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Foreigner threatens to throw kid from balcony (VIDEO)


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Convenient fake story in the wake of that Thai guy beating a 2 year old to death, to shift the focus back to the evil foreigners.


I was thinking hard to find some way to bash the Thai's in someway for this - You did it fine.


This topic is a classic example of the resident "Thai bashers" turning a story around in such a way to make Thais look bad. In this case concocting a fake story about a falang threatening to harm a child to take the attention away from the Thai man beating a 2 yo to death.

Of all the people I have met and seen on the streets of Thailand since I first visited the country 10 years ago, these people who have nothing better to do with their spare time than bash Thai people deserve the most sympathy.

Get some help !

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i applaud the cops actions. though after watching the 2 video,s i cannot hear him shouting he is going to throw the child or i cannot see him attempt to throw the child or even bring the child to edge of balcony, yes he seems to lift the child up higher but i think that was to stop child falling down , maybe maybe not.

one thing is for sure though, this deranged dick head should not have behaving like that with his children, kids should be taken off him now, and if he is truly guilty of going to throw the child off balcony he should be treated with the full force of the law .

some good audio evidence is needed , this story will be interested as it pans out. lets see.

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Convenient fake story in the wake of that Thai guy beating a 2 year old to death, to shift the focus back to the evil foreigners.

I will assume that's a troll comment rather than you actually live in a deluded fantasy world where you would believe this.

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The video, as noted, obviously doesn't prove anything other than a bunch of Thais rushing in to grab the child; however, given Thais would almost never insert themselves into a situation involving others (let alone falang others), the fact that several of them did so clearly tells me that at least the Thais thought this child was in immediate danger. Presuming that was their understanding and intent, bravo to them.

Just the wife's family rat packing the husband because he ran out of money and she wouldn't take the kid because she needed her freedom to find another ATM man. He tested by saying if you don't want the kid I just toss him over the rail.

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The video, as noted, obviously doesn't prove anything other than a bunch of Thais rushing in to grab the child; however, given Thais would almost never insert themselves into a situation involving others (let alone falang others), the fact that several of them did so clearly tells me that at least the Thais thought this child was in immediate danger. Presuming that was their understanding and intent, bravo to them.

Just the wife's family rat packing the husband because he ran out of money and she wouldn't take the kid because she needed her freedom to find another ATM man. He tested by saying if you don't want the kid I just toss him over the rail.

Right, and you view that as completely justified ? Give yourself an uppercut. Some of the opinions expressed here are straight from cloud cuckooland and yours is typical - whatever the issue was, you dont put a child in harm's way or use kids as bargaining chips - you just dont.

It's also interesting that if this had happened in Pattaya there would be endless howling from the bashers - I dont live in Chiang Mai, but clearly people lose it in every corner of Thailand so I'm not going to hate on the good people of CM based on the activities of a lone idiot. Hopefully those of us who dont leap from tall buildings or fight with Katoeys in Walking St will be given the benefit of the doubt the next time one of those events takes place in our town.

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Holy crap you guys have such small ego's that you think this shit heads action = a slight on your race or culture. It's pathetic how 90% of you louts on here disregard the bravery (yes wreckless but consider the situation) of the little Thai guy. You <deleted> should be grateful he did something before that idiot farang managed to kill the kid and bring even more shame to you people. One really dumb posters mentions blocking the kid from falling over the balcony, how the hell do you expect them to do that without angering the farang even more? Potentially causing him to throw the kid even sooner..To all those in denial about him not appearing guilty of trying to throw the kid look at the elevated height of the farang before he gets tackled, he's clearly standing on a platform to get higher ground. So stop the Thai bashing & pitifully trying to make your race appear incapable of any wrong doing, because to the rest of us that's impossible to perceive. You should be grateful you can even live here to complain & b*tch all day long.

Who the hell are you speaking about disgracing our race on our people? What country are you from? and what race are you. If your Thai like your tirade indicates then you must be a Professor of Linguistics and a University here. Doubting you badly and beginning to upchuck violently at your pain causing attack on my brethrensick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vrJpEP3T5- .

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The video, as noted, obviously doesn't prove anything other than a bunch of Thais rushing in to grab the child; however, given Thais would almost never insert themselves into a situation involving others (let alone falang others), the fact that several of them did so clearly tells me that at least the Thais thought this child was in immediate danger. Presuming that was their understanding and intent, bravo to them.

Just the wife's family rat packing the husband because he ran out of money and she wouldn't take the kid because she needed her freedom to find another ATM man. He tested by saying if you don't want the kid I just toss him over the rail.

Right, and you view that as completely justified ? Give yourself an uppercut. Some of the opinions expressed here are straight from cloud cuckooland and yours is typical - whatever the issue was, you dont put a child in harm's way or use kids as bargaining chips - you just dont.

It's also interesting that if this had happened in Pattaya there would be endless howling from the bashers - I dont live in Chiang Mai, but clearly people lose it in every corner of Thailand so I'm not going to hate on the good people of CM based on the activities of a lone idiot. Hopefully those of us who dont leap from tall buildings or fight with Katoeys in Walking St will be given the benefit of the doubt the next time one of those events takes place in our town.

