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Are you staying or leaveing this year for Songkhran?


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I can t wait! Have been coming to Thailand every Winter for past 15 years and a few in the 90's but have always had to leave by March for work. This year is it. Staying till April 16 and hitting up Silom first and then anywhere else fun. I have big gun already! Yippee!

OK, but I say the same to you, do not involve people who do not want to participate.

The ones that don't want to paticipate are the best to target as they are so grumpy. I usually stay at home if I don't want to participate, and if go out then I expect to get soaked. Always fun so stop being grumpy old men.

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In the USA the whole month of April. I'll be at the New Orleans Jazz Fest taking in some good tunes and the Beau Bridge Crawfish Festival eating Mudbugs, luckly missing the scandalous waste of water in Thailand during the drought season while the poor farmers crops wither!

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option 1 - Japan for 10 days as Mrs S wants to see the cherry blossoms

option 2 - Short drive to Koh Chang sit in a resort drinking cold beer on the beach with a good book...Mr S' preferred option laugh.png

votes on a post card please...

Lucky for some of you that can afford the hi-so life.

Pity us poor buggers, who can't get out of our door.

No votes required, but you can have a cry for us.

I will travel this year as my fortune teller/tea leaf/palm reader has told me I will win the 50 million dollar Super Lotto jackpot in Canada today. I have one ticket thanks to my daughter of course she wants half the winnings. I will keep you up to date on my itinerary. I had hoped they would cancel it this year due to the drought but some tell me that all this noise and waste of a precious resource actually will increase the amount of rainfall in the upcoming rainy season. HMMM. I must consult my local witch doctor about this. He may have to slaughter a chicken and read its entrails. I will keep you posted.

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We're off to Japan as the missus wants to see the cherry blossoms. And we'll take the little one to the Gibhli museum and possibly Disneyland Tokyo. Not that we don't like Songkhran mind you, just not in the mood for it this year.

You will have to be travel well up into our Tohoku region to see them that late. Predicted to be blooming up in Yamagata, Iwate and Aomori about Songkhran time.

They are coming out early this season, as it seems to be getting warmer and warmer every year due to anthropogenic climate disruption.

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Just was thinking how great it would be if it rained the whole week....that would kind of take the air out of the balloon.

Would this be the Gods way of having their own Songkran? I hope your right. I will pray for rain and make an offering to the Gods. I would do a rain dance if my back and knees were in better shape. I would wear wax ear plugs but then I cannot hear the TV. Oh what a dilemma.

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We're off to Japan as the missus wants to see the cherry blossoms. And we'll take the little one to the Gibhli museum and possibly Disneyland Tokyo. Not that we don't like Songkhran mind you, just not in the mood for it this year.

You will have to be travel well up into our Tohoku region to see them that late. Predicted to be blooming up in Yamagata, Iwate and Aomori about Songkhran time.

They are coming out early this season, as it seems to be getting warmer and warmer every year due to anthropogenic climate disruption.

anthropogenic. Boy you got me on this one. Is this related to photogenic? If it is you must be talking about me as I am a handsum buggar. I have a grade 10 education but never stumbled across this one during my lifes journey. You must have gone to Harvard or one of those other fancy hi-so schools.

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anthropogenic climate disruption.blink.png

what happened to "Global warming"

is the above the newest buzz term among the tinfoil hatters / associated nutters and tree huggers, surprised they haven't created an acronym for it ?


Edited by Soutpeel
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In the USA the whole month of April. I'll be at the New Orleans Jazz Fest taking in some good tunes and the Beau Bridge Crawfish Festival eating Mudbugs, luckly missing the scandalous waste of water in Thailand during the drought season while the poor farmers crops wither!

Big market for bugs here...you might want to look into shipping dem crawdaddies to Thailand. Include some real chili peppers.

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In Bangkok, Songkran is great fun and relatively civilized and pleasant.

However, in the lawless villages of Isaan all you get is aggressive hoodlums asserting their authority over everyone and in some villages brazen child exploitation out in the open without fear of law (underage gogo dancers on podiums in the street). Horrible place for Songkran. And all the nutcases who you don't normally see "come home" for 3 days.

My family and i are taking a trip to the beach for a few days.

Edited by EmptyHead
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We're off to Japan as the missus wants to see the cherry blossoms. And we'll take the little one to the Gibhli museum and possibly Disneyland Tokyo. Not that we don't like Songkhran mind you, just not in the mood for it this year.

You will have to be travel well up into our Tohoku region to see them that late. Predicted to be blooming up in Yamagata, Iwate and Aomori about Songkhran time.

They are coming out early this season, as it seems to be getting warmer and warmer every year due to anthropogenic climate disruption.

anthropogenic. Boy you got me on this one. Is this related to photogenic? If it is you must be talking about me as I am a handsum buggar. I have a grade 10 education but never stumbled across this one during my lifes journey. You must have gone to Harvard or one of those other fancy hi-so schools.

the climate nutters got caught out using the term "global warming" so they went to climate change, but it doesn't sound so deadly, so the newest term appears to be anthropogenic climate disruption which sounds very scary indeed and guaranteed to scare the sh*t out the plebs, politicians etc

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Staying or Leaving? Neither. I am coming! Finish work on the 9th. Arrive in LOS 10th. Party for 1 weekburp.gif , relax for 1 weeksmile.png then it's back to worksad.png

I'll be in a smallish village up north so it is pretty chilled. Let the kids soak you a couple of times then after that they leave you alone. Thankfully it's not as crazy as it sounds in the cities where you get soaked whether you like it or not. I still carry the wallet and ciggies in a zip lock bag just in case.

