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Prayut threatens to hold onto power indefinitely

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Thailand DID NOT GRIND TO A HALT.. everywhere outside of a few areas in Bangkok, it was business as usual..

Blood on the streets and daily violence.. yes and there was even some of that happening in Bangkok too, the deep south has had this for 10 years, Bangkok 8 months, go figure.

Yes it's very stable now down in the South, there hasn't been any attacks at all since the coup.....oh wait a minute...wrong planet.. better get back to planet earth, where it's a very different picture you paint Lucky.

Sensationalism much? What flavour is the Kool aid today?

  • Like 1

Of all the Thai's I know where I am 100% are very happy with the current situation.

All of this 'personal freedoms' and even 'democracy' are over rated - why do we need full personal freedoms? Should we have the freedom to rob a bank? Should we have the freedom to destroy someone's life by maliciously and falsely accusing them of rape? Should we have the freedom of attacking someone's faith - resulting in the loss of innocent lives as a result of this? Should we have the freedom to blow up children in the name of political disagreements, I don't think that we should.

They didn't usurp power from a functioning government as the Yingluck has never been one and they had relinquished power BEFORE your so called coup.

Forget people's rights and freedoms and just compare the difference in how people generally are feeling with life post-coup NB: this excludes those that are protesting against the legitimacy of this government as they are not happy simply because Prayuth has denied them their precious personal freedoms.

Marshal law is harmless if you abide by the law - if you set off explosions, try to create disharmony, interfere with Prayuth's work by spreading lies about his accomplishments (of which there are many) then you may be taken in and receive a ticking off about your behaviour.

Just forget all of the freedoms, democracy and the fact that we have marshal law for a few months and 'real' democracy will come with greatly reduced corruption abuses and your personal freedoms!! Let him finish his valuable work and Thailand will be a different place to what Thai's have had to put up with in the past.

So you are firmly against democracy and freedom. Got it.

I am against democracy for Thailand at this present moment - it can have it (real democracy) back again once Prayuth has finished his work and Thailand is ready to embrace it.

As for freedom, we have it already to go about our daily business, don't we? We don't have freedom to protest as Thailand is going through an important transition whereby protests are counter productive to what needs to be done to restore this precious democracy that you all so cherish. I'm afraid that is how it has to be. You have to make sacrifices sometimes if what you want is worth it.

Get off of Prayuth's back and stop interfering with his work if you want to have democracy again, instead of attacking and belittling him at every opportunity when he is trying to bring this about.

An erratic leader in charge of a corrupt military seizes power in a coup and maintains power through martial law, detention without charge, rule by decree, censorship, banning political gatherings, banning calls for elections and banning criticism of the government. You advise everyone to be patient because you think he is going to bring real democracy to Thailand. What is this foolish faith of yours based upon?

A strong belief in what I think will happen and dismissing all you write as pure paranoia on your part brought on by your mistaken belief that it's either democracy or armageddon with nothing in the middle!!


The topic is about a man who is seen to be obsessive about the imposition of personal and elitist Dogma.

And now shifted from a prior position of transitional governance to a threat to hold on to power indefinitely.

Daily considerations of his threats , this amongst many, are becoming taunting for media , observers , Thai citizens , human rights organisations, and international embassies based around Thailand.

The demographic is taking on new dimensions that only the most foolish will dismiss in their blind faith .

Thailand could possibly , even likely , be controlled by this man and his inner circle in far more radical terms in future based just on comments and announcements .

Media will be servers to position of state and possibly even be given what to print.

Certainly , it will not be free to tell the public or world the real position of events.

Polls we have seen weekly almost will be the norm.

Internal consequences for perceived threats to them ( the military ) could well be under the act rounded up and shot or held indefinitely .

This is not just speculative but common under these circumstances.

Protests would be dealt with harshly.

Sanctions may follow and Thailand economically fall away as an Asian investment market.

Recession , and instability , fear and isolation will more than likely see Thailand move towards Chinese power.

This is the beginning of a road many feared.

There is every reason to take the PM seriously.

And consider the metamorphosis of civil rights ahead including expats and their respective positions.

The topic is about a man who is seen to be obsessive about the imposition of personal and elitist Dogma.

Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts ? Democratically of course rolleyes.gif

BTW 'including expats' ? Since when does anyone care about us anyway.


Yes I agree that would be an unjust vilification of gargantuan proportions.

"My turn to ask the questions. Well, what have you got to say about the red shirt leaders now having read of their exploits? Do you think Thaksin is a decent man that wants to help the farmers? If that is helping then thank god he isn't their sworn enemy as they would have all been annihilated by now as they have shown that they are easy meat for him, can be manipulated and clearly highly dispensable objects!!!"

Decent, no. He could have been the greatest leader in Asia, but he chose poorly. As much as I disagree with coups, Yingluck took a gamble in getting her brother a pardon. Also the Rice Pledge was a bad idea. Governments over control of economics usually ends badly.

As for the other red shirts, there are some who are horrible, no doubt.

The trouble is under Thaksin's leadership there appeared to be hope. He understood economics and the future looked impressive. The coup leaders that took over from him did not. Baht sored creating issues for a country reliant on exports.

The current junta does little to put foreign investors mind's at ease including mine. Long term visa are a nightmare now. Forcing business people to look elsewhere. China is less trouble than China now. Many are flocking to Cambodia, as visas are not a consideration.

We make decision everyday whether we place orders in China or Thailand now. Our fear is that an elitist lead government will make Thailand unattractive to foreign business.

'our fear' ?

Well good news according to pluto. He just wrote

"more than likely see Thailand move towards Chinese power."

  • Like 1

Thailand DID NOT GRIND TO A HALT.. everywhere outside of a few areas in Bangkok, it was business as usual..

Blood on the streets and daily violence.. yes and there was even some of that happening in Bangkok too, the deep south has had this for 10 years, Bangkok 8 months, go figure.

Yes it's very stable now down in the South, there hasn't been any attacks at all since the coup.....oh wait a minute...wrong planet.. better get back to planet earth, where it's a very different picture you paint Lucky.

Sensationalism much? What flavour is the Kool aid today?

