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Selling Timeshare In Thailand

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Just what we need, more time share hawkers...

Why is this negative attitude regarding timeshare so prevelant? Is it the product or the sales tactics or other?

I have nothing against time share agents - as long as their entrails are cut out with a blunt knife then hanged by them at the nearest tree while they are still half alive.......

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A friend of mine is selling timeshare.

But at her company they don't call it timeshare.

They call it 'Vacation Club'

But I think it's kinda like you get retired folks to think that if you want to take your kids here once a year for a week how much you're gonna have to pay for all those... blah blah.

I don't think foreigner will make a lot of money and can get work permit from this kind of business.

But maybe you're feeling lucky :o

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My wife and I went to a sales pitch in Bali......I felt sorry for the kid (Balinese) accosting in frony of Kuta McDonalds......it was a way away by the time we'd been taken there I already wanted to leave :o nice appartment though, the wife had her photo taken in the kitchen she was so impressed :D , but do they make it hard to say no......they kept bringing over another salesperson :D who then takes you to the next stage and if you listen for an hour you will get a prize.....thankfully we had no money to be parted from so we were the wrong people in the first place.

Tippy still remembers our lovely :D wasted afternoon and we still have the photo. Since then we run from these kind of people :D For the original poster.....do yourself a favour don't join them it's the worst kind of sales culture there is....

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I get a kick out of baiting the timeshare scammers when on holiday in Pattaya & Phuket.

Pretend like you're an easy mark and get them to call you at the hotel with a wrong room number. When they eventually get the right room number , ask them to call back later. Keep repeating that for awhile and wasting their time.

Then when you're ready, find out where their offices are (for use later) and ask constant annoying questions so they keep having to repeat themselves but always appear to be just on "the edge" of an office visit or being sold on it.

When they start getting tired of you and realise their not going to make a sale, launch into a tirade of verbale abuse ( "you're the scum of the earth etc). Normally they'll abuse you right back and show their true colors. Threaten to call the tourist police and hang up (this gets rid of them quick smart).

Next, ring up their boss or visit the office. Explain that you were on the verge of making a big purchase and telling all your friends to do the same but you were insulted by the salesman.

Loads of fun.

Edited by Simmo
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Timeshares are a scam because:

1. The Agents create the illusion that the buyer may sell his unit whenever he pleases, for a reasonable price, many even say the value appreciates over the years. In fact, those that try to sell their time shares units may get as little as 20% of the price they paid. If you really want to buy a timeshare unit, don't buy them from an agent, buy from a desperate owner.

2. The biggest problem is the maintenance fees. Some places even raise them over the years. And if you refuse to pay maintainance fees, then you lose the time share unit.

This is a scam and the agents who sell them should be ready to be treated as scam (there are going to very angry people after you :o) By the way, AFAIK, sales is not a profession for which you can get a WP as a foreigner, even in theory. You can manage sales, supervise sales, but not to be a "sales person".

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who cares if a foriegner makes a few bucks selling them?

It's a sleaze business that in Thailand makes NO SENSE for the consumer!

Why does it make more sense?

I guess in the example that was given where the guy could have gotten the same place for 12,000 baht a week and he paid a $12,000 fee plus 12,000 Baht a month, it is obvious.

But even Mariott and some of the other upscale places are in on it. I would venture to say that there are good and bad deals and that combined with the sales tactics really turns people off.

I was at the Marriott Resort Phuket last month with my wife and son. They were selling timeshares and were offering 4000 Baht gift certificates to meet with a sales Rep. I signed up and it was very low key, no pressure, no formal presentation, no high pressure. Just sat for 15 minutes and chatted with the sales Rep who was an American. Said no thanks, was handed the 4000 and went on my way. For the right person it may actually not have been a bad deal. BTW We stayed there only because I had a free gift certificate for 5 nights. A little to expensive for me. And the 4000 Bt certificate had virtually no restrictions. Ended up ordering a few great meals with room service and bought a 1K Bht bottle of wine. But that's the Marriott.

