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Fears over 84-day detention without charge under new Thai bill

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The most Democratic country in the world also has laws like this one.


Agree with your principle on the basis of the usual flat earthers having a go at Thailand when other countries have the same rules ...but The USA the most democratic country in the world? No actually its away down at about 15 or somewhere. Perhaps its that who can get the most money backing in the run up to presidential nominations where the rot starts that it does not get close. The most democratic are constantly a toss of the coin between New Zealand and the Nordic countries.

" The most democratic are constantly a toss of the coin between New Zealand and the Nordic countries. "

I know but Americans like to think they are the most Democratic. It's a fairly good bet that the posters bleating the most about Prayuth and Junta and Elite are Americans. When in fact their own country is being run by the big corporations and individual families!

You're right about that. Corporations have big power in the US. But when a general of the armed forces gets out of line, he gets fired, not the other way around. For good or bad, civilians run the American bureaucracy. I'd have to say that's a big difference, one that I would love to see here. I'd love to see someone fire Mr. Happy.


The most Democratic country in the world also has laws like this one.


Agree with your principle on the basis of the usual flat earthers having a go at Thailand when other countries have the same rules ...but The USA the most democratic country in the world? No actually its away down at about 15 or somewhere. Perhaps its that who can get the most money backing in the run up to presidential nominations where the rot starts that it does not get close. The most democratic are constantly a toss of the coin between New Zealand and the Nordic countries.
" The most democratic are constantly a toss of the coin between New Zealand and the Nordic countries. "

I know but Americans like to think they are the most Democratic. It's a fairly good bet that the posters bleating the most about Prayuth and Junta and Elite are Americans. When in fact their own country is being run by the big corporations and individual families!

You're right about that. Corporations have big power in the US. But when a general of the armed forces gets out of line, he gets fired, not the other way around. For good or bad, civilians run the American bureaucracy. I'd have to say that's a big difference, one that I would love to see here. I'd love to see someone fire Mr. Happy.

Same, same but different. At least here there is a face to the guy running things .. faceless corporations and billionaire brothers in the USA!


They could "fast track" a lot of legislation that has been stalled. A good example is the new provisions for online 90 day reporting. Since the junta recognizes the need to keep foreign money flowing within the kingdom, it could be beneficial in expediting items that have been discussed but never acted upon. "Top down" government DOES have its benefits.

Nowhere in the world a country run by a military junta has ever moved forward. Never.


They could "fast track" a lot of legislation that has been stalled. A good example is the new provisions for online 90 day reporting. Since the junta recognizes the need to keep foreign money flowing within the kingdom, it could be beneficial in expediting items that have been discussed but never acted upon. "Top down" government DOES have its benefits.

Nowhere in the world a country run by a military junta has ever moved forward. Never.

Well according to FB posts the so called 90 days online report doesn't work properly...

So just Put up, shut up and do as you're brainwashed told...


Of course, what else would you expect?

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

There will be a hell of a backlash against this mob, I just wonder will the troops shoot civilians again?

Hmm, I guess they will.


With human rights on the improve in Thailand ,the 84 day detention should be a breeze , I shouldn't wonder that western Governments will soon introduce this as it is certainly the easy way to do things, certainly when a terrorist attack is imminent, maybe another way is to place everyone on detention, that's even easier, this has unlimited possibilities, why didn't I think of it , I probably lack that main ingredient Thainess.. coffee1.gif

Reading your post I think that it is more likely that what you lack is the same ingredient that it does- Coherence.. :coffee1:

Nowadays it's sensible to read your post, then preview it,then write something else.

And this is exactly the attitude that allowed Adolf to take his country to war.


Nowadays it's sensible to read your post, then preview it,then write something else.

And this is exactly the attitude that allowed Adolf to take his country to war.

Ahhh...a reincarnated nazi, one who had looked over Adolf's shoulders as he drafted his plans...


As I put in a post yesterday, day to day life has not really changed as yet. But without doubt there has been a huge erosion of peoples rights. Freedom of speech, internment without trial , attitude adjustment, un-elected PM the list goes on. Now if all that continues I do not want my children to be brought up in this country I want them to live in relatively free Democracy where their Human rights are respected and protected. On the other had I am in hope that this phase in Thailand Political History will pass and we will return to a free democratic society.

I have no love for former PMs , but I do not appreciate living under Military Rule and Marshall law and the threat, rather than the action of both of those

Your peers have been saying that since May the 22nd, 2014. ​It reminds me of those guys with the "End is Nigh" signs. The end never comes, but they continue to walk around stating it is near. So because of a fear that you have that something might happen in the future, but never seems to eventuate you will uproot your life and leave. That ethos makes you a perfect candidate for a cult membership who uproot their lives and live on a farm in South America drinking Kool Aid.