It did!! the government couldn't do anything, spend anything, pass any laws, help the farmers because of the first two of these things and it was business as usual!!

If I'm on the wrong planet then you are in a different galaxy!!

What the lord has the deep South got to do with anything. Only that it is a lot more peaceful down there I suppose since Prayuth took over.

I don't drink Kool aid, I don't even know what it tastes like (s*** I imagine).


Yes I agree that would be an unjust vilification of gargantuan proportions.

"My turn to ask the questions. Well, what have you got to say about the red shirt leaders now having read of their exploits? Do you think Thaksin is a decent man that wants to help the farmers? If that is helping then thank god he isn't their sworn enemy as they would have all been annihilated by now as they have shown that they are easy meat for him, can be manipulated and clearly highly dispensable objects!!!"

Decent, no. He could have been the greatest leader in Asia, but he chose poorly. As much as I disagree with coups, Yingluck took a gamble in getting her brother a pardon. Also the Rice Pledge was a bad idea. Governments over control of economics usually ends badly.

As for the other red shirts, there are some who are horrible, no doubt.

The trouble is under Thaksin's leadership there appeared to be hope. He understood economics and the future looked impressive. The coup leaders that took over from him did not. Baht sored creating issues for a country reliant on exports.

The current junta does little to put foreign investors mind's at ease including mine. Long term visa are a nightmare now. Forcing business people to look elsewhere. China is less trouble than China now. Many are flocking to Cambodia, as visas are not a consideration.

We make decision everyday whether we place orders in China or Thailand now. Our fear is that an elitist lead government will make Thailand unattractive to foreign business.

'our fear' ?

Well good news according to pluto. He just wrote

"more than likely see Thailand move towards Chinese power."

Good news indeed considering I'm a Communist by all accounts. I can join my brothers in arms!!

  • Like 1

Yes I agree that would be an unjust vilification of gargantuan proportions.

"My turn to ask the questions. Well, what have you got to say about the red shirt leaders now having read of their exploits? Do you think Thaksin is a decent man that wants to help the farmers? If that is helping then thank god he isn't their sworn enemy as they would have all been annihilated by now as they have shown that they are easy meat for him, can be manipulated and clearly highly dispensable objects!!!"

Decent, no. He could have been the greatest leader in Asia, but he chose poorly. As much as I disagree with coups, Yingluck took a gamble in getting her brother a pardon. Also the Rice Pledge was a bad idea. Governments over control of economics usually ends badly.

As for the other red shirts, there are some who are horrible, no doubt.

The trouble is under Thaksin's leadership there appeared to be hope. He understood economics and the future looked impressive. The coup leaders that took over from him did not. Baht sored creating issues for a country reliant on exports.

The current junta does little to put foreign investors mind's at ease including mine. Long term visa are a nightmare now. Forcing business people to look elsewhere. China is less trouble than China now. Many are flocking to Cambodia, as visas are not a consideration.

We make decision everyday whether we place orders in China or Thailand now. Our fear is that an elitist lead government will make Thailand unattractive to foreign business.

'our fear' ?

Well good news according to pluto. He just wrote

"more than likely see Thailand move towards Chinese power."

Good news indeed considering I'm a Communist by all accounts. I can join my brothers in arms!!

My postings count is stuck on 346 but I'm enjoying myself.


APPEARED to be hope, impressive future - but the hopes were dashed when he tried to take all the money (or as much as he thought he would get away with) and his effort to copy Singapore's success failed dismally!! Perhaps Thailand isn't like Singapore after all or just maybe Lee was an honest and capable person whereas..............!!

Attempting to run Thailand like a company whereby he was the CEO and the one who benefits was not a very good idea. OK. we have established that he failed in every case - has Prayuth failed? people like you hope and want him to fail but I'm afraid that I think that you will be disappointed on that one.

The issue you have on visa's - I doubt its Prayuth's fault, unless you want to blame everything on him!!

He is not going to hang around longer than is necessary - surely, you don't live every word he utters. Simple rule - if he is angry then ignore what he is saying as he doesn't mean it. It is his way of showing he is boss and he does it to get a reaction, which he does clearly seeing the red side's hysterical rants at his sometimes bizarre behaviour!! It brings a smile to my face anyway.

Sorry, the coup is to blame for the visas and we have already pulled work from Thailand, as it is easier to manage in other countries.. It has been advantageous for China and Thailand's neighbors, if you are looking for a silver lining.

So you are saying promised the moon to the people of the north and east . That was his unfair advantage ?

Don't know enough about business in Thailand to comment on the visa issue. Just out of interest, can you explain exactly how this coup affected your business prospects adversely and just how it was better when Thailand had ground to a halt without a functional government and there was blood on the streets and violence on a daily basis as compared to the present day stability. I know which environment I would consider more certain.

Could you have misjudged the situation badly by any chance.

Yes it was his unfair advantage as they fell for it hook-line-and-sinker just how he had planned and dutifully extended his pillaging blitz.

Before the election he made promises he failed to keep and then after the election he set about the serious business of his amnesty. How ironic it was that it was this that ultimately caused the collapse of his government (sorry, my mistake,Yingluck's government) and brought it down!!

The violence that her brother promoted caused Prayuth to intervene so I guess it's his fault ultimately that made it so much more difficult to do business in Thailand and not Prayuth's.

"Don't know enough about business in Thailand to comment on the visa issue. Just out of interest, can you explain exactly how this coup affected your business prospects adversely and just how it was better when Thailand had ground to a halt without a functional government and there was blood on the streets and violence on a daily basis as compared to the present day stability. I know which environment I would consider more certain."

Why bother ? You know nothing about doing business in Thailand and yet you make assertions and constantly attribute all violence on one party.. As mentioned, most Asian countries now are far easier to conduct business with regards to visas, taxes, imports and exports (depending on shipment size), than Thailand.

The situation was not misjudged, as we pulled out of Thailand in a week. You can never put much trust in Thailand, especially now. Happily, we finished the most important work. in that same week.