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Hmmmm for 10 years use of your "timeshare" for a week a year .... that's about 60k a week (call it 2 weeks and that is 30k a week) and likely almost 0 liklihood of selling it off ....... Plus you are often stuck with just that one place to go to ... etc etc ...

My rent on a decent house in Phuket would be paid for more than 6MONTHS with that!

(based on the above figures of a 12kUSD purchase and $300 USD/yr service)

Well, many people were cheated with time-sharing contracts all around the Med Sea. You must be aware that you only pay for the right to use the facility which means in most of the cases you don't own anything (no property of land, building etc.). And you have to check out with all the other "share holders" if your personal schedule fits. If you want to go somewwhere else you might exchange this right with others but many times the facilities are not worth it. Additional fees as described before makes it very expensive, too. Think yourself! :o

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It's a Great job if you have the hustle for it. You have to be able to close and to sell, in that order. It builds confidence in your ability to influance pepole, and if you ever wanted to develop these skills, Time Share sales will make a man out of ya quick.

And yes they do help you with a legal work permit once you have proven your self not to be a bum who just wants to make enough money to "stay in Thailand". And speaking of money, Who the hel_l wants to teach a bunch of screaming brat kids for 40,000 baht a month when you can make that on a very good day, or a normal week?

As far as the pepole that run the industry they are the most shadey, racisit, drug addled bunch I have ever seen in my life. But if you work the deck you do it for you and no one else. Take the sales and closesing skills they can teach you and make it work for you, and just try not to get close with the owners.

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It's a Great job if you have the hustle for it. You have to be able to close and to sell, in that order. It builds confidence in your ability to influance pepole,

Obviously the job didn't build any of your spelling skills.

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Again ... it is an awful scam! particularly in Thailand where the cost makes it far more expnsive than the value provided!

as for CaptSpellingChamp there are far better ways to make legit $$ in sales than selling scams!

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They even make English teachers who can't teach themselves out of a paper bag and have fake degrees look good. They make sexpats look like the upper crust.

You see, time share sleazeballs are doing a public service!

Edited by Thaiquila
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I think the Teachers in Thailand that work without proper paperwork nor qualifications are by far worse. Poor kids.

Wish I WOULDN'T meet them in a bar being drunk and up teaching in the morning with a nice alocoholic breath.

Not talking about the Qualified bunch out there but about the other 99% of teaching scam artists that only teach to stay here without proper education.

My 2 cents.

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For 'Thaiquila', re post #14:

Thank you for causing me to have a lovely trip down Memory Lane to when I, too, was 23.

It was in Calgary, Alberta, and I tried myself at selling encyclopaedias door-to-door on my days off from an electronics job where I only got days off on weekdays.

We started work at 3:00 pm and had a training session. In that we had to give our spiel, and be criticised by the others. Then one of the 'old hands' would give a lecturette on an aspect such as 'warm up', 'keeping the flow', 'buying signs', 'closing', or 'getting out'.

Then we went out to the evening's 'patch'.

I didn't sell many encyclopaedias, but it was great experience. The confidence to do 'cold calling' is an asset, the observation of a wide variety of people within their homes isn't something that most people get, and the memories of the motley crew of colleague salespeople has been treasured.

Also, most valuably, it taught me to be 'sales resistant'.

Ah, the rich tapestry of life.

PS I was a young, married, faithful husband. But, even in 1958, it was surprising how many of my colleagues 'scored' whilst (not) selling an encyclopaedia.

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I think the Teachers in Thailand that work without proper paperwork nor qualifications are by far worse. Poor kids.

Wish I WOULDN'T meet them in a bar being drunk and up teaching in the morning with a nice alocoholic breath.

Not talking about the Qualified bunch out there but about the other 99% of teaching scam artists that only teach to stay here without proper education.

My 2 cents.

Agree 100%.

Next time you hit that freak of nature with bar chair, do not hesitate to PM me - I'll arrange your alibi.

