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Nazi veterans annual parade kicks off in Latvia's capital


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Oh that's just freken great, so 80% of Germans should have been executed because they supported their country during a war.

A few other points, The deaths of 6 million Jews + some others is always used to 'prove' just how terrible Germany was during wwii.

Consider this-

* It was not Germany's intention to exterminate jews when they started wwii in order to create an empire (something that Napoleon's France and countless others had done throught history) This is something that happened AFTER the US entered the war and began to carpet bomb Germany. I have talked to 2 people who lives in German occupied Europe during wwii (one was in belgium and one in Amsterdam). They both said the same thing, at the begining of the war things were normal, as the war progressed and Germany started loosing, the situation became dark and there were massive food shortages. In fact the majority of the people that died in the concentration camps died of hunger and disease, not gas chambers.

* The US sent Japanese-Americans to concentration camps during wwii, would they have survived if say, Japan had developed an A-bomb and anihalated many american cities? We can't know that.

* As early as 1942, Germany was willing to negotiate an end to the war, the Allies would only accept unconditional surrender.

* The German Army was professional in the early days of the war when they were winning, ie. Their invasion and occupation of France did not include massive war crimes. Stalin had killed 8 million Ukranians prior to Germany's liberation of that country, I call it 'liberation' because most Ukranians (as Latvians) saw Germany as a liberator, again early on, they weren't so bad, better than Stalin.. and the fact that Stalin had committed these war crimes pretty much gave Germany a PASS to invade the Soviets.. I mean shit, we invaded Iraq and that has killed a million people for WMDs that weren't there and in retaliation for a terrorist attack that was carried out by Saudi Arabians(those people that are currently supporting ISIS).

* Robert McNamera once said that "If we had lost the war, (wwii) we would have all been tried as war criminals." In regards to the US Carpet Bombing of Axis countries during wwii.

* Germany's logic in starting wwii went something like this- The British, French, and even the US were imperialists and were dominating countries all over the world, so who are they to say we can't dominate eastern europe? AND, the Soviet Union was a disaster and was oppressing and killing millions of eastern europeans who wanted to be liberated so were going to bring them our 'better' non-communist system.. When you look at it from their perspective, it wasn't really that insane from a political perspective.

They should of all been Executed for War Crimes, They were Quite Savage in their dealings in WW 2...

Maybe I'm being an Ass@&$%, Mr. Peter

My mum told me the same. They should have been executed in the late 40's and early 50's but 80% of the Germans supported the Nazis and we had over 250,000 members of the Waffen SS and just only 35 were executed.

Merkel of Germany and the rest of the EU will just ignore them.

This is by far the most deluded post I have read.

To say the Nazis never intended to slaughter the millions they did and only started mass extermination after the US started carpet bombing them is utter drivel. You give the impression that it is therefore the fault of the US that this happened. The Wannasee conference was held in January 1942. The US had not started boming Germany at this stage. The US did not even declare war against Germany. They declared war against Japan after Pearl Harbor. It was the German's who declared war on the US.

You claim that things were normal in Europe until the Germans started losing the war. What about the Ghettos in Poland in 1939 when Germany was still at peace with Stalin and the war in the west was known as the phoney war as no one was actually fighting? Thousands of people rounded up and put in ghettos where there was no provision of food or medical care which led to a huge mortality rate. Is this the "normal" conditions you talk about. What about all of the jews rounded up in France before the US joined the war.

Have you heard about Mein Kampf? You really don't think this was insane from a political or moral stand point?

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I love the comment "an internment camp is not a concentration camp" and "get educated" or calling my post rubbish w/o disputing any specifics in the post.