Why couldn't the Thai elite or Yellows mount a worthy campaign in Isaan or the north. Why did the get so trounced by Thaksin and his kid sister ? Any why the yellows did so badly ? Any unique perspectives on this ?


The topic is about a man who is seen to be obsessive about the imposition of personal and elitist Dogma.

And now shifted from a prior position of transitional governance to a threat to hold on to power indefinitely.

Daily considerations of his threats , this amongst many, are becoming taunting for media , observers , Thai citizens , human rights organisations, and international embassies based around Thailand.

The demographic is taking on new dimensions that only the most foolish will dismiss in their blind faith .

Thailand could possibly , even likely , be controlled by this man and his inner circle in far more radical terms in future based just on comments and announcements .

Media will be servers to position of state and possibly even be given what to print.

Certainly , it will not be free to tell the public or world the real position of events.

Polls we have seen weekly almost will be the norm.

Internal consequences for perceived threats to them ( the military ) could well be under the act rounded up and shot or held indefinitely .

This is not just speculative but common under these circumstances.

Protests would be dealt with harshly.

Sanctions may follow and Thailand economically fall away as an Asian investment market.

Recession , and instability , fear and isolation will more than likely see Thailand move towards Chinese power.

This is the beginning of a road many feared.

There is every reason to take the PM seriously.

And consider the metamorphosis of civil rights ahead including expats and their respective positions.

Yeh!! right.

What a vivid imagination you have - eloquently put but sheer fiction out of a comic book.

That exact comment was said to me months ago ( by a blind faith follower of dear leader) when I predicted stricter times ahead and threats to media.

Time will tell whose common observations pale into superhero fiction .

Or unfold as tragic political and social carnage.

Certainly, there is nothing comical about adjustment camp and firing squad threats.

Nor "" absolute power""

Most people of some IQ see cause to be concerned when this joker is running the show


Thailand DID NOT GRIND TO A HALT.. everywhere outside of a few areas in Bangkok, it was business as usual..

Blood on the streets and daily violence.. yes and there was even some of that happening in Bangkok too, the deep south has had this for 10 years, Bangkok 8 months, go figure.

Yes it's very stable now down in the South, there hasn't been any attacks at all since the coup.....oh wait a minute...wrong planet.. better get back to planet earth, where it's a very different picture you paint Lucky.

Sensationalism much? What flavour is the Kool aid today?

It did!! the government couldn't do anything, spend anything, pass any laws, help the farmers because of the first two of these things and it was business as usual!!

If I'm on the wrong planet then you are in a different galaxy!!

What the lord has the deep South got to do with anything. Only that it is a lot more peaceful down there I suppose since Prayuth took over.

I don't drink Kool aid, I don't even know what it tastes like (s*** I imagine).

There is a huge difference between the Government unable to function, due to it having been dissolved, and the every day business's, the Government may have ground to a halt, but business's outside of the protests continued, exports and imports continued to happen daily.. the country was going about their daily business as usual.

Based on what many post here, the Government were not doing much apart from lining their pockets before the protests anyway.

Your definition of grinding to a halt is very different from mine.

The deep south has got everything to do with your post, as you seem to intimate that the ONLY violence happening in Thailand was in Bangkok, the violence down in the South is also of a political nature too, something you and your Junta loving brethren always seem to push aside as if it's not important, as it's all about the Shins and the reds with your lot.

Try telling the victims and families of the 5000 plus killed in the past 10 years, their lives mean zero, as they don't fit into your political agenda sir.

Oh I'm afraid you're very much a kool aid drinker, its a euphemism of "supporting a faction or a cause" in this case, it's a staunch support of the Junta and PM Prayuth ;)

Why do you as a farang have such a staunch support for him? Military Governments who rule are never about what's best for the people, they're about control, and remaining there.

Do you support the current Junta out of fear? Have you ever lived or worked under such a leadership before and interacted with the people?

I work for the Chinese in the Middle East, and you want to hear them about their standard of living and how they're totally controlled when they're at home, they love coming back here from vacation, they have less restrictions imposed on them.

Be careful of what you wish for, me, unlike you will leave the desires and wishes for the Thai people, until the day I get a vote, I will leave the Thais to either dig their own hole, or prospers and become leaders and pioneers in business and industry.


So you are firmly against democracy and freedom. Got it.

I am against democracy for Thailand at this present moment - it can have it (real democracy) back again once Prayuth has finished his work and Thailand is ready to embrace it.

As for freedom, we have it already to go about our daily business, don't we? We don't have freedom to protest as Thailand is going through an important transition whereby protests are counter productive to what needs to be done to restore this precious democracy that you all so cherish. I'm afraid that is how it has to be. You have to make sacrifices sometimes if what you want is worth it.

Get off of Prayuth's back and stop interfering with his work if you want to have democracy again, instead of attacking and belittling him at every opportunity when he is trying to bring this about.

An erratic leader in charge of a corrupt military seizes power in a coup and maintains power through martial law, detention without charge, rule by decree, censorship, banning political gatherings, banning calls for elections and banning criticism of the government. You advise everyone to be patient because you think he is going to bring real democracy to Thailand. What is this foolish faith of yours based upon?

A strong belief in what I think will happen and dismissing all you write as pure paranoia on your part brought on by your mistaken belief that it's either democracy or armageddon with nothing in the middle!!

"A strong belief in what I think will happen..."

It's certainly not faith based on the results of previous military governments. It strikes me as being wishful thinking, but as I posted earlier, some people prefer the simplicity of undemocratic strongman government. Too bad censorship prevents me from using the one word that accurately describes it.


APPEARED to be hope, impressive future - but the hopes were dashed when he tried to take all the money (or as much as he thought he would get away with) and his effort to copy Singapore's success failed dismally!! Perhaps Thailand isn't like Singapore after all or just maybe Lee was an honest and capable person whereas..............!!

Attempting to run Thailand like a company whereby he was the CEO and the one who benefits was not a very good idea. OK. we have established that he failed in every case - has Prayuth failed? people like you hope and want him to fail but I'm afraid that I think that you will be disappointed on that one.

The issue you have on visa's - I doubt its Prayuth's fault, unless you want to blame everything on him!!

