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Bear Pit Closed - But Will Reopen Soon


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That is uppermost and poppermost in my mind right now. On one hand, the gent was the perfect villain, big, bald, bullyish, and not exactly a Shakespearean scholar. On the other hand, is the audience tired of us thrashing him day after day? :o

I'm afraid that we will have to leave this up to the Directors.

George, IT and Doctor Patpong?

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Well, I for one can't wait 'till the 48 hours have elapsed 'cause I have a serious case of the "Bear Pit Jones"! :o

Yen, yen... The domain dosn't work yet on the Internet, it takes some 48 hours for a new domain to propagate, and then I need to install the software.

My best guess is Sunday!

Gestation period huh?

My question is, which canal will it emerge from?

front or rear...

crack goes the whipping boy's whip.

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Well, I for one can't wait 'till the 48 hours have elapsed 'cause I have a serious case of the "Bear Pit Jones"! :D

Yen, yen... The domain dosn't work yet on the Internet, it takes some 48 hours for a new domain to propagate, and then I need to install the software.

My best guess is Sunday!

Thanks George. It'll probably do some of us good (me) to broaden our horizons in civilized threads for a change. :o

Come on Sunday!

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One thing that I'm quite interested in is, what are the rules of the new Bear-Pit going to be?

To be perfectly honest, I resented the practice of letting the combatants get away with breaking a multitude of rules for weeks on the Old Bear-Pit, and then suddenly slapping their hands for doing the same thing, whenever admin was in the mood.

Another big bone of contention for me was allowing physical threats on-line. I think that it has been proven that there are some real nut cases on here, and if they are slapped down immediately for this kind of behavior, they are much less likely to get to the point where they want to act on their threats. Unfortunately, I am usually the one that they want to act on! :o

I have complained several times about being threatened physically, and was bounced off each time for doing so.

Thaivisa has taken a lot of steps to distance themselves from the new forum, therefore, if it is legal, I would like to see no holds barred -other than threats of violence - profanity included, but whatever is decided, please make it clear what the real rules are, and stick to those rules. :D

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Another big bone of contention for me was allowing physical threats on-line. I think that it has been proven that there are some real nut cases on here.


May I remind you that you have publicly stated that you own a gun and that you wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger. :o

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Another big bone of contention for me was allowing physical threats on-line. I think that it has been proven that there are some real nut cases on here.


May I remind you that you have publicly stated that you own a gun and that you wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger. :D

Don't kill yourself. We all love you. :o

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Another big bone of contention for me was allowing physical threats on-line. I think that it has been proven that there are some real nut cases on here.


May I remind you that you have publicly stated that you own a gun and that you wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger. :D

Don't kill yourself. We all love you. :o

Not sure the Gent does. He's probably pissed as he11 Georgie wound him up.

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I have never physically threatened anyone on-line.

I am in full possession of a working brain, and have no need for threats.

I have declared my intent to protect myself from any nuts who decide to come looking for me. I don't think that that is out-of-line, especially with some members who insist on PM-ing me, letting me know, that they know who, and where I am. :o

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Although I am a new member, I would like to be considered for a moderators position on the bear pit.

I agree with Georgie Porgie, regarding clear rules, if any? from the outset.

Also bring back the gent (has he been suspended?), so at least it has a little balance to the pro American sentiment, to me the gent posts offer a different slant, that is also plausable.

As a regular reader of the pit, I think it has been taken over by the Americans and anything posted is classed as anti American, when in fact IMHO, it is a different way of looking at the world with a different set of eye wear.





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Bear Pit taken over by Americans? You gotta be kidding me. Since you appear to be a newbie, let me fill you in. The reason the Americans were there in the first place (and why the Bear Pit was even formed) was because there was so much truly anti-American conspiracy theories and other related bullsh!t on ThaiVisa.com's forums that there was NO ONE bringing balance and representing the "other side".

Yeah--just what we need: a newbie moderator/admin that doesn't know the real history around here and allows a flood of one-sided lies and distortions, simply because he agrees with it.

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Bear Pit taken over by Americans? You gotta be kidding me. Since you appear to be a newbie, let me fill you in. The reason the Americans were there in the first place (and why the Bear Pit was even formed) was because there was so much truly anti-American conspiracy theories and other related bullsh!t on ThaiVisa.com's forums that there was NO ONE bringing balance and representing the "other side".

Yeah--just what we need: a newbie moderator/admin that doesn't know the real history around here and allows a flood of one-sided lies and distortions, simply because he agrees with it.

Thank you for your point of view.

One sided lies and distortions are both sided, have a think about that please.




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and that too has two sides MR membrane

I'm sure the japanese thought they were right in 40 just as the germans and the americans thought they were....

I can say you that much of the world sees the invasion of Iraq as WRONG probably the iraqi's see it the most...despite what American propaganda makes you believe..


