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How Did You Meet Your Thai Husband?


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Guess that's cause I was so nosy huh? :D

I was a tourist, teaching English and renewing my Mandarin studies in Taiwan. A friend of mine recommended Koh PHangan as a great place to relax after the stress of being one of three foreigners in the town I lived in (me and the two mormons). Anyway, the place I stayed at was run by an Australian woman and her Thai husband, who happens to be my husbands second cousin. He showed interest, I wasn't so sure. The Australian woman (who is a great friend of mine now, I might add) vouched for him as a nice guy, she had known him for a couple of years already. I think, if she hadn't, I probably would not have been that interested. I did not speak the language or know the culture and knew that he could feed me any story and I wouldn't know the difference between what was fact or fiction.

We married after 9 months of being together all the time and never spent any time apart until I started going to the US by myself about 5 years ago.

He was and still can be (we are married after all :D ) quite romantic, said he knew I was the one and knew if he didn't grab ahold of me he would lose me. Well, he must have known what he was talking about because we are still happily married 17 years later :o

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Guess that's cause I was so nosy huh? :D

I was a tourist, teaching English and renewing my Mandarin studies in Taiwan. A friend of mine recommended Koh PHangan as a great place to relax after the stress of being one of three foreigners in the town I lived in (me and the two mormons). Anyway, the place I stayed at was run by an Australian woman and her Thai husband, who happens to be my husbands second cousin. He showed interest, I wasn't so sure. The Australian woman (who is a great friend of mine now, I might add) vouched for him as a nice guy, she had known him for a couple of years already. I think, if she hadn't, I probably would not have been that interested. I did not speak the language or know the culture and knew that he could feed me any story and I wouldn't know the difference between what was fact or fiction.

We married after 9 months of being together all the time and never spent any time apart until I started going to the US by myself about 5 years ago.

He was and still can be (we are married after all :D ) quite romantic, said he knew I was the one and knew if he didn't grab ahold of me he would lose me. Well, he must have known what he was talking about because we are still happily married 17 years later :o

Did your husband formarly asked for your hand in marriage or did it evolve as the logical next step?

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He didn't get down on his knees, no, but he did ask me to marry him.

How about you?

We were rafting with friends in Kao Luang National Park at Krung Ching, it was a gorgeous day.

We were in a small canoe, just the 2 of us and the guide who was doing the paddling.

It was a calm peaceful ride on the river, both gentle rapids and some white water.

I was leaning on my husband, soaking in the sun when he whispered in my ear that he wanted to marry me. this was just a few weeks after we met. :o

He later told me that he knew from the beginning we would get married. :D:D

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Guess that's cause I was so nosy huh? :D

I was a tourist, teaching English and renewing my Mandarin studies in Taiwan. A friend of mine recommended Koh PHangan as a great place to relax after the stress of being one of three foreigners in the town I lived in (me and the two mormons). Anyway, the place I stayed at was run by an Australian woman and her Thai husband, who happens to be my husbands second cousin. He showed interest, I wasn't so sure. The Australian woman (who is a great friend of mine now, I might add) vouched for him as a nice guy, she had known him for a couple of years already. I think, if she hadn't, I probably would not have been that interested. I did not speak the language or know the culture and knew that he could feed me any story and I wouldn't know the difference between what was fact or fiction.

We married after 9 months of being together all the time and never spent any time apart until I started going to the US by myself about 5 years ago.

He was and still can be (we are married after all :D ) quite romantic, said he knew I was the one and knew if he didn't grab ahold of me he would lose me. Well, he must have known what he was talking about because we are still happily married 17 years later :D

Glad it turned out so well.

Imagine if things had taken a different turn and you had fallen for one of the mormons.

Instead of Koh Pangan, you might have ended up in Salt Lake City sharing your husband with a dozen other wives! :o

Edited by somchai jones
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How my husband and I met was serendipitous and in my eyes at least, also romantic.

I was taking some days off a few weeks before Christmas.

I was on my way to Samui then off to visit sbk.

As it was a really windy day, the water was choppy and I was getting a bit sea sick on the ferry.

At one point I had gone out to get fresh air, when I came back in I was fighting with the door, the wind was just keeping it shut, I kept pushing and pushing and suddenly it opened and I flew with it.


At that moment, as I was flying in pulled by the door, this man with a wide smile was looking straight at me, :o we shared a long distance laugh at my predicament.

I sat back down at the front of the cabine, I looked back and he was sitting alone, so I thought why not go sit with him. We sat and talked for the rest of the way.

When we got to Nathon, I took a motorcycle taxi and went to stay with my friends.

He called me to make sure I was ok. Then again to ask if I wanted to meet him.

We had our first date the next day, a double date with my friends.

The next day, I went to see sbk but only after one day I missed him. He called me again and again, so I went back to Samui. He met me at the pier and we have been together ever since. :D

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loy katong last year, anon worked with me, asked me to do the loy katong thingy along with my kids as we have a waterfall/pond at the zoo.... we both made a wish and sent the loy katongs off into the pond at 23:00 surrounded by ducks, goats, et al, my kids, and a chaperone (a friend of his came along to make sure no hanky panky occurred).... the rest , as u all know, is a soap opera that hopefully will result in a wedding within two months and a visa for him and we will live happily ever after........


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I took a year "off" and went traveling around the world painting. I arrived in the LOS and decided to take a break from all the “moving - about". I agreed to a volunteer teaching job in a very small fishing village on an island near Krabi. After a month of working there, all the other English-speaking teachers left. I stayed on. In-exchange for teaching I had the use of a beautiful wooden pole house over the sea. Weeks went by, and I was getting a bit lonely; no one to talk to and I had no transport. Then one day a Thai woman knocked on my door and spoke ENGLISH! We became friends instantly. Months passed, and we hung out a lot. One day, I told her jokingly, that I would like to meet a man with boat. A few days later a handsome Thai man came over cooked us kilo's of crab, fish and Shrimp. Initially, I was not a bit interested, I assumed he was 15 years+ my junior, but in reality we are only a few years difference. Anyway...a few more weeks passed and we ran into each other again. I then suggested a date. So the 3 of us sat on my deck, under the stars translating our first date. After a few hours "our translator" fell as sleep, and we stayed-up all night :o. That night was 4 and 1/2 year ago. After the Tsunami... losing so much and escaping unscathed by mere minutes on our boat we decided to get married. We were married Valentine's Day 2006. The entire fishing village attended. Today we work together and still live in our little town and we have learned to communicate on are own. :D

Edited by hellohello
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