Also consider the Edwin Black bookarrow-10x10.png "The Transfer Agreement" This bookarrow-10x10.png is about how Nazi Germany and Jewish groups particularly "Jewish Palestine" as the book describes it on it's cover in 1933, negotiated an agreements in which Jewish groups would drop their boycott's of Nazi Germany in exchange for resettlement policy. So were Jewish groups negotiating with a government who had already planned to exterminate ALL Jews in Europe? Also the wiki link provided below proves the point, that it wasn't until 1942(When Germany was already being bombed and Germany already knewas early as 1941 that they could not win once the americans got fully involved, they knew by 1942 that they would eventually lose), that the decision was made to send all the jews to the concentration camps. Germany was borrowing money from American banks in the 1930's prior to the start of wwii. Germany did not initiate genocide against jews in 1939 or 1941 when they were still winning the war or when the western front had reached stalemate. So logic dictates that had the US not entered the war, Germany would not have been loosing it, and therefore the "Final Solution" or the extermination of Jews would not have taken place. Millions of German's died following America's entry into the war, Germany knew that that allied bombers would start killing 100,000s of germans (if they wernt already doing so) by the time that the decision was made liquidate Jews.

The Fact is Germany started exterminating Jews AFTER the US entered the war, the US entered the war in 1941.

You have to consider that when you exterminate 6 million people you already have in ghettos and camps, you no longer have to feed them, you no longer have to guard them, you don't have to expend resources on them, by 1942 all these resources like food and medicine were running scarce.

And again, lets say japan annihilates Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Boston, etc. and in the aftermath the US Gov. does what with these 'Japs' they have in a concentration camp? In wwii the Allies did not distinguish between 'Jap' and 'Nazi' military or civilian, military targets were hit first simply because they were more valuable than civilian targets, when they had taken out most of the military targets, they then went after civilians targets like dresden or firebombing tokyo. Also consider that germany was under much more presure than the US was, the US made the decision to murder millions of german and japanese civilians even though germany and japan were not exterminating millions of american civilians, and actually NO america civilians were being killed.

Oh that's just freken great, so 80% of Germans should have been executed because they supported their country during a war.

A few other points, The deaths of 6 million Jews + some others is always used to 'prove' just how terrible Germany was during wwii.

Consider this-

* It was not Germany's intention to exterminate jews when they started wwii in order to create an empire (something that Napoleon's France and countless others had done throught history) This is something that happened AFTER the US entered the war and began to carpet bomb Germany. I have talked to 2 people who lives in German occupied Europe during wwii (one was in belgium and one in Amsterdam). They both said the same thing, at the begining of the war things were normal, as the war progressed and Germany started loosing, the situation became dark and there were massive food shortages. In fact the majority of the people that died in the concentration camps died of hunger and disease, not gas chambers.

* The US sent Japanese-Americans to concentration camps during wwii, would they have survived if say, Japan had developed an A-bomb and anihalated many american cities? We can't know that.

* As early as 1942, Germany was willing to negotiate an end to the war, the Allies would only accept unconditional surrender.

* The German Army was professional in the early days of the war when they were winning, ie. Their invasion and occupation of France did not include massive war crimes. Stalin had killed 8 million Ukranians prior to Germany's liberation of that country, I call it 'liberation' because most Ukranians (as Latvians) saw Germany as a liberator, again early on, they weren't so bad, better than Stalin.. and the fact that Stalin had committed these war crimes pretty much gave Germany a PASS to invade the Soviets.. I mean shit, we invaded Iraq and that has killed a million people for WMDs that weren't there and in retaliation for a terrorist attack that was carried out by Saudi Arabians(those people that are currently supporting ISIS).

* Robert McNamera once said that "If we had lost the war, (wwii) we would have all been tried as war criminals." In regards to the US Carpet Bombing of Axis countries during wwii.

* Germany's logic in starting wwii went something like this- The British, French, and even the US were imperialists and were dominating countries all over the world, so who are they to say we can't dominate eastern europe? AND, the Soviet Union was a disaster and was oppressing and killing millions of eastern europeans who wanted to be liberated so were going to bring them our 'better' non-communist system.. When you look at it from their perspective, it wasn't really that insane from a political perspective.

Hitler and his closest accomplices had indeed the goal to eliminate the Jews from what they understood as Germany's "Lebensraum".

You might want to read "Mein Kampf" and document yourself about the Wannsee conference.


Although they had first planned to deport Jews, it was Hitler who declared that in the perspective of a global war, the only possible "final solution" to the issue of the Jews was their extermination. Nobody forced him.

Edited by pkspeaker
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The alternative was a concentration camp or slave labour camp. I believe only about 10% were actual volunteers.