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Doc, Membrane, Georgie, I.T., et al.,

Sweet Jesus, there must be a god.

What the H*ll happened? I go into self imposed exile because I was sick of the B.S., and now learn that the Gent is canned, and Bear Pit is closed?

No offense to the admins, but about time that you figured out this board was about Thailand. This is why we all came to this site. With my old pal Membrane 100%, that hope you keep your word, and don't let it creep back into other topics.

Going to Asia next month (HKG, SHA, BKK, Boracay), and it got me thinking of you guys, so decided to poke my head in. Glad I did.

Not as much time as I used to have, but proud once again to be a member of your forum.

Thanks for making my day :o ,


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and that too has two sides MR membrane

I'm sure the japanese thought they were right in 40 just as the germans and the americans thought they were....

I can say you that much of the world sees the invasion of Iraq as WRONG probably the iraqi's see it the most...despite what American propaganda makes you believe..



And Pol Pot thought he was right & Hitler w/6 million Jews. Get real! There's EVIL in the world and if you can't tell the difference between right/wrong, yo mama didn't bring you up right. :o

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and that too has two sides MR membrane

I'm sure the japanese thought they were right in 40 just as the germans and the americans thought they were....

I can say you that much of the world sees the invasion of Iraq as WRONG probably the iraqi's see it the most...despite what American propaganda makes you believe..


OK, Zendesigner, I guess you're "right". Yeah, I guess even right and wrong has two sides.

Like for example, if a pedophile rapes and murders your little 4 year old daughter--hey--there's always two sides to it. To the pedophile, he's just enjoying himself, and after all, he can't help himself, right? Yeah, it probably was just the way he was raised... so how can we blame him, for acting on his impulses? Right? Isn't that the way you see things? ...That there is no real clear-cut right and wrong in the world?

...No! You are clearly and completely, 100% wrong!

It's just like Boon Mee said:

There IS evil in the world.  Get real! There's EVIL in the world and if you can't tell the difference between right/wrong, yo mama didn't bring you up right

Oh--and by the way, maybe you didn't see the English/Japanese/German poll (NOT American!) that said that the majority of Iraqis are GLAD the U.S. invaded, that they are GLAD saddam is gone, that they claim they lives are ALREADY BETTER and even look to the future when it will be even better--as the Americans make progress for them, creating a better government where everyone is treated fairly, have more personal and religious freedoms, etc.

...Oh yeah--they get to keep their own oil too, by the way.... :o

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They don't give up, do they...these mushy-headed, bleeding-heart, don't want to take a stand appeasers. :o

Good post - your last.

Right, they never give up. Because there are too many consequences to deal with, once you accept the concept of right and wrong--like taking responsibility for your own actions, for starters.

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Bear Pit taken over by Americans?  You gotta be kidding me.  Since you appear to be a newbie, let me fill you in.  The reason the Americans were there in the first place (and why the Bear Pit was even formed) was because there was so much truly anti-American conspiracy theories and other related bullsh!t on ThaiVisa.com's forums that there was NO ONE bringing balance and representing the "other side".

Yeah--just what we need: a newbie moderator/admin that doesn't know the real history around here and allows a flood of one-sided lies and distortions, simply because he agrees with it.

Thank you for your point of view.

One sided lies and distortions are both sided, have a think about that please.





Tell us about that Yank that you got to be good friends with down in Africa. Bet it's an interesting story. :D

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Oh--and by the way, maybe you didn't see the English/Japanese/German poll (NOT American!) that said that the majority of Iraqis are GLAD the U.S. invaded, that they are GLAD saddam is gone, that they claim they lives are ALREADY BETTER and even look to the future when it will be even better--as the Americans make progress for them, creating a better government where everyone is treated fairly, have more personal and religious freedoms, etc.

...Oh yeah--they get to keep their own oil too, by the way.... :o

Yeah Right................... :D

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Oh--and by the way, maybe you didn't see the English/Japanese/German poll (NOT American!) ....

No, I didn't,...

It's in the Bear Pit. When it comes up, just do a search on my posts and you'll find the thread. I named it something like "New Poll: 70% of Iraqis are Happy"... something like that.

It was not an American poll. It was done by the BBC, with help from Japan's NHK (as I recall) and some other source from Germany.

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Oh--and by the way, maybe you didn't see the English/Japanese/German poll (NOT American!) that said that the majority of Iraqis are GLAD the U.S. invaded, that they are GLAD saddam is gone, that they claim they lives are ALREADY BETTER and even look to the future when it will be even better--as the Americans make progress for them, creating a better government where everyone is treated fairly, have more personal and religious freedoms, etc. 

...Oh yeah--they get to keep their own oil too, by the way....  :o

Yeah Right................... :D

Yeah right what...? Mr. Cynic... :D

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