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Thai dog survivor wins world award


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Yes but this family will actually look after the dogs,unlike here,were they are barley fed,allowed to roam the streets,and bark and howl all damn night.

People and their pets can be dangerous territory to comment on, "Soi Dogs" is a genuine organization that does good things, but I wonder if it would be better to raise funds to have the dogs neutered than fly them all over the world and take them out of their environment. There's a whole group of them not far from my Condo, and I cannot imagine them being happy in the US, Canada or the UK etc. They have their own territory, hierarchy, habits and foibles... In the morning I often take a left over sandwich to feed the odd one or two, and would just love to put flea collars on them, but don't have the guts to get that close. They do bark, and cause some noise, but all in all, I wish them well. This is Thailand after all, not suburban L.A.

Actually, part of the work the Soi Dog Foundation does is to sterilize cats and dogs, close to 80,000 so far according to their website.

Thanks, didn't know that, you make me feel better... Hmm, since I'm a retired Gent looking for something to do over here, perhaps I can offer

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A great story..... and one in the eye for those who denigrate Thai street dogs!

Of course we denigrate Soi dogs, they taste terrible,

Kidding aside, what we really denigrate are the Thais who let the dogs breed like rats and live on the streets. Correction, in the road. There have to be at least 500 in a 5km radius from my home. At least the Laos and Vietnamese cut the population by eating them. No real difference from cows, pigs, and chickens.

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It is amazing, but I have found the soi dogs in Thailand to be truly so. In Udon, we rented a house that came with a soi dog. Turned out that all the dogs in the neighborhood were grandmothered by her. We had her fixed, just after her last litter. She was left, pregnant, guarding our two rai and rented mansion. (ghost house full of snakes). Julie would sound the alarm every single time a snake got within 10 meters of the front door. Her pups were equally amazing...one would collect shoes from all the neighbors porches. I had to make a necklace out of the shoes, and put it on (Jack sparrow) ..hoping to teach him a lesson. He would not be bound...and eventually escaped out to the countryside. His dad was a renegade..just the same. My Little brown dogs (LBD's) in the philippines would swim 5 kilometers to greet me on my sailboat in subic bay. They guarded me like I was a baby. One of them (skippy) tried to drown Buster Brown. Buster was the best swimmer anywhere...and would ride point on the bow of my sailboat, just ahead of the Jib sail. Many a night, I crawled home to my beach house, and the four soi dogs would sleep around me, with their snouts on my belly.

In Chiang Mai, we exercise at Huay teung tao reservoir. A gang of beautifully fit, and personable street dogs greet our car. I named many of them. Scrappy Cocoa is my favorite, and the lady dog is name Blondie...and then the Alpha male...he is called <deleted>. Their are others..but these are the main characters. They do the route with us, around the lake, each morning at 6. Best buddies in town.

No pedigree dog ever came close to the loyalty...and personality....that these dogs have.

Can I be one of your dogs? (except for sleeping with my head on your tummy :)) Sounds like heaven on earth.

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No matter what some sad and unhappy people say, this is indeed a great story. There is something magical about the interaction between kids and dogs, I have been lucky enough to witness it and it is truly beyond explanation.

Whether it is down to the protective instinct, or the pack mentality, or those and several more instincts as well no one will ever truly know. All I know is these dogs would do just about anything to protect their family.

Possibly something that a few small minded people on TV are not capable of, that could be why they react in such a cynical and callous manner.

Try being nice to dogs for a change, maybe then they won't feel so threatened that they have to defend themselves from you (or your wife)

Damn, I truly hate these puppy dog lovers. Thailand is full of these alley way mutts. Some Thais think these temple are a place to dump off their pets. I've seen maybe 50 unwanted dogs and cats dump off. Monks have no choice but to feed these mutts after they themselves have eaten what was given to them in the morning after they make their rounds in the neighborhood. Dogs, like any other wild critter become a nuisance to the public when the population explodes. A lot of dog owners let them run loose, causing more problems. Then there is the never ending barking dog. Every neighborhood has one or more of these. You go to the house of these owners, tell them the problem about the barking. and do nothing about it!.............It gets to a point in time you must take action...........Dog elimination is my specialty. I'm quite good at it. And I now enjoy a quiet evening, no more barking, and I have a nice decent sleep. OH! no, I here another newbie barking, need to go out and find this one now..............

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the truck carrying him to what would have been a slow and agonisingly painful death

I smell bullsheit, so what they keep the dogs hanging by one leg without food until someone comes into the restaurant and picks out a dog to eat, and if nobody want to eat you we just leave you hanging until you die. Not to mention does anyone think avoiding being run over by cars and trucks, scavenging for food, being attacked by other dogs, being disease and bug ridden, living in the rain and heat on the streets for a few years isn't agonizing?!

