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Historic US-Iran nuclear deal could be taking shape


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News from Drudge today:


Iran opposition unveils 'secret' Tehran nuclear site
9 hours ago
Washington (AFP) - An exiled Iranian opposition group Tuesday accused Tehran of running a "secret" uranium enrichment site close to Tehran, which it said violated ongoing talks with global powers on a nuclear deal.
"Despite the Iranian regime's claims that all of its enrichment activities are transparent ... it has in fact been engaged in research and development with advanced centrifuges at a secret nuclear site called Lavizan-3," said Alireza Jafarzadeh, deputy director of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).
He said the site was hidden in a military base in the northeastern suburbs of Tehran.

" The NCRI is a political umbrella of five Iranian opposition groups, the largest of which is the People's Mujahedeen Organization of Iran, which was once banned in Europe and the United States as a terror group."

So, do you think this "news" is credible? Obviously you must do to have posted it.


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Netanyahu is a war hawk and his speech to Congress is nothing more than a military call to arms of American troops against Iran. This approach is nonsense. While difficult and cumbersome, diplomacy is the best alternative at this time. If Israel wants war in its region, such should not be an American decision nor ground troops. Speaker Boehner has absolutely missed politically on this stunt to embarrass the President by injecting a foreign head of state to intervene on matters of American foreign policy. His actions are tantamount to treason in the most direct way.

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Yup, now that a deal is shaping up between the P5+1 and Iran, we get sudden, surprising to everyone, new and never before whispered or mentioned secrets.

The hard-liners in each country are doubling down...in the US, in Iran, in Israel.

The NCRI got most of its information from the MEK organization of Iranian exiles, the MEK having been founded by a husband and wife team that have their own army commanded mostly by women appointed by the leader's wife. NCRI are playing on their previous success in 2002 of revealing the unknown nuclear facilities in Nantanz and Arak, which is their claim to fame. Other NCRI claims of the past decade have turned out to be false, however.

As reported in today's Christian Science Monitor....

While some nuclear proliferation experts say they are not surprised by the rising outside challenges at a decisive moment in the talks, they also say those should not be viewed as enough to derail the diplomatic effort. If anything, they say, new factors like the claims of secret facilities only underscore the need to reach a deal that will limit Iran and allow for inspections of all the country’s facilities

"Many people are looking for ways to blow up these negotiations; some are legitimate concerns and some are less valid,” says Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association in Washington. “This report should be explored, but it should not be a reason to stop short of a deal that would address this problem [of undeclared sites] for a long time to come.


It's also easy to remember the Bush-Cheney absolute reliance on Iraqi exiles in the US who swore up and down Saddam had WMD and, who, when the US returned the exiles to Iraq to govern, were sternly rejected by the Iraqis themselves.....remember Amed Chalabi?

The European Union foreign policy commissioner agrees that the P5+1 and Iran nuclear negotiators have crossed a vital threshold....

Iran nuclear deal 'is at hand': EU foreign policy chief

The European Union's foreign policy chief on Tuesday said an Iran nuclear deal was "at hand" and urged different sides to show political will ahead of a new round of talks scheduled in Geneva next week.

"We cannot miss this opportunity," Federica Mogherini said at Chatham House, a think tank in London.

"A good deal is at hand if the parties will keep cooperating as they did so far and if we have enough political will from all sides to agree on a good deal and sell it domestically," Mogherini said.


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In June last year the MEK held a rally outside of Paris and here is what the French government had to say about it....

French Foreign Ministry spokesman Romain Nadal criticized the People's Mujahedeen of Iran, or Mujahedeen-e-Khalq, for "its violent and non-democratic inspirations," ''cult nature" and "intense campaign of influence and disinformation." The terms were unusually harsh for the French government.


The absence of any detail from supposed insider technical and policy sources also has analysts curious whether the NCRI claim based on the MEK's information are legit or an attempt to derail the breakthrough the P5+1 and Iran nuclear negotiations have apparently achieved.

However, the information does not offer proof of nuclear activities at the site. The informants were unable to provide information about the level of the uranium enrichment they assert is taking place at the site, Jafarzadeh says, nor could they affirm the “extent” of the enrichment or the number of on-site centrifuges, the fast-spinning machines that can be used to deliver weapons-grade uranium.


Some international security experts who favor a deal with Iran say the timing of the NCRI’s latest revelations is suspect. For its part, the group says it was only now that the information could be fully vetted.

