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I understand that Gai has got her US Visa, off to see boyfriend in the states or so the story goes.

The breakfast or any meal is what you make it, dirt cheap B100 or more if you like.

Greasy or Muesli, fruit and Yoghurt.

I'm a poached egg man.


You'd need to be English to understand Nick.

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I understand that Gai has got her US Visa, off to see boyfriend in the states or so the story goes.

The breakfast or any meal is what you make it, dirt cheap B100 or more if you like.

Greasy or Muesli, fruit and Yoghurt.

I'm a poached egg man.


You'd need to be English to understand Nick.

Well that should brighten the place up a bit.

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Never been in there, too many old codgers in there for my liking whistling.gifbiggrin.png

I was in there one evening...sitting at the front and enjoying a quiet beer and a smoke...then one of the regulars tells me I can't smoke there....so i invited him outside to discuss it further.

Went nice and quiet after that....miserable old git.....plenty of them in there it seems! laugh.png

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Tried to take my family there one night....dinner time and all the tables taken by 1 - 2 people drinking - no food to be seen - watching TV....waited about 20 minutes - nothing changed and no food arrived... took my dissappointed family and left....won't be back soon if ever....especially with the bar types smoking up the sidewalk....

What do you expect considering that the Mad Dog is located in a bar type touristy area.

My guess is that these establishments, including the Red Lion and the Beer Stube, have a steady flow of first timer tourist clientele and couldn`t give a rat`s behind about a few semi regular ex-pat customers and have a take it or leave it attitude.

These days I never venture into these places, I find them totally unappealing, expensive and prefer to visit the various shopping malls if I fancy a farangy type meal. Cleaner, friendlier and better value for money.

A customer walks into a restaurant....... If he has a long face, and complains about everything the odds are overwhemlingly in the favour of him being an expat. A customer that is happy and polite and goes over to the owner and says "I really enjoyed your place, thank you very much", the odds are he is a tourist. That's the reality.

Who will complain about prices even when they're clearly displayed? An expat. Who will have an attitude of being ripped off? An expat? Who will be in a bad mood because of problems with the wife/girlfriend or kids or the builder didn't turn up? An expat. Who will complain about The Thais, they're so stupid? An expat? Who will complain about the pollution?.........

Not all expats are like that of course, but when you compare them to tourists that are on holiday, having a great time ,loving everything about Thailand and are quick to let everyone know, is it such a surprise that over the course of twenty or more years the owner might find himself not so interested in certain expats, and the same with the long-time staff?

Whether that is true of all long-established bar/restaurants I don't know but I'm sure they all, nonetheless, have a small core of regulars, which of course begs the question, why do they keep going? My guess is that they are the ones that are happier here because they have tried to understand the locals, learnt a bit of the language, become a lot more relaxed and tolerant, accepted the cultural differences and are probably a bit more financially secure (ie not Cheap Charlies).

You have confirmed what I mentioned as absolutely correct and have no doubts that the Mad Dog have the same arrogant attitudes.

Ex-pats that plonk themselves in Thailand the same as all the rest of us, go into business and then believe they are a cut above all the rest of us peasants. These inner city so-called hospitality establishments, although I have yet to see some hospitality, reek of arrogance and one good reason why none of my honest hard earned cash will ever be coming your way, although I have no doubts with your attitudes you don`t give a toss and in fact neither do I.

I am sure your comments answers the OP regarding the Mad Dog and the reasons for their take it or leave it truculent behaviours towards regular ex-pat clientele. As I said previous, there are plenty of more user friendly alternatives for ex-pats in Chiang Mai, which I am sure is no skin off your nose as it seems you don`t value us as customers.

It seems to me that you are guilty of what I was suggesting the staff at Mad Dog may POSSIBLY be. Having never been there and never met the staff I can't speak from experience, so I offered a hypothesis. That hypothesis said that maybe they are pre-judging the customers based on past experience, which of course isn't right, but that is what people sometimes do.

In your case it isn't a hypothesis. You clearly state your feelings about expat bar/restaurant owners, 'they believe they are a cut above the rest of us peasants', 'reek of arrogance' and 'don't give a toss'. Not to forget 'truculent', of course.

There are plenty of expat bar/ restaurant owners in Chiang Mai but you have pre-judged all of them and decided to boycott their businesses based on that. I don't think they'll miss you.

Personally, I have met very few expat owners that I disliked and I also think that most expats generally, are nice guys. The miserable moaners I could do without, but whereas they are in the minority in general, that isn't necessarily true of TVCM.

