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Syria girls: Trio have crossed into Syria, Met Police say


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I do not see why such a fuss about these 3 girls.

They will die? - Good riddance.

They will get knocked up? - There is a good chance and enough time to get killed.

They will be gang raped? - Are you jealous?

Come what may - they lived their dream!

You consider it a waste? - There is plenty more where these come from.

What is your problem?

Ahh, yes - you want to be charitable?

Well, - charity starts at home. Don't feel sorry for them. Feel sorry for yourselves.

Incomprehensible drivel springs to mind.

Would you care to give some more of your mind?

I mean some thoughts? Perhaps ideas? Logical objections?

1. See my posts above.

2. Ideas about IS and the Syrian Conflict? If you mean analysis I get paid for that. I can signpost you to a myriad of websites for free though if you are unsure of how to google!

3. Logical objections to what specifically?

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Calm down chaps, the girls have chosen to go, that's their right in this wonderful country called England

Should they be allowed to leave the country especially to fly to Turkey is another matter, and the blame for this lies with the UK government and the airlines, all flights to the countries that are known to have ties with IS should be screened and screened again, no-one under 18 should be able to fly unaccompanied, without a thorough security services check. is that infringing on our rights, yes but in this day and age it needs to be done.

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ianchx, -

1) No need for me to see your posts above, - I'm not stalling.

2) You get paid for your analysis, - it must be good for those who pays you. Not necessarily for me.

3) I and maybe some TV posters would be interested in your logical objections to what I said.

You may disagree with my opinion but "drivel" is what runs down your chin when you drink your beer paid by your "analysis".

I am trying to have an exchange of opinions but your post is very primitive to be called a discussion. Some Analyst you are!

Try to be more constructive and intelligent, if it's not too much for you.

Edited by ABCer
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iancnx post # 25

If you had any first hand experience of what is really going on in Syria you would not have posted this attempt to make light of a truly dreadful horror situation. The three girls are all children! Shame on those TVF parents who would consider them to be otherwise. For the non parents in here, you are not qualified to comment. I suspect most of the posters generally have absolutely no comprehension of the horror that awaits these poor girls. Blame the parents, school, local mosques, UK authorities. Unbelievably sad.

Did you actually take the time to read my post # 17 in this thread? Somehow I doubt it.

I or rather we have three children and having lived here for some 24 years I we are well aware of the dangers our children face both here and in the U.K too.,

A little black humour is great help in times of stress domestically and in tragedies military and civilian wise too, I speak from experience concerning that fact.

Now be a good sort and go and pick up the toys you threw out of your pram.

Perhaps your avatar betrays your repressed inner feelings regarding females and your idea of what they should be like .,

Edited by siampolee
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iancnx post # 25

If you had any first hand experience of what is really going on in Syria you would not have posted this attempt to make light of a truly dreadful horror situation. The three girls are all children! Shame on those TVF parents who would consider them to be otherwise. For the non parents in here, you are not qualified to comment. I suspect most of the posters generally have absolutely no comprehension of the horror that awaits these poor girls. Blame the parents, school, local mosques, UK authorities. Unbelievably sad.

Did you actually take the time to read my post # 17 in this thread? Somehow I doubt it.

I or rather we have three children and having lived here for some 24 years I we are well aware of the dangers our children face both here and in the U.K too.,

A little black humour is great help in times of stress domestically and in tragedies military and civilian wise too, I speak from experience concerning that fact.

Now be a good sort and go and pick up the toys you threw out of your pram,

Isn't it amazing how Muslims, Islam and their apologists are totally void of any colour humour?

Logic is another thing they are lacking...

Acts of barbarism and uncontrolled emotions is their strongest points.

Apparently we have a self proclaimed paid Analyst here who is a perfect example.

Edited by ABCer
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Right now there is a good chance they will be living someone's dream but hardly likely it will be their own, no need to wait till the next life to have virgins delivered.

Silly girls, life as they knew it will now be over.

I don't understand how women can want to live under sharia law with all its implications for them, or even conventional Islam for that matter, covered from head to foot all their lives.

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Right now there is a good chance they will be living someone's dream but hardly likely it will be their own, no need to wait till the next life to have virgins delivered.