All these comments from people who never saw the war , or had the priviledge to be born of parents who experienced it seperated from the whole mess by seas or Channels

There was virtually no choice for these veterans who would have been mere boys back then , and like the Fins , who came out so badly off by the end of the war , while having been embroiled in it near the start , Stalin was the great enemy , and anyone opposing that monster ( who annihalted 10 million of his own ) was the greatest of enemies to their own small nations

They are peaceful democracies today ( unlike Russia ) and even their own leaders recognize the sacrifices those kids made!

Exactly wrong.

The Waffen SS had a number of non German units made up from volunteers from a surprising number of countries.

Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Galicia, Georgia, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Asian Regiment, Arab Regiment, USA and Britain.

The people sent to concentration camps and slave labour camps would never have been allowed to join the SS as they were considered to be sub human. To say their only alternative to the concentration camp was to join the SS is false.

Only recruits sworn in after 1943 were considered involuntary and were afforded the rights of veterans denied to the rest of the SS who were considered to be war criminals. Strangely enough the majority of the mass killings took place before the end of 1943 when membership of the SS was still voluntary.

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Not sure what all the fuss is about, they chose to fight against the occupying Soviets as they perceived the Nazis to be the lesser of two evils.

Being in the SS didn't automatically make a soldier a mass murderer.

Being SS doesn't mean youre automatically nazi. There were SS-soldiers that had nothing to do with the dark side of the ideology.[/quote. Your statement and agreement, Dumbfounds me, well at least I can just read past your reviews from now on, Geez, Too much Maboon Time, And Distortion of Facts

Rubbish, Germany voted the Nazi party in,they all,and I mean ALL new about what was going on. ( the whole nation ) Thats the reason they have money deducted every month from there pay packet. To cover the cost of maintaining the shaden they caused by their greed.

Leopard and spots,,,,you have been warned

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The difference between Nazis and Commies or if you prefer between National Socialism and International Socialism is:

- Nazis were defeated;

- Nazis went to trial and were convicted;

- Nazi countries have developed economically, socially and politically.

- Commies have not been defeated;

- Not one Commie went to trial;

- Commie countries have never developed into anything 'good'.

Edited by ABCer
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Not sure what all the fuss is about, they chose to fight against the occupying Soviets as they perceived the Nazis to be the lesser of two evils.

Being in the SS didn't automatically make a soldier a mass murderer.
Being SS doesn't mean youre automatically nazi. There were SS-soldiers that had nothing to do with the dark side of the ideology.[/quote. Your statement and agreement, Dumbfounds me, well at least I can just read past your reviews from now on, Geez, Too much Maboon Time, And Distortion of Facts

Rubbish, Germany voted the Nazi party in,they all,and I mean ALL new about what was going on. ( the whole nation ) Thats the reason they have money deducted every month from there pay packet. To cover the cost of maintaining the shaden they caused by their greed.
Leopard and spots,,,,you have been warned

Foreign, non german SS-soldiers from Finland joined to fight against the Russians that invaded Finland and were a threat to Finland during the WWII years.

Im sure other foreign, non-germans from other countries joined SS to fight Russian expansion.
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Both grandfathers of my Swedish-Finnish friend joined SS only to fight the Russians. But parading as a SS-Nazi or Nazi today is a disgrace.

Trust the Russian news agency to distort it. The day is considered a commemoration day for the people who died for their country at WWII.

You will not see any people in SS uniforms nor glorification of Nazis in this parade. Mostly just old people who leave some flowers at the Freedom Monument. As some here have explained already, most of these troops were forcefully mobilized with only a small percentage of volunteers. And many of them indeed perceived the German army as liberators. After all, it was Russia that invaded and occupied Latvia in 1940 and started mass deportations in 1941.

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Not sure what all the fuss is about, they chose to fight against the occupying Soviets as they perceived the Nazis to be the lesser of two evils.

Being in the SS didn't automatically make a soldier a mass murderer.

it wasn't about Soviets , They committed War Crimes against fellow countrymen, Google is your friend, Geez

Actually, it very much was. MUCH hate for the Soviets in the Baltic States. And Stalin & Hitler were birds of a feather. The only difference was, Stalin ended up on the winning side (not that he started out that way...).

