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It seems to me that Thailand is pricing itself out of the market with these generally unobserved minimum wages. Manufacturers who have to observe the minimum wage are going to find themselves with no contracts as customers look overseas. Several recent trips to Bangkok revealed that the lower echelons were still only getting 100 Bht per day, so what is the point of passing laws that are not enforced ? Economics will have it,s way and in general people will get paid what they are worth irregardless.


A 20% wage increase? That seems a hell of a lot to be asking.

I cannot see them getting it.

I would raise that to a thousand. That should teach them that a thousand or ten thousand has no meaning to one who cannot get a job.

Also it won't make any difference to those who have no idea about budgeting biggrin.png They will still burn it like paper on crappy purchases..

In our village the dwellings - houses? - are a sight to behold BUT most have shinny trucks parked in front of them. Usually along side a hammock w/ someone taking a nap.


<A recent study shows that 90% of workers are currently supporting another person that has no income>

I would call this unemployment, but the current gov wants to keep the unemployment number at 1.5 % however it should be about 35%

The world over, a person not seeking employment is not counted as unemployed.



If police receive a fair wage, it may reduce corruption.

Increasing the pay of a criminal will not change his behavior. Many low paid workers are not criminals. Many rich people in Thailand are still criminals, especially those in government including military and police. The opposite might be true in that the more they have the more they want.

Did you ever see a billionaire who didn't want more money?

Increasing pay will not increase employee loyalty or productivity. Those are moral issues that many people lack. You can't pay someone to have morals including a work ethic.

Thailand reeks with a lack of morality in so many ways. It also thinks it is superior and entitled, but it doesn't earn it. It just expects and demands it.

It's too bad that everyone in the world can't be prosperous, but with Thailand's mindset, it's a long way from leading the pack.

Correct that just increasing the police salary will not make them all honest. There must also be the desire to keep the job, the public respect of a socially valuable and respected job, the fear of losing a well-paid job, and the fear of losing face by becoming unemployable if sacked. None of these fears exist in Thailand.


<A recent study shows that 90% of workers are currently supporting another person that has no income>

I would call this unemployment, but the current gov wants to keep the unemployment number at 1.5 % however it should be about 35%

The world over, a person not seeking employment is not counted as unemployed.

You seem to be applying first world standards to "the world over".

If there is no incentive to work, and no social benefits attached to registering as unemployed, then being "counted" as unemployed has no value either.

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<A recent study shows that 90% of workers are currently supporting another person that has no income>

I would call this unemployment, but the current gov wants to keep the unemployment number at 1.5 % however it should be about 35%

The world over, a person not seeking employment is not counted as unemployed.

You seem to be applying first world standards to "the world over".

If there is no incentive to work, and no social benefits attached to registering as unemployed, then being "counted" as unemployed has no value either.

Problem with Thailand is the absence of disincentive to remain jobless.

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Give them the increase.

I moved manufacturing to Vietnam 2 years ago. We cannot satisfy the Clients wanting design, tooling and manufacturing in Vietnam that once manufactured in Thailand.

Primary reason is cost. Thailand is at least 20-30% more expensive, but also quality and manufacturing times are better in Vietnam.

Thailand is complacent, expensive and slowly losing business to other countries.

...so, let's speed it up and grant the increase.

I will hope they soon develop robots for you to use then you can get rid of all those pesky workers that deserve a decent living. Its profiteers like you will soon ruin the world. You will produce all those great and glorious products but nobody sadly will be left with money to buy them. For the few people like you its a race to the top of the profits pile and finding places where you can operate cheaply and increase said profits even more. Nobody cares about the rest of humanity its just a case of using people as cheaply as possible and then disposing of them with little or no pension. We no longer care about our fellow man all we care about is how cheap we can get him to work and how long he will last before being discarded. Free trade has killed the whole world from a workers standpoint.

Vietnam has welcomed us at every level - from Investment and tax break levels, to local Governments and local communities where we give hundreds of people technical training and jobs and lift their standard of living and provide education and healthcare to the local communities. In short, they really value us and want us. Don't blame me for Vietnam investing in the right areas.

So, thanks for your backhanded concerns, but frankly, you don't have a clue what you are talking about.

I repeat, give Thailand the increase to give them a "decent living"...and see what your misguided and ignorant decision does for Thailand.

Somehow, I don't think Nike and Adidas are enthusiastic as you about Vietnam. http://news.yahoo.com/thousands-strike-major-shoe-factory-vietnam-033307666--finance.html


only 20% increase, wow ...

than price of everything will go up 40% again

Wage increases, not supported by an increase of productivity is only fuel for inflation, nothing else.

Farangs, having noticed a 20 % increase in productivity within their Thai-Surroundings since the last pay increase in Thailand, are welcome to report back here !


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Well wages have also to correlate with productivity to compete on the market. Sorry to say that but many of the employees where ever i can see them are far from beeing productiv!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In Stores like Home Work or many others they would have to kick out half of the staff!

Maybe they get closer to procuctivity but Thailand would get a very high unemployment rate compare to what they announce now!

So dont think just to raise up income makes sense!

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Salaries go up then transport costs go up and cost of living goes up again. Back to the same old problem of not enough money again. Why not tackle the issue of the Thai baht being to strong. The economy is suffering from this and factories are putting off workers because they have decreased orders because their goods are to expensive now.

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