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renting safety deposit box

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I am banking with Bangkok bank who inform me they have no available boxes in any branch... amazing! But if they did in order to rent one I must subscribe 200,000baht per annum into a life insurance policy.

can anyone suggest a better bank?

Also which bank is offering the best return on cash deposits say for 6 or 7 months.. BUT are only offering 2.5%.


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I've checked with banks and they tell me they only rent boxes if you have over A million baht in their banks.

There is A private company in Bangkok that rent boxes but it's not cheap.As far as finding A bank in Thailand that

Pays high interest on your money,I doub't you'll find it.Maybe A jumbo amount 2-3 million baht or more,maybe.

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Its a race to the bottom on interest rates the same as the world over. You cannot export and have millions of tourists by keeping your currency high. Look at China they control the renabi so that exports are cheap and imports expensive. America and all the world countries should quite doing business with countries that control their currencies through one way or another. The congress in the USA wants to make it a big issue in the free trade bill being negotiated with Asia but Obama and the negotiators say this will not fly as if this is enforced the deal will fall apart. All the world economies want to cheapen their currencies and thus increase their exports. It also makes imports more expensive. Politics is not about better wages for workers or more jobs its about free trade deals that sell out the country to foreign countries with cheap labor like Asia. Burma right now is in the cross hairs of big business. I was reading a person with a degree there as a chemist was making $28 a month yet rents were many times more than here in Thailand. This must have big business positively salivitating. I hear that the USA is already there in Burma tying up huge parcels of land for development.

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