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Parents upset over ban on children riding motorbikes

Lite Beer

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I see dozens of farangs weekly who don't wear helmets, and in shorts and flip flops too who don't see the point in wearing helmets and some here have boasted about their lack of repspect for the law, it's like they have adopted the Thainess and don't care it's only 200 baht fine attitudes, and yet they say Thais need educating?

Lots of pots calling the kettles black in this country these days.

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Laws schwaws.

Real men don't need "Leaders" & laws to tell them what to do.

Common damned sense should dictate that 3 kids on a motorcycle is just stupid.....helmets or not.

You could put them all in a suit of armor & it's still stupid.

I can hear the cry-baby liberals now......."Oh, but it's their CULTURE! We have to respect their CULTURE!"

I call a spade a spade. An idiot is an idiot.

Cold day in Hades when you'll see my daughter riding on a scooter like that, helmet or not.

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I take my daughter to school each day on a motorcycle. I have on a good helmet,

and of course she has one too. Every day, I see a lot of parents come to pick up

their kids on motorcycles . The parent of course has a helmet, but no helmet for

their child...... In exasperation, sometimes I will point this out by pointing to my

daughter putting her helmet on, and their child having no helmet. Their response

is to look sheepish and drive away.

I am not a fan of a nanny state. If you do not want to wear a helmet, go for it.

But to have a child take the same risk without understanding it is simply cruel.

There needs to be a mandatory helmet law for children that is absolutely enforced.

Meaning if you wish to endanger the life of your child by not bothering to buy him/her

a helmet, you are basically a crap parent. And when you are stopped by the police,

your motorcycle should be seized until you prove you have a helmet for your child.

This is the correct response to this issue. To simply ban all children from being

on a motorcycle a typical knee jerk nonsense response by the government. As well

as an extreme hardship on poor people that do not have a car...

I agree with what you say to a certain extent but please explain how the poor folks(quite a few of them in TH) are going to afford your expensive and safe farang helmet? Not just 1 but several

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I love my freedom here and riding my bike with NO helmet, it is called freedom and I hate all the nanny state do gooders who preach about safety all the time, jeees it is not safe to walk down the street so we will all have to stay indoors in padded cells to stop hurting ourselves!!!! Live your life how you want to and stop telling others how to live theirs.

Don't disagree with your sentiments. But you don't have the freedom to ride your bike with no helmet here. The law says you must. It's just not particularly enforced like numerous other laws here.

The same as children loaded onto motor bikes like packages, unlicensed underage children riding alone etc.

Would you be ok with airlines employing unlicensed pilots? Or anyone being able to drive a Jet-Ski anywhere they like near beaches?

The problem with "freedoms" is that we all have our own interpretations of what's right and proper. And unfortunately too many humans do live how they want to and take the attitude sod everyone else.

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I love my freedom here and riding my bike with NO helmet, it is called freedom and I hate all the nanny state do gooders who preach about safety all the time, jeees it is not safe to walk down the street so we will all have to stay indoors in padded cells to stop hurting ourselves!!!! Live your life how you want to and stop telling others how to live theirs.

If you pulled your head out from where it's been inserted for quite a while you would realise that the ruling is for kids under the age of six. They have no choice at all.

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I know it is difficult to put yourself in the place of those who struggle to make ends meet but there are dangers everywhere and for many, as evidenced by the number of children passengers on motorbikes, it is the only practical form of transport for them. Since Thais are Buddhist, they believe that if they or their child is injured/killed, it is Karma. In Texas, it is not required for adults on motorcycles to wear helmets. People are also allowed to ride in the back of a pick-up truck with no seat belts. It's called 'personal freedom'. I know many of you who grew up with 'nanny state' governments are horrified at the thought of someone having the choice of a less-safe option, but Nanny States are expensive; both in compliance and enforcement. In time, if the political thieving can be minimized, Thailand will grow more prosperous and can afford to force its citizens into cars. Until then, try to put yourself in the place of poor people whose options are limited by their income.

Yeah, it's a poverty issue for sure. These people can't afford proper transportation so they use what they can. It is so alien to see a family of four riding on a small bike but it's normal here. They should enforce strict helmet and traffic laws.

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I take my daughter to school each day on a motorcycle. I have on a good helmet,

and of course she has one too. Every day, I see a lot of parents come to pick up

their kids on motorcycles . The parent of course has a helmet, but no helmet for

their child...... In exasperation, sometimes I will point this out by pointing to my

daughter putting her helmet on, and their child having no helmet. Their response

is to look sheepish and drive away.