He is not going to hang around longer than is necessary - surely, you don't live every word he utters. Simple rule - if he is angry then ignore what he is saying as he doesn't mean it. It is his way of showing he is boss and he does it to get a reaction, which he does clearly seeing the red side's hysterical rants at his sometimes bizarre behaviour!! It brings a smile to my face anyway.

Sorry, the coup is to blame for the visas and we have already pulled work from Thailand, as it is easier to manage in other countries.. It has been advantageous for China and Thailand's neighbors, if you are looking for a silver lining.

So you are saying promised the moon to the people of the north and east . That was his unfair advantage ?

Don't know enough about business in Thailand to comment on the visa issue. Just out of interest, can you explain exactly how this coup affected your business prospects adversely and just how it was better when Thailand had ground to a halt without a functional government and there was blood on the streets and violence on a daily basis as compared to the present day stability. I know which environment I would consider more certain.

Could you have misjudged the situation badly by any chance.

Yes it was his unfair advantage as they fell for it hook-line-and-sinker just how he had planned and dutifully extended his pillaging blitz.

Before the election he made promises he failed to keep and then after the election he set about the serious business of his amnesty. How ironic it was that it was this that ultimately caused the collapse of his government (sorry, my mistake,Yingluck's government) and brought it down!!

The violence that her brother promoted caused Prayuth to intervene so I guess it's his fault ultimately that made it so much more difficult to do business in Thailand and not Prayuth's.

"Don't know enough about business in Thailand to comment on the visa issue. Just out of interest, can you explain exactly how this coup affected your business prospects adversely and just how it was better when Thailand had ground to a halt without a functional government and there was blood on the streets and violence on a daily basis as compared to the present day stability. I know which environment I would consider more certain."

Why bother ? You know nothing about doing business in Thailand and yet you make assertions and constantly attribute all violence on one party.. As mentioned, most Asian countries now are far easier to conduct business with regards to visas, taxes, imports and exports (depending on shipment size), than Thailand.

The situation was not misjudged, as we pulled out of Thailand in a week. You can never put much trust in Thailand, especially now. Happily, we finished the most important work. in that same week.

Why couldn't the Thai elite or Yellows mount a worthy campaign in Isaan or the north. Why did the get so trounced by Thaksin and his kid sister ? Any why the yellows did so badly ? Any unique perspectives on this ?

I'm not making assertions about anything, all I am pointing out regards the violence is that it was exclusively from one side - the reds.

Thaksin kept on winning elections because he kept on bribing them with irresponsible populist policies, have you not heard about the rice scheme, first car buyers scheme (similar thing with your first property), the one tablet one child scheme etc: well this nearly bankrupted Thailand and failed the farmers but made everyone else rich through corruption.

The democrats are too sensible and responsible to attempt such reckless schemes in order to win their vote - hence they did not make fools of the people in the North and consequently, failed to win power. Does that answer your question?


Thailand DID NOT GRIND TO A HALT.. everywhere outside of a few areas in Bangkok, it was business as usual..

Blood on the streets and daily violence.. yes and there was even some of that happening in Bangkok too, the deep south has had this for 10 years, Bangkok 8 months, go figure.

Yes it's very stable now down in the South, there hasn't been any attacks at all since the coup.....oh wait a minute...wrong planet.. better get back to planet earth, where it's a very different picture you paint Lucky.

Sensationalism much? What flavour is the Kool aid today?

It did!! the government couldn't do anything, spend anything, pass any laws, help the farmers because of the first two of these things and it was business as usual!!

If I'm on the wrong planet then you are in a different galaxy!!

What the lord has the deep South got to do with anything. Only that it is a lot more peaceful down there I suppose since Prayuth took over.

I don't drink Kool aid, I don't even know what it tastes like (s*** I imagine).

There is a huge difference between the Government unable to function, due to it having been dissolved, and the every day business's, the Government may have ground to a halt, but business's outside of the protests continued, exports and imports continued to happen daily.. the country was going about their daily business as usual.

Based on what many post here, the Government were not doing much apart from lining their pockets before the protests anyway.

Your definition of grinding to a halt is very different from mine.

The deep south has got everything to do with your post, as you seem to intimate that the ONLY violence happening in Thailand was in Bangkok, the violence down in the South is also of a political nature too, something you and your Junta loving brethren always seem to push aside as if it's not important, as it's all about the Shins and the reds with your lot.

Try telling the victims and families of the 5000 plus killed in the past 10 years, their lives mean zero, as they don't fit into your political agenda sir.

Oh I'm afraid you're very much a kool aid drinker, its a euphemism of "supporting a faction or a cause" in this case, it's a staunch support of the Junta and PM Prayuth wink.png

Why do you as a farang have such a staunch support for him? Military Governments who rule are never about what's best for the people, they're about control, and remaining there.

Do you support the current Junta out of fear? Have you ever lived or worked under such a leadership before and interacted with the people?

I work for the Chinese in the Middle East, and you want to hear them about their standard of living and how they're totally controlled when they're at home, they love coming back here from vacation, they have less restrictions imposed on them.

Be careful of what you wish for, me, unlike you will leave the desires and wishes for the Thai people, until the day I get a vote, I will leave the Thais to either dig their own hole, or prospers and become leaders and pioneers in business and industry.

The violence in the deep South has nothing to do with Prayuth in his current position. I'm not even going to discuss this as it is completely irrelevant in the context of this topic.

I am not supporting a military government I am supporting the PM in his quest for legitimate democracy.

Do I support the junta out of fear!! Fear for what may I ask? No I have never worked or lived under a similar leadership as this before but I wish I had have done as it is a darned sight better than having people like Margaret Thatcher running the show as she was a complete disaster as a leader (sorry Costas) - she is a prime example as to where democracy can go wrong. The two Bushes were al is old bossy boots Merkel.

I don't want the Thai's to dig a whole as I care and fear for them - this is what tells me that democracy is not right at the moment.in Thailand. Well, to be honest, it hasn't been right since 2001.


don't you have blisters clutching at straws all the time?

How many Farmers are there that were able to join the scheme, I'd like numbers please based on a percentage of the voting electorate.