Others caution that the group’s claims have not always panned out in the past.

“They’ve been right and they’ve been wrong,” says the Arms Control Association’s Mr. Kimball. “If this kind of report is aimed at derailing the talks, I’d say it’s cutting off your nose to spite your face."


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No doubt the Israeli theme songs are ''Fight the Good Fight and Onward Christian Soldiers.

Why should the Israelis fight when the Goyim can be coerced into fighting for them?

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Sounds to me the same same as Bush-Cheney and Iraq to include Colin Powell their official lapdog at the UN Security Council. And let's not forget Condoleezza Rice and her infamous "mushroom cloud."

Fool me once, shame on me.

Fool me twice shame on you.

Intelligence leaks suggest Israeli secret service believe Iran is not producing nuclear weapons

Newly leaked intelligence from Mossad suggest they knew Israeli claims about nuclear weapon production were false

Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel, uses a diagram of a bomb to describe Iran's nuclear programme (AFP)

Alex MacDonald

Monday 23 February 2015
Last update:
Wednesday 25 February 2015

A new joint report produced on Monday by Al-Jazeera and the Guardian shows top secret files - correspondances with the South African intelligence services - suggesting that Mossad, the Israeli security agency, has believed since 2012 that the Islamic Republic of Iran was “not performing the activity necessary to produce weapons,” according to the leak.

The revelation would seem to undermine claims by other branches of the Israeli state – including the prime minister – that Iran presented a threat to Israelis through its desire to produce nuclear weapons.

The date of the cables is particularly ironic, as it came just a month after a speech made by Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu at the United Nations General Assembly in which he called for a united global response to Iran's threat to develop nuclear weapons – a threat which, at the time, he assured was a very real one.

“For nearly a decade, the international community has tried to stop the Iranian nuclear programme with diplomacy,” he told the assembly in September 2012.“That hasn't worked.”

- See more at: http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/intelligence-leaks-suggest-israeli-secret-service-believe-iran-not-producing-nuclear-weapons#sthash.9lDeUurf.dpuf

Edited by Publicus for spacing.

Edited by Publicus
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A new joint report produced on Monday by Al-Jazeera and the Guardian

How about Media Matters, Slate and MSNBC just to be balanced? laugh.png

This is based on information in about 2011-12 and Meir Dagan, the Mossad chief from 2002 until 2011, said that in his view, Iran would obtain a nuclear weapon in 2015. That is right NOW. Dishonest newspaper headlines aside, Mossad only differed with Netanyahu on TIMING.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I see the Fan Club of the new Republican-Likud Senator from Israel are up and at it here today along with the rest of the rah-rah crowd.

This guy Netanyahu is a train wreck in a rapid motion. Netanyahu is a right wing far out extremist who should instead be working with the P5+1 and Iranian nuclear negotiators but is fiercely working against them.

While the US and Iran respectively have their hard-liners, Netanyahu is a hard liner in Israel who also happens to be the prime minister. The US has its neocons and Israel has its neobombs.

Netanyahu now wants to flood the Congress with ambassadors from the Arab states that he likes in this particular instance of allying himself against the president politically and with the Republican party in the Congress.

Netanyahu Tried To Invite Arab Diplomats To His Speech - and Failed


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is refusing to meet with a group of ardently pro-Israel Democratic senators next week in Washington, but he very much wants to see the faces of Arab ambassadors in the audience during his controversial address to Congress.

Netanyahu’s ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer, has tried, without success, to recruit Arab ambassadors to come to his boss’s speech, e-mailing them personally to plead for their attendance. Dermer, who is not a trained diplomat, is the man who helped engineer the invitation to Netanyahu to speak to Congress in opposition to President Obama’s (so far theoretical) Iran nuclear deal.

The Netanyahu camp is worried about the political impact of its preemptive strike on Capitol Hill, I’m told. Netanyahu understands that he will be burning his remaining bridges to the White House by going up to the Hill next week. Israelis close to Netanyahu have been warning him that his decision to openly align with the Republican Party against a Democratic president is both unprecedented and deeply risky. In fact, Netanyahu’s own national security advisor, Yossi Cohen, told at least two people during his visit to Washington last week that he wished the speech were not taking place


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Could it be the old "Good Cop/Bad Cop routine?

Obamas people negotiating with Iran:

"Hey, I'm trying to help you here. That crazy Netanyahu is about to go nuclear on your ass." "Take this deal before it's too late."