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Oh that's just freken great, so 80% of Germans should have been executed because they supported their country during a war.

A few other points, The deaths of 6 million Jews + some others is always used to 'prove' just how terrible Germany was during wwii.

Consider this-

* It was not Germany's intention to exterminate jews when they started wwii in order to create an empire (something that Napoleon's France and countless others had done throught history) This is something that happened AFTER the US entered the war and began to carpet bomb Germany. I have talked to 2 people who lives in German occupied Europe during wwii (one was in belgium and one in Amsterdam). They both said the same thing, at the begining of the war things were normal, as the war progressed and Germany started loosing, the situation became dark and there were massive food shortages. In fact the majority of the people that died in the concentration camps died of hunger and disease, not gas chambers.

* The US sent Japanese-Americans to concentration camps during wwii, would they have survived if say, Japan had developed an A-bomb and anihalated many american cities? We can't know that.

* As early as 1942, Germany was willing to negotiate an end to the war, the Allies would only accept unconditional surrender.

* The German Army was professional in the early days of the war when they were winning, ie. Their invasion and occupation of France did not include massive war crimes. Stalin had killed 8 million Ukranians prior to Germany's liberation of that country, I call it 'liberation' because most Ukranians (as Latvians) saw Germany as a liberator, again early on, they weren't so bad, better than Stalin.. and the fact that Stalin had committed these war crimes pretty much gave Germany a PASS to invade the Soviets.. I mean shit, we invaded Iraq and that has killed a million people for WMDs that weren't there and in retaliation for a terrorist attack that was carried out by Saudi Arabians(those people that are currently supporting ISIS).

* Robert McNamera once said that "If we had lost the war, (wwii) we would have all been tried as war criminals." In regards to the US Carpet Bombing of Axis countries during wwii.

* Germany's logic in starting wwii went something like this- The British, French, and even the US were imperialists and were dominating countries all over the world, so who are they to say we can't dominate eastern europe? AND, the Soviet Union was a disaster and was oppressing and killing millions of eastern europeans who wanted to be liberated so were going to bring them our 'better' non-communist system.. When you look at it from their perspective, it wasn't really that insane from a political perspective.

They should of all been Executed for War Crimes, They were Quite Savage in their dealings in WW 2...

Maybe I'm being an Ass@&$%, Mr. Peter

My mum told me the same. They should have been executed in the late 40's and early 50's but 80% of the Germans supported the Nazis and we had over 250,000 members of the Waffen SS and just only 35 were executed.

Merkel of Germany and the rest of the EU will just ignore them.

Well said. Amusing to see people with secondary school victor propaganda under their belts telling the rest of us to research some 'facts'. However, the German leadership was in constant contact, or attempted contact with the UK right from the beginning of Britain's putative attempt to support Polish independence. That turned out well for Poland didn't it? The real reasons are becoming clearer and the mass of opinion is shifting away from the fabrications of the victors. And shouting at me won't change a thing, look up some facts.

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Not sure what all the fuss is about, they chose to fight against the occupying Soviets as they perceived the Nazis to be the lesser of two evils.

Being in the SS didn't automatically make a soldier a mass murderer.

Being SS doesn't mean youre automatically nazi. There were SS-soldiers that had nothing to do with the dark side of the ideology.[/quote. Your statement and agreement, Dumbfounds me, well at least I can just read past your reviews from now on, Geez, Too much Maboon Time, And Distortion of Facts

Dont talk so much sxxx, they were all Nazis. It was part of the regulations to become a SS solder you must be a Nazi Fxxxxxx Swine all of them

So all Vietnem vets are babykilling rapists?

First I dont know what you are on about, as far as Nam is concerned what did you do there??

Ok, so you are Nam vet.

Doesnt make you a expert.

And I dont tip my hat.

I was in Hanoi about a year ago.

I had pho everyday.

No I am not a Nam vet,and not an expert. But nothing changes,they where all Nazi scum. Sure most were not in the Death camps ( have you been to one? ) Scum

still scum...

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RockyBeerbelly, {quote} "...and actually it is rather disturbing for me to laugh..."