I am glad that you have not dodged bullets. Neither have I and now we can be glad that we will not inadvertently stumble our way into a grenade attack committed with impunity by government supporters. Remember 28 innocent dead and over 700 injured and not one arrest. I want me kids to grow up in a place were governments do not allow terrorism to flourish in its name.

​If you prefer a democracy albeit with terrorist attacks then move to Iraq. If you prefer peace and stability then stay in Thailand.

Iraq ,? Try a 100 other nations, Are you trying to say that Democracy leads to situations like Iraq ?.

Stability in Thailand ? wait and see ,. You have no idea what you are supporting . How could you [possibly want to bring your kids up in a non democratic , freedom of speech suppressing country


Nowhere in the world a country run by a military junta has ever moved forward. Never.

Not only is Thailand moving forward now, just wait until they cut down on the rife corruption the have now.

I am not saying they will end corruption but I certainly believe they will make a good dent in it.

Have a good day, liberal.


As I put in a post yesterday, day to day life has not really changed as yet. But without doubt there has been a huge erosion of peoples rights. Freedom of speech, internment without trial , attitude adjustment, un-elected PM the list goes on. Now if all that continues I do not want my children to be brought up in this country I want them to live in relatively free Democracy where their Human rights are respected and protected. On the other had I am in hope that this phase in Thailand Political History will pass and we will return to a free democratic society.

I have no love for former PMs , but I do not appreciate living under Military Rule and Marshall law and the threat, rather than the action of both of those

Your peers have been saying that since May the 22nd, 2014. ​It reminds me of those guys with the "End is Nigh" signs. The end never comes, but they continue to walk around stating it is near. So because of a fear that you have that something might happen in the future, but never seems to eventuate you will uproot your life and leave. That ethos makes you a perfect candidate for a cult membership who uproot their lives and live on a farm in South America drinking Kool Aid.

I am glad that you have not dodged bullets. Neither have I and now we can be glad that we will not inadvertently stumble our way into a grenade attack committed with impunity by government supporters. Remember 28 innocent dead and over 700 injured and not one arrest. I want me kids to grow up in a place were governments do not allow terrorism to flourish in its name.

​If you prefer a democracy albeit with terrorist attacks then move to Iraq. If you prefer peace and stability then stay in Thailand.

Iraq ,? Try a 100 other nations, Are you trying to say that Democracy leads to situations like Iraq ?.

Stability in Thailand ? wait and see ,. You have no idea what you are supporting . How could you [possibly want to bring your kids up in a non democratic , freedom of speech suppressing country

I do not believe that this is a long term situation. 1 or 2 years tops but look how long it took for the corruption to develop.

Military does what what military knows. Yes, it's pretty hard line but I have no doubt that they will exit this strategy as soon as possible. Prayut has no intention of maintaining a military occupation any longer than necessary.

Nobody's speech has been suppressed except for activists. That's military. It won't be too long. The country is growing. Give it time.


The most Democratic country in the world also has laws like this one.


Agree with your principle on the basis of the usual flat earthers having a go at Thailand when other countries have the same rules ...but The USA the most democratic country in the world? No actually its away down at about 15 or somewhere. Perhaps its that who can get the most money backing in the run up to presidential nominations where the rot starts that it does not get close. The most democratic are constantly a toss of the coin between New Zealand and the Nordic countries.
" The most democratic are constantly a toss of the coin between New Zealand and the Nordic countries. "

I know but Americans like to think they are the most Democratic. It's a fairly good bet that the posters bleating the most about Prayuth and Junta and Elite are Americans. When in fact their own country is being run by the big corporations and individual families!

Notice, NZ and the Nordic countries do not have large corporations and families pulling political strings.

So IKEA ( http://www.celebritynetworth.com/articles/celebrity/much-ikea-founder-ingvar-kamprad-really-worth/ ), Volvo and the Wallenberg family's companies in Sweden or Danish Mearsk are not big corporations and not pulling strings?


Try the ISA detention power of Malaysia and Singapore.

And? Last time I checked, this is Thailand.

And your point would be? The 2 countries mentioned have free elections as described by some.


Does it really matter what the law says? The military can do pretty much whatever it wants—in the national interest of course. I am just glad that we have such great people protecting us.

What makes you think you're being protected?

As long as you don't rock the boat, you'll probably be safe.

But if the boat springs a leak, don't go looking for a lifebelt because there probably won't be any.

Nice to just cover both ends. What was your point. Just had to say something?


Democracy and freedom of speech are just opiates for the naive masses.

Yes, you can vote, but who decides who and what you vote on and for?whistling.gif

Yes , you can complain and say anything you want, and sure, your government is listening to you.cheesy.gif

But it really makes no difference on how your government governs you.facepalm.gif

It just makes you feel better about getting governed the way you are being governed.biggrin.png

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