That scenario could have legs except for the fact

Netanyahu wants no deal at all.

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This guy Netanyahu is a train wreck in a rapid motion.

"Netanyahu is a right wing far out extremist"

Actually he and his party are center right and not extremists. There are parties much further to the right than Likud and only partisan fanatics on the far-left, who know nothing about Israeli politics, would try to claim otherwise. rolleyes.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Could it be the old "Good Cop/Bad Cop routine?

Obamas people negotiating with Iran:

"Hey, I'm trying to help you here. That crazy Netanyahu is about to go nuclear on your ass." "Take this deal before it's too late."

Been reading the thread?

Bibi is gonna give a speech to a joint session of the Congress against the president of the United States. He's been invited secretly by the Republican party Speaker of the House. Bibi's ambassador in Washington has failed in trying to invite Arab ambassadors to the speech to make the House chamber look like a sleepy and chummy oasis in Israel. Democrats in Congress and nationally are aghast and are up in arms against Bibi, Boehner, and Boehner's House Bubbas on the extreme tea party right.

National Security Advisor Susan Rice said Bibi needs to get a grip. SecState John Kerry reminded Congress Bibi supported Bush-Cheney in their Words of Mass Deception about Iraq and WMD.

Speaking of getting grip.....

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This guy Netanyahu is a train wreck in a rapid motion.

"Netanyahu is a right wing far out extremist"

Actually he and his party are center right and not extremists. There are parties much further to the right than Likud and only partisan fanatics on the far- left would try to claim otherwise. rolleyes.gif

Sort of like the Republican party and the tea party in the US that no one could slip a piece of paper in between. You know, the fat right wingers in their XXXXLLL slacks and tops and their misspelled cardboard signs...Mr & Mrs Bubba X.L. Public. The Fox News cozy klatch.

Yep, those far out rightists who just are not your grandfather's Republican party or Likud. Remember when Likud and Labour worked with the president of the United States. Sounds like memory problems here or maybe an elephant saw a nuclear mouse.

Edited by Publicus
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Remember when Likud and Labour worked with the president of the United States.

That was before Barack Obma engaged Iran when Tehran was threatening a nuclear Holocaust against Israel and insulted the PM of Israel over and over again. That was before the president got close to signing a deal with Iran that is eventually going to allow them to enrich uranium.

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Remember when Likud and Labour worked with the president of the United States.

That was before Barack Obma engaged Iran when Tehran was threatening a nuclear Holocaust against Israel and insulted the PM of Israel over and over again. That was before the president got close to signing a deal with Iran that is eventually going to allow them to enrich uranium.

When exactly did Tehran threaten "a nuclear holocaust against Israel" ? Or are you referring to the debunked "wipe Israel off the map" deliberate mistranslation made by MEMRI?

And it was while GW Bush was president that Iran started enriching, and even Mr. Bush the little refused to attack Iran, no matter how hard Israel was pushing for just that. As a IAEA member and NPT signatory, Iran has the right to a full fuel cycle for nuclear energy and research programs.

When will Israel allow IAEA inspections of its nuclear facilities and nuclear arsenal?

Good point.

I suppose if Iran wanted to bring all negotiations to a full stop it could demand assurances Israel does not have a nuclear program and that Iranian inspectors verify it to be the case.

However, Iran does need an agreement desperately so that is unlikely to happen because it would play into the hands of the hard liners in Israel, Iran, the US and the ME.

The ayatollahs do need an agreement desperately as the economy has become so awful they are losing the people across Iran, from the cities to throughout the countryside.

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Remember when Likud and Labour worked with the president of the United States.

That was before Barack Obma engaged Iran when Tehran was threatening a nuclear Holocaust against Israel and insulted the PM of Israel over and over again. That was before the president got close to signing a deal with Iran that is eventually going to allow them to enrich uranium.

That is your fabrication and distortion of what the Iranians actually said.

Ahmadinejad never said them. Farsi speakers have pointed out that he was mistranslated. The Iranian president was quoting an ancient statement by Iran's first Islamist leader, the late Ayatollah Khomeini, that "this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time" just as the Shah's regime in Iran had vanished.
Sadjadpour said Khamenei has been consistent, stating repeatedly that the goal is not the military destruction of the Jewish state but “the defeat of Zionist ideology and the dissolution of Israel through a ‘popular referendum.’”
Edited by dexterm
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