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You know you have been in Thailand when ?


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For me it was yesterday when I was in a Tesco mini store. 1 person on the counter and a few people waiting. Cashier rings the bell to get another server out.

The woman behinds me got to the second cashier before I did, but she knew I was first.

I said rather wrongly muttered <deleted> off I was before you.

She smiled and said sorry, at this time I thought I have been here to long as I am hating everything about the country.

In my defence I looked to see what the woman was buying, which was a bottle of water. So I pressed 10 baht into her hand and said sorry.

I don't want to sound impolite, stupid, ignorant, or arrogant. But these are attributes you seem to have.

Why would the woman have to ask you to go to the 2nd cashier? Because she was smarter than you are?That's exactly what most of us are doing.

No reason to embarrass her in front of others. She wanted to pay for a bottle of water and you treated her like she took your teddy bear away?

You've been here too long and should go back where you came from, better you leave today.

I do not believe that she even said sorry to you, nor that she took ten baht from you for the water. "Pressed ten baht in her hand?"

You remind me of a German guy who's so fed up with this country, complained about all and everything. He paid 30 baht for the flowers, they sell on the roads instead of 20 baht and was so upset that he almost had a heart attack.

I tried to calm him down, but he went on and on and on. You seem to be very similar to this guy and take yourself way too important.

Same advice for him to &lt;deleted&gt; off immediately. Then it turned out that he was into threesomes with ladyboys, having unprotected sex and threatened his wife to participate.

Both developed AIDS and had serious issues, he then changed his mind, but way too late. Both passed away.

Would you've said &lt;deleted&gt; off to a much bigger guy? I doubt it. Hope your flight will always be on radar. wai2.gif

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If you do leave Thailand, I suggest that you stay far away from Singapore, where I've stayed for 15 years. What you describe is mild by comparison. I'm actually impressed by the general politeness of the Thais. Geez - on BTS platforms they actually wait for passengers to leave the train before entering. In Singapore, it's more like a battle scene from Braveheart.

Then you should see China my friend... Their like a herd of sheep

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If I am queuing in a supermarket or mini mart and someone is ahead of me and then they open a new counter ... sorry, you got to react, if you don't move quick enough then I'm going

There is no waiting for you to take your sweet time, I am afraid

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