I'd also like the same breakdown for all the red supporting electorate who rushed out to buy a car with their 500 baht!!

so... the potential scheme for writing off farmers debts up to a certain amount isn't a populist policy then?

Tell me Lucky, where are you originally from? Could you also tell me exactly how, and what the policies of the last Government affected you personally, detriment to your way of living please that you have such a boner for the Shins? ..


Of all the Thai's I know where I am 100% are very happy with the current situation.

All of this 'personal freedoms' and even 'democracy' are over rated - why do we need full personal freedoms? Should we have the freedom to rob a bank? Should we have the freedom to destroy someone's life by maliciously and falsely accusing them of rape? Should we have the freedom of attacking someone's faith - resulting in the loss of innocent lives as a result of this? Should we have the freedom to blow up children in the name of political disagreements, I don't think that we should.

They didn't usurp power from a functioning government as the Yingluck has never been one and they had relinquished power BEFORE your so called coup.

Forget people's rights and freedoms and just compare the difference in how people generally are feeling with life post-coup NB: this excludes those that are protesting against the legitimacy of this government as they are not happy simply because Prayuth has denied them their precious personal freedoms.

Marshal law is harmless if you abide by the law - if you set off explosions, try to create disharmony, interfere with Prayuth's work by spreading lies about his accomplishments (of which there are many) then you may be taken in and receive a ticking off about your behaviour.

Just forget all of the freedoms, democracy and the fact that we have marshal law for a few months and 'real' democracy will come with greatly reduced corruption abuses and your personal freedoms!! Let him finish his valuable work and Thailand will be a different place to what Thai's have had to put up with in the past.

Where is this place where 100% of the Thai Citizens are happy ?

Master Poll... wink.png


The topic is about a man who is seen to be obsessive about the imposition of personal and elitist Dogma.

And now shifted from a prior position of transitional governance to a threat to hold on to power indefinitely.

Daily considerations of his threats , this amongst many, are becoming taunting for media , observers , Thai citizens , human rights organisations, and international embassies based around Thailand.

The demographic is taking on new dimensions that only the most foolish will dismiss in their blind faith .

Thailand could possibly , even likely , be controlled by this man and his inner circle in far more radical terms in future based just on comments and announcements .

Media will be servers to position of state and possibly even be given what to print.

Certainly , it will not be free to tell the public or world the real position of events.

Polls we have seen weekly almost will be the norm.

Internal consequences for perceived threats to them ( the military ) could well be under the act rounded up and shot or held indefinitely .

This is not just speculative but common under these circumstances.

Protests would be dealt with harshly.

Sanctions may follow and Thailand economically fall away as an Asian investment market.

Recession , and instability , fear and isolation will more than likely see Thailand move towards Chinese power.

This is the beginning of a road many feared.

There is every reason to take the PM seriously.

And consider the metamorphosis of civil rights ahead including expats and their respective positions.

Yeh!! right.

What a vivid imagination you have - eloquently put but sheer fiction out of a comic book.

That exact comment was said to me months ago ( by a blind faith follower of dear leader) when I predicted stricter times ahead and threats to media.

Time will tell whose common observations pale into superhero fiction .

Or unfold as tragic political and social carnage.

Certainly, there is nothing comical about adjustment camp and firing squad threats.

Nor "" absolute power""

Most people of some IQ see cause to be concerned when this joker is running the show

He is joking about most of these things, if not all. You should loosen up and enjoy the ride as I am. If he said that he was going to kill his mother-in-law tomorrow would you believe she would still be alive the next day? Of course you would.

Just calm down, relax and stop going on as if the world is going to end because of him.

As to the firing squad death threats (if he made them) surely, this shows that he is joking!!


Of all the Thai's I know where I am 100% are very happy with the current situation.

All of this 'personal freedoms' and even 'democracy' are over rated - why do we need full personal freedoms? Should we have the freedom to rob a bank? Should we have the freedom to destroy someone's life by maliciously and falsely accusing them of rape? Should we have the freedom of attacking someone's faith - resulting in the loss of innocent lives as a result of this? Should we have the freedom to blow up children in the name of political disagreements, I don't think that we should.

They didn't usurp power from a functioning government as the Yingluck has never been one and they had relinquished power BEFORE your so called coup.

Forget people's rights and freedoms and just compare the difference in how people generally are feeling with life post-coup NB: this excludes those that are protesting against the legitimacy of this government as they are not happy simply because Prayuth has denied them their precious personal freedoms.

Marshal law is harmless if you abide by the law - if you set off explosions, try to create disharmony, interfere with Prayuth's work by spreading lies about his accomplishments (of which there are many) then you may be taken in and receive a ticking off about your behaviour.

Just forget all of the freedoms, democracy and the fact that we have marshal law for a few months and 'real' democracy will come with greatly reduced corruption abuses and your personal freedoms!! Let him finish his valuable work and Thailand will be a different place to what Thai's have had to put up with in the past.

Where is this place where 100% of the Thai Citizens are happy ?

Master Poll... wink.png

I must be gregarious if my circle of friends stretches to cover the entire population of Thailand!!!


Sorry, the coup is to blame for the visas and we have already pulled work from Thailand, as it is easier to manage in other countries.. It has been advantageous for China and Thailand's neighbors, if you are looking for a silver lining.

So you are saying promised the moon to the people of the north and east . That was his unfair advantage ?

Don't know enough about business in Thailand to comment on the visa issue. Just out of interest, can you explain exactly how this coup affected your business prospects adversely and just how it was better when Thailand had ground to a halt without a functional government and there was blood on the streets and violence on a daily basis as compared to the present day stability. I know which environment I would consider more certain.

Could you have misjudged the situation badly by any chance.

Yes it was his unfair advantage as they fell for it hook-line-and-sinker just how he had planned and dutifully extended his pillaging blitz.

Before the election he made promises he failed to keep and then after the election he set about the serious business of his amnesty. How ironic it was that it was this that ultimately caused the collapse of his government (sorry, my mistake,Yingluck's government) and brought it down!!

The violence that her brother promoted caused Prayuth to intervene so I guess it's his fault ultimately that made it so much more difficult to do business in Thailand and not Prayuth's.