If the Thais are so concerned about the welfare of the dogs they should spay and neuter them. But instead they take their extra dogs to the temple and dump them, put up screens to keep them out of their own property (everyone in my village does) and some idiot in my area comes and leaves plastic bags of food on the road for the dogs so adding to the garbage floating around. And my wife tells me when the get old the monks take them to the crocodile farms to be fed to the crocs. Much better to be eaten by crocs then people I'm sure.

Sorry, I'm never going to be sympathetic to dogs being eaten.

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A great story..... and one in the eye for those who denigrate Thai street dogs!

Yes, a great story, but the dog is not a Thai street dog any longer, nor did it have the chance to grow up in that environment and learn feral ways. Your assumption is ridiculous to people who have legitimate arguments, concerns and unheard cases against feral Thai street dogs.

Because it was given the proper attention and training, this dog has absolutely nothing in common with Thai street dogs, and were you to put it back on the streets, it would be killed by those street dogs within days... much like people who hate those of their own race because they become educated and civilized.

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PeCeDe, on 13 Mar 2015 - 14:12, said:
marko kok prong, on 13 Mar 2015 - 10:57, said:

Yes but this family will actually look after the dogs,unlike here,were they are barley fed,allowed to roam the streets,and bark and howl all damn night.

People and their pets can be dangerous territory to comment on, "Soi Dogs" is a genuine organization that does good things, but I wonder if it would be better to raise funds to have the dogs neutered than fly them all over the world and take them out of their environment. There's a whole group of them not far from my Condo, and I cannot imagine them being happy in the US, Canada or the UK etc. They have their own territory, hierarchy, habits and foibles... In the morning I often take a left over sandwich to feed the odd one or two, and would just love to put flea collars on them, but don't have the guts to get that close. They do bark, and cause some noise, but all in all, I wish them well. This is Thailand after all, not suburban L.A.

You'd be surprised how well dogs (and cats) adapt to a new environment or a different climate. I admit I'm more of a cat lover myself but this story really moved me. I agree with the idea of neutering (I thought that was something the Soi Dog Foundation did). That's what responsible pet owners do.

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Yes but this family will actually look after the dogs,unlike here,were they are barley fed,allowed to roam the streets,and bark and howl all damn night.

And bite people as happened to the mrs yesterday and four others by the same dog. These cute dog stories make me puke, they do nothing to address to soi dog problem at all, unless about another 500,000 do gooders are going to adopt the rest of the vermin. Lets just hope this dog does not rip the kids face off.


Don't blame the missus.

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slipperylobster, on 13 Mar 2015 - 14:21, said:

It is amazing, but I have found the soi dogs in Thailand to be truly so. In Udon, we rented a house that came with a soi dog. Turned out that all the dogs in the neighborhood were grandmothered by her. We had her fixed, just after her last litter. She was left, pregnant, guarding our two rai and rented mansion. (ghost house full of snakes). Julie would sound the alarm every single time a snake got within 10 meters of the front door. Her pups were equally amazing...one would collect shoes from all the neighbors porches. I had to make a necklace out of the shoes, and put it on (Jack sparrow) ..hoping to teach him a lesson. He would not be bound...and eventually escaped out to the countryside. His dad was a renegade..just the same. My Little brown dogs (LBD's) in the philippines would swim 5 kilometers to greet me on my sailboat in subic bay. They guarded me like I was a baby. One of them (skippy) tried to drown Buster Brown. Buster was the best swimmer anywhere...and would ride point on the bow of my sailboat, just ahead of the Jib sail. Many a night, I crawled home to my beach house, and the four soi dogs would sleep around me, with their snouts on my belly.

In Chiang Mai, we exercise at Huay teung tao reservoir. A gang of beautifully fit, and personable street dogs greet our car. I named many of them. Scrappy Cocoa is my favorite, and the lady dog is name Blondie...and then the Alpha male...he is called <deleted>. Their are others..but these are the main characters. They do the route with us, around the lake, each morning at 6. Best buddies in town.

No pedigree dog ever came close to the loyalty...and personality....that these dogs have.

Lovely story. Many years ago I went on a long hike through the jungle on Koh Phangnan. When we started walking a dog appeared out of nowhere and joined us on the hike. He never left our side until we had reached our destination in another part of the island, where he left us to join some other dogs and we never saw him again. I don't know why the dog wanted to accompany us because we never gave him any encouragement. I've never experienced it anywhere else on my travels.

