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Dogs chewing up house


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Most young dogs/puppies need attention and this breed needs bones, preferably beef bones. They are chewing for a reason.

Suggestions regarding spraying with chilli water is sensible - if they go after your shoes, some cayenne pepper is even better.

If you don't have time to train them, bring them to a professional dog trainer. They will need to be trained on a lead and learn basic commands. Stick to one language so they don't get confused.

Sometimes the most rewarding dog is the one that has energy and wants to be doing things. Tire them out - bring them for a cycle or a long walk and if you don't have the time to do so, get someone to do it for you.

Always, always feed them last - that makes you and your partner the boss. Otherwise, you are lost. They will be the boss and will own you.

Punishment is easy for this kind of dog - without hitting, just put the misbehaving one into a shed or a room alone (with nothing to chew) for up to 5 minutes. that will work wonders.

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Teach them not to, just like you would a child and get them some chew toys.

I give my dog a near death experience during training when he does not get the NOOOOO part. It works .....

".... I give my dog a near death experience..."

Could you elaborate on that?

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Your dogs are bored. You have to keep them busy. I have 2, well supposedly 2, Rottweillers. The older male has never been a problem really. His new one is that he has found he can jump our wall. 3 days jail time every time he is caught. He'll be cured in a few more days.

The female looks like a Rottie with a street dog head and is a complete pain in the arse. Chews on anything and everything. Has to go find some mud and drag it up on the front an back patios. I am talking about making an entire circuit around the house to drag the dirtiest things she can find to drag up. She requires tons of attention and many whacks to keep her in line.She is catching on though.

I do like the pepper paste idea though. I'll be spreading it around. Easy to find in Thailand.

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