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"What has happened to Mad Dog Bar ? I remember breakfast being one of the best in Chiang Mai. Not yesterday ! Orange juice cheap weak stuff. Thin sausage full of herb, not English Breakfast sausage. Fried eggs had like plastic cover ! Toast very hard and dry, enough butter to cover 20% of one slice. Cheapest marmalade ( orange flavoured gelatine) cheap, poor quality baked beans. all mostly cold ! Had to pay 25B extra for second teabag to make tea worth drinking. Guess it's back to Amazing Sandwich."

When I see a restaurant cutting back on portions and quality, I suspect it's going broke and trying to cut costs. Of course if true, this approach just speeds the death of the place.

It will be interesting to see...

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They're a rent increase away from closing down. I will state this, though: The ownership of MD has never been involved in boiler room scams....

As are none of the implausibly successful restaurants peppered around town, and now the shopping malls...

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Had an ample 'Super Bowl' breakfast, what 5 weeks ago, at MD. Game was gud 2.

In USA a famous wine is also called Mad Dog. But there it's MD 20/20, which relates to the name Mogen David and the fact of 20% sugar and 20% alcohol. Well liked by those folks needing sustenance in a bottle.

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I had breaky there this morning.

Miss Gai informed me she is not going to the states.

Muesli, Fruit and Yoghurt, very nice washed down with a large coffee.


Pretty hard to screw that up.

Stopped going there for Breakfast a few years ago. The food was OK nothing spectacular a little pricy in my opinion but the staff was less than friendly and yes the drinkers were in there getting an early start on the day. Not a big deal. Never did try the pizza but have heard it was pretty good. Haven't seen it on any of the pizza threads lately.

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It's a watering hole, a place where beer swiggers can chug a lug to their hearts content and never feel out of place.

In that regard Nick had made it a very successful business.

Indeed, no one says much about the addicts (like me) lining up for a fix at coffee shops in the mornings. But as they say, there in no such thing as bad publicity so there will only be one winner here!

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Nothing has "happened to it;" it has been off my "list" since my first visit in 2006. You can actually have a good time on LK, if you try hard enough.

I used to go there a lot back then, but when one breakfast was not cooked and I wanted it done over, the staff gave me flack even though I was fairly regular there. Never set foot in there again.

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Let's say I haven't been in for many years and the staff are the reason, I have brought it to his attention more than once but the owner doesn't seem to care and if you talk to the staff, especially, Gai she will give you a surly look as if you were in a bar in Loi Kroc and mutter something under her breath, and like the Loi Kroc bunch she will mutter when you don't leave an adequate tip for inadequate service. There is no friendly service from the staff, it's as if they have contempt for the regulars who come in daily. I don't think Nick is interested in fixing the problem so I have moved on.

i wonder what they say about me as i have never left a tip there :) maybe i am the reason they are so miserable, sorry all

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Seriously how hard is it to ---- up Muesli and Fruit?

That's not even a proper breakfast.

"Seriously how hard is it to ---- up Muesli and Fruit?"


"That's not even a proper breakfast."

Totally agree.

If that is anyone's idea of a breakfast they might as well stay at home and eat it there. At least they don't need to watch the rest of us enjoying ourselves having whatever we enjoy for whatever reason or price laughing at them!

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Many of these western style restaurant establishments are seriously underrating the value of their ex-pat clientele.

Year by year the ex-pat so –called communities are increasing in Chiang Mai, whereas on the other end of the spectrum western tourists to the city are decreasing gradually being outnumbered by south east Asian visitors. This means that in the foreseeable future western style restaurants in the city will come to rely more on regular ex-pat customers in addition to farang tourist short time visitors to make up the short fall in trade. There will no longer be a place for arrogance and bad attitudes within these businesses that will need to become more efficient and adopt a friendlier approach towards their regulars.

In the future these businesses will have to work harder at providing a professional, friendly and reasonable service for all their customers or at least a compromise, rather than the take it or leave it stance towards a proportion of their clientele. The old saying still applies; the customer is always right. Those unable or unwilling to adapt will go under. The writing is already on the wall for those who have the intelligence and foresight to see it?

Edited by Beetlejuice
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There was a funny video doing the rounds - just found it.


Nong Gai would blow them all away. I don't think she can help it - so don't pick on her. Anyway, when my family are in town I throw them into Mad Dog so they can get their fill of heart attack on a plate. Their sandwiches hit the spot, and the pizza is not the worst.

To date - I ask for service - I get served. I ask for a particular dish, and always get it - which is good going in itself. I ask for the bill, and it's correct. I don't kid myself that I'm entitled to any special service, beaming smiles, or whatever. This is a food factory that serves beer, and the women in the place suffer from that wearied resignation of having seen-it-all before. Man, how many times do you think Gai has been hit on? And being so close to Loih Kroh - it will always be one of those pot-bellied sexual-demigods just off the plane, and flush from the success of buying an Akha girl out a bar the night before.

The bar reflects the clientele - and I'm one of them, so if anyone feels insulted, tough. It is what it is, and that's it.