"Don't know enough about business in Thailand to comment on the visa issue. Just out of interest, can you explain exactly how this coup affected your business prospects adversely and just how it was better when Thailand had ground to a halt without a functional government and there was blood on the streets and violence on a daily basis as compared to the present day stability. I know which environment I would consider more certain."

Why bother ? You know nothing about doing business in Thailand and yet you make assertions and constantly attribute all violence on one party.. As mentioned, most Asian countries now are far easier to conduct business with regards to visas, taxes, imports and exports (depending on shipment size), than Thailand.

The situation was not misjudged, as we pulled out of Thailand in a week. You can never put much trust in Thailand, especially now. Happily, we finished the most important work. in that same week.

Why couldn't the Thai elite or Yellows mount a worthy campaign in Isaan or the north. Why did the get so trounced by Thaksin and his kid sister ? Any why the yellows did so badly ? Any unique perspectives on this ?

I'm not making assertions about anything, all I am pointing out regards the violence is that it was exclusively from one side - the reds.

Thaksin kept on winning elections because he kept on bribing them with irresponsible populist policies, have you not heard about the rice scheme, first car buyers scheme (similar thing with your first property), the one tablet one child scheme etc: well this nearly bankrupted Thailand and failed the farmers but made everyone else rich through corruption.

The democrats are too sensible and responsible to attempt such reckless schemes in order to win their vote - hence they did not make fools of the people in the North and consequently, failed to win power. Does that answer your question?

There were plenty of accusations as to vote buying and felonious behavior. Is there any proof ? Haven't the people in the north and east been pretty much ignored by the yellows and the Thai elite? How do you feel about the Thai elite ?


If a "General" present a plan of action ending in 2020....better to believe that at least its will be in command until that time....to call elections and be a candidate to win. Military strategy at its best!


I'm not making assertions about anything, all I am pointing out regards the violence is that it was exclusively from one side - the reds.

Thaksin kept on winning elections because he kept on bribing them with irresponsible populist policies, have you not heard about the rice scheme, first car buyers scheme (similar thing with your first property), the one tablet one child scheme etc: well this nearly bankrupted Thailand and failed the farmers but made everyone else rich through corruption.

The democrats are too sensible and responsible to attempt such reckless schemes in order to win their vote - hence they did not make fools of the people in the North and consequently, failed to win power. Does that answer your question?

There were plenty of accusations as to vote buying and felonious behavior. Is there any proof ? Haven't the people in the north and east been pretty much ignored by the yellows and the Thai elite? How do you feel about the Thai elite ?

Well, vote buying has changed over the years. From mostly a direct handout with possibly your ID taken to be returned later to 'delayed' promises as with the RPPS (money for the 'right' people when we're elected).

Is there proof? None which Yingluck lovers would accept, I'm afraid and also Ms. Yingluck seems a bit hesitant to provide the 'right' answers. Democracy died when she was impeached her PR team wrote on her ffacebook page, she wants justice and a chance to explain her PR team wrote. Well, go ahead, I always liked it when my mother read fairy tales for my brothers/sisters and me.

As for 'the yellows' and 'the elite', easy labels. Maybe you should check some background of the Amply Rich Shinawatras. Thaksin bought many small parties and groups to win the 2001 elections and he didn't do it out of the ggodness in his heart or even out of altruism. Business, his business and if that means being seen to help others so be it.

So, Prayut threatens, or more like

""If the situation remains like this I can tell you that I will hold on to power for a long time," he said after denouncing those who criticise the country's lack of democratic progress.

"Why is there all this fuss about elections?" he also asked. "(If there's no election) will anyone die?""

Of course those asking PM Prayut to be more democratic are simply annoying him into staying longer. They're probably just pro-junta rather than pro-democracy rolleyes.gif


I'm not making assertions about anything, all I am pointing out regards the violence is that it was exclusively from one side - the reds.

Thaksin kept on winning elections because he kept on bribing them with irresponsible populist policies, have you not heard about the rice scheme, first car buyers scheme (similar thing with your first property), the one tablet one child scheme etc: well this nearly bankrupted Thailand and failed the farmers but made everyone else rich through corruption.

The democrats are too sensible and responsible to attempt such reckless schemes in order to win their vote - hence they did not make fools of the people in the North and consequently, failed to win power. Does that answer your question?

There were plenty of accusations as to vote buying and felonious behavior. Is there any proof ? Haven't the people in the north and east been pretty much ignored by the yellows and the Thai elite? How do you feel about the Thai elite ?

Well, vote buying has changed over the years. From mostly a direct handout with possibly your ID taken to be returned later to 'delayed' promises as with the RPPS (money for the 'right' people when we're elected).

Is there proof? None which Yingluck lovers would accept, I'm afraid and also Ms. Yingluck seems a bit hesitant to provide the 'right' answers. Democracy died when she was impeached her PR team wrote on her ffacebook page, she wants justice and a chance to explain her PR team wrote. Well, go ahead, I always liked it when my mother read fairy tales for my brothers/sisters and me.

As for 'the yellows' and 'the elite', easy labels. Maybe you should check some background of the Amply Rich Shinawatras. Thaksin bought many small parties and groups to win the 2001 elections and he didn't do it out of the ggodness in his heart or even out of altruism. Business, his business and if that means being seen to help others so be it.

So, Prayut threatens, or more like

""If the situation remains like this I can tell you that I will hold on to power for a long time," he said after denouncing those who criticise the country's lack of democratic progress.

"Why is there all this fuss about elections?" he also asked. "(If there's no election) will anyone die?""

Of course those asking PM Prayut to be more democratic are simply annoying him into staying longer. They're probably just pro-junta rather than pro-democracy rolleyes.gif

"Of course those asking PM Prayut to be more democratic are simply annoying him into staying longer."

Do you think that by being agreeable, uncomplaining subjects and agreeing to everything Prayuth says and does that he will leave sooner?

I think the worst thing the Thai people can do is make him feel comfortable in the job he stole.


