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Obama: Ferguson report exposed racially biased system

Lite Beer

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snarky, have you noticed the multiple statements that this is a thread about THE FERGUSON PD, NOT OFFICER WILSON?

There is a body of posters so ridiculously obsessed about Officer Wilson, they'll do anything to ignore 102 pages of proof that the entire Ferguson system was corrupt and acting illegally as a matter of daily policy.

Liberals and Leftists believe the Department of Justice report ... done under the direction and supervision of the most outrageous white hating racist in American History none other than AG Holder .... whose track record of anti-white racism is there for all to see - except those blinded by cult like adoration of 'The One' -- Dear Leader obama...

You seem to have no idea that AG Holder has a long history of being anti-white ... he even became violent back in the day ... do a little googling to get educated before mouthing off...

The report about the Ferguson Police Department is nothing other than a sham - exaggerations, embellishments and out right fabrications ... a total slanting of the situation. The objective of AG Holder was to send people out on a mission to BLACKEN the name (pardon the pun) of the Ferguson PD... The outcome was already known by the so called investigators before they started.

Notice -- PLEASE notice that the same Justice Department could not find sufficient evidence to file Federal Charges against Officer Wilson -- YET because they cannot find sufficient evidence to prosecute - they fabricate a report to DAMN the whole Ferguson PD ...

Don't you find it a bit odd that insufficient evidence was found to Federally prosecute yet the whole PD is found guilty ?

What are you smoking ? Or drinking ... or toking ?

But I expect little else from those who seem to be nothing more than bowing and curtsying obama Cult Members.

Read the report. Hard to exaggerate, embellish, or outright fabricate when 80% of the report comes from the cops' own reports and emails. Name a single thing in the entire report that the DOJ made up.

Back up your claims. Just one of them. Quote the report.

Funny how I've quoted the report extensively (to mere crickets chirping), yet all these detractors can't quote it once.

p.s. - Your faulty logic is incredible that you somehow are saying that the failure to file Federal Charges against Officer Wilson somehow makes the Ferguson PD report suspicious. If they DOJ clearly REFUSED to fake evidence against Officer Wilson, if they gave him a completely honest and upright report, then doesn't that make their Ferguson PD report even more believable?

What kind of strange world do you live in where the fact that a cop is exonerated in one case therefore means that every cop should be exonerated in every case?

There is no logic to your claim, "If Officer Wilson was innocent, then the entire Ferguson PD has always been innocent". There's no connection between one thing and the other at all.

p.p.s. - Since I turned against Obama by 2010, actively petitioned people not to vote for him in 2012, and am a registered Independent, exactly how can you characterize me as an "Obama cult member"?

The logic is that claims of discrimination do not equate to the defensive shooting of a young black man. The report all but equates the attitude of the members of the PD to them being murderous cops. That is the overhanging air of the reason and justification for the report. All the while an exonerated man - cleared by a grand jury, then Federal prosecutors drop the case for lack of ability to prosecute. The logic is the U.S Justice Department under Holder has become an institutionalized anti-white racist department - losing all credibility to point fingers at anyone. The report means nothing because of the source of the report. White police officers who could display racial epitaphs cannot be labeled as unbridled killers which is the label that is being attempted to be applied in this case.

Since taking officer Holder and obama have increased racial division - not reduced it. They have increased black anger by their reckless rhetoric and policies. They both have stirred up an animus against white people. Any report of a white group being racist done by a the biggest racist in the USA holds no water. It is just another reason that there will be a populist avalanche rising up over 2016 to throw the leftist Democrats out.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Yes, proof of abuse, constitutional violations, and discrimination do not equate to the shooting of a young black man.

So because this thread is about that abuse, constitutional violations, and discrimination, then why are we talking about a shooting that is not even covered in the report?

While you're focused on that case, " the police chief, two police officers, the city manager, a municipal judge and a city court clerk have resigned since the DOJ report’s release last week."

That's reality right there. Ferguson is facing the consequences of their actions. They could just challenge the report if it was false...but everyone's losing their jobs instead. That tells you something about the truth of the accusations, if reading the report wasn't enough by itself already.

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