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.... paid $12,000 for it. He also pays 12,000 baht per year MAINTENANCE. This MAINTENANCE FEE alone would cover his one-bedroom unit in View Talay Residence for the one week per year and he would never have had to pay the $12,000 in the first place--but he did not ask me first place

:D Well spoken! What bothers me is: the way some use a scam to pull unaware people into this - the "You've won!" scam - poeple are made to believe that they have 'won' one week in Bali, Hawai, Fidji, name it....and then they are pestered to sign up...only $12.000 :o but you made it clear already...!

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Selling timeshares is legal. It's hard to find customers, specially without experience and without other incomes to survive. Of course if you can find real customers regularly (1-2 times/week) you can obtain a work permit too.

I think it could be a good secondary job (and income) if you meet daily a lot of people with your primal job.

The primal job is the hardest thing to find, specially without big savings..

Sorry to say unless the laws have changed over the last 4 years selling time shares anywhere in the kingdom is definately ILLEGAL. This is directly from a manager of one of the businesses aswell as a Thai lawyer. When I confronted the the manager of such a business he confessed that they were not really selling time shares at all. He put it in different terms then showed me the door with alot of concern. A few months later I saw a Bangkok post article that mentioned several foreigners being deported for selling time shares "an illegal activity". So check the laws carefully.

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Well I just had to post after reading some of the replies on timeshare......

(in my opinion)....

1) You can make a lot of money -several of the top paid employees in the State of Hawaii are Marriott timeshare salespeople upto (0.5 million a year USD. There are also opportunities in Asia. ( I earned over 4 million baht per year for last 3 years in Thailand) I'm sorry to upset anyone for that true piece of info for those hard working teachers and people who hate timeshare and probably can't afford them anyway! :o

2) Like any product (cars - 2nd hand cars with hidden problems versus Rolls Royce) there are good and bad. Some are a rip off and some are not. Do people really think companies such as Hyatt, Hilton, Marriott, Sheraton, Westin would sell and rip off their frequent stayers who give them billions in corporate stays in hotel side....urgh... no. Are there a lot of dodgy companies out there? Yes.

3) There are many advantages if you buy the right ones and if you get to know the system....in the top quality companies, 30-40 % are repeat purchasers who add more weeks or refer friends or family. Would they do that if there wasn't something worthwhile about it.

4) It is not for backpackers or budget travellers to buy. Of course you can stay cheaper. You can get a room in KSR for 250 baht. However can you get a 2-3 bed 5 star in Phuket in High season for 250 baht? Of course not. You are looking at 2 hotel rooms if you need it for family of 4,5,6 people....in Phuket that in the region of 2x $200 X 7 nights , oh plus 18.7% room tax = $3334 a week.

This is the return on timeshare. Not the resale. Lets say your maintenance is $500 per year you are recouping $ 2834 on the hotel stays you would have had to pay anyway. On your $12k example that is a 5 year payback ! That is why some smart business people buy them and its a huge growth market as more of the top end companies get involved.

Of course, the sales tactics by the on street people and the sales people can be ott and usually is.

This is more the case when you are dealing with lower companies as the product does not then stack up so they push too hard.(plus they dont get any income if they dont sell)

My advice for jobhunters who are ethical and want to earn a lot of money, is go for it if you have a decent product and are confident in your ability to relate well and listen to people and present your product and handle a lot of rejection. That is what good salespeople are about, not closing and hard selling.

Do research on the company, how many years its been going etc to make sure it has a decent record and isnt featured too often on crimeshare! make sure the reosrt is god quality. unfortunately, most big brands are not yet in Thailand, or Asia, but they will be.

I will now eagerly wait the torrent of anti timeshare replies, some of which I agree with!

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.... paid $12,000 for it. He also pays 12,000 baht per year MAINTENANCE. This MAINTENANCE FEE alone would cover his one-bedroom unit in View Talay Residence for the one week per year and he would never have had to pay the $12,000 in the first place--but he did not ask me first place

:D Well spoken! What bothers me is: the way some use a scam to pull unaware people into this - the "You've won!" scam - poeple are made to believe that they have 'won' one week in Bali, Hawai, Fidji, name it....and then they are pestered to sign up...only $12.000 :o but you made it clear already...!

