrying an explosive device not far from Mr Thaksin's Charan Sanitwong residence.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Four suspects in Thaksin car-bomb plot

The Crime Suppression Division will today conclude its investigation into the alleged car bomb plot against deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Four suspects might face five charges while Army Sgt-Major Chakrit Chantra may be kept as a key witness.

Following a long investigation - believed to have been stalled by the September 19 coup - into the alleged plot, CSD officers have completed their task, a source said yesterday.

This morning Police Lt-General Montri Chamroon, who headed the investigation, is due to conclude the case, which was approaching the 84-day custody limit for the suspects.

The source said it was likely charges would be filed against four Army officers - Lieutenant Thawatchai Klinchana, Maj-General Phairoj Theerapharb, Colonel Surapol Supradit and Lt-Colonel Manas Sukprasert.

The charges include: attempting to murder Thaksin, his officials and bystanders; unlawful possession of explosives and weapons; using forged official documents; and conducting a criminal conspiracy.

Chakrit, who was the only one of the suspects to confess to the charges and revealed many details of the alleged plot, would be kept as a key witness, the source said.

On August 24, Thawatchai was arrested in a Daewoo sedan loaded with explosives, parked under Bang Plad bridge not far from the prime minister's home.

- The Nation

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Amazing development... :o:D:D

Shocking charges for Thaksin bombers

Police will include attempted murder among the six charges to be filed against four military officers accused in an apparent plot to assassinate ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra in August.

Observers were surprised at the inclusion of the charge as it had been speculated that only less serious charges including possessing explosives would be filed against the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) officers following the September 19 coup.

Police will submit their investigation report and indictment suggestions to public prosecutors on Monday after a two-hour meeting to wind up their part of the case yesterday.

The four suspects are Maj-General Phairoj Theerapharb, Colonel Suraphol Supradit, Lt-Colonel Manas Sukprasert and Lieutenant Thawatchai Klin-chana.

The officers all face six charges: criminal conspiracy to commit premeditated murder; attempting to kill a state official on duty; possessing explosives; having non-authorised items in their possession; forging and using official documents; and criminal conspiracy.

Sgt-Major Chakhrit Janthara, an ISOC officer whom police said was charged with identifying the target and obtaining a Daewoo sedan that carried a large amount of explosives and a blasting agent, would not be charged in exchange for turning state's evidence to implicate the four officers.

According to the police investigation report, Phairoj was the leader of the team, Suraphol coordinated the operations and obtained the Daewoo sedan and Manas was in charge of explosives and detonation.

Thawatchai was arrested while driving the sedan near the former premier's Bang Phlat residence on August 24.

- The Nation

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Police want all military suspects to be indicted

All military suspects in the alleged car bomb plot against deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra should be indicted, police say. Deputy city police chief Jet Mongkolhatthee said all four suspects _ Lt Thawatchai Klinchana, Maj-Gen Pairoj Theeraparp, Col Surapol Supradit and Lt-Col Manas Sukprasert _ would face six charges, as filed earlier. The probe team headed by Central Investigation Bureau chief Pol Lt-Gen Montri Chamroom met yesterday to conclude the inquiry after receiving all forensic test results. The investigation summary will be sent to the Royal Thai Police Office today and the case is expected to be forwarded to the prosecution on Monday.

Continued here:


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Amazing development... :o:D:D

Shocking charges for Thaksin bombers

Police will include attempted murder among the six charges to be filed against four military officers accused in an apparent plot to assassinate ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra in August.

Observers were surprised at the inclusion of the charge as it had been speculated that only less serious charges including possessing explosives would be filed against the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) officers following the September 19 coup.

Police will submit their investigation report and indictment suggestions to public prosecutors on Monday after a two-hour meeting to wind up their part of the case yesterday.

The four suspects are Maj-General Phairoj Theerapharb, Colonel Suraphol Supradit, Lt-Colonel Manas Sukprasert and Lieutenant Thawatchai Klin-chana.

The officers all face six charges: criminal conspiracy to commit premeditated murder; attempting to kill a state official on duty; possessing explosives; having non-authorised items in their possession; forging and using official documents; and criminal conspiracy.

Sgt-Major Chakhrit Janthara, an ISOC officer whom police said was charged with identifying the target and obtaining a Daewoo sedan that carried a large amount of explosives and a blasting agent, would not be charged in exchange for turning state's evidence to implicate the four officers.

