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hau hin, philipines or sihanoukville for a week


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need out of pattaya its driving my nuts. thinking of hau hin nice beaches relaxed, want try phils but will not go to angeles i hear its one strip full of gogo,s not my scene. anyone been to cebu or palawan ? can give me some advice please . also whats sihanoukville like now ? just some general advice regarding cheapest flights to phils ( cebu/palawan ) from bkk. where to get mini bus from pattaya to hau hin. or where to get mini bus plus costs from patts to koh kong/cambo. need hotel prices mid range and just general info on any of these places to help me decide.

lot of qusetions but as i have allready wasted enough time in this sh**hole i really dont want to waste anymore.

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