When Gai worked at the old Escape when Irish Eddy was running it she was a miserable piece of change than, when she was 20, 20 years ago. Today she is a washed up going to be <removed>. I knew her way back, she hates her life and makes sure you get some of that hate every morning, even if you speak fluent Thai and she can't mutter something under her breath to you. Question, why has she been at the same place for 20 years?

Edited by onthedarkside
inappropriate name removed
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There was a funny video doing the rounds - just found it.


Nong Gai would blow them all away. I don't think she can help it - so don't pick on her. Anyway, when my family are in town I throw them into Mad Dog so they can get their fill of heart attack on a plate. Their sandwiches hit the spot, and the pizza is not the worst.

To date - I ask for service - I get served. I ask for a particular dish, and always get it - which is good going in itself. I ask for the bill, and it's correct. I don't kid myself that I'm entitled to any special service, beaming smiles, or whatever. This is a food factory that serves beer, and the women in the place suffer from that wearied resignation of having seen-it-all before. Man, how many times do you think Gai has been hit on? And being so close to Loih Kroh - it will always be one of those pot-bellied sexual-demigods just off the plane, and flush from the success of buying an Akha girl out a bar the night before.

The bar reflects the clientele - and I'm one of them, so if anyone feels insulted, tough. It is what it is, and that's it.

When Gai worked at the old Escape when Irish Eddy was running it she was a miserable piece of change than, when she was 20, 20 years ago. Today she is a washed up going to be <removed>. I knew her way back, she hates her life and makes sure you get some of that hate every morning, even if you speak fluent Thai and she can't mutter something under her breath to you. Question, why has she been at the same place for 20 years?

I blame you. Twenty years ago that girl wanted you - and you wrote her off as a bitch. And all she had was a bitchy resting face. ( see vid )

She's waited for you all these years - nut noooooooo! you still reject her.

And now? You take to the Internet to slate her.

You're a very bad man.

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Many of these western style restaurant establishments are seriously underrating the value of their ex-pat clientele.

Year by year the ex-pat so called communities are increasing in Chiang Mai, whereas on the other end of the spectrum western tourists to the city are decreasing gradually being outnumbered by south east Asian visitors. This means that in the foreseeable future western style restaurants in the city will come to rely more on regular ex-pat customers in addition to farang tourist short time visitors to make up the short fall in trade. There will no longer be a place for arrogance and bad attitudes within these businesses that will need to become more efficient and adopt a friendlier approach towards their regulars.

In the future these businesses will have to work harder at providing a professional, friendly and reasonable service for all their customers or at least a compromise, rather than the take it or leave it stance towards a proportion of their clientele. The old saying still applies; the customer is always right. Those unable or unwilling to adapt will go under. The writing is already on the wall for those who have the intelligence and foresight to see it?

I don't know of any places that are arrogant and have a bad attitude, whereas you seem to think they're all that way. I don't see why western businesses shouldn't target Asians as well as Westerners and Thais. If they're doing that they should do okay. If they're not doing that, they're daft.

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I should also have mentioned that, with most expats now living in the suburbs and possibly venturing into town once a week or less, the need for these bars to target tourists is increasingly important. A far cry from the days when most expats lived within the superhighway or the days when there was no nightlife in the suburbs.

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Many of these western style restaurant establishments are seriously underrating the value of their ex-pat clientele.

Year by year the ex-pat so called communities are increasing in Chiang Mai, whereas on the other end of the spectrum western tourists to the city are decreasing gradually being outnumbered by south east Asian visitors. This means that in the foreseeable future western style restaurants in the city will come to rely more on regular ex-pat customers in addition to farang tourist short time visitors to make up the short fall in trade. There will no longer be a place for arrogance and bad attitudes within these businesses that will need to become more efficient and adopt a friendlier approach towards their regulars.

In the future these businesses will have to work harder at providing a professional, friendly and reasonable service for all their customers or at least a compromise, rather than the take it or leave it stance towards a proportion of their clientele. The old saying still applies; the customer is always right. Those unable or unwilling to adapt will go under. The writing is already on the wall for those who have the intelligence and foresight to see it?

I don't know of any places that are arrogant and have a bad attitude, whereas you seem to think they're all that way. I don't see why western businesses shouldn't target Asians as well as Westerners and Thais. If they're doing that they should do okay. If they're not doing that, they're daft.

If you think that many ex-pats often complain about prices even when they're clearly displayed, will often believe they are being ripped off even when getting a bargain, are constantly moody because of domestic problems with the wife/girlfriend or kids or the builder didn't turn up, who complain about The Thais and the pollution; well, you wait until you start dealing with those hi so, upper social class honourable Chinese customers that are going to uplift your business into boomtown. Oh boy, you anit seen nothing yet, you`re in for a rude awakening. After so many months you`ll be worshipping the ground that ex-pats walk on, with a sign outside displaying; please come back all is forgiven.