According to the police investigation report, Phairoj was the leader of the team, Suraphol coordinated the operations and obtained the Daewoo sedan and Manas was in charge of explosives and detonation.

Thawatchai was arrested while driving the sedan near the former premier's Bang Phlat residence on August 24.

- The Nation

Now isnt the officer overseeing this case one who is well linked to a certain ex-PM? Many Thai people see the police not at all interested in investigating any of the cases against Mr. Thaksin which is why everything is progressing so slowly. The ploiticization of the police force will take a long time to undo. Lets also not forget it is difficult to find a Thai person who believes in this plot. Funnly enough iirc the suspects were ll long term members of the TRT too.

Another case of everything is more complicated than it seems.

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No one knows the truth here, everyone thinks they are innocent simply because Thaksin had lost all credibility by the time this took place. That made most people think he had something to do with it.

Who knows, but we all know Thaksin must at all costs stay in the news, it seems the perfect time to try and get some sympathy, i'd say someone is still pulling some strings from somewhere.

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A possibility is that the prosecutors know it's all bogus and are pursuing charges in order to air all the evidence and expose the fraud involved for what it is in order to snare the real perpetrators.

If they dropped charges, it might well all have gotten swept under the rug. By doing so, people like Newin (who's been implicated as one of the higher ups involved in the orchestration) would once again sneak away unpunished.

By making everything published and transparent in a trial, the shenanigans might be better illuminated.

If, on the other hand, it does turn out to have been a for real attempt… well then, that speaks volumes about how much he was despised… but certainly, for what information has been made public thus far, the thing reeks of amateurish, incompetent balderdash.

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More support of "this-has-all-been-a-staged-folly" take on the situation:

The four officers facing charges are out on bail.



Even for Thailand, that seems too preposterous that people who were seriously attempting to assassinate the leader of the country would be allowed to roam freely on bail for months.

Edited by sriracha john
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While it might seem preposterous, you have to remember that bail was granted by a Military court 10 days after the coup...

To the best of my knowledge, Lt-Colonel Manas Sukprasert is now the only suspect still in military detention. Manas whist a Major was also implicated in the conspiracy to commit murder in the Prayoon murder case a number of years ago, but was released for lack of evidence.

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Four military officers charged of attempted assassination

National police chief Pol General Kowit Vatana signed on Monday an endorsement recommending four military offices be charged with trying to assassinate former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Kowit's signature, which is the final step in indicting the senior military officers, came after a one hour meeting with several senior police officers including chief investigator of the case, Central Investigation Bureau head Pol Lt General Montree Jamroon.

The four suspects are Maj General Phairoj Theerapharb, Colonel Suraphol Supradit, Lt Colonel Manas Sukprasert and Lieutenant Thawatchai Klinchana, all of whom are attached to the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC).

The officers all face six charges: criminal conspiracy to commit premeditated murder; attempting to kill a state official on duty; possessing explosives; having nonauthorised items in their possession; forging and using official documents; and criminal conspiracy.

SgtMajor Chakhrit Janthara, an ISOC officer whom police say was responsible for obtaining a Daewoo sedan that was found carrying a large amount of explosives and a blasting agent, would not be charged in exchange for turning state's evidence against the four officers.

Phairoj, the only suspect not in military custody, is required to report to a military prosecutor soon.

The investigation report for the case is over 3,000 pages long and includes interviews with 106 witnesses.

The Nation

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Kowit recommends charges to be filed against 4 ISOC officers

National police chief Pol General Kowit Vatana Monday signed an endorsement recommending four military offices be charged with trying to assassinate former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Kowit's signature, which is the final step in indicting the senior military officers, came after a one-hour meeting with several senior police officers including chief investigator of the case, Central Investigation Bureau head Pol Lt General Montree Jamroon.

The four suspects are Maj General Phairoj Theerapharb, Colonel Suraphol Supradit, Lt Colonel Manas Sukprasert and Lieutenant Thawatchai Klinchana, all of whom are attached to the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC).

The officers all face six charges: criminal conspiracy to commit premeditated murder; attempting to kill a state official on duty; possessing explosives; having non-authorised items in their possession; forging and using official documents; and criminal conspiracy.

Sgt-Major Chakhrit Janthara, an ISOC officer whom police say was responsible for obtaining a Daewoo sedan that was found carrying a large amount of explosives and a blasting agent, would not be charged in exchange for turning state's evidence against the four officers.

Source: The Nation - 14 November 2006

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