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Science: Thailand ties India for 2nd-shortest 'manhood'


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Oh Really, 50 'samples' ONLY........... The research I have done over the past 8 years, and yes many more than 50 'samples' , totally disagrees with this finding. Thai guys are some of the better 'equipped' of the Asian nations, pants down!

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Am I the only one that read the actual report? Very few of the countries listed on the coconuts infographic are in the referenced study, so I'm not sure where they are getting their info. Thailand is not listed as one of the countries included in the study.

But don't let that stop everone from taking a poke...so to speak.

The other findings were that height, weight, BMI, foot size, and index finger length are not coorelated to penis length -- but a stretched flacid winky is the best indicator of how woody your wood can get if your woody can get wood.

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And an absolute guaranteed way to tell if a man has a big cock, compare the size of his index finger with the size of his ring finger. If you index finger is longer than your ring finger, you have a small one, and the longer the ring finger is than the index finger, the bigger it is.

You can all confirm this on your own hands for yourselves.

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What a load of cock and bull.

The study was conducted on men over 17 with a minimum sample of at least 50 participants per nation.

They mean this survey is based on only 50 individuals out of millions or perhaps out of billions in India from each country. For example, if they discovered 50 18 year old girls from America who were left handed, then is a fair to assume that the average 18 year old American female must be left handed?

This is a survey carried out by racists that assume all races have the same traits and characteristics based on an absolute tiny fraction of a population. Rubbish.

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And an absolute guaranteed way to tell if a man has a big cock, compare the size of his index finger with the size of his ring finger. If you index finger is longer than your ring finger, you have a small one, and the longer the ring finger is than the index finger, the bigger it is.

You can all confirm this on your own hands for yourselves.

2D4D ratio is an indicator of neonatal testosterone, not the size of your shmekel.

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And yet they don't have to travel half way 'round the world as sex tourists to get any.

In a study by the British Journal of Urology International ...

...a minimum sample of at least 50 participants per nation.

A bunch of Brits running around from nation to nation measuring dicks of 50 or so men and publishing the dubious statistical results.

black-gay-peeping-tom-t-shirts_design.pn "But officer, I'm conducting scientific research."

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I just wonder how many western women will be heading to the Congo for their next all-girls vacation.

I don't know for Congo but there is big female tourism to Africa, similar to the male Thailand tourism....

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And an absolute guaranteed way to tell if a man has a big cock, compare the size of his index finger with the size of his ring finger. If you index finger is longer than your ring finger, you have a small one, and the longer the ring finger is than the index finger, the bigger it is.

You can all confirm this on your own hands for yourselves.

2D4D ratio is an indicator of neonatal testosterone, not the size of your shmekel.

In the interest of science, there is in fact a Korean study confirming bananafish's statement...


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

What a load of cock and bull.

The study was conducted on men over 17 with a minimum sample of at least 50 participants per nation.

They mean this survey is based on only 50 individuals out of millions or perhaps out of billions in India from each country. For example, if they discovered 50 18 year old girls from America who were left handed, then is a fair to assume that the average 18 year old American female must be left handed?

This is a survey carried out by racists that assume all races have the same traits and characteristics based on an absolute tiny fraction of a population. Rubbish.

The problem with your argument, is that if they took 50 random 18 year old American girls, the majority of them would actually be right-handed, and would be a large enough sample size to prove the fact that most American girls are right handed.

This study actually is not racist, it is reporting the findings based on actual observed data.

And an absolute guaranteed way to tell if a man has a big cock, compare the size of his index finger with the size of his ring finger. If you index finger is longer than your ring finger, you have a small one, and the longer the ring finger is than the index finger, the bigger it is.

You can all confirm this on your own hands for yourselves.

2D4D ratio is an indicator of neonatal testosterone, not the size of your shmekel.

There is correlation.

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Don't ever wave your pinky finger at a Thai, they are extremely sensitive in this area.

The voice of experience speaks. If you're inclined to go about waving your pinkie at men, the response you get may be a BIG surprise (including a better understanding of statistical outliers). Just learn how to say in Thai, "your place or mine?" once he stops laughing at what you've got on offer,

Whenever anything to do with penises is published here at TV ( and it is a disturbingly popular topic) it brings out a massive response from those who are desperately grasping for reasons to feel superior.

Edited by Suradit69
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What is this recently with small penis articles?

Leave me alone, I had enough, don't want to hear anymore about this.

I have my own problems........that's why I bought the Ferrari to compensate................

Vrooooooom.........I'm happy now.

Now I know. You've been hiding it for years but have come out and bought an extension to your manhood. Hope you make someone else happy beside yourself. The old saying big car, small?

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this is stupid! a sample of 50 people is NOT reflective of each country!

i know for a FACT that japanese guys willies are WAY smaller than Thai willies!!!

(changing room or fitness clubs,, in japan,, everyone is naked in swimming pool changing rooms... and they are TINY!!!

PS: this is NOT a gay thing!! Lol... (its just general observation, since I have lived in both Thailand and Japan for MANY years each)

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this is stupid! a sample of 50 people is NOT reflective of each country!

i know for a FACT that japanese guys willies are WAY smaller than Thai willies!!!

(changing room or fitness clubs,, in japan,, everyone is naked in swimming pool changing rooms... and they are TINY!!!

PS: this is NOT a gay thing!! Lol... (its just general observation, since I have lived in both Thailand and Japan for MANY years each)

Willy watcher!! :D

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