I am not a fan of a nanny state. If you do not want to wear a helmet, go for it.

But to have a child take the same risk without understanding it is simply cruel.

There needs to be a mandatory helmet law for children that is absolutely enforced.

Meaning if you wish to endanger the life of your child by not bothering to buy him/her

a helmet, you are basically a crap parent. And when you are stopped by the police,

your motorcycle should be seized until you prove you have a helmet for your child.

This is the correct response to this issue. To simply ban all children from being

on a motorcycle a typical knee jerk nonsense response by the government. As well

as an extreme hardship on poor people that do not have a car...

I agree with what you say to a certain extent but please explain how the poor folks(quite a few of them in TH) are going to afford your expensive and safe farang helmet? Not just 1 but several

Stop betting on those damn lotteries and you would have your helmets...

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Um b

Look at the pic!

Long as dad's head protected!

Driver has because that is the law. A passenger on a bike doesn't need to have. Enforce a law so everyone on a bike need to wear a helmet. Also on bike taxis.

Next thing fine all bikes with worn out tires. If you go out driving in rain you can see so many bikes that flips because of water and no traction.

All passengers on a bike must wear helmets. Even a one day old is a passenger. That is the law. Your assumption is wrong. See the ask the lawyer section for confirmation.


Then the laws have changed, or the Traffic police does not know about this. I talked to a traffic police officer a few years ago regarding this when I met him having a beer at HOBS.

(Just to be clear, he was not on duty, and happened to be a police officer. I just happen to start to talk to him when he sat beside me by the bar)

Maybe. All I know is what the TV lawyer answered when I ask the question.

And if you think about it why would children be exempted from wearing helmets. Aren't we it supposed to protect the young and innocent.

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Wait until you see a dead child at the side of the road. No helmet on and talk about Karma and personal freedom.... Its called common sense and a duty of care to your children... I shudder every time i see sleeping infants on motorbikes being driven on sub standard motorcycles with little or no lights and breaking the speec limits... It's called lack of education and it is about time some kind of legislation is implemented... No wonder visitors see Thailand still as a third world country...

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All passengers on a bike must wear helmets. Even a one day old is a passenger. That is the law. Your assumption is wrong. See the ask the lawyer section for confirmation.

Please don't misunderstand me. I am pro-helmet. However helmets don't really protect one that much in an accident. In many cases the main difference between helmet and no helmet is where does one want to collect their splattered brains? All over the road, or in the brain bucket (helmet). Also the kinetic forces involved, even with the small bike, are sufficient that if the bike flips over the right way one can easily have a severed head, broken neck or broken spine, or crushed head.

Yes helmets are a good idea, I don't disagree, however they are not the save-all panacea some have been trained to believe.

Now what is the solution? Raise the minimum wage in Thailand to 2000 baht per day, that way everyone can finance a new car?

I don't have the answers.

But they are the law and that is what is being discussed here.

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The proposal is to ban children under the age of six riding on a motorcycle - it has nothing to do with fat Farangs 'living the dream' on their 'hogs'.

82% of all reported road deaths involve motorbikes and Thailand is the second worst in the world.

Infants under 6 have no chance of protecting themselves in even the mildest of accidents, especially if they are standing in front of the driver, as you will see frequently in the provinces.

The unfortunate thing is that years of neglect has meant that there are no affordable alternatives.

For the freedom lovers enjoy it but remember when a child falls off a bike in front of you - it will be your fault.

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I see dozens of farangs weekly who don't wear helmets, and in shorts and flip flops too who don't see the point in wearing helmets and some here have boasted about their lack of repspect for the law, it's like they have adopted the Thainess and don't care it's only 200 baht fine attitudes, and yet they say Thais need educating?

Lots of pots calling the kettles black in this country these days.

Tell me how do you know it is helmet less, inappropriately dressed farangs (pots as well as potty) calling the kettles (Thais who do the same) black. I think you'll find the ones here promoting helmet useage use them themselves.

