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At some time with Asean integration Thailand will have no choice but to drop "Thai only" jobs. I would hate to have to work here, the vast majority of jobs do not allow foreigners to work in them and by that very situation there are a few job descriptions this make them very competitive and the money is terrible. Professionals, like Lawyer, Doctor, Accountant forget it. Then the Thai wonder why they get so many low class foreigners here.


it does not change that he was not authorized to be a tour guide by the thai authorities and will most likely get deported


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At some time with Asean integration Thailand will have no choice but to drop "Thai only" jobs. I would hate to have to work here, the vast majority of jobs do not allow foreigners to work in them and by that very situation there are a few job descriptions this make them very competitive and the money is terrible. Professionals, like Lawyer, Doctor, Accountant forget it. Then the Thai wonder why they get so many low class foreigners here.

As a professionally registered Engineer I would not want to work in Thailand. There are so many things you cant do if ti involves a Thai e.g. give them a warning letter as a disciplinary measure. Anyway, I doubt if they could afford me.


Let me understand this. He breaks the law and is a wonderful guy ? This also includes foreigners over staying their visas and other various laws broken here. Send him to Singapore and see how long he lasts pulling this off.

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Uhm that's a real Belgian name he have laugh.png

Uhm, Marouane Fellaini, you know , the Big Hair with Manchester United? Well, I love his Belgian name, and that dark goalscorer with the funny hair Romelu Lukaka, with Everton, as Belgian as the chocolate. End of !

Perhaps someone can tell me a REAL Belgian name aside from Hercule Poirot.coffee1.gif

Urbanus van Anus
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At some time with Asean integration Thailand will have no choice but to drop "Thai only" jobs. I would hate to have to work here, the vast majority of jobs do not allow foreigners to work in them and by that very situation there are a few job descriptions this make them very competitive and the money is terrible. Professionals, like Lawyer, Doctor, Accountant forget it. Then the Thai wonder why they get so many low class foreigners here.

As a professionally registered Engineer I would not want to work in Thailand. There are so many things you cant do if ti involves a Thai e.g. give them a warning letter as a disciplinary measure. Anyway, I doubt if they could afford me.

There's foreign engineers working in Nakhon Nayok province right now. There always are some on the big projects in the country. It pays well. ( for example Siemens I currently has 4 FT listings for engineering)

I have given both verbal and written warnings to Thai employees in Thai companies that I have held director level positions in.


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At some time with Asean integration Thailand will have no choice but to drop "Thai only" jobs. I would hate to have to work here, the vast majority of jobs do not allow foreigners to work in them and by that very situation there are a few job descriptions this make them very competitive and the money is terrible. Professionals, like Lawyer, Doctor, Accountant forget it. Then the Thai wonder why they get so many low class foreigners here.

As a professionally registered Engineer I would not want to work in Thailand. There are so many things you cant do if ti involves a Thai e.g. give them a warning letter as a disciplinary measure. Anyway, I doubt if they could afford me.

There's foreign engineers working in Nakhon Nayok province right now. There always are some on the big projects in the country. It pays well.

I have given both verbal and written warnings to Thai employees in Thai companies that I have held director level positions in.

aaah that's why you are a translator now :)
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At some time with Asean integration Thailand will have no choice but to drop "Thai only" jobs. I would hate to have to work here, the vast majority of jobs do not allow foreigners to work in them and by that very situation there are a few job descriptions this make them very competitive and the money is terrible. Professionals, like Lawyer, Doctor, Accountant forget it. Then the Thai wonder why they get so many low class foreigners here.

I never forget how they treated me as new comer to Australia 35 years ago.

I was always overqualified for them....and never got my job as electromechanic.

I have learrned in time that someone from the top should loose the job who even did not know 10 % what I knew....but so pro English pride still exists ......with only one problem...

Now they are thinking how to rob my retirement which I worked whole my life here because they are saying openly in media just now that is not much money for retirement now.

Where are those young ones who should work in our places as it was normal by the century.

Australia paid me $35/ hour on my contract in the desert on new Gas power station laying concretes in 40- 45 deg. under the sun by whole year... when they employed around 70 people from Korea for 6$65/ hour

PLUS penalties and just because of 100 welders from Australia only a couple could do proper job......

Am I dreaming?????

NO... they still cutting money for education for young Aussies and nobody really care about them....

What about me ????? I done my job ...and they now planning to give people retirement money when they will give them rights to they property ... which will be used as security and sold as you die.....

Yes, this is the one of the options now they are "cooking " for us .

History repeats in Thailand just a little different way.


