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Yingluck's lawyer team: Here is what we are going to do to defend Yingluck...We will do this, that and the other.

Prosecution team: Thanks, guys. Appreciate you making our job easier.

Yingluck's lawyer team: Shucks, we spilled the rice, no we spilled the beans. It's all a smokescreen, we are not going to do what we said earlier...we are going to do something else now. (but in reality we are going to do what we said, there that should confuse them mightily, I am sure, I am confused myself)

Of course it is possible that this statement is just for the peanut gallery, merely a PR exercise. I don't believe the defense team is so idiotic as to go to court with this load of inanities as a defense.


Yingluck's lawyer team: Here is what we are going to do to defend Yingluck...We will do this, that and the other.

Prosecution team: Thanks, guys. Appreciate you making our job easier.

Yingluck's lawyer team: Shucks, we spilled the rice, no we spilled the beans. It's all a smokescreen, we are not going to do what we said earlier...we are going to do something else now. (but in reality we are going to do what we said, there that should confuse them mightily, I am sure, I am confused myself)

Of course it is possible that this statement is just for the peanut gallery, merely a PR exercise. I don't believe the defense team is so idiotic as to go to court with this load of inanities as a defense.


If there is 1 silver lining for Yingluck here, it is that she legalized perjury during her tenure as PM, when she was forced to lie under oath in the asset concealment case. This could come in very handy here.

As far as I know the Thai judicial system doesn't really cover 'jurisprudence'


An election campaign promise that she HAD TO honour ?

Politicians around the world will be shaking their heads and muttering under their breath " thank God that won't catch on here. "

She also promised one tablet per child, that didn't took off; she also promised a flat 20 Baht fare for BTS and MRT, that was forgotten about 5 seconds after the poll results came in, she also promised no more flooding and see how well that went...

Off the top of my head, that's three election promises that didn't happen.

Besides that, I don't remember the promise of setting up fake G2G deals so that connected companies could siphon off money from the rice scheme as being part of the electoral platform, maybe it was in very small print, written on the edge of the pamphlet.

Interesting the "had to honour" part.

Excuses this is in Thai only, but it is a "to be honoured" Pheu Thai election promise.


That's "no more flooding, no more droughts"


Charge her for negligence, charge her for not stopping corruption, no problem, but charging her because 16 people took their own life is ridiculous.

Right and that's why the charge dropped at the Supreme Court for Political Office Holders doesn't mention 16 dead farmers. Only negligence in properly controlling her 'self-financing' RPPS and allowing it to run up 700++ billion Baht debt.

I guess Yingluck's defense team will be cut short by the court when they start to present 'proof' against allegations which are not covered by the case at hand.

BTW if payments hadn't been cut short would the total loss have increased?


>>The ruling Pheu Thai Party had made the rice-pledging scheme one of its main policies, hence the case cannot be taken to court, the lawyers said.<< Quote

Has to be the most strange defense-strategy ever:

We promised to rob the people blind, so we had to follow through

Crying all the way to the bank??

There are numerous roads to Rome. Why take the route to self-enrichment?

Ever heard of greed in the DNA??

No, who sang it? Snoop dog or that ridiculous character ? ?

The road to hell is paved with good intentions


Just as a matter of interest how many warehouse owners with missing rice have been prosecuted and jailed compared to those guilty of LM?



Just as a matter of interest how many warehouse owners with missing rice have been prosecuted and jailed compared to those guilty of LM?


A small correction: Charged with LM.

To answer your question, All about keeping status quo, so who cares about a few minor fraud cases.........coffee1.gif


An election campaign promise that she HAD TO honour ?

Politicians around the world will be shaking their heads and muttering under their breath " thank God that won't catch on here. "

She also promised one tablet per child, that didn't took off; she also promised a flat 20 Baht fare for BTS and MRT, that was forgotten about 5 seconds after the poll results came in, she also promised no more flooding and see how well that went...

Off the top of my head, that's three election promises that didn't happen.

Besides that, I don't remember the promise of setting up fake G2G deals so that connected companies could siphon off money from the rice scheme as being part of the electoral platform, maybe it was in very small print, written on the edge of the pamphlet.

Interesting the "had to honour" part.

Excuses this is in Thai only, but it is a "to be honoured" Pheu Thai election promise.

2011 Election Campaign PT NoMoreFloodingOrDroughts.jpg

That's "no more flooding, no more droughts"

They have a leader who thinks he is God?

  • Like 2

Smart move by her legal team. Now the prosecution has more than 1 month to adjust their "strategy" and plug any "holes".

Thais just love to sound off without any regard to the potential consequences. Just look how the BIB and DSI telegraph their punches then wonder why suspects have legged it etc.

The place for a defence to be revealed is in the court not aired in public.

The usual " he / she will prove their innocence in court " is more than enough but TIT.

One thing about lawyers right or wrong they always get paid.

Interesting the "had to honour" part.

Excuses this is in Thai only, but it is a "to be honoured" Pheu Thai election promise.

2011 Election Campaign PT NoMoreFloodingOrDroughts.jpg

That's "no more flooding, no more droughts"

They have a leader who thinks he is God?

I sometimes think that his supporters also "think he is God", after all he arranged for the global economic-boom which so benefited Thailand, to occur during his first administration, which is a bit like Allah putting all that oil under Saudi, because they're such good believers. facepalm.gif

No political-leader or Thinker is God, they all make mistakes, they all take the credit for things beyond their control when it suits them.

And Yingluck's lawyers, I wonder whether they will accept the blame, if/when this case goes 'tits-up', or will they blame it on inconvenient facts, and bad-judgement instructions from afar ? whistling.gif

Don't do it, until the cheque has cleared, would be my own advice ! rolleyes.gif

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