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Nazi veterans annual parade kicks off in Latvia's capital


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Probably a good idea to read up on Latvia's history, its relations with Soviet Russia since it became recognised as an independent nation and its occupation first by the soviets, liberated albeit occupied by Germany then again occupied by the Soviets.

Might sound weird but for many Stalin was the evil in Europe that had to be opposed. Crazy as it sounds Hilter was by many initially seen as a liberator and visionary unlike Stalin who was always seen as an oppressive and evil dictator waiting to invade. Invade he eventually did and all those fears became realised helped by us, the red army committed an awful amount of war crimes,as did the allies but only the loser went on trail.

There were many in the SS and relatively only a small number were executed or found guilty of war crimes, mainly officers, the vast majority of SS troops were guilty of nothing more than being soldiers and following orders. Not one Allie ever stood trial for war crimes and not because none were committed, there is far more available information about documented incidents and events than you'll find in a google search.

Back to the topic it depends on what the parade was marking, honouring fellow comrades or remembering fallen brothers is understandable, walking about strutting and waving a swastika and carrying pictures of the fuhrer etc isnt.

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They should of all been Executed for War Crimes, They were Quite Savage in their dealings in WW 2...

Maybe I'm being an Ass@&$%, Mr. Peter

My mum told me the same. They should have been executed in the late 40's and early 50's but 80% of the Germans supported the Nazis and we had over 250,000 members of the Waffen SS and just only 35 were executed.

Merkel of Germany and the rest of the EU will just ignore them.

Yes, it has been 70 years since the war. How many wars did we have since then and how many people have been killed? Excluding the black guys in Chicago.

Not as nearly much as at WW2. Even including "the black guys in Chicago". Somebody already forget history...Or rather never knew.

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The nazis allys warcrimes are forgotten. The Japanese murdered more Chinese than the Nazis murdered Jews during the holocaust. This Latvian annual parade is digusting. Imagine if the Japense did the same.

Edited by BKKBobby
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The nazis allys warcrimes are forgotten. The Japanese murdered more Chinese than the Nazis murdered Jews during the holocaust. This Latvian annual parade is digusting. Imagine if the Japense did the same.

. I don't believe this statement is Correct.Did you read The Rape of Nanking ? Excellent book, The Author committed Suicide after writing it, (a Women) idk if this was the reason, or Depression.
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Not sure what all the fuss is about, they chose to fight against the occupying Soviets as they perceived the Nazis to be the lesser of two evils.

Being in the SS didn't automatically make a soldier a mass murderer.

I can imagine that the Russians where the bigger evil. About 90'000 Germans surrendered in Stalingrad and less then 6000 returned home eventually. For those who want to see a tough movie about war watch a movie called "BROTHERS". It must be about 3 years old now. Talk about reali

What about 20.000.000-30.000.000 Russians being killed in this war? Including 7.000.000-12.000.000 civilians? And who started this war? Stop to watch propagandistic movies and start to learn history!

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Not sure what all the fuss is about, they chose to fight against the occupying Soviets as they perceived the Nazis to be the lesser of two evils.

Being in the SS didn't automatically make a soldier a mass murderer.

Being SS doesn't mean youre automatically nazi. There were SS-soldiers that had nothing to do with the dark side of the ideology.

You must be joking or confusing with regular German army isn't it ?

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I hope the EU are happy about their partner.

I wonder if they also join the Nazi parade.

People seem to forget very easy, about the millions killed during WWII and the Holocaust.

I don't, and I will never forget as long as I live and made sure my kids will never forget either.

Yet, you have a country like Japan, that wants to make revisions to history. http://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-publisher-rejects-japan-over-textbook-on-comfort-women-1421299438

Also, many still in denial of atrocities committed during WW2 in Asia, particularly in China (e.g. Rape of Nanking).

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Not sure what all the fuss is about, they chose to fight against the occupying Soviets as they perceived the Nazis to be the lesser of two evils.

Being in the SS didn't automatically make a soldier a mass murderer.

Being SS doesn't mean youre automatically nazi. There were SS-soldiers that had nothing to do with the dark side of the ideology.

You must be joking or confusing with regular German army isn't it ?

No I'm not joking and do know the difference between SS and WEHRMACHT.

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I hope the EU are happy about their partner.

I wonder if they also join the Nazi parade.

People seem to forget very easy, about the millions killed during WWII and the Holocaust.

I don't, and I will never forget as long as I live and made sure my kids will never forget either.

Yet, you have a country like Japan, that wants to make revisions to history. http://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-publisher-rejects-japan-over-textbook-on-comfort-women-1421299438

Also, many still in denial of atrocities committed during WW2 in Asia, particularly in China (e.g. Rape of Nanking).

Winners write history...Plenty of Allied "lets not mention this again" material so let's not be hypocrites.