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I know it is difficult to put yourself in the place of those who struggle to make ends meet but there are dangers everywhere and for many, as evidenced by the number of children passengers on motorbikes, it is the only practical form of transport for them. Since Thais are Buddhist, they believe that if they or their child is injured/killed, it is Karma. In Texas, it is not required for adults on motorcycles to wear helmets. People are also allowed to ride in the back of a pick-up truck with no seat belts. It's called 'personal freedom'. I know many of you who grew up with 'nanny state' governments are horrified at the thought of someone having the choice of a less-safe option, but Nanny States are expensive; both in compliance and enforcement. In time, if the political thieving can be minimized, Thailand will grow more prosperous and can afford to force its citizens into cars. Until then, try to put yourself in the place of poor people whose options are limited by their income.

Pennsylvania, U.S.A. repealed it's helmet laws and Hawaii, U.S.A. never had them.

How much "safety rhetoric" has come from manufactures/lobbyists vs real research and statistics? I've seen reports (years ago) that a helmet being worn can cause death. Now that's interesting eh?

Missinformation alert

see link


I'm sorry but anybody disputing whether helmets actually reduce death or injury or whatever just need to visit bestgore or liveleak or other such websites to see just how much human skulls match up against solid ground at any amount of speed. The results are gruesome enough for fully developed adult skulls. for infants it doesn't take a genius to work out the results will be even worse.

If some idiot adult wants to endanger himself, then fine. But when putting children in harms way it becomes another matter. Also cars are not safer unless the occupants wear seatbelts, and we all know the norms there too. Amulets will see the driver and his load home ok.....

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I really wish the government would do some REAL LONG-TERM CHANGES. Banning children on bikes is typical Thai politics: short sighted, simplistic single rule, populist oriented. What if they hired consultants to draft a proposal for how to lower accidents by 50% in the next five years and 80% in the next 10? The consultants would study European traffic systems and countries with low traffic mortality, analyse the major problems with Thai traffic safety (u turns, following rules, cutting lanes) and implement a 5 year and 10 year plan. This would actually benefit people but long term thinking like this is always absent in Thailand. Long term planning such as above is what turned Singapore from a poor fishermen village to an economic powerhouse.

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Wait until you see a dead child at the side of the road. No helmet on and talk about Karma and personal freedom.... Its called common sense and a duty of care to your children... I shudder every time i see sleeping infants on motorbikes being driven on sub standard motorcycles with little or no lights and breaking the speec limits... It's called lack of education and it is about time some kind of legislation is implemented... No wonder visitors see Thailand still as a third world country...

Karma is a bitch right up until that moment it effects you personally!!

Arabs have the same mentality although to them any accident and death of a child is always met with a " it's gods will"

How many westerners tell you after the death of an infant they're in a better place now and with God? It's happened to me with the death of my first son, just 2 weeks old, died with a hole in the heart in the 80s, I accepted his death as a bitter and tragic event, but some people just like they do all over the world use whatever reasons God, fate, Karma some people accept that, others don't.

Karma doesn't cause accidents human error causes them, and no matter how safe and concious you think you are, you can't say the same for the others on the road.

A helmet will offer some protection as long as it conforms to certain safety standards which is another issue altogether over here, HSE in places is a joke!!

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The article is not about stupid idiotic adults endangering their own lives by not wearing a helmet, it's about kids riding pillion. If irresponsible parents can't provide and ensure their kids wear a helmet then they shouldn't be on the bike. Alternatively, bring a law in where the police confiscate a bike if there are children on it not wearing a helmet.

Impounding the vehicle is what I've been proposing all along. The RTP are seeking more powers to be able to do that. Take away the children's and the adult's toys and see how they react. Fining them occasionally doesn't work so some other course of action need to be tried.

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I love my freedom here and riding my bike with NO helmet, it is called freedom and I hate all the nanny state do gooders who preach about safety all the time, jeees it is not safe to walk down the street so we will all have to stay indoors in padded cells to stop hurting ourselves!!!! Live your life how you want to and stop telling others how to live theirs.

I could not agree more. One of the many reasons I love living here. I am a bit fed up of these little western nazis trying to impose there values on places like Thailand. If the law doesnt effect you stop trying to impose it on others. I know when I get in a car without a seat belt or bike without a helmet that it is more unsafe. My choice end of. I dont need a government to try and save me from myself.
See you in the ICU.
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Look at the pic!

Long as dad's head protected!