No argument here... I am also disturbed by your laughter... Cannot compete with the number of 'smilies' you print... Pathetic that you understand my post back-to-front or up-side-down... So, just for you - a point of clarification... Nazis of West Germany went to trial, West Germany was rebuilt into 'something good'... East Germany became an International Socialist buddy of USSR... hence nothing'good' except a Berlin Wall... Your "deduction" that I prefer Nazis to Commies is wrong... But I am afraid that your next idea will be that I favor Commies over Nazis... You will be wrong again... Do try to use your head next time you post.

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RockyBeerbelly, {quote} "...and actually it is rather disturbing for me to laugh..." No argument here... I am also disturbed by your laughter... Cannot compete with the number of 'smilies' you print... Pathetic that you understand my post back-to-front or up-side-down... So, just for you - a point of clarification... Nazis of West Germany went to trial, West Germany was rebuilt into 'something good'... East Germany became an International Socialist buddy of USSR... hence nothing'good' except a Berlin Wall... Your "deduction" that I prefer Nazis to Commies is wrong... But I am afraid that your next idea will be that I favor Commies over Nazis... You will be wrong again... Do try to use your head next time you post.

You mean the ring leaders went on trial, the rest got away scott free, Thats the truth, Something good !! that I am not so sure about,but we can hope.

If you are a west German you know that most wanted the Wall rebuilt 10 years later FACT. The real truth is Germany is trying to do the same,but this time

finacially. But the Forth Reich is failing,the EU and the Euro will fold,and the sooner the better for everyone.

The leopard and its spots.

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You don't even bother to read and inform yourself about history but dare to make ignorant comments.

The history is they were and are the lowest scum on this earth Fxxx your history, You are well well out of your depth old chap,so crawl back into the hole you came from

hey nutjob

Conscript divisions

Soldiers from Estonia and Latvia were not volunteers%5B6%5D but conscripts which the German authorities had denied their wish to form national military units allied to Germany. Under such circumstances, these had either volunteered to the Wehrmacht and had later been forced into the Waffen-SS or were illegally conscripted by general mobilisations.%5B7%5D In an April 13, 1950 message from the U.S. High Commission in Germany (HICOG), signed by General Frank McCloy to the Secretary of State, clarified the US position on the "Baltic Legions": they were not to be seen as "movements", "volunteer", or "SS". In short, they were not given the training, indoctrination, and induction normally given to SS members. Subsequently the US Displaced Persons Commission in September 1950 declared that

The governments of the Baltic states consider these men to have been freedom fighters against communism.%5B7%5D

The Baltic Waffen-SS Units (Baltic Legions) are to be considered as separate and distinct in purpose, ideology, activities, and qualifications for membership from the German SS, and therefore the Commission holds them not to be a movement hostile to the Government of the United States.

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They should of all been Executed for War Crimes, They were Quite Savage in their dealings in WW 2...

Maybe I'm being an Ass@&$%, Mr. Peter

They had no choice ... both my grandfather's where forced to fight in WW2 .. if you refused the man with the funny mustache ..you would have been executed on the spot. So choice a.) Obey or b.) Put a gun against your head..pull the trigger now your dead...

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RockyBeerbelly, {quote} "...and actually it is rather disturbing for me to laugh..." No argument here... I am also disturbed by your laughter... Cannot compete with the number of 'smilies' you print... Pathetic that you understand my post back-to-front or up-side-down... So, just for you - a point of clarification... Nazis of West Germany went to trial, West Germany was rebuilt into 'something good'... East Germany became an International Socialist buddy of USSR... hence nothing'good' except a Berlin Wall... Your "deduction" that I prefer Nazis to Commies is wrong... But I am afraid that your next idea will be that I favor Commies over Nazis... You will be wrong again... Do try to use your head next time you post.

You mean the ring leaders went on trial, the rest got away scott free, Thats the truth, Something good !! that I am not so sure about,but we can hope.

If you are a west German you know that most wanted the Wall rebuilt 10 years later FACT. The real truth is Germany is trying to do the same,but this time

finacially. But the Forth Reich is failing,the EU and the Euro will fold,and the sooner the better for everyone.

The leopard and its spots.