But of course if you are frequently receiving moans and groans from dissatisfied customers, than surely does that not suggest that you`re doing something wrong, or is this a case of; it`s not me, it`s all the others? I worked as a Public relations manager for 35 years and I am giving you my professional advice that your approach is wrong.

Perhaps change the names from the Mad Dog to the Mad Shaolin and the Red Lion to the Red Dragon, which may help the Chinese feel more at home. I wish you luck.

As regards the pollution, any complaints are well justified. Over the last two days those that burn have been trying to choke us to death. Woke us this morning felt like my lungs were on fire and coughing my heart out. This is really no joke, it`s the worst I have ever known it.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Many of these western style restaurant establishments are seriously underrating the value of their ex-pat clientele.

Year by year the ex-pat so called communities are increasing in Chiang Mai, whereas on the other end of the spectrum western tourists to the city are decreasing gradually being outnumbered by south east Asian visitors. This means that in the foreseeable future western style restaurants in the city will come to rely more on regular ex-pat customers in addition to farang tourist short time visitors to make up the short fall in trade. There will no longer be a place for arrogance and bad attitudes within these businesses that will need to become more efficient and adopt a friendlier approach towards their regulars.

In the future these businesses will have to work harder at providing a professional, friendly and reasonable service for all their customers or at least a compromise, rather than the take it or leave it stance towards a proportion of their clientele. The old saying still applies; the customer is always right. Those unable or unwilling to adapt will go under. The writing is already on the wall for those who have the intelligence and foresight to see it?

I don't know of any places that are arrogant and have a bad attitude, whereas you seem to think they're all that way. I don't see why western businesses shouldn't target Asians as well as Westerners and Thais. If they're doing that they should do okay. If they're not doing that, they're daft.

If you think that many ex-pats often complain about prices even when they're clearly displayed, will often believe they are being ripped off even when getting a bargain, are constantly moody because of domestic problems with the wife/girlfriend or kids or the builder didn't turn up, who complain about The Thais and the pollution; well, you wait until you start dealing with those hi so, upper social class honourable Chinese customers that are going to uplift your business into boomtown. Oh boy, you anit seen nothing yet, you`re in for a rude awakening. After so many months you`ll be worshipping the ground that ex-pats walk on, with a sign outside displaying; please come back all is forgiven.

But of course if you are frequently receiving moans and groans from dissatisfied customers, than surely does that not suggest that you`re doing something wrong, or is this a case of; it`s not me, it`s all the others? I worked as a Public relations manager for 35 years and I am giving you my professional advice that your approach is wrong.

Perhaps change the names from the Mad Dog to the Mad Shaolin and the Red Lion to the Red Dragon, which may help the Chinese feel more at home. I wish you luck.

As regards the pollution, any complaints are well justified. Over the last two days those that burn have been trying to choke us to death. Woke us this morning felt like my lungs were on fire and coughing my heart out. This is really no joke, it`s the worst I have ever known it.

I didn't say that many expats often complain, are constantly moody etc., I said that the complainers and the moody customers are more than likely expats, and the happy, grateful customers are more than likely tourists, and I justified that statement by saying expats have everyday problems that tourists don't. Tourists have enough money to spend for three weeks, the wife or kids are happy and relaxed and they're on holiday having a great time. I also said "most expats, generally, are nice guys". You're too busy looking to find fault and to pre-judge, to take notice of what is actually written. I generally choose my words carefully and purposely so look at them and think about them before you jump to the wrong conclusions.

Whilst you are busy thinking that the world revolves around expats my business is thriving due to the big influx of Malaysians, Singaporeans, Japanese, Koreans and Chinese. I suppose having the menu in Chinese, Japanesa and Korean helps, as does realising that with most expats now living in the suburbs, new markets need to be tapped. Of course, other than Asians, we also have customers from Australia, America and most of Europe. The menus in French , Spanish, Dutch and German may have something to do with that. Expats, like everyone else, are more than welcome, but times change and we've moved on.

In case you were wondering, my business has a pen and comments sheet on every table , has a clearly stated no-quibble policy of replacing or not charging for food that the customer doesn't like and values all customers equally , even the chinese that you seem to dismiss. Most of the comment sheets that are filled out are positive and consistently praise the friendly staff. I personally, am only really interested in the complaints as that is how I get to know what we are doing wrong and how we can improve.

As regards to the "Please come back , all is forgiven" sign, that's just you hoping that we'll fail, just so you can be smug and say you were right, what with you being an expert with 35 years experience and all. Which isn't very nice. Or likely.

Edited by Chiengmaijoe
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