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I will definitely avoid the centre of Chiang Mai.

Can you imagine the buckets of icewater thrown at you when you drive a motorbike. All the crazy tourists empty their big waterguns in a taxi van. No. Not for me anymore. I preferr the countryside where they celebrate it in the old fashion way. It hasbecome a respectless way of cellebrating with no respect for old traditions. It even surprised me that most of the tourist dont know anything about the tradition and just get out of their mind.

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I have ever only been in Thailand during Songkhran. That was in Krabi last year and it was a very civilized affair. Always avoided it before, not least at all because of comments on ThaiVisa:-)

Here in Cambodia there is hardly any throwing of water as the government banned it years ago.

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Can't wait for it, try to plan me time off for it each year, mind you in Songkhla it is only 1 day and the majority of the revelers are Thai with only a small falang contingent so it has a local feel about it, been to Phuket one year never again, just a bunch of tourists having a water fight, even had to pay for water to fill the guns in some locations!

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Whats the matter with you party poopers?

For me, its so heartwarming to watch the nieghbors 5 year old granddaughter as she screams with laughter, running into the road to throw water at the drunken motorests as they speed by.

so you suggesting its ok and heartwarming to see a 5 year old child being run over by a drunk clown on a motor bike ?

You really that silly in the head

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Leaving as I have done for every one since 2003 except one when I stayed in. I have explained my reasons on many threads. Tired of being flamed so I won't go into it again.

Another smart one gets out of Dodge...my point of escape as I have for the past ten years will be Viet Nam. One can only take so much of all the pissheads and no brained killings themselves and others in the name of good fun??? Geez....what a sorry state of mind.....:-(


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I can t wait! Have been coming to Thailand every Winter for past 15 years and a few in the 90's but have always had to leave by March for work. This year is it. Staying till April 16 and hitting up Silom first and then anywhere else fun. I have big gun already! Yippee!

OK, but I say the same to you, do not involve people who do not want to participate.

The ones that don't want to paticipate are the best to target as they are so grumpy. I usually stay at home if I don't want to participate, and if go out then I expect to get soaked. Always fun so stop being grumpy old men.

That's what I am going to do, stay at home, at least it will probably save some Farang from getting a very sore face.

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anthropogenic climate disruption.blink.png

what happened to "Global warming"

is the above the newest buzz term among the tinfoil hatters / associated nutters and tree huggers, surprised they haven't created an acronym for it ?


With nearly 19,000 posts, I would have thought you had completely mastered the English language.

Do you have time for any other activities apart from this forum?

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Yes definitely leaving, Saraburi at New Year is just awful , no control of traffic the whole place is gridlocked, you can't move and the noise is unreal, and it lasts for 4 days, hate it, so will do like last year and go on a trip somewhere.

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Whats the matter with you party poopers?

For me, its so heartwarming to watch the nieghbors 5 year old granddaughter as she screams with laughter, running into the road to throw water at the drunken motorests as they speed by.

Pretty irresponsible way for parents to allow such a thing. Allowing a 5 five year old to run into the road, which planet are they from?

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Whats the matter with you party poopers?

For me, its so heartwarming to watch the nieghbors 5 year old granddaughter as she screams with laughter, running into the road to throw water at the drunken motorests as they speed by.

Pretty irresponsible way for parents to allow such a thing. Allowing a 5 five year old to run into the road, which planet are they from?

Ah now I see it, like your sarcasism......a bit late on the uptake.

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If I have the money I'm getting the hell outa' Dodge, post haste. If not, I'll hold up in the house and subdivision where if I do get a little water it is by the kids with little squirt guns. No farang will dare cannon or douse me here. Absolutely nothing I like about Songkran and if for some strange reason I have to leave the house and some idiot breaks my windshield, they'll get a broken head. Yea, kids get run over by drunks on motorbikes, ours did a few years back. He spent 10 days in the hospital with brain swelling and was touch and go on surgery. Screw Songkran and all the idiot with the water cannons, ice and powder all over the place.

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anthropogenic climate disruption.blink.png

what happened to "Global warming"

is the above the newest buzz term among the tinfoil hatters / associated nutters and tree huggers, surprised they haven't created an acronym for it ?


With nearly 19,000 posts, I would have thought you had completely mastered the English language.

Do you have time for any other activities apart from this forum?

yes dear boy, I also work a full day I am quite a master at multi-tasking wink.png

but nice to see you are using the "attack the post count" gambit, people use use when they got nothing intelligent to say but feel the urge to post inconsequential comments non the less..


Obviously you have mastered being patronising as part of multi-tasking. And nice to see you using argument ad hominem.

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anthropogenic climate disruption.blink.png

what happened to "Global warming"

is the above the newest buzz term among the tinfoil hatters / associated nutters and tree huggers, surprised they haven't created an acronym for it ?


With nearly 19,000 posts, I would have thought you had completely mastered the English language.

Do you have time for any other activities apart from this forum?

yes dear boy, I also work a full day I am quite a master at multi-tasking wink.png

but nice to see you are using the "attack the post count" gambit, people use use when they got nothing intelligent to say but feel the urge to post inconsequential comments non the less..


Obviously you have mastered being patronising as part of multi-tasking. And nice to see you using argument ad hominem.

You may wish to examine how your "19000" posts remark relates to "ad hominem"

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