Unless (like me) you where born in East Germany the fled the russian inflicted non functional communism and the country ..you cannot seriously comment on what Germans want to rebuild. Fact is there is no more east or west but a free and united people that carry to this day the guilt of some Austrian madman with confused vision. (See mein kampf for refference)

The German Civilians and children that where conscripted into the Reichs armee had no choice . Be executed on the spot or go fight.

You are a presumptuous little twerp aren't you ? " The rest got away scott free " You should be ashamed of yourself . You comments are based on what exactly ? " The fourth Reich" ?

Is it because you're crap at football ? Or because you can't build great cars?

Germany to this day takes on more asylum seekers than any other country and still manages to be the top Country in Europe .. whilst bailing others out of kwai stuff.

Go back to your beef and keep dreaming your fantasies you fool!!!

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I hope the EU are happy about their partner.

I wonder if they also join the Nazi parade.

People seem to forget very easy, about the millions killed during WWII and the Holocaust.

I don't, and I will never forget as long as I live and made sure my kids will never forget either.

Maybe don't forget also that in the USA far more Red Indians got killed than Hitler ever killed Jews.

To make assumptions that every german is a Nazi is not just immature it is also disgracefull of you.

Anyway Hitler was Austrian not German !

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Both grandfathers of my Swedish-Finnish friend joined SS only to fight the Russians. But parading as a SS-Nazi or Nazi today is a disgrace.

Trust the Russian news agency to distort it. The day is considered a commemoration day for the people who died for their country at WWII.

You will not see any people in SS uniforms nor glorification of Nazis in this parade. Mostly just old people who leave some flowers at the Freedom Monument. As some here have explained already, most of these troops were forcefully mobilized with only a small percentage of volunteers. And many of them indeed perceived the German army as liberators. After all, it was Russia that invaded and occupied Latvia in 1940 and started mass deportations in 1941.

Don't forget that Russia forced the Latvians to speak only russian and until recently it was illegal to speak in their native tongue.

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They should of all been Executed for War Crimes, They were Quite Savage in their dealings in WW 2...

Maybe I'm being an Ass@&$%, Mr. Peter

My mum told me the same. They should have been executed in the late 40's and early 50's but 80% of the Germans supported the Nazis and we had over 250,000 members of the Waffen SS and just only 35 were executed.

Merkel of Germany and the rest of the EU will just ignore them.

Good for your mum ... your figures are out by a mile or 12 though!

Here is a bit of real education for you, the reasons the Germans where at first so supportive of Hitler was because they where feed lies on t.v. etc etc .. As far as Mrs Merkel is concerned ,as a fellow east german who has lived through the poverty in East Germany, brought on by Russia. .you cannot possibly make such comments because you sound like you need educating.

And who is Merkel of Germany ? I wasn't aware that there where more than one...

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RockyBeerbelly, {quote} "...and actually it is rather disturbing for me to laugh..." No argument here... I am also disturbed by your laughter... Cannot compete with the number of 'smilies' you print... Pathetic that you understand my post back-to-front or up-side-down... So, just for you - a point of clarification... Nazis of West Germany went to trial, West Germany was rebuilt into 'something good'... East Germany became an International Socialist buddy of USSR... hence nothing'good' except a Berlin Wall... Your "deduction" that I prefer Nazis to Commies is wrong... But I am afraid that your next idea will be that I favor Commies over Nazis... You will be wrong again... Do try to use your head next time you post.

You mean the ring leaders went on trial, the rest got away scott free, Thats the truth, Something good !! that I am not so sure about,but we can hope.

If you are a west German you know that most wanted the Wall rebuilt 10 years later FACT. The real truth is Germany is trying to do the same,but this time

finacially. But the Forth Reich is failing,the EU and the Euro will fold,and the sooner the better for everyone.

The leopard and its spots.

Unless (like me) you where born in East Germany the fled the russian inflicted non functional communism and the country ..you cannot seriously comment on what Germans want to rebuild. Fact is there is no more east or west but a free and united people that carry to this day the guilt of some Austrian madman with confused vision. (See mein kampf for refference)

The German Civilians and children that where conscripted into the Reichs armee had no choice . Be executed on the spot or go fight.

You are a presumptuous little twerp aren't you ? " The rest got away scott free " You should be ashamed of yourself . You comments are based on what exactly ? " The fourth Reich" ?