I believe with 3 children as per the photo you cannot say the adult has full control of the bike. One child only and wearing a helmet OK but it makes me mad when I see an adult with a child on a bike speeding down the road zig zagging between traffic without a care in the world. If they want to kill themselves then up to them but DON'T put the child in danger First how about stopping the children sometimes 3 on a bike from being on the road in the first place. The number of times I have seen kids of 10-12 years speeding down the road and again NO helmet. Any idiot can go fast just open up the throttle but can they control what happens maybe when someone pulls out in front of them, how good are they then??????

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Songkran is nearly on us again, some of the people screaming about personal freedom please revisit this topic again after the statistics for the holiday have been released.

It doesn't bother them!

At all!

But hear them cry, when their child is crippled by another "freedom enjoyer", who took the freedom to drink himself senseless and to mow down a their son or daughter!

Brainless twa@ts!

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I love my freedom here and riding my bike with NO helmet, it is called freedom and I hate all the nanny state do gooders who preach about safety all the time, jeees it is not safe to walk down the street so we will all have to stay indoors in padded cells to stop hurting ourselves!!!! Live your life how you want to and stop telling others how to live theirs.

I could not agree more. One of the many reasons I love living here. I am a bit fed up of these little western nazis trying to impose there values on places like Thailand. If the law doesnt effect you stop trying to impose it on others. I know when I get in a car without a seat belt or bike without a helmet that it is more unsafe. My choice end of. I dont need a government to try and save me from myself.
See you in the ICU.

Must admit I DO NOT always wear a helmet or use my seat belts. As for the helmet I did get "T" boned on my bike and my helmet stopped me from getting a fractured skull and possibel loss of life. Seat belts I am for and against, sometimes they save lives and sometimes they do not so I want the choice but like it or not I think helmets should be worn all the time and that is from someone who does not always do what he says

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SIDECARS, sidecars will help.smile.png

Help get sidecars for those with bike as only family transport. Make laws favoring sidecars. Put the baby and 6yr old in the side car.laugh.png


Maybe but those things can be really difficult to drive. But at least the kids could curl up inside one to finish off their required sleeping hours because the parents let them stay up too late.

Never heard a Thai parent say 'time for bed' they just let them stay up till they drop exhausted.

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Thailand can impose as many road rules and regulations regarding what and how people can or can't operate any vehicle wether good or bad , any of these rules are worthless when there's no one out in the streets to enforce them. For the same reason anyone does whatever they want on the road and break even every common sense rules, so theres no reason to follow.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I love my freedom here and riding my bike with NO helmet, it is called freedom and I hate all the nanny state do gooders who preach about safety all the time, jeees it is not safe to walk down the street so we will all have to stay indoors in padded cells to stop hurting ourselves!!!! Live your life how you want to and stop telling others how to live theirs.

I could not agree more. One of the many reasons I love living here. I am a bit fed up of these little western nazis trying to impose there values on places like Thailand. If the law doesnt effect you stop trying to impose it on others. I know when I get in a car without a seat belt or bike without a helmet that it is more unsafe. My choice end of. I dont need a government to try and save me from myself.
Hopefully, among your probable many tattoos, you'll have one prominently displayed on your forehead, "I refuse all publicly-funded emergency treatment".

Just to be consistently anti-nanny-state, of course.

With rights come responsibilities, a concept apparently lost on those like the two of you.

As for the topic, I'm for whatever protects kids. I don't think this law will. Education might, but only after a long struggle. Too many reactive, knee-jerk laws, and not enough commitment to change.

Most of these so called biker's (the ones that I spoken to about why they don't wear a helmet) have never ridden one in their home country.

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Thing is: Children should always wear a helmet, which is usually not the case AND you should have a special kiddy seat when they're under 4.

Simple as that. Any responsible parent should know that. Now this will be another way to squeeze some money out of the public.

First off I agree that children should wear a helmet.

But as for the special kiddy seat??? And if there is such a thing, can you strap four of them on a Click?

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....I saw the new on tv of the police giving out helmets to children, then ignoring the other one with no helmet. I've seen policemen riding

motorcycles with no helmet. A radio station in Chiang Mai broadcasts where the check points are for those on motorcycles........Yes indeed

Thailand is gearing up for no Children under 6 on a motorcycles.

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It has taken me 18 months living here to nag the kids into wearing a helmet when they get on the motorcycle with mum. Even then I am pretty sure they don't when I'm not around. Anyone would think I just nag them cause I enjoy it! P***** me off bigtime and they just don't get it. Why can't and their mother they see the obvious benefits?

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