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Clinton trying to put emails to rest - and prepare for 2016


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Just BS

Who cares what she wrote in her emails.

TVers who think the American laws allow them to view her emails are just tossers.

Thats my view.

Just politics.


The US has something called The Freedom of Information Act which does in fact allow people to request documents from the feds, and the people do in fact own those documents.

The Associated Press is suing the State Department for that reason and it expects to get those documents which - oops - the State Department doesn't have because Clinton illegally domiciled them at her house.

Try to keep up.

So she is refusing to turn over the emails?

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O boy. democrats are in real trouble. They have nobody else to run. And she is toast. Deval Patrick ? Ug Webb? Ug

Warren is a loony tunes left wing ideologue which most Democrats are looking for but she has indicated recently that she's not running. most likely she's got a huge skeleton in her closet. And if you think Obama had zero experience prior to running for office he looks like a mentor compared to fakeahontas.

Talk about the jv team. More like pop warner. Total clown show. No wonder ice berg al is booking tickets to Iowa. Lol @ liberal idiots.

Donald Trump, the 999 Pizza Man, Rick Perry and Sarah Palin running again?

The conservative, anti science, religious party doesn't have a chance.

Thats why they are all over Hillary, no?

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Did anybody hear Mrs Clinton say " I'm sorry I broke the law" No what you heard was "No laws were broken".

Kind of reminds one of the words "I never had sex with that woman, Ms Lewinsky. Never not once". LOL

The arrogance of these people is astounding.

Edited by snarky66
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The polls show Hillary trouncing every republican candidate so I do understand why they are attacking her 24/7 on FOX with all the unethical manufactured crisis.

If they can't get rid of her by the attacks, they know it's another 4 or 8 years on the sidelines.

Hope her and Bill are back in the white house steering the economy soon and keeping the war mongers (conservatives) out!

The republicans have done enough damage to our economy during the Bush years 2000- 2008. No?

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The polls show Hillary trouncing every republican candidate so I do understand why they are attacking her 24/7 on FOX with all the unethical manufactured crisis.

If they can't get rid of her by the attacks, they know it's another 4 or 8 years on the sidelines.

Hope her and Bill are back in the white house steering the economy soon and keeping the war mongers (conservatives) out!

The republicans have done enough damage to our economy during the Bush years 2000- 2008. No?

Actually, that's a good indication, her leading in the polls so early, of her losing any presidential race. Historically speaking.

And blaming Bush? I thought Obama was the savior? You mean he's not smart enough to fix that mess? Careful how you phrase things.

Sorry, a bit off topic, there.

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The republicans have done enough damage to our economy during the Bush years 2000- 2008. No?

Bush II (who I don't like) inherited a recession from Bill Clinton. LINK

Try to keep up.

An article in the conservative Forbes magazine says Bill Clinton had the best economic performance of all previous presidents and Obama is set to shatter that record.

Funny, the republicans that are very pro business can't manage the economy anywhere near as good as the democrats.

Do we really want a repeat of the disastrous Bush/Reagan years?

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The polls show Hillary trouncing every republican candidate... -snip-

The polls showed Hillary trouncing every candidate in 2008 until an unknown named Obama came from nowhere and knocked her off. She's now a proven loser whose support doesn't run deep. She has a lot of skeletons in her closet - she's damaged goods.

The liberal press wants to get rid of her just like they did last time when they started instantly kissing up Obama.

Hillary has a lot of negatives, a lot of enemies, and a lot of skeletons.

Who are the Dems going to run against Governor Scott Walker?

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State department emails should be safe, no?

But you have traitors like Snowden compromising national security.

Smart lady I say.

The general public doesn't need to see the secure communications.

Snowden is a pure hero. he got balls!

nsa lied and cheat, how would you feel if your bank manager was stealing your money after being informed by a bank employee.?

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She is under attack from Valerie Jarrett according to a Fox News guest....

It's no secret that the Obamas and Clintons hate each other with a passion. Jarrett is Obama's hitman. Obama is doing everything he can to derail a Hillary nomination and he will succeed with the help of others who hate her including the liberal press. The liberal press has already begun the attack. They hate her as a person.

Hillary has more enemies than a dog has fleas.

Hillary has the personality of a bale of hay.

Hillary has so much political baggage and so many skeletons in her closet (and out of the closet) that she's an easy target for the truly powerful Dems who hate her and who will derail her.

But even though the liberal New York Times broke the email story, and the liberal AP and others are actually suing her, Clinton's issues are all about Fox.

Dandy thinking there.

Great attempt at wandering off the point, and a nice fib thrown in to boot!

AP are not suing her - they're suing the State Department.

The point I made is that the Jarrett story is just a fantasy spun by Fox News and no-one else.

Apart from that, the rest is simply more gossip and matters not a jot.

It seems from yesterday's Gallup Poll that this latest Scandal in a TeaCup is being given the importance it deserves by the voters.

Still, no doubt Head Witch Hunter and Kangaroo Court Chief Justice Gowdy will keep trying to justify squandering public money.



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She is under attack from Valerie Jarrett according to a Fox News guest....

It's no secret that the Obamas and Clintons hate each other with a passion. Jarrett is Obama's hitman. Obama is doing everything he can to derail a Hillary nomination and he will succeed with the help of others who hate her including the liberal press. The liberal press has already begun the attack. They hate her as a person.

Hillary has more enemies than a dog has fleas.

Hillary has the personality of a bale of hay.

Hillary has so much political baggage and so many skeletons in her closet (and out of the closet) that she's an easy target for the truly powerful Dems who hate her and who will derail her.