Sorry, the coup is to blame for the visas and we have already pulled work from Thailand, as it is easier to manage in other countries.. It has been advantageous for China and Thailand's neighbors, if you are looking for a silver lining.

So you are saying promised the moon to the people of the north and east . That was his unfair advantage ?

Don't know enough about business in Thailand to comment on the visa issue. Just out of interest, can you explain exactly how this coup affected your business prospects adversely and just how it was better when Thailand had ground to a halt without a functional government and there was blood on the streets and violence on a daily basis as compared to the present day stability. I know which environment I would consider more certain.

Could you have misjudged the situation badly by any chance.

Yes it was his unfair advantage as they fell for it hook-line-and-sinker just how he had planned and dutifully extended his pillaging blitz.

Before the election he made promises he failed to keep and then after the election he set about the serious business of his amnesty. How ironic it was that it was this that ultimately caused the collapse of his government (sorry, my mistake,Yingluck's government) and brought it down!!

The violence that her brother promoted caused Prayuth to intervene so I guess it's his fault ultimately that made it so much more difficult to do business in Thailand and not Prayuth's.

"Don't know enough about business in Thailand to comment on the visa issue. Just out of interest, can you explain exactly how this coup affected your business prospects adversely and just how it was better when Thailand had ground to a halt without a functional government and there was blood on the streets and violence on a daily basis as compared to the present day stability. I know which environment I would consider more certain."

Why bother ? You know nothing about doing business in Thailand and yet you make assertions and constantly attribute all violence on one party.. As mentioned, most Asian countries now are far easier to conduct business with regards to visas, taxes, imports and exports (depending on shipment size), than Thailand.

The situation was not misjudged, as we pulled out of Thailand in a week. You can never put much trust in Thailand, especially now. Happily, we finished the most important work. in that same week.

Why couldn't the Thai elite or Yellows mount a worthy campaign in Isaan or the north. Why did the get so trounced by Thaksin and his kid sister ? Any why the yellows did so badly ? Any unique perspectives on this ?

I'm not making assertions about anything, all I am pointing out regards the violence is that it was exclusively from one side - the reds.

Thaksin kept on winning elections because he kept on bribing them with irresponsible populist policies, have you not heard about the rice scheme, first car buyers scheme (similar thing with your first property), the one tablet one child scheme etc: well this nearly bankrupted Thailand and failed the farmers but made everyone else rich through corruption.

The democrats are too sensible and responsible to attempt such reckless schemes in order to win their vote - hence they did not make fools of the people in the North and consequently, failed to win power. Does that answer your question?

"I am pointing out regards the violence is that it was exclusively from one side - the reds."

Exclusively on one side? You may not be drinking kool-aid but you are definitely on something reality distorting.

  • Like 1

I'm not making assertions about anything, all I am pointing out regards the violence is that it was exclusively from one side - the reds.

Thaksin kept on winning elections because he kept on bribing them with irresponsible populist policies, have you not heard about the rice scheme, first car buyers scheme (similar thing with your first property), the one tablet one child scheme etc: well this nearly bankrupted Thailand and failed the farmers but made everyone else rich through corruption.

The democrats are too sensible and responsible to attempt such reckless schemes in order to win their vote - hence they did not make fools of the people in the North and consequently, failed to win power. Does that answer your question?

There were plenty of accusations as to vote buying and felonious behavior. Is there any proof ? Haven't the people in the north and east been pretty much ignored by the yellows and the Thai elite? How do you feel about the Thai elite ?

Well, vote buying has changed over the years. From mostly a direct handout with possibly your ID taken to be returned later to 'delayed' promises as with the RPPS (money for the 'right' people when we're elected).

Is there proof? None which Yingluck lovers would accept, I'm afraid and also Ms. Yingluck seems a bit hesitant to provide the 'right' answers. Democracy died when she was impeached her PR team wrote on her ffacebook page, she wants justice and a chance to explain her PR team wrote. Well, go ahead, I always liked it when my mother read fairy tales for my brothers/sisters and me.

As for 'the yellows' and 'the elite', easy labels. Maybe you should check some background of the Amply Rich Shinawatras. Thaksin bought many small parties and groups to win the 2001 elections and he didn't do it out of the ggodness in his heart or even out of altruism. Business, his business and if that means being seen to help others so be it.

So, Prayut threatens, or more like

""If the situation remains like this I can tell you that I will hold on to power for a long time," he said after denouncing those who criticise the country's lack of democratic progress.

"Why is there all this fuss about elections?" he also asked. "(If there's no election) will anyone die?""

Of course those asking PM Prayut to be more democratic are simply annoying him into staying longer. They're probably just pro-junta rather than pro-democracy rolleyes.gif

"Of course those asking PM Prayut to be more democratic are simply annoying him into staying longer."

Do you think that by being agreeable, uncomplaining subjects and agreeing to everything Prayuth says and does that he will leave sooner?

I think the worst thing the Thai people can do is make him feel comfortable in the job he stole.

Of course those asking PM Prayut to be more democratic are simply annoying him into staying longer. They're probably just pro-junta rather than pro-democracy

BTW 'stole'? And you're still not banned here, thrown in jail (assuming you're in Thailand), or have your IP blocked from coming into Thai systems ? Mind you foreigners don't really count here, never have either.


There were plenty of accusations as to vote buying and felonious behavior. Is there any proof ? Haven't the people in the north and east been pretty much ignored by the yellows and the Thai elite? How do you feel about the Thai elite ?

Well, vote buying has changed over the years. From mostly a direct handout with possibly your ID taken to be returned later to 'delayed' promises as with the RPPS (money for the 'right' people when we're elected).

Is there proof? None which Yingluck lovers would accept, I'm afraid and also Ms. Yingluck seems a bit hesitant to provide the 'right' answers. Democracy died when she was impeached her PR team wrote on her ffacebook page, she wants justice and a chance to explain her PR team wrote. Well, go ahead, I always liked it when my mother read fairy tales for my brothers/sisters and me.

As for 'the yellows' and 'the elite', easy labels. Maybe you should check some background of the Amply Rich Shinawatras. Thaksin bought many small parties and groups to win the 2001 elections and he didn't do it out of the ggodness in his heart or even out of altruism. Business, his business and if that means being seen to help others so be it.

