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New Dumb Most Probably Illegal Fraud


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that sounds pretty dangerous for me!

Interesting is that top company in Russia has no name

that top company has no email so he need to use [email protected] yahoo free service.

Why doesn´t use mate Igor a russian service?

For the inocent people reading that: this is fraud, in the best case you loose money, in the worst case you´ll stay in jail for money laundry or CC fraud and loose money.

----- Original Message -----

From: Igor Yeltsin

Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2006 4:31 AM

Subject: \'Management Services\'

Dear Sir, Compliment of the season to you and do sincerely hope you are fine. My name is Igor Yeltsin, a representative of a top company executive in Russia. I have a very sensitive and private brief from this top executive to solicit for your partnership to re-profile funds. I will make available the full details later on your response, but in summary, the funds are coming via a bank in Western Europe, and this is a legitimate transaction. You will be entitled to "Ten percent" for your "management services", if I am able to reach terms with you. If you are interested, please write back via this email, which should Contain your personal telephone number, and email address. Please keep this personal as much as possible, as I anticipate for your considered response soonest. Regards, Igor Yeltsin Personal Secretary

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I get one of these every other day, usually from Nigeria. It is even officially called "Nigerian Scam" and has it's own place on wikipedia! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advance_fee_fraud

The trick is that they will deposit money (generally western union), using false checks, so it will bounce (the problem is, not immediately, but after 14 days or so)

You see the money in your name!! To get it, you need to deposit funds as well. When trying to withdraw the "lump sum", it's gone, and so is your money.

Do a google on nigerian scam and find over 3 million hits! :-)

Needless to say to everyone "never reply or get involved", DELETE is the only option for such an e-mail.

"DO NOT reply (at all) thereby confirming they have a valid email address. If you do that, your email address will be onsold and an avalanche of spam will result. "

"Incredibly, income to Nigeria from this scam became that country's largest item of foreign revenue."

Edited by cnxpat
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I get one of these every other day, usually from Nigeria. It is even officially called "Nigerian Scam" and has it's own place on wikipedia! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advance_fee_fraud

The trick is that they will deposit money (generally western union), using false checks, so it will bounce (the problem is, not immediately, but after 14 days or so)

You see the money in your name!! To get it, you need to deposit funds as well. When trying to withdraw the "lump sum", it's gone, and so is your money.

Do a google on nigerian scam and find over 3 million hits! :-)

Needless to say to everyone "never reply or get involved", DELETE is the only option for such an e-mail.

"DO NOT reply (at all) thereby confirming they have a valid email address. If you do that, your email address will be onsold and an avalanche of spam will result. "

"Incredibly, income to Nigeria from this scam became that country's largest item of foreign revenue."

there is a webpage which publish people who are replying and joking with these guys, pretty funny but I can´t find that url anymore.

What someone can do, if having to much time, I did in the past. Answering from the email (but of course use a free services as yahoo for example). As soon as you get an answer from "badguy"@yahoo.com you simply forward that email to [email protected] and tell them nigerian scam and they cancel this email account. Than 2 days later you get again an email from them, telling the new emailadress and they had problems with the old one, you again report the new emailadress......

Actually pretty useless as they always get a new emailadress but you disturb their business a little bit.

So my recommendation for the nigerian/russian/HK scammer: Do invest 50 US$ for an own domain and computer, it is really worth to do if you want to be a proffessional scammer, don´t be to greedy, else you may loose that partnership with Hans Wurst from Germany and John Smith from USA.....

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there is a webpage which publish people who are replying and joking with these guys, pretty funny but I can´t find that url anymore.

What someone can do, if having to much time, I did in the past. Answering from the email (but of course use a free services as yahoo for example). As soon as you get an answer from "badguy"@yahoo.com you simply forward that email to [email protected] and tell them nigerian scam and they cancel this email account. Than 2 days later you get again an email from them, telling the new emailadress and they had problems with the old one, you again report the new emailadress......

Actually pretty useless as they always get a new emailadress but you disturb their business a little bit.

So my recommendation for the nigerian/russian/HK scammer: Do invest 50 US$ for an own domain and computer, it is really worth to do if you want to be a proffessional scammer, don´t be to greedy, else you may loose that partnership with Hans Wurst from Germany and John Smith from USA.....

It's a waste of time really, but I also remember reading a very funny story about a guy that "played along" actually had someone travelling all over Africa (ending up in Darfur I think) to personally hand over the money. Went on for weeks, they must have spend loads in order to receive the money. Will see if I can find it.