But even though the liberal New York Times broke the email story, and the liberal AP and others are actually suing her, Clinton's issues are all about Fox.

Dandy thinking there.

Great attempt at wandering off the point, and a nice fib thrown in to boot!

AP are not suing her - they're suing the State Department.

The point I made is that the Jarrett story is just a fantasy spun by Fox News and no-one else.

Apart from that, the rest is simply more gossip and matters not a jot.

It seems from yesterday's Gallup Poll that this latest Scandal in a TeaCup is being given the importance it deserves by the voters.

Still, no doubt Head Witch Hunter and Kangaroo Court Chief Justice Gowdy will keep trying to justify squandering public money.



"Still, no doubt Head Witch Hunter and Kangaroo Court Chief Justice Gowdy will keep trying to justify squandering public money."

Your tax money goes to the Inland Revenue Service of the UK, not the Internal Revenue Service of the US.

What difference does it make to you who spends US tax money and how it is spent? It doesn't cost you one halala either way.

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Great attempt at wandering off the point, and a nice fib thrown in to boot!

AP are not suing her - they're suing the State Department.

The point I made is that the Jarrett story is just a fantasy spun by Fox News and no-one else.

Apart from that, the rest is simply more gossip and matters not a jot.

It seems from yesterday's Gallup Poll that this latest Scandal in a TeaCup is being given the importance it deserves by the voters.

Still, no doubt Head Witch Hunter and Kangaroo Court Chief Justice Gowdy will keep trying to justify squandering public money.


It is far too early for polls. At this time in 2008 Hillary had a massive lead. Due to fawning by the Dems' own liberal press, a nobody named Obama came out of nowhere and knocked her off.

Hillary has a lot of powerful enemies and Obama is just one. It's obvious that Valerie Jarrett is his hitman - for now. Obama and the Clintons have been enemies since the race in 2008. Obama hired Hillary as S. of State just to "keep his enemies closer" and to stop any possibility of her running against him in 2002.

Look at what's happening. The liberal NYT broke the email story. The AP is all over it and has been. It isn't going away.

Hillary has the personality of a bale of hay, a Rolodex full of powerful enemies, a mainstream press that hates her so bad they'll work tirelessly to keep her and slick Willy out of the White House.

Don't look at polls now. Hillary's support has never run deep as shown by Obama knocking her off when she was in this position in 2008.

She's a proven loser.

Edited by NeverSure
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She is under attack from Valerie Jarrett according to a Fox News guest....

It's no secret that the Obamas and Clintons hate each other with a passion. Jarrett is Obama's hitman. Obama is doing everything he can to derail a Hillary nomination and he will succeed with the help of others who hate her including the liberal press. The liberal press has already begun the attack. They hate her as a person.

Hillary has more enemies than a dog has fleas.

Hillary has the personality of a bale of hay.

Hillary has so much political baggage and so many skeletons in her closet (and out of the closet) that she's an easy target for the truly powerful Dems who hate her and who will derail her.

But even though the liberal New York Times broke the email story, and the liberal AP and others are actually suing her, Clinton's issues are all about Fox.

Dandy thinking there.

Great attempt at wandering off the point, and a nice fib thrown in to boot!

AP are not suing her - they're suing the State Department.

The point I made is that the Jarrett story is just a fantasy spun by Fox News and no-one else.

Apart from that, the rest is simply more gossip and matters not a jot.

It seems from yesterday's Gallup Poll that this latest Scandal in a TeaCup is being given the importance it deserves by the voters.

Still, no doubt Head Witch Hunter and Kangaroo Court Chief Justice Gowdy will keep trying to justify squandering public money.



"Still, no doubt Head Witch Hunter and Kangaroo Court Chief Justice Gowdy will keep trying to justify squandering public money."

Your tax money goes to the Inland Revenue Service of the UK, not the Internal Revenue Service of the US.

What difference does it make to you who spends US tax money and how it is spent? It doesn't cost you one halala either way.

And how do you know where my tax money goes Chuck?


Stop with the puerile "You're not American so you can't have an opinion" rubbish eh?

Edited by Chicog
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It is far too early for polls. At this time in 2008 Hillary had a massive lead. Due to fawning by the Dems' own liberal press, a nobody named Obama came out of nowhere and knocked her off.

Hillary has a lot of powerful enemies and Obama is just one. It's obvious that Valerie Jarrett is his hitman - for now. Obama and the Clintons have been enemies since the race in 2008. Obama hired Hillary as S. of State just to "keep his enemies closer" and to stop any possibility of her running against him in 2002.

Look at what's happening. The liberal NYT broke the email story. The AP is all over it and has been. It isn't going away.

Hillary has the personality of a bale of hay, a Rolodex full of powerful enemies, a mainstream press that hates her so bad they'll work tirelessly to keep her and slick Willy out of the White House.

Don't look at polls now. Hillary's support has never run deep as shown by Obama knocking her off when she was in this position in 2008.

She's a proven loser.

You just keep telling yourself that, all I see is a one horse race on one side and a queue for the glue factory on the other.


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Bush II (who I don't like) inherited a recession from Bill Clinton. LINK

Try to keep up.

An article in the conservative Forbes magazine says Bill Clinton had the best economic performance of all previous presidents and Obama is set to shatter that record.

Funny, the republicans that are very pro business can't manage the economy anywhere near as good as the democrats.

Do we really want a repeat of the disastrous Bush/Reagan years?

The serious Clinton recession which GWB inherited. Are you able to click on links?


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