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Most dogs coming from unloved maltreated environments can be rehabilitated at a far greater rate than humans...

DF...I ride 2x a week thru rural villages and 95% of the soi dogs are uninterested in me..just a few will bark and chase me over the years...

How one approaches a dog, poor communication and attitude will end up biting them in the end...bad Khama leads to a bad outcome...

Didn't know soi dogs were being adopted overseas...

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No matter what some sad and unhappy people say, this is indeed a great story. There is something magical about the interaction between kids and dogs, I have been lucky enough to witness it and it is truly beyond explanation.

Whether it is down to the protective instinct, or the pack mentality, or those and several more instincts as well no one will ever truly know. All I know is these dogs would do just about anything to protect their family.

Possibly something that a few small minded people on TV are not capable of, that could be why they react in such a cynical and callous manner.

Try being nice to dogs for a change, maybe then they won't feel so threatened that they have to defend themselves from you (or your wife)

Damn, I truly hate these puppy dog lovers. Thailand is full of these alley way mutts. Some Thais think these temple are a place to dump off their pets. I've seen maybe 50 unwanted dogs and cats dump off. Monks have no choice but to feed these mutts after they themselves have eaten what was given to them in the morning after they make their rounds in the neighborhood. Dogs, like any other wild critter become a nuisance to the public when the population explodes. A lot of dog owners let them run loose, causing more problems. Then there is the never ending barking dog. Every neighborhood has one or more of these. You go to the house of these owners, tell them the problem about the barking. and do nothing about it!.............It gets to a point in time you must take action...........Dog elimination is my specialty. I'm quite good at it. And I now enjoy a quiet evening, no more barking, and I have a nice decent sleep. OH! no, I here another newbie barking, need to go out and find this one now..............

You're trolling is both amateurish and obvious. Grow up. These THAI born dogs have more right to be here than you do.

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A great story..... and one in the eye for those who denigrate Thai street dogs!

Of course we denigrate Soi dogs, they taste terrible,

Kidding aside, what we really denigrate are the Thais who let the dogs breed like rats and live on the streets. Correction, in the road. There have to be at least 500 in a 5km radius from my home. At least the Laos and Vietnamese cut the population by eating them. No real difference from cows, pigs, and chickens.

In Papua New guinea some tribes still see humans as cows, pigs and chickens......I'll treat you to a one way ticket if you want?

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PeCeDe, on 13 Mar 2015 - 14:12, said:
marko kok prong, on 13 Mar 2015 - 10:57, said:

Yes but this family will actually look after the dogs,unlike here,were they are barley fed,allowed to roam the streets,and bark and howl all damn night.

People and their pets can be dangerous territory to comment on, "Soi Dogs" is a genuine organization that does good things, but I wonder if it would be better to raise funds to have the dogs neutered than fly them all over the world and take them out of their environment. There's a whole group of them not far from my Condo, and I cannot imagine them being happy in the US, Canada or the UK etc. They have their own territory, hierarchy, habits and foibles... In the morning I often take a left over sandwich to feed the odd one or two, and would just love to put flea collars on them, but don't have the guts to get that close. They do bark, and cause some noise, but all in all, I wish them well. This is Thailand after all, not suburban L.A.

You'd be surprised how well dogs (and cats) adapt to a new environment or a different climate. I admit I'm more of a cat lover myself but this story really moved me. I agree with the idea of neutering (I thought that was something the Soi Dog Foundation did). That's what responsible pet owners do.

I agree, the story was very touching, and I have since found out that the foundation does neuter dogs and cats... In fact someone said they had neutered 80,000 up to this point... I applaud them for that. In terms of taking them out of their environment, I'm not so sure, I watch them from my balcony every night, and though it's a tough life (it is for me too), they seem to be well adapted to take care of themselves, and God bless them for that.

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Yes but this family will actually look after the dogs,unlike here,were they are barley fed,allowed to roam the streets,and bark and howl all damn night.

And bite people as happened to the mrs yesterday and four others by the same dog. These cute dog stories make me puke, they do nothing to address to soi dog problem at all, unless about another 500,000 do gooders are going to adopt the rest of the vermin. Lets just hope this dog does not rip the kids face off.

Did you really have to piss all over a feel good story? You sound like you need a dog like Miracle yourself.

There ain't no cure for some people, and he certainly does not need a dog like Miracle, I wish him no harm, but... you know the rest! You live in a Buddhist country, and what goes around comes around.

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Yes but this family will actually look after the dogs,unlike here,were they are barley fed,allowed to roam the streets,and bark and howl all damn night.