Silly girls, life as they knew it will now be over.

I don't understand how women can want to live under sharia law with all its implications for them, or even conventional Islam for that matter, covered from head to foot all their lives.

Robby, it is easy to understand. You try to imagine living under Shariat and fighting your hormones. Your nightmares become their wet dreams. Gang rape can become an epitome of their happiness.

Still do not understand all the fuss about these three 'children' of England.

Edited by ABCer
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Makes one wonder if these really have been brain washed. For sure they have watched vids of folk having their heads cut off, they know that folk from the west that joined ISIS have been executed, they know women are being abused, so their rationality seems to have been removed.

We are born with more or less equal brain capacity.

Our 'rationality' is like a program installed.

Education - both by parents and mass media - is responsible for the program.

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Just for the record I have to say the diatribe from ABCer and Siampolee directed toward me is perhaps a little OTT given the nature of the OP. As for black humour there is a time and a place. Needless to say I find them both thoroughly mistaken!

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A couple of things come to mind. Firstly, if you are a parent today, and absolutely must issue your child a passport, please have it under lock and key somewhere outside the home, preferably in a safe deposit box. Secondly, there is no such phenomenon as "brainwashing," at least in the sense it is being bandied about here.

What you can have is information misrepresented, situations glamorized, and promises made, all to encourage you to find a given motive or objective attractive enough to pursue. But the notion that you can have programmed automatons ambling about with any thoughts other than their own rattling around in their heads is patently absurd, and from the same category of pseudoscience as hypnosis.

While it is certainly a shame that there were no mechanisms in place preventing these young ladies from leaving the continent, to speculate as to what should or even could have been done after the fact, or worse, on what fate awaits them, comes off as little more than "piling on" to an already deplorable situation.

The truth is, much like the protagonist in Orwell's 1984, we know virtually nothing about what is really happening in N. Africa, the Middle East, the south of Thailand, or for that matter, anyplace else. Let's hope for everyone's sake that there is a possible outcome that none of us has yet considered, as unlikely as that may sound.

Edited by Songlaw
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iancnx post # 49.

Just for the record I have to say the diatribe from ABCer and Siampolee directed toward me is perhaps a little OTT given the nature of the OP. As for black humour there is a time and a place. Needless to say I find them both thoroughly mistaken!

It is a public forum and if you don't like or cannot or will not tolerate caustic comments easy solution don't post as said, ''if the kitchen is too hot get out of it.''

I certainly have been criticized a time or two on TVF but I certainly have never lost sleep over it or thrown my toys out of my playpen.

You state you are an analyst, do you not think your comments may well offend others or are you one of those delightful 25 satang intellectuals with no real idea of life?

Methinks, 'tis the latter scenario

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Gave up Europe and traded it all in to volunteer as a beaten about breeders and cooks for Jihadi 'warriors'?

Each to their own. I suspect that like many trailers, the main feature won't be anything like the trailer they viewed.

You use the word"Trailer" I prefer the word "Traitor" and should they return that is how they should be treated!

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Here's a suggestion, why not give prominent air time to someone born into a Sharia society, underwent female circumcision, fled to the west to escape a forced marriage, then became apostate and tells it exactly as it is.

I'm referring of course to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who once observed that many Muslims desire Sharia law, until the moment they actually have to live it. The trouble is she is labelled an 'Islamophobe' and not given the platform she should have, if the West were really serious about combatting indoctrination.

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iancnx post # 49.

Just for the record I have to say the diatribe from ABCer and Siampolee directed toward me is perhaps a little OTT given the nature of the OP. As for black humour there is a time and a place. Needless to say I find them both thoroughly mistaken!

It is a public forum and if you don't like or cannot or will not tolerate caustic comments easy solution don't post as said, ''if the kitchen is too hot get out of it.''

I certainly have been criticized a time or two on TVF but I certainly have never lost sleep over it or thrown my toys out of my playpen.

You state you are an analyst, do you not think your comments may well offend others or are you one of those delightful 25 satang intellectuals with no real idea of life?