Another 'innocent' person arrested?

You asked about it twice, I'll answer you once.

Yes, in my eyes he is innocent.

I don't give a damn about work permits and requirements.

He was offering a service that the Thais could not offer as none of them could probably speak Dutch.

Many of you will condemn me for what I said but this is my opinion.

He didn't commit a crime he just wanted to make a living.

He who is without sin can cast the first stone now....................

I don't give a damn about work permits and requirements.

Allow me please just a gentle reminder: THIS IS NOT GREECE!

He didn't commit a crime he just wanted to make a living

So, “making a living” offering a whatsoever service holding a 90 day tourist visa is illegal in almost every country. Maybe he would be better off as a tour guide at the Acropolis. How many Thai tourists posing as guides would they tolerate over there?

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Does Thailand benefit if a lot of foreigners come here and become tourist guides ? Does every nation that recieves lots of foreign workers benefit ?

In Thailand, if lots of Thais become un-employed because lots of foreigners enter Thailand and take those jobs, does Thailand benefit ?? It appears to be that Thailand is very cautious when it comes to giving out work permits to foreigners.

The Thais, they're not that daft or silly. They're not going to let a load of foreigners enter their country and take-over. There was a bit of talk on Thai Visa about how the Thais would be f___ once ASEAN 2015 comes in. Yes, unlimited numbers of people entering into Thailand and working will mean that the Thais will be f___. But the Thais won't let it happen, they will simply not give out a stack of work permits to the foreigners.

Maybe you should ask the 10's of thousands of Burmese. Lao and Khmer illegal workers that the Thais are only to happy to employ and exploit.

Did you follow what happened when they thought a crackdown was coming?

They left in droves and construction etc came to a halt across the country, so what did the thais do?

Changed the rules

Dont think this is about the LAW or Thais loosing jobs cause its not

Hey tonbridgebrit! Here's a news flash for you. Granted, your points are valid. However, this is SE ASIA, not Europe. Despite all the historic animousities and wars between SEA people, Thais have a stronger allegiance toward other SEA people, than they will ever have with you, bloke.

As citizens of ASEAN member nations, those same exploited migrant workers from Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Vietnam, etc. will not be required to first obtain a work permit in Thailand, prior to pursuing gainful employment.

The Aussie gov't is fanatically "politic-king, to be recognized as an ASEAN member nation. Would care to venture a guess, as to what their (Aussie) reasoning happens to be?

Back to the topic. Despite the ethical right or wrong doings of the Thai law enforcement officials,, they can arbitrarily enforce, or not enforce their own labor laws & immigration policies, to their own hearts content. Just in case you have (block-headedly) refused to notice, the LOS is factually Thai Turf, not British. Those blokes can do whatever they bloody well please. The Belgian bloke was illegally working, without a work permit. His crime was getting caught in the act. Period.

Hello kaoprop and Nativeson, I will try to comment with this writing.

"Maybe you should ask the 10's of thousands of Burmese. Lao and Khmer illegal workers that the Thais are only to happy to employ and exploit.

Did you follow what happened when they thought a crackdown was coming?"

Well, I certainly do remember what happened. Yes, Thai companies are happy to exploit the cheap foreigners, and the Thai government (they cheer on Thailand's big companies) does little to remove the illegal migrant workers. What happened when those illegal migrant workers left last year ? Well, a load of people on Thai Visa said it would be good if those foreigners apply for work permits in their own countries, and then, they all go back into Thailand, and work as legal and registered workers. Now, is this a good idea ? Basically, Thailand's companies (owned by the rich) are forcing Thai workers to compete with the cheap migrant workers. Who benefits from this ? How many Thais own companies, and hence, benefit from the cheap labour ? How many Thais don't have a business, and hence, these Thais are workers who are competing against the cheap foreigners ?? Is it good for any country, if it's own low-paid workers are being forced to compete against a vast number of cheaper foreigners ??

NativeSon. Right now as we speak, it is not the case that everybody in Laos, Cambodia and Burma is allowed to walk into Thailand and get a job legally. ASEAN is simply not the same as the European Union.

Now, do YOU feel that Thailand would benefit IF everybody in Laos, Cambodia and Burma was free to enter Thailand and work ? And throw in the Philipinos and Vietnamese as well, they are also ASEAN countries.

You talk about Australia. Australia will never have a policy of "everybody in ASEAN, welcome to Australia, you can all come into Australia, our wages are higher than in your country, come on in, we want you to compete against our own Australian workers, come on in". Australia won't do that, because, surely, the Aussie government won't allow Australia's own workers to compete against a vast number of cheaper foreigners. Does Australia benefit if a vast number of Australians lose their jobs because of cheaper foreigners ?