So, Prayut threatens, or more like

""If the situation remains like this I can tell you that I will hold on to power for a long time," he said after denouncing those who criticise the country's lack of democratic progress.

"Why is there all this fuss about elections?" he also asked. "(If there's no election) will anyone die?""

Of course those asking PM Prayut to be more democratic are simply annoying him into staying longer. They're probably just pro-junta rather than pro-democracy rolleyes.gif

"Of course those asking PM Prayut to be more democratic are simply annoying him into staying longer."

Do you think that by being agreeable, uncomplaining subjects and agreeing to everything Prayuth says and does that he will leave sooner?

I think the worst thing the Thai people can do is make him feel comfortable in the job he stole.

Of course those asking PM Prayut to be more democratic are simply annoying him into staying longer. They're probably just pro-junta rather than pro-democracy

BTW 'stole'? And you're still not banned here, thrown in jail (assuming you're in Thailand), or have your IP blocked from coming into Thai systems ? Mind you foreigners don't really count here, never have either.

You don't dispute anything in my reply, but you do seem disappointed that the censors aren't being more aggressive. Your not a fan of free speech, are you?

  • Like 2

Well, vote buying has changed over the years. From mostly a direct handout with possibly your ID taken to be returned later to 'delayed' promises as with the RPPS (money for the 'right' people when we're elected).

Is there proof? None which Yingluck lovers would accept, I'm afraid and also Ms. Yingluck seems a bit hesitant to provide the 'right' answers. Democracy died when she was impeached her PR team wrote on her ffacebook page, she wants justice and a chance to explain her PR team wrote. Well, go ahead, I always liked it when my mother read fairy tales for my brothers/sisters and me.

As for 'the yellows' and 'the elite', easy labels. Maybe you should check some background of the Amply Rich Shinawatras. Thaksin bought many small parties and groups to win the 2001 elections and he didn't do it out of the ggodness in his heart or even out of altruism. Business, his business and if that means being seen to help others so be it.

So, Prayut threatens, or more like

""If the situation remains like this I can tell you that I will hold on to power for a long time," he said after denouncing those who criticise the country's lack of democratic progress.

"Why is there all this fuss about elections?" he also asked. "(If there's no election) will anyone die?""

Of course those asking PM Prayut to be more democratic are simply annoying him into staying longer. They're probably just pro-junta rather than pro-democracy rolleyes.gif

"Of course those asking PM Prayut to be more democratic are simply annoying him into staying longer."

Do you think that by being agreeable, uncomplaining subjects and agreeing to everything Prayuth says and does that he will leave sooner?

I think the worst thing the Thai people can do is make him feel comfortable in the job he stole.

Of course those asking PM Prayut to be more democratic are simply annoying him into staying longer. They're probably just pro-junta rather than pro-democracy

BTW 'stole'? And you're still not banned here, thrown in jail (assuming you're in Thailand), or have your IP blocked from coming into Thai systems ? Mind you foreigners don't really count here, never have either.

You don't dispute anything in my reply, but you do seem disappointed that the censors aren't being more aggressive. Your not a fan of free speech, are you?

""If the situation remains like this I can tell you that I will hold on to power for a long time," he said after denouncing those who criticise the country's lack of democratic progress.

"Why is there all this fuss about elections?" he also asked. "(If there's no election) will anyone die?""


"Of course those asking PM Prayut to be more democratic are simply annoying him into staying longer."

Do you think that by being agreeable, uncomplaining subjects and agreeing to everything Prayuth says and does that he will leave sooner?

I think the worst thing the Thai people can do is make him feel comfortable in the job he stole.

Of course those asking PM Prayut to be more democratic are simply annoying him into staying longer. They're probably just pro-junta rather than pro-democracy

BTW 'stole'? And you're still not banned here, thrown in jail (assuming you're in Thailand), or have your IP blocked from coming into Thai systems ? Mind you foreigners don't really count here, never have either.

You don't dispute anything in my reply, but you do seem disappointed that the censors aren't being more aggressive. Your not a fan of free speech, are you?

""If the situation remains like this I can tell you that I will hold on to power for a long time," he said after denouncing those who criticise the country's lack of democratic progress.

"Why is there all this fuss about elections?" he also asked. "(If there's no election) will anyone die?""

You make Prayuth look both menacing and foolish every time you remind people of what he said. Well done.


""If the situation remains like this I can tell you that I will hold on to power for a long time," he said after denouncing those who criticise the country's lack of democratic progress.

"Why is there all this fuss about elections?" he also asked. "(If there's no election) will anyone die?""

You make Prayuth look both menacing and foolish every time you remind people of what he said. Well done.

It's in the eye of the beholder, or actually in what (s)he already thinks.


good and i my thai family and this friends would totally support that if alternative was vile Taksin clan and his red shirt thugs. MY family children can live in relative peace.

OT those who oppose tough @##$# your hero went to far as did Hitler and rest.

Don't worry if were lucky well have 10-20 years peace and i do support all messages re thinness etc. Fornag here can and should go #$$%@ off back home if they dont like it. I my This family and rest are staying and more optimistic about future than we've been for a decade when Thailand was under heavy cloud of Taksins evil intensions.

Hard luck just live with it or go please.

Thank you Suphet for delivering us from a would be most evil dictator. As I've said from start anything is better than Taksin and it still is.


""If the situation remains like this I can tell you that I will hold on to power for a long time," he said after denouncing those who criticise the country's lack of democratic progress.

"Why is there all this fuss about elections?" he also asked. "(If there's no election) will anyone die?""

You make Prayuth look both menacing and foolish every time you remind people of what he said. Well done.

It's in the eye of the beholder, or actually in what (s)he already thinks.

Ah, you didn't repeat it. Let me do it for you:

""If the situation remains like this I can tell you that I will hold on to power for a long time," he said after denouncing those who criticise the country's lack of democratic progress.

"Why is there all this fuss about elections?" he also asked. "(If there's no election) will anyone die?""

How can anyone read that and not be concerned about his leadership and Thailand's future?

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