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Not sure what all the fuss is about, they chose to fight against the occupying Soviets as they perceived the Nazis to be the lesser of two evils.

Being in the SS didn't automatically make a soldier a mass murderer.

I can imagine that the Russians where the bigger evil. About 90'000 Germans surrendered in Stalingrad and less then 6000 returned home eventually. For those who want to see a tough movie about war watch a movie called "BROTHERS". It must be about 3 years old now. Talk about reali

What about 20.000.000-30.000.000 Russians being killed in this war? Including 7.000.000-12.000.000 civilians? And who started this war? Stop to watch propagandistic movies and start to learn history!

You make Russia sound like innocent bystander. Already in August -39 Stalin and Hitler had agreement how they are going to split the loot. And for 30 million dead. 20.000.000 million died due fighting wt the enemy(mainly German,Finns killed over 1 million too) other 20.000.000 was killed by the beloved father, Stalin.

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What a sad and distorted world we live in when these kind of dangerous idiots can march freely in a capital city which is a member of the EU. Brussels should be ashamed....

Germany , is now supporting the EU . payback time .wai2.gif

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Oh that's just freken great, so 80% of Germans should have been executed because they supported their country during a war.

A few other points, The deaths of 6 million Jews + some others is always used to 'prove' just how terrible Germany was during wwii.

Consider this-

* It was not Germany's intention to exterminate jews when they started wwii in order to create an empire (something that Napoleon's France and countless others had done throught history) This is something that happened AFTER the US entered the war and began to carpet bomb Germany. I have talked to 2 people who lives in German occupied Europe during wwii (one was in belgium and one in Amsterdam). They both said the same thing, at the begining of the war things were normal, as the war progressed and Germany started loosing, the situation became dark and there were massive food shortages. In fact the majority of the people that died in the concentration camps died of hunger and disease, not gas chambers.

* The US sent Japanese-Americans to concentration camps during wwii, would they have survived if say, Japan had developed an A-bomb and anihalated many american cities? We can't know that.

* As early as 1942, Germany was willing to negotiate an end to the war, the Allies would only accept unconditional surrender.

* The German Army was professional in the early days of the war when they were winning, ie. Their invasion and occupation of France did not include massive war crimes. Stalin had killed 8 million Ukranians prior to Germany's liberation of that country, I call it 'liberation' because most Ukranians (as Latvians) saw Germany as a liberator, again early on, they weren't so bad, better than Stalin.. and the fact that Stalin had committed these war crimes pretty much gave Germany a PASS to invade the Soviets.. I mean shit, we invaded Iraq and that has killed a million people for WMDs that weren't there and in retaliation for a terrorist attack that was carried out by Saudi Arabians(those people that are currently supporting ISIS).

* Robert McNamera once said that "If we had lost the war, (wwii) we would have all been tried as war criminals." In regards to the US Carpet Bombing of Axis countries during wwii.

* Germany's logic in starting wwii went something like this- The British, French, and even the US were imperialists and were dominating countries all over the world, so who are they to say we can't dominate eastern europe? AND, the Soviet Union was a disaster and was oppressing and killing millions of eastern europeans who wanted to be liberated so were going to bring them our 'better' non-communist system.. When you look at it from their perspective, it wasn't really that insane from a political perspective.

They should of all been Executed for War Crimes, They were Quite Savage in their dealings in WW 2...

Maybe I'm being an Ass@&$%, Mr. Peter

My mum told me the same. They should have been executed in the late 40's and early 50's but 80% of the Germans supported the Nazis and we had over 250,000 members of the Waffen SS and just only 35 were executed.

Merkel of Germany and the rest of the EU will just ignore them.

Never ever have I read such a load of rubish... GET educated,, You know fxxx all about concentration camps,and the extermination of the jews.

You are a disgrace to humanity.

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Oh that's just freken great, so 80% of Germans should have been executed because they supported their country during a war.

A few other points, The deaths of 6 million Jews + some others is always used to 'prove' just how terrible Germany was during wwii.

Consider this-

* It was not Germany's intention to exterminate jews when they started wwii in order to create an empire (something that Napoleon's France and countless others had done throught history) This is something that happened AFTER the US entered the war and began to carpet bomb Germany. I have talked to 2 people who lives in German occupied Europe during wwii (one was in belgium and one in Amsterdam). They both said the same thing, at the begining of the war things were normal, as the war progressed and Germany started loosing, the situation became dark and there were massive food shortages. In fact the majority of the people that died in the concentration camps died of hunger and disease, not gas chambers.

* The US sent Japanese-Americans to concentration camps during wwii, would they have survived if say, Japan had developed an A-bomb and anihalated many american cities? We can't know that.

* As early as 1942, Germany was willing to negotiate an end to the war, the Allies would only accept unconditional surrender.