"Just in case you have (block-headedly) refused to notice, the LOS is factually Thai Turf, not British. Those blokes can do whatever they bloody well please".

Well, I do realise that. I'm just trying to explain why Thailand is not actually allowing an un-limited number of foreigners to work in Thailand.


Another 'innocent' person arrested?

You asked about it twice, I'll answer you once.

Yes, in my eyes he is innocent.

I don't give a damn about work permits and requirements.

He was offering a service that the Thais could not offer as none of them could probably speak Dutch.

Many of you will condemn me for what I said but this is my opinion.

He didn't commit a crime he just wanted to make a living.

He who is without sin can cast the first stone now....................

Rubbish.He broke the law.and got caught.And the Dutch speak English.All thai tour guides ,speak English.

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In Amsterdam, my home town we often see busloads of tourists. ALL asian tourists (yes, including Thais) bring their own tourguide, usually waving a little flag to keep the herd together. Even though there are Thai Dutchman that could easily do the job. So, if the Thai can "steal" jobs from us Farang, should not we be allowed to do the same especially because it makes sense to be adressed by someone in your own langage, rather than a Thai tourguide without proper english qualifications who has unintelligible english at the best of times.

(Rant out)

As they say: you can not have the cake (tourists) and eat it (Thailand exclusively for the Thai). Time to wake up, here

Can we compare Europe with Thailand ???!!!

You seems to forget that we come from rich country ! If Amsterdam allow foreign tour guide, why should thailand do the same ?! This is typical that the european want to put their rules in Asia...

If Amsterdam allow coffee shop, maybe Thai should...ok i stop...


Meanwhile in civilized countries I was out last night at a Thai restaurant 100% Thai owned and staffed. Seems Thais like to have their cake and eat it too.

And they are there legally. Do you know the hoops a Thai has to jump through to spend time in Canada, let alone emigrate?

The West doesn't feel the need to protect themselves from an invasion of Thai investors; whereas Thailand worries about it, justified or not.


Bramewanden Bozer, not a belgian name

low unemployment + a job that a thai can surely not do (speak dutch ? hahahaha)

but he broke the stupid law ...

but did they check if he was on a tourist visa or a serial border runner ?


Meanwhile in civilized countries I was out last night at a Thai restaurant 100% Thai owned and staffed. Seems Thais like to have their cake and eat it too.

And they are there legally. Do you know the hoops a Thai has to jump through to spend time in Canada, let alone emigrate?

The West doesn't feel the need to protect themselves from an invasion of Thai investors; whereas Thailand worries about it, justified or not.


problem in most countries employers want you to work illegally. working is moral, everybody has the right to work.

who is guilty? the company. they should have applied for a work permit for him.

I bet the company will say they don't know him...

problem people need to make some money to buy food and survive. for Pete sake, is it to hard to understand? people need money.... not everybody is 65 and wait for a fat cheque from their nanny government.

Your post is worthy of comment.

As a V.I.P. in Thailand, at least in your own mind, I would like to take issue with a number of your comments.

1.In most countries employers are required to ensure the people they hire are in the country legally, that they are qualified to do the particular job and that they have written permission from the government to do that job.

2. Of course working is moral as long as you are doing it legally.

3. Everybody has the right to work in their native land. The moment they arrive in a foreign country and are granted permission to stay for a specified period, they are required to obey rules relative to their visa and permission to stay.

4. As a tourist, the company could not apply for a work permit. He did not have the correct visa.

5.Yes people need to make some money to buy food and survive, and in Thailand tens of thousands of people are doing just that according to the rules and regulations set out by the Immigration Dept.

6. Your last sentence is both facile and naive as well as insulting to the people who have worked hard all their lives, saved their money and are entitled to a pension and have chosen to and met the requirements to be able to reside in the Kingdom of Thailand.]

7. I worked long hours at my last job and am entitled to a pension, I am over 65 and do not receive a FAT cheque from my government.As a matter of fact most governments in the western world have put their pensions on a diet.

So basically your whole rant is pointless. The Belgian man in the topic was unfortunate to be caught doing something which to most readers would seem harmless and helpful. However we live in a country where petty rules prevail, so it is best to abide by them rather than try and fight them. You won't win.

VP - Belgium is a rich country he could go back!


Meanwhile in civilized countries I was out last night at a Thai restaurant 100% Thai owned and staffed. Seems Thais like to have their cake and eat it too.