And bite people as happened to the mrs yesterday and four others by the same dog. These cute dog stories make me puke, they do nothing to address to soi dog problem at all, unless about another 500,000 do gooders are going to adopt the rest of the vermin. Lets just hope this dog does not rip the kids face off.

It takes a really special kind of cynic to ruin a great story like this.

I can see why the Mrs got bitten.

Som Nam Na

Why do you have to insult this person for pointing out a painful truth? He did not bite anyone - the soi dogs bit the lady and these pests bite other unoffending people every day.

There was one nice, heart-warming story of a rescued dog finding a good home where he can express his love and bring joy to people.

And there are uncounted thousands of unmanaged soi dogs and stay animals harassing and causing injury to people every day. If the Thai government would take time out from whatever they do to initiate a program to round up the stray and uncontrolled beasts on the soi's, and force owners to get their bitches spayed after having one litter - at a cost, I am sure, of far less than the price paid every day by people on m.c.'s and walking on the soi's.

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So the prize money will be split between The Soi Dog Foundation, and the Autistic Society. What about the owner

of the Dog? What is his cut.....I mean who's feeding the dog, giving him water and shelter? 82,000 baht is a lot to

give away ...isn't it?..............if they pulled a stunt like that on me.....I'd be calling the Philippine's "Tender Dog Nuggets" foundation.

Recommandation: Read the Article properly the Owner(Amanda) made the decision to give the money away.

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My own Thai dog is from Soi Dog 'pedigree'. Though she was brought to me as a puppy, and has been my companion for five-or-six years, she isn't particularly affectionate.

I recently met, and have become friends with a lady who is deaf-mute so my communications with her are necessarily limited until I can learn more Thai Sign Language. But my dog has developed a bond with her almost instantly as though she ( the dog) recognises the other's inability to talk requires a different level of communication and affection.

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Gee, we hit a sore spot with some dog lovers. Do you slap mosquitoes when one lands on your arm? I mean they have a right to live, breed and multiply? All of Gods creation have rights! Right? Save that Spider, save that Ant, they have a purpose on this earth.......get real! A dog is a dog, domesticated or wild. Does anyone go to jail or on death row for killing a mangy street dog? NO! Don't put dogs at the same level as humans. We are higher up in the food chain. Go ahead hug a Wolf in the wild, or a Coyote in the wild. Most have a fear of man. But will attack you in the woods if you show signs of an injury or unable to move about. Any animal will respond with food in hand over time. Its called domestication. Some can and some can't be domesticated. Killing a deer for meat is no different than killing a dog for meat. Same goes for Cats, Squirrels, Rabbits, Ground Hogs, Pigeons, or any other critter that gets in the way of a hungry human. These so called city dwellers have no inkling of how to hunt and capture animals for consumption. They are domesticated humans with store bought food packaged neatly, for consumption. They never think about how the food is processed. They turn their noses up on Horse meat, Moose meat, Bear meat, etc.etc.etc. Little do they realize that in time of wars, when food supplies are short, the first thing that is butchered, before the milking cow is the dog!

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ragonfly94, on 13 Mar 2015 - 18:00, said:snapback.png

marko kok prong, on 13 Mar 2015 - 16:57, said:snapback.png

Yes but this family will actually look after the dogs,unlike here,were they are barley fed,allowed to roam the streets,and bark and howl all damn night.

And bite people as happened to the mrs yesterday and four others by the same dog. These cute dog stories make me puke, they do nothing to address to soi dog problem at all, unless about another 500,000 do gooders are going to adopt the rest of the vermin. Lets just hope this dog does not rip the kids face off.

you make me want to puke!

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So the prize money will be split between The Soi Dog Foundation, and the Autistic Society. What about the owner

of the Dog? What is his cut.....I mean who's feeding the dog, giving him water and shelter? 82,000 baht is a lot to

give away ...isn't it?..............if they pulled a stunt like that on me.....I'd be calling the Philippine's "Tender Dog Nuggets" foundation.

no ones ' pulling a stunt' on anyone, sadly it maybe out of your pathetic low level of life but actually kind ness and genorosity do exist.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Yes but this family will actually look after the dogs,unlike here,were they are barley fed,allowed to roam the streets,and bark and howl all damn night.

And bite people as happened to the mrs yesterday and four others by the same dog. These cute dog stories make me puke, they do nothing to address to soi dog problem at all, unless about another 500,000 do gooders are going to adopt the rest of the vermin. Lets just hope this dog does not rip the kids face off.

As it says in the story dogs are unique in their ability to read human emotions. They clearly weighed you up accurately. Statistically nearly all dog bites in Thailand are by owned dogs, protecting they think their property. Is the owners not keeping them securely in their premises who are to blame.

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