* The German Army was professional in the early days of the war when they were winning, ie. Their invasion and occupation of France did not include massive war crimes. Stalin had killed 8 million Ukranians prior to Germany's liberation of that country, I call it 'liberation' because most Ukranians (as Latvians) saw Germany as a liberator, again early on, they weren't so bad, better than Stalin.. and the fact that Stalin had committed these war crimes pretty much gave Germany a PASS to invade the Soviets.. I mean shit, we invaded Iraq and that has killed a million people for WMDs that weren't there and in retaliation for a terrorist attack that was carried out by Saudi Arabians(those people that are currently supporting ISIS).

* Robert McNamera once said that "If we had lost the war, (wwii) we would have all been tried as war criminals." In regards to the US Carpet Bombing of Axis countries during wwii.

* Germany's logic in starting wwii went something like this- The British, French, and even the US were imperialists and were dominating countries all over the world, so who are they to say we can't dominate eastern europe? AND, the Soviet Union was a disaster and was oppressing and killing millions of eastern europeans who wanted to be liberated so were going to bring them our 'better' non-communist system.. When you look at it from their perspective, it wasn't really that insane from a political perspective.

Hitler and his closest accomplices had indeed the goal to eliminate the Jews from what they understood as Germany's "Lebensraum".

You might want to read "Mein Kampf" and document yourself about the Wannsee conference.


Although they had first planned to deport Jews, it was Hitler who declared that in the perspective of a global war, the only possible "final solution" to the issue of the Jews was their extermination. Nobody forced him.

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Germany could have become an amazing super power if it was not for madmen running the show. They blew it big time. Now madmen bankers & corporations in the US run the show. That's the cards we are now dealt with.

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What a sad and distorted world we live in when these kind of dangerous idiots can march freely in a capital city which is a member of the EU. Brussels should be ashamed....

This would also be a remarkably convenient way to awaken ethnic Russian unrest, and to sow the seeds for protests against the EU, the Latvian government / establishment, leading in the medium term to a conflict along ethnic lines and a future Russian intervention.

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These murderers can march straight into hell for what I care....

Or deport them to Koh Tao and inform the other murderders there these lot has evidence and "knows what they did last summer..." ???? Also tell the Nazis their new neighbors on Koh Tao is Jewish in disguise

What are the odds it will be a peaceful summer ?

Edited by CapeThai
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They should of all been Executed for War Crimes, They were Quite Savage in their dealings in WW 2...

Maybe I'm being an Ass@&$%, Mr. Peter

My mum told me the same. They should have been executed in the late 40's and early 50's but 80% of the Germans supported the Nazis and we had over 250,000 members of the Waffen SS and just only 35 were executed.

Merkel of Germany and the rest of the EU will just ignore them.

She has to, or she will loose merit when she cant stop it, oh well they are a dyeing breed ignore them and they will just die and fade away

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They should of all been Executed for War Crimes, They were Quite Savage in their dealings in WW 2...

Maybe I'm being an Ass@&$%, Mr. Peter

My mum told me the same. They should have been executed in the late 40's and early 50's but 80% of the Germans supported the Nazis and we had over 250,000 members of the Waffen SS and just only 35 were executed.

Merkel of Germany and the rest of the EU will just ignore them.

She has to, or she will loose merit when she cant stop it, oh well they are a dyeing breed ignore them and they will just die and fade away

Do you really think they will fade away..?.I recon as long as the West have weak Governments that care more for Aliens than their own race those extremists will never die out,coffee1.gifsad.png

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Oh that's just freken great, so 80% of Germans should have been executed because they supported their country during a war.

A few other points, The deaths of 6 million Jews + some others is always used to 'prove' just how terrible Germany was during wwii.

Consider this-
* It was not Germany's intention to exterminate jews when they started wwii in order to create an empire (something that Napoleon's France and countless others had done throught history) This is something that happened AFTER the US entered the war and began to carpet bomb Germany. I have talked to 2 people who lives in German occupied Europe during wwii (one was in belgium and one in Amsterdam). They both said the same thing, at the begining of the war things were normal, as the war progressed and Germany started loosing, the situation became dark and there were massive food shortages. In fact the majority of the people that died in the concentration camps died of hunger and disease, not gas chambers.
* The US sent Japanese-Americans to concentration camps during wwii, would they have survived if say, Japan had developed an A-bomb and anihalated many american cities? We can't know that.
* As early as 1942, Germany was willing to negotiate an end to the war, the Allies would only accept unconditional surrender.
* The German Army was professional in the early days of the war when they were winning, ie. Their invasion and occupation of France did not include massive war crimes. Stalin had killed 8 million Ukranians prior to Germany's liberation of that country, I call it 'liberation' because most Ukranians (as Latvians) saw Germany as a liberator, again early on, they weren't so bad, better than Stalin.. and the fact that Stalin had committed these war crimes pretty much gave Germany a PASS to invade the Soviets.. I mean shit, we invaded Iraq and that has killed a million people for WMDs that weren't there and in retaliation for a terrorist attack that was carried out by Saudi Arabians(those people that are currently supporting ISIS).
* Robert McNamera once said that "If we had lost the war, (wwii) we would have all been tried as war criminals." In regards to the US Carpet Bombing of Axis countries during wwii.
* Germany's logic in starting wwii went something like this- The British, French, and even the US were imperialists and were dominating countries all over the world, so who are they to say we can't dominate eastern europe? AND, the Soviet Union was a disaster and was oppressing and killing millions of eastern europeans who wanted to be liberated so were going to bring them our 'better' non-communist system.. When you look at it from their perspective, it wasn't really that insane from a political perspective.