And they are there legally. Do you know the hoops a Thai has to jump through to spend time in Canada, let alone emigrate?

The West doesn't feel the need to protect themselves from an invasion of Thai investors; whereas Thailand worries about it, justified or not.

Probably family working together, minorities do not integrate very well and Thais are minorities overseas as it is hard to get a visa as they are not part of the Commonwealth etc.


The single most important qualification to work for the Thai government is having no more than "half a brain". Bet that the turgid spoke at best a little bit of English. If you have elderly tourists or children they will not be fluent in English. The number of Dutch speaking tour guides are probably in the tens. This was most probably a man that was signed by the tour company on a Dutch or Belgian airport. Thos tourists are all putting glowing reviews on their Facebook and Twitter pages about Thai hospitality. Stupidity is the single most important commodity under MIB.


I assume the tourism company that hired him without providing the correct paperwork to be able to entertain their clients has been charged too. It wasn't mentioned in the article.


Uhm that's a real Belgian name he have laugh.png

Uhm, Marouane Fellaini, you know , the Big Hair with Manchester United? Well, I love his Belgian name, and that dark goalscorer with the funny hair Romelu Lukaka, with Everton, as Belgian as the chocolate. End of !

Perhaps someone can tell me a REAL Belgian name aside from Hercule Poirot.coffee1.gif

Urbanus van Anus

Deanus van Janus ;)

Seriously: Vandersteen, Vandervoort, just to name a few..


The Dutch are very smart people. Most speak some English and some speak it very well. It is possible the Belgian was able to communicate to the Dutch tourists in their own language better than the Thai guides can speak English. However, he broke the law and the law won.

Wrong place, wrong time. Remember where you are!

possible???...it's the belgians' native language, those living in the northern half of the country speak Dutch.


Yes yes yes yes he broke the law. There are thousands of Thai restaurants and massage parlors in Europe but one Belgian bloke who violates the labor law in Thailand and he gets arrested.


According to Wikipedia -- the primary foreign language spoken in The Netherlands is English --- with a fluency rate of 90%...

Another source Dutch is a spoken language in the Netherlands as well as an official language of the country. However, most of Dutch people speak at least one foreign language, mostly English that is taught at school during the basic education. Many Dutch people speak also German, which is in many aspects similar to Dutch language and some of them speak French. http://www.amsterdam.info/netherlands/population/


Another 'innocent' person arrested?

You asked about it twice, I'll answer you once.

Yes, in my eyes he is innocent.

I don't give a damn about work permits and requirements.

He was offering a service that the Thais could not offer as none of them could probably speak Dutch.

Many of you will condemn me for what I said but this is my opinion.

He didn't commit a crime he just wanted to make a living.

He who is without sin can cast the first stone now....................

This is the first time I have ever disagreed with you. Though I will not denounce you, belittle you or be condescending towards you as some are to me when they disagree with me.

He is offering a service which a Thai may not be able to, but he should have applied for a work permit to offer this service.

It is against the law to work in Thailand without a work permit and if you do then you deserve the punishment appropriate to the crime.

  • Like 2

According to Wikipedia -- the primary foreign language spoken in The Netherlands is English --- with a fluency rate of 90%...

Another source Dutch is a spoken language in the Netherlands as well as an official language of the country. However, most of Dutch people speak at least one foreign language, mostly English that is taught at school during the basic education. Many Dutch people speak also German, which is in many aspects similar to Dutch language and some of them speak French. http://www.amsterdam.info/netherlands/population/

ha ha ha they may be an intelligent race but their German is with a lot of hair and 5 Dutchmen speak French. So torpedo your source.

Yes yes yes yes he broke the law. There are thousands of Thai restaurants and massage parlors in Europe but one Belgian bloke who violates the labor law in Thailand and he gets arrested.

Who are working legally...


According to Wikipedia -- the primary foreign language spoken in The Netherlands is English --- with a fluency rate of 90%...

Another source Dutch is a spoken language in the Netherlands as well as an official language of the country. However, most of Dutch people speak at least one foreign language, mostly English that is taught at school during the basic education. Many Dutch people speak also German, which is in many aspects similar to Dutch language and some of them speak French. http://www.amsterdam.info/netherlands/population/

ha ha ha they may be an intelligent race but their German is with a lot of hair and 5 Dutchmen speak French. So torpedo your source.

I have never had any difficulty in numerous trips to the Netherlands. I have spoken English with grannies and school children.

Perhaps you should reread the citation. English is the most common second language, followed by German and then French. That makes complete sense when you add education and geography.

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