On another note, they're trying to pull similar scams on me as an online seller (eBay and the likes). I get a buyer from, say the UK, (easily giving him/herself away by offering MORE than I asked) and then ask me to ship the items to - well, Nigeria in most cases (I never did of course).

Payment is by Western Union, checks bounce after a while, but by then they will have received the goods.

With all the warnings around, I can't figure out why people still fall for these tricks. Then again, people still buy gems in Bangkok, taken there as part of a free tour by an ever so friendly tuktuk driver right? Or has that been "solved" by now?

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Just checked my "spam -mail account" and here's another one, send to me today. Russia seems to get more active, see the e-mail address below:




Good day,

Our present situation has made us decided to send you this mail. Please we mean no harm only in need of your help. After going through this mail it will be your decision to help this bereaved family or to leave us to our faith, but whatever you decide, bear in mind that we are in trouble and need your help.

I am Mrs. Rebecca Wright, the wife of late Mr. Gibson Wright the Zimbabwean farm lord, one of the major victims in the land Reform crisis in Zimbabwe. You might have read or heard about it. We got your contact privately and decided to contact you in view of your confirmed reliability.

Our country Zimbabwe is in a near civil war with no end in sight. The President Robert Mugabe had introduced a new Land Reform Act meant to deprive and relocate all the major Farm owners in Zimbabwe. This has resulted in the Zimbabwean war veteran and black mob killing, looting and displacing the entire major farms in Zimbabwe. Thousands have been killed. My husband and my two children are among the victims, as we own one of the biggest modern farms in the Southern Africa region. You can get more information on this Land Reform on:


Before my husband was murdered in cold blood, he traveled to South Africa due to the rage and killing and deposited the sum of USD$ (Thirty Million United States Dollars) in a Security Company in South Africa, it was deposited as a family valuable to avoid unnecessary attention as this money was actually meant for the development and building of an Ultra Modern Farms in Southern African region with all its Machineries, but he did not live to accomplish this dream. Faced with this situation, I ran to South Africa with my remaining family where we are currently residing as political Asylum.

Now according to South African law we are not allowed to have financial transaction, this is the reason we seek your candid assistance to help us retrieve this fund (USD$ from the Security Company as a foreign affiliate to my late husband, and subsequently plan for a profitable investment where part of this fund could be invested in, in your country.

Please do understand that there is no risk of any kind involve in this transaction. All that we require of you is your trustworthiness, not to take advantage of our vulnerable position in this matter.

We have resolved to reward you with 20% of the total sum after a successful completion of the business transaction, 5% will be to offset every expenditure that we might incur as a result of this transaction, 65% will be for proposed business investment and 10% will be used to purchase country home for me and my only surviving son Paul. I am presently on a sick bed. My ill health is due to the trauma from what I have been through. Moreso, I will need your assistant to help us migrate over immediately this fund is transferred to your account. We need not remind you of the confidential nature of this transaction. Please keep it as such. Contact my son Paul with the email address below, he is presently in charge due to my ill health.

Email: [email protected]

Yours faithfully,

Rebecca Wright

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I think this may be the website for anti-scamming that was being referred to earlier http://www.scamorama.com/

If you have the time and patience, check out the one involving Princess Candy...... http://www.scamorama.com/agathon-ngo.html .... by some very inventive replies they have had the original spammer tied up replying for four years!!

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http://www.419eater.com/ is one of the better sites for the scam that I have found. It has archives of people who wind the scammers up with getting them to send photos of themselves with a sign saying I'm a <deleted> etc. I wound a few up at the beginning of the year. Had them convinced I was on route to Kinchasa with a briefcase full of money and had them book me a hotel, which they paid for limousine etc all checked before I left of cause. A good way of having some fun if you have some spare time. I bought a silly domain name for 10 pounds with an email forwarding so its cheap entertainment. Just dont answer any from your own account as you then get lots. go on have some fun. Dunc :o
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From a good article in the New Yorker...

Not only did this guy lose a lot of money, he also got jail time.

"Every swindle is driven by a desire for easy money; it’s the one thing the swindler and the swindled have in common. Advance-fee fraud is an especially durable con. In an early variation, the Spanish Prisoner Letter, which dates to the sixteenth century, scammers wrote to English gentry and pleaded for help in freeing a fictitious wealthy countryman who was imprisoned in Spain."

