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Who was the supposed third unidentified person who may have shot him, the village ghost, I don't understand why he would not stop, so if that bit is true then he caused his own karma to take over


How Police do it in your home countries? They SHOOT too!!!


Same same!!! If you not stop this shit can be happen!!!

The different is that in Thailand they all the time lies and tell crazy BS.

I mean in every movie you can see that the Police shoot you if you don't stop. So no one can tell "I DON'T KNOW THAT POLICE DO IT!!!"

It's your own fault if you try to drive away.

The stories you posted via the link all relate to driving through roadblocks AND a chase ensuing. In addition, the second story posted occurred in a high security area, (Hello? The White House post 9/11) If you had read the article, it sounds like a sad case of suicide by cop. The mother was depressed and ran red lights, smashed through barricades. Nothing like that in the Thai story.

I stopped reading at Kenya. Who gives a crap what they do there. Africa is about as corrupt as Thailand. And Mexico? Come on, man.

No story I read dealt with an officer opening fire right on the spot. Typical Thai cop too lazy to give chase.


If it was clear the guy had a gun and was a threat or if he tried to run down any police at the checkpoint then shoot him otherwise this is no more serious than running a red light, unfortunately the training of Thai police seems to be lacking basic guides in the use of lethal force and firearms

Instead of locking this guy up how about proper training



That last sentence was by far the stupidest thing I've read this week. I would believe that there is a possibility that the MIB "Men in Buffalo" could have played a role in the shooting.

If there is any country in the world that needs a Bitch Slap to the back of the head Lieland is at the top of the list!!!!!


From the full story

"If this thing happened in United States of America, it wouldn't be considered excessive," Pol.Gen. Somyot told reporters yesterday, "In the US, or other countries with violent crimes, the police can shoot you just because you don't raise your hands up."

BS. An American cop would be going to prison for this. They can shoot only in self defense or in defense of another. They could shoot a fleeing suspect only if that suspect was also endangering lives during his escape. Even then they try to set up a roadblock.

There isn't the question to raise as to whether the cop was in danger from the suspect. The suspect was at distance and clearly leaving.

Are you serious? just look youtube and you see that the Pol.Gen. told the true!!!



I don't found it ok what the policeman do but: "If him don't tried do make a run him don't dies!!!"

And if the policeman don't told this BS and just said: "I tried to stop him with a shot in his wheel but accidendly I hit his head on this long distance!!!"

The case were closed already!!!

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