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Dhammakaya celebrates Makha Bucha without abbot


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Dhammakaya celebrates Makha Bucha without abbot

BANGKOK: -- Dhammakaya Temple yesterday joined tens of thousands of temples to celebrate the significant day for Buddhist faithful but without the presence of its abbot Phra Dhammachayo.

The abbot was absent from the proceedings with many speculating that this was due to the recent controversies regarding the temple.

However his absence did not deter the devout Buddhist who flocked to the temple in droves.

One Buddhist attending the temple’s ceremony said although the recent controversies involving the temple have raised many eyebrows in the community, its devotees are still drawn here in huge numbers.

“As you can see before you, Dhammakaya devotees have gathered here to participate in Makha Bucha ceremonies that are organised here every year,” she said.

The scene of packed crush of Buddhist devotees has been evident since the early hours yesterday, which is Makha Bucha, a day for the veneration of Buddha and his teachings.

Makha Bucha ceremony is organized every year by Wat Dhammakaya temple and on top of the Buddhist faithful, more than 2,000 monks from Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar also took part in the giving of alms and communal meditation ceremonies.

The absence of the abbot Phra Dhammachaiyo was a disappointment for disciples who were expecting the abbot to preside over the ceremonies.

The abbot has not made a public appearance ever since the controversy over grave transgressions committed.

A warrant was issued by the Department for Special Investigations (DSI) yesterday summoning him to report for questioning.

The warrant was in connection to allegations that the abbot had received several cheques worth more than 800 million baht from the Credit Union Cooperatives, as well as other misdeeds brought to light by a junior monk at the temple.

The junior monk reportedly alleged that a policy whereby the amount of merit to be gained is dependent on the amount of donations from devotees was widely promoted by Wat Dhammakaya. Furthermore, the monk alleges that the abbot had distorted Buddhist teachings and personally worships the infamous dictator in World War II.

But these controversies have not deterred disciples who remain faithful to Wat Dahammakaya and its abbot’s teachings.

Young and old devotees alike remain convinced that their abbot has committed no crime and still adhere to his teachings.

A university female student and a four-year disciple of Wat Dhammakaya viewed that most people did not understand because they have never come to the temple and never participated in the activities such as devout study and meditation.

“If they open their hearts and minds and join in they will understand what we are doing here,” she said.

Another 10-year disciple with Wat Dhammakaya also said, “Convincing and changing the minds of hundreds of thousands of people is not an easy task. Furthermore, we are not stupid. We have eyes and ears! I come to the temple every Sunday and we all here comprehend what the abbot and the temple is attempting to achieve. There is nothing more to it than that. You shouldn’t believe in the rumors.”

“According to Buddhist teachings, monks are the bridge between the faithful and Dharma principles. They help bind regular human beings with the teachings of Lord Buddha. Nevertheless, that journey is also determined by the strength and integrity of the bridge itself. There is no clear cut prerequisites that say that every monk is equal their guidance. It is up to the individual to use his intellect to make wise judgment and educate oneself and not be swayed by unverified trends and crazes which may result in distress for those dearest to us,” she said.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/dhammakaya-celebrates-makha-bucha-without-abbot

-- Thai PBS 2015-03-05

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So the warrant was issued yesterday and they did it publicly in the news. Now he is nowhere to be found on an important day for budhhism. Seems like the police got what they wanted if he has pulled a runner act. Why do they give warning to these rich and influential people that they are coming to arrest them unless they really dont want to catch them.

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If Buddhist monks want us to think of them as they purport to be, then they need to open up their bank books and show they are not in it for the money. Thus monks and temples should allow scrutiny of their finances. IMHO its OK for a temple to save up money to build a new temple, etc.

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