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http://www.419eater.com/ is one of the better sites for the scam that I have found. It has archives of people who wind the scammers up with getting them to send photos of themselves with a sign saying I'm a <deleted> etc. I wound a few up at the beginning of the year. Had them convinced I was on route to Kinchasa with a briefcase full of money and had them book me a hotel, which they paid for limousine etc all checked before I left of cause. A good way of having some fun if you have some spare time. I bought a silly domain name for 10 pounds with an email forwarding so its cheap entertainment. Just dont answer any from your own account as you then get lots. go on have some fun. Dunc :o

Thats the one. Very funny some of these stories.

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From :Camara Morgan

E-mail:( [email protected] )

Dear One,

Permit me to inform you of my desire of going into business relationship with you, After reading your profile in this site I decided to confide in you this simple and sincere business.

I am Camara Morgan the only surviving Son of late Mr and Mrs Green Morgan from Liberia who was killed by the former war Lord Mr Charles Taylor. My late father was accused of having hand in sponsorship of the troup that tried to overthrow the his government during his time as the president of Liberia He was arrested and beaten to a comma and was later thrown into prison where he was secretly murdered . My late mother was also mudered by the then government alongside my only sister leaving me, I survived this because I was in school outside my country Liberia.

But during my one of my visits to the prison where he was incacerated before his death , he disclosed to me about the deposit of Twelve Million United States Dollars ($12M) he made with one of the banks in Cote D' Ivoire, he told me that his lawyer has all the documents covering all the transactions he made and the documents covering the deposit,he also told me that the deposit was made with my name as the next of kin and the beneficiarry to the fund, he told me that why he made the deposit in Cote D'Ivoire was that Cote D' Ivoire was the only peacefull country in Africa where he find safe to hide his hard earned money. He also advise me to leave Liberia for Cote D' Ivoire where they Government will not find me there I will locate the bank where he deposited the money and seek for a foriegn trust worthy partner Oversea who will assist me in transfering the money and Invest it properly in a very profitable business.

I have now located the bank here in Cote D' Ivoire and confirm the existence of the money.Dear, I am honourably seeking your assistance in the following ways:

(1) To Help me transfer this money into your account for Investment purpose in your Country

(2) To serve as a guardian of this fund

(3) To make arrangement for me to come over to your country to further my education and to secure a resident permit in your country.

Furthermore, you indicate your options towards assisting me as I believe that this transaction would be concluded within a couple of days you signify interest to assist me.

Anticipating to hear from you soon.

Thanks and God bless.

Best regards,

Camara Morgan

Was it something like this? This one came a few minutes ago in MY Thai Visa Personal messages :o

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the best one are these, ordering a hugh amount and asking if I can charge 100 or 200 US$ more from their (well it is not "their" card) and put it in cash in the package...

Adress: Mr. Numbo Dumbo, Bus Station A17A3, opposite Esso Gasoline station Street.......

Lagos Nigeria......

I had a few of these, the idea of adding cash to the product is great....

Or: I am an American big businessman, now we open also a shop in Nigeria, could you supply us with 100 pcs this and 100 pcs that....

In a dully english which is far worse than mine. At least he should write he is a french businessman if the english is not good (but well if the card comes from USA, he must tell American.....)

there is a webpage which publish people who are replying and joking with these guys, pretty funny but I can´t find that url anymore.

What someone can do, if having to much time, I did in the past. Answering from the email (but of course use a free services as yahoo for example). As soon as you get an answer from "badguy"@yahoo.com you simply forward that email to [email protected] and tell them nigerian scam and they cancel this email account. Than 2 days later you get again an email from them, telling the new emailadress and they had problems with the old one, you again report the new emailadress......

Actually pretty useless as they always get a new emailadress but you disturb their business a little bit.

So my recommendation for the nigerian/russian/HK scammer: Do invest 50 US$ for an own domain and computer, it is really worth to do if you want to be a proffessional scammer, don´t be to greedy, else you may loose that partnership with Hans Wurst from Germany and John Smith from USA.....

It's a waste of time really, but I also remember reading a very funny story about a guy that "played along" actually had someone travelling all over Africa (ending up in Darfur I think) to personally hand over the money. Went on for weeks, they must have spend loads in order to receive the money. Will see if I can find it.

On another note, they're trying to pull similar scams on me as an online seller (eBay and the likes). I get a buyer from, say the UK, (easily giving him/herself away by offering MORE than I asked) and then ask me to ship the items to - well, Nigeria in most cases (I never did of course).

Payment is by Western Union, checks bounce after a while, but by then they will have received the goods.

With all the warnings around, I can't figure out why people still fall for these tricks. Then again, people still buy gems in Bangkok, taken there as part of a free tour by an ever so friendly tuktuk driver right? Or has that been "solved" by now?

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