They should of all been Executed for War Crimes, They were Quite Savage in their dealings in WW 2...

Maybe I'm being an Ass@&$%, Mr. Peter

My mum told me the same. They should have been executed in the late 40's and early 50's but 80% of the Germans supported the Nazis and we had over 250,000 members of the Waffen SS and just only 35 were executed.

Merkel of Germany and the rest of the EU will just ignore them.
. PK where did you learn your WW2 History from that idiot in Iran, My god what a load of S$&@, if I've ever heard, it's cuz we carpet bombed, get back to school immediately, utter nonsense...
. An Iternment camp is not a Concentration Camp, basically appalled by your statement and Clouded Judgement, Now I can just ignore any reply I see on TV from you, Cheers, maybe too long in The Mooban...
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Not sure what all the fuss is about, they chose to fight against the occupying Soviets as they perceived the Nazis to be the lesser of two evils.

Being in the SS didn't automatically make a soldier a mass murderer.

Being SS doesn't mean youre automatically nazi. There were SS-soldiers that had nothing to do with the dark side of the ideology.[/quote. Your statement and agreement, Dumbfounds me, well at least I can just read past your reviews from now on, Geez, Too much Maboon Time, And Distortion of Facts
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Oh that's just freken great, so 80% of Germans should have been executed because they supported their country during a war.

A few other points, The deaths of 6 million Jews + some others is always used to 'prove' just how terrible Germany was during wwii.

Consider this-

* It was not Germany's intention to exterminate jews when they started wwii in order to create an empire (something that Napoleon's France and countless others had done throught history) This is something that happened AFTER the US entered the war and began to carpet bomb Germany. I have talked to 2 people who lives in German occupied Europe during wwii (one was in belgium and one in Amsterdam). They both said the same thing, at the begining of the war things were normal, as the war progressed and Germany started loosing, the situation became dark and there were massive food shortages. In fact the majority of the people that died in the concentration camps died of hunger and disease, not gas chambers.

* The US sent Japanese-Americans to concentration camps during wwii, would they have survived if say, Japan had developed an A-bomb and anihalated many american cities? We can't know that.

* As early as 1942, Germany was willing to negotiate an end to the war, the Allies would only accept unconditional surrender.

* The German Army was professional in the early days of the war when they were winning, ie. Their invasion and occupation of France did not include massive war crimes. Stalin had killed 8 million Ukranians prior to Germany's liberation of that country, I call it 'liberation' because most Ukranians (as Latvians) saw Germany as a liberator, again early on, they weren't so bad, better than Stalin.. and the fact that Stalin had committed these war crimes pretty much gave Germany a PASS to invade the Soviets.. I mean shit, we invaded Iraq and that has killed a million people for WMDs that weren't there and in retaliation for a terrorist attack that was carried out by Saudi Arabians(those people that are currently supporting ISIS).

* Robert McNamera once said that "If we had lost the war, (wwii) we would have all been tried as war criminals." In regards to the US Carpet Bombing of Axis countries during wwii.

* Germany's logic in starting wwii went something like this- The British, French, and even the US were imperialists and were dominating countries all over the world, so who are they to say we can't dominate eastern europe? AND, the Soviet Union was a disaster and was oppressing and killing millions of eastern europeans who wanted to be liberated so were going to bring them our 'better' non-communist system.. When you look at it from their perspective, it wasn't really that insane from a political perspective.

They should of all been Executed for War Crimes, They were Quite Savage in their dealings in WW 2...

Maybe I'm being an Ass@&$%, Mr. Peter

My mum told me the same. They should have been executed in the late 40's and early 50's but 80% of the Germans supported the Nazis and we had over 250,000 members of the Waffen SS and just only 35 were executed.

Merkel of Germany and the rest of the EU will just ignore them.

. For this to be a Popular , Distorted Reply , makes me want to giveup this TV Membership Card,555
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