Is it because you're crap at football ? Or because you can't build great cars?

Germany to this day takes on more asylum seekers than any other country and still manages to be the top Country in Europe .. whilst bailing others out of kwai stuff.

Go back to your beef and keep dreaming your fantasies you fool!!!

WELL there we have it, Truth hurts, As I said a leopard and spots. Its you who should be ashamed. And bailing others out ?? you mean buying up countys.

after trapping them in a finacial prison, Yes you think you are the top country in Europe,That we all know. But very far from the truth

Now go away and repent for all the misery you have caused in the last 150 years,and pray to god for the atrocity you and your country inflicted on the Jews

and other people.

A SS solder was and is a Nazi Period

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They should of all been Executed for War Crimes, They were Quite Savage in their dealings in WW 2...

Maybe I'm being an Ass@&$%, Mr. Peter

They had no choice ... both my grandfather's where forced to fight in WW2 .. if you refused the man with the funny mustache ..you would have been executed on the spot. So choice a.) Obey or b.) Put a gun against your head..pull the trigger now your dead...

I put a gun against his head,pulled the trigger now he is dead,, Mama etc etc Very original words :)

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RockyBeerbelly, {quote} "...and actually it is rather disturbing for me to laugh..." No argument here... I am also disturbed by your laughter... Cannot compete with the number of 'smilies' you print... Pathetic that you understand my post back-to-front or up-side-down... So, just for you - a point of clarification... Nazis of West Germany went to trial, West Germany was rebuilt into 'something good'... East Germany became an International Socialist buddy of USSR... hence nothing'good' except a Berlin Wall... Your "deduction" that I prefer Nazis to Commies is wrong... But I am afraid that your next idea will be that I favor Commies over Nazis... You will be wrong again... Do try to use your head next time you post.

Just to make it clear again; the opposite of National Socialism is International Socialism. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Hitlers flavour of national socialism promote human abuse, discrimination, persecution and killing of people that isnt identified to belong to the nations profile. Communism no matter flavour is against human nature since humans like competing by accumulating possesions and money.

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They should of all been Executed for War Crimes, They were Quite Savage in their dealings in WW 2...

Maybe I'm being an Ass@&$%, Mr. Peter

My mum told me the same. They should have been executed in the late 40's and early 50's but 80% of the Germans supported the Nazis and we had over 250,000 members of the Waffen SS and just only 35 were executed.

Merkel of Germany and the rest of the EU will just ignore them.

Good for your mum ... your figures are out by a mile or 12 though!

Here is a bit of real education for you, the reasons the Germans where at first so supportive of Hitler was because they where feed lies on t.v. etc etc .. As far as Mrs Merkel is concerned ,as a fellow east german who has lived through the poverty in East Germany, brought on by Russia. .you cannot possibly make such comments because you sound like you need educating.

And who is Merkel of Germany ? I wasn't aware that there where more than one...

Bet you are from Salzwedel :) Merkel Merkel Merkel The end is near. End of the D Euro End of the 4th Reich End of the unelected EU

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Here is a bit of real education for you, the reasons the Germans where at first so supportive of Hitler was because they where feed lies on t.v. etc etc .. As far as Mrs Merkel is concerned ,as a fellow east german who has lived through the poverty in East Germany, brought on by Russia. .you cannot possibly make such comments because you sound like you need educating.

Sounds like you might be the one that needs a bit of education.

The first commercially made electronic televisions with cathode ray tubes were manufactured by Telefunken in Germany in 1934,[9][10] followed by other makers in France (1936),[11] Britain (1936),[12] and America (1938).[13][14]The cheapest model with a 12-inch (30 cm) screen was $445 (equivalent to $7,456 in 2015).[15] An estimated 19,000 electronic televisions were manufactured in Britain, and about 1,600 in Germany, before World War II


I have highlighted the relevant part or you. Cheapest model $445 and only about 1600 made before WW2. Not many Germans could have afforded a TV prior to WW2.

However the were fed a pack of lies, but that had nothing to do with the real reasons of mass unemployment, rampant inflation and the economic mess that Germany as in from 1933 when Hitler became Chancellor.

But they were certainly not fed that propaganda by TV.

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