May be you have a good court case check the law carefully.

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I often see the people on beach road and walking street stopping people for a survey. I was wondering if they are anything to do with the time share companies

The reason I ask is that I was stopped once and completed a survey, with a false name and phone number of course just so that the young chap could earn his commision for a completed survey.

Next thing he brings out a scratch card and told me that to win a prize, these are the top prizes, either 10,000bhat cash, or a dream vacation. I needed to get three matching elephants, and then the prizes got smaller for three matching other shapes, then the first one there was no prize.

He then told me look I will give you one more go, then three elephants where scratched of, He started jumping up and down like he had just one the lotto, and told me that I had won the major prize.

He then told me I needed to come with him to collect it at Jomtien, then he said wait till I call a car with driver.

I thought something is wrong here, I told him look I had to go and if he gives me the address I will collect it.

He then started to look all upset and annoyed. and said why not now, normally if someone wins the first prize they normally want to collect it quickly.

I then smelt a rat and just walked off. He came running after me and gave me a card with the address and my winning scratch card.

I thanked him. I was going to check it out but could not be bothered.

Edited by mbiggs
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I often see the people on beach road and walking street stopping people for a survey. I was wondering if they are anything to do with the time share companies

The reason I ask is that I was stopped once and completed a survey, with a false name and phone number of course just so that the young chap could earn his commision for a completed survey.

Next thing he brings out a scratch card and told me that to win a prize, these are the top prizes, either 10,000bhat cash, or a dream vacation. I needed to get three matching elephants, and then the prizes got smaller for three matching other shapes, then the first one there was no prize.

He then told me look I will give you one more go, then three elephants where scratched of, He started jumping up and down like he had just one the lotto, and told me that I had won the major prize.

He then told me I needed to come with him to collect it at Jomtien, then he said wait till I call a car with driver.

I thought something is wrong here, I told him look I had to go and if he gives me the address I will collect it.

He then started to look all upset and annoyed. and said why not now, normally if someone wins the first prize they normally want to collect it quickly.

I then smelt a rat and just walked off. He came running after me and gave me a card with the address and my winning scratch card.

I thanked him. I was going to check it out but could not be bothered.

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Two reasosn why Timeshare, actually 3, sellers are cagey, sneaky cunning scoundrels that should be avoided at all costs. I would rather catch herpes than deal with a timeshare person in Los.

Firstly a friend of mine shared an office a few years ago with a team of timeshare guys, team being 2. One was i think swiss, the other nigerian.

Sitting in the office and listening to these sleazebags conversations on how to pull the wool over their customers eyes was interesting.

Secondly the pain in the arse 'tourist survey' people onSukhumvit are just plain annoying day in and day out, they cannot tell you up front what they are doing, they have to disguise it in a scam to make you feel good about winning some non existant crappy prize. Pains in the arse and to embarrassed to tell the truth up front.

Thirdly, a reply to a so called timeshare saleman on here some time ago, simply resulted in his getting his back up and trying to defend his sleazy proffession.

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I worked in TS for 15 years and made some good coin while seeing the world for free..... 95% of the posts here are full of S*^T.... yes you can get a work permit if you are any good and no it is not illegal in LOS and has never been..... but as expected everyone has a third hand story about a friend of a friend and no real facts...... but you get used to that when you work in the industry.

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Yes you need thick skin while looking people in the face and spinning tall tails !!

spinning tall tails.... you must mean tall tales.....get it right.

as i said if you are any good..... you dont have to tell tales you close peoples objections on the facts.... and if you are useless you lie..... I had the best sales training in the world.... after working in TS you can sell anything to anyone..... i don't regret a single day..... i am now a sucessful MD of a million dollar company in Singapore after getting head hunted working for a TS resort...... thank you TS for all I was taught.

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