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This would close a lot of bars in central Pattaya ....


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Recently I have been rejected by a Big C store clerk for trying to buy 2-3 quart beers around the 230PM time frame.

I was told by the Big C employee that the reason was implemented by the Thai Govt to make alcohol unavailable during the early afternoon time so Thai workers couldn't get drunk when they should be working.

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This would not close bars.You ajust to the times of opening.Same as before in england.When bars shut at 11.30 and night clubs at 2 am.You of course will get moans about it at first.If you drink from 8 till 4.You go out 6 till 2.I think it is a good thing, to have these rules.For many reasons that i can understand.I am one of them who drinks to 5 and 6 in morning.Its normaly dead by 2am any way.Only karaoke places can normaly be busy.

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@DoctorB - good points well made. Its one of the reasons I didnt mention him by name even though most know who I'm referring to. Absolutely agree that no-one who pretends to be a nightlife commentator can have any credibility if they are in bed before 2am, but his take on the Club M raid and the licensing issue lines up with what was published here on PattayaOne - as you say, he gets his info secondhand so that's not surprising, but some of the responses here have been interesting.

As you say, there's no need for any bar owners to panic - I just found the prospect of the daytime bars and restaurants being told to stop serving alcohol between 2 and 5pm extraordinary. I know exactly how well this would go down with the people who operate the big hotel chains here and in BKK - I just dont see it happening.

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Glad I live in Isan. There are no rules outside of Tesco or 7. If I want alcohol, I just go buy it. Never had to worry about what time it was or what day it is.

In a truly free country, That is the way it is supposed to be.

Sorry old chap but my local bar in Isaan was visited by the police yesterday and the no booze from 2 'til 5 was stressed to the bar owner and customers, effective starting today. Bit of a bummer as that tends to be one of the busiest times for farang customers.

No bars here where I am, but a few shops with tables and chairs in front that sell beer. No time restrictions here either. I don't really drink anymore, but years ago I would have my wife's younger brother run to the shop and pick me up 3 beers. Didn't matter what time of day, and he was about 11 or 12 years old.

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And what about alcohol on the beach? I guess that they are also not allowed to sell alcohol.........another bummer for them.

I dont go down there, but I think the General put a broom through the beach vendors well before he instigated the crackdown on 'illegal' venues.

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when they limited the beer buying hours, I didn't complain, because I don't drink

when they arrested the hookers, I didn't complain because I am faithful

when the busted motorcycle drivers for no license, I didn't complain because I don't drive

when they came for me for posting on TV, there was no one left to stand beside me

So your only friends were drunks, hookers and illegal motorcycle drivers?

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Glad I live in Isan. There are no rules outside of Tesco or 7. If I want alcohol, I just go buy it. Never had to worry about what time it was or what day it is.

In a truly free country, That is the way it is supposed to be.

Yes, but the price you pay is booooooredom!biggrin.png

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take the hint. you are out. you are going to be replaced by hoards of chinese girls. no more whining despicable no good farang. go.

Cool story.


did my mother give you that? she always had it in for me, ever since that snotty little brat of a brother of mine came along years too late

Edited by koo wallety tourist
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OK, back on topic. Not sure what they were celebrating at The Crew beer bar in New Plaza last night, but it was packed - and I'm talking barely room to swing a cat - when I wandered past on my way home at ~2.40am this morning. I didnt see any balloons (balloon chasers would have been long gone by that stage anyway), mostly older blokes chattng to one another over a beer. That's the Pattaya I remember, even if the demographic is a little greyer - a bit more encouraging after the Marie Celeste feel from the previous morning.

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Wine Connection are now locked during those hours & Villa won't sell you booze either.

There are no loopholes for the responsibly run businesses.

I understand the law was first introduced to stop students buying booze straight after school but that's now stopped me buying a cheeky pinot for dinner later in the evening.

Villa mart hua hin will sell you booze every minute they are open.

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i am assure you this is happening in pattaya . i was speaking with a canadian bar owner in pattaya city police station two weeks ago that had just been arrested for selling alcohol

in his bar between 2pm and 5pm . he was wearing handcuffs at the time so it was being taken seriously . he was trying to get released on bail.

Yep , prioratise , arrest a bloke for selling beer at the wrong time of day , cuff him and make him pay some tea money to the BIB. Meanwhile gang wars , drunks, drowning , raping , pillaging ( must be the Swedes ) goes on unabated. Still not found out why non tourists want to live there.

You missed corruption and suicides

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