Methinks, 'tis the latter scenario

No need to continue with the personal attack - I have no doubt readers can see exactly where you are coming from. I still think you are thoroughly mistaken!

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these Met Police have amazing capabilities

Forget their abilities. What about the parental abilities of these three girls? ZERO!

Parental abilities in this case have little to do with the socio psychological landscape that that their children are attracted to.

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Here's a suggestion, why not give prominent air time to someone born into a Sharia society, underwent female circumcision, fled to the west to escape a forced marriage, then became apostate and tells it exactly as it is.

I'm referring of course to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who once observed that many Muslims desire Sharia law, until the moment they actually have to live it. The trouble is she is labelled an 'Islamophobe' and not given the platform she should have, if the West were really serious about combatting indoctrination.

Wafa Sultan is another apostate who speaks out against Islam. She's a medical doctor who trained as a psychiatrist in Syria, before emigrating to the US.

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Here's a suggestion, why not give prominent air time to someone born into a Sharia society, underwent female circumcision, fled to the west to escape a forced marriage, then became apostate and tells it exactly as it is.

I'm referring of course to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who once observed that many Muslims desire Sharia law, until the moment they actually have to live it. The trouble is she is labelled an 'Islamophobe' and not given the platform she should have, if the West were really serious about combatting indoctrination.

Wafa Sultan is another apostate who speaks out against Islam. She's a medical doctor who trained as a psychiatrist in Syria, before emigrating to the US.

thanks but i'll take the three virgins instead.

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These girls wanted to go. Check the airport photos of them in their jeans, trainers and girlie tops. Not a hijab in sight, though hijab was their daily attire in the UK.

They won't get out of Syria alive unless they make a run for it at their earliest opportunity. Even then, the odds are slim.

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Before we get carried away about they're innocent school girls. They are all well above the UK's age of criminal responsibility. Although I do think 10 is too low. Not 1 penny of tax payers money should be wasted on getting them back to the UK. They've made their beds.

Edited by Mosha
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^^^ Says the guy with three scantily dressed girls as his av. whistling.gif

Sadly they are likely on their backs already and, at the end of the day, these females have gone to support a sickening regime of bloodthirsty killers. Let them go if they want, just don't let them back for obvious reasons.

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^^^ Says the guy with three scantily dressed girls as his av. whistling.gif

Sadly they are likely on their backs already and, at the end of the day, these females have gone to support a sickening regime of bloodthirsty killers. Let them go if they want, just don't let them back for obvious reasons.

Nice one Dave, an early morning swipe, but uncalled for don't ya think? The girls in my AV are all over 21. The one in the middle is well known to me (or was back then). It was an Xmas fancy dress party. We digress. The girls coerced by persons unknown to travel to IS are children. The circumstances of that coercion has yet to be determined. When the truth comes out you may well be sickened, especially if you are a father.

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Orwell on the allure of Nazism:

Whereas Socialism, and even capitalism in a more grudging way, have said to people “I offer you a good time,” Hitler has said to them, “I offer you struggle, danger, and death,” and as a result a whole nation flings itself at his feet. … We ought not to underrate its emotional appeal.

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Orwell on the allure of Nazism:

Whereas Socialism, and even capitalism in a more grudging way, have said to people “I offer you a good time,” Hitler has said to them, “I offer you struggle, danger, and death,” and as a result a whole nation flings itself at his feet. … We ought not to underrate its emotional appeal.

yeah but you gotta remember that they were catholics through and through.

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Orwell on the allure of Nazism:

Whereas Socialism, and even capitalism in a more grudging way, have said to people “I offer you a good time,” Hitler has said to them, “I offer you struggle, danger, and death,” and as a result a whole nation flings itself at his feet. … We ought not to underrate its emotional appeal.

yeah but you gotta remember that they were catholics through and through.

What's your point?

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Orwell on the allure of Nazism:

Whereas Socialism, and even capitalism in a more grudging way, have said to people “I offer you a good time,” Hitler has said to them, “I offer you struggle, danger, and death,” and as a result a whole nation flings itself at his feet. … We ought not to underrate its emotional appeal.

yeah but you gotta remember that they were catholics through and through.

What's your point?

you cant extrapolate something like that to sensible peoples

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