I love to make absurd comments about lousy reporting and I also love to get people goat like yours. I have never understood why people can't just read the news as its posted and then just shut the hell up but they can't and on this forum you get opinions left right and center including murder investigators right to the convictions. So please give me my time on TVF making fun of the news and all the wonderfully stupid opinions I read here now and in the future not to mention the past.

Edited by poweratradio
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Holy crap you guys have such small ego's that you think this shit heads action = a slight on your race or culture. It's pathetic how 90% of you louts on here disregard the bravery (yes wreckless but consider the situation) of the little Thai guy. You <deleted> should be grateful he did something before that idiot farang managed to kill the kid and bring even more shame to you people. One really dumb posters mentions blocking the kid from falling over the balcony, how the hell do you expect them to do that without angering the farang even more? Potentially causing him to throw the kid even sooner..To all those in denial about him not appearing guilty of trying to throw the kid look at the elevated height of the farang before he gets tackled, he's clearly standing on a platform to get higher ground. So stop the Thai bashing & pitifully trying to make your race appear incapable of any wrong doing, because to the rest of us that's impossible to perceive. You should be grateful you can even live here to complain & b*tch all day long.

wow , who wound up freddy . :-)
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Holy crap you guys have such small ego's that you think this shit heads action = a slight on your race or culture. It's pathetic how 90% of you louts on here disregard the bravery (yes wreckless but consider the situation) of the little Thai guy. You <deleted> should be grateful he did something before that idiot farang managed to kill the kid and bring even more shame to you people. One really dumb posters mentions blocking the kid from falling over the balcony, how the hell do you expect them to do that without angering the farang even more? Potentially causing him to throw the kid even sooner..To all those in denial about him not appearing guilty of trying to throw the kid look at the elevated height of the farang before he gets tackled, he's clearly standing on a platform to get higher ground. So stop the Thai bashing & pitifully trying to make your race appear incapable of any wrong doing, because to the rest of us that's impossible to perceive. You should be grateful you can even live here to complain & b*tch all day long.

wow , who wound up freddy . :-)

Who wound him up ? Quite possibly idiots posting annoying, anti-Thai comments. Just my guess. whistling.gif

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Some people really shouldn't have kids.

I'll bet if background checks were carried out of this mans past they will reveal a man with previous abusing tendencies/medical issues, he obviously has severe mental problems and is a danger to himself and others.

It's interesting how many falangs flee previous unsuccessful (sometimes multiple) relationships/marriages from their home countries only to do it all again in Thailand with the same result

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Convenient fake story in the wake of that Thai guy beating a 2 year old to death, to shift the focus back to the evil foreigners.

That happened in Bangkok and has already been widely viewed by Thais.....coffee1.gif

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It is really disgraceful how many voyeurs and other crass commentators there are on ThaiVisa. The above report is quite exceptional. I am ready to accept it at face value, something not always so wise to do on ThaiVisa. Good on you, Traveler19491.

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They could have knocked the kid over the wall through their actions.

So what would you suggest, just stand idly by to wait to see if the @rsehoel throws the child over...then perhaps you'd be complaining that the "gutless Thais should have done something"

What the hell is wrong with some people on this forum. All they want to do is stick it to Thailand and Thais.

See you all later

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Full kudos to you Traveler. Surely earned the Sangsoms! smile.png

I was there. I'm actually in that video, but hard to see. My girlfriend and I had left my motorcycle to be washed, then walked to Kad Suan Keaw mall to kill the hour and a half it was going to take to get the bike detailed. We had gone into Tops Market on the ground floor to get a few things, and when we came out, everyone was standing around looking up. The area right outside of Tops is where the escalators are, and it's an open atrium up to the fourth floor. I looked up but could only see a little kid looking over the railing on the top floor and crying. My girlfriend asked a Thai what was going on, and she was told that some farang had gotten into a huge fight with his Thai wife, then had grabbed both kids and gone to the top floor where he was threatening to throw the kids off, then jump himself. I looked up again and now I could see the guy standing at the edge of the railing holding another, smaller child in his arms and screaming incoherently. I looked around and no one was doing anything, so I told my girlfriend to stay put, then I ran up the escalators to the top floor. When i got up there the guy was screaming at everyone to stay away. Not many people were up there, so I eased up to where the guy was and tried to see if it looked like he was serious. He was. He was standing on a bench that was placed against the railing, with one foot on the bench and one on the railing, swaying back and forth. Twice he swung the kid in his arms toward the railing, like he was going to throw him, then brought him back. He started yelling at his wife about how she had taken everything from him and now he was going to take from her. It sounded to me like he was trying to work up the "courage" to jump. I was standing about fifteen feet from him and I called to him and just started telling him that he was right, that his wife was wrong, and that whatever she had done she had obviously wronged him. He looked at me and took a step back, started listening to me. He said that she had taken all his money and now wouldn't let him see his kids. He had nothing left and nothing to live for. Then he turned and started screaming down at her again. He said he was going to hurt her, at which point he swung the kid toward the railing again. I yelled at him that he need to let his kids grow up, that when they were older they would realize that he was right, that their mom had taken them away, and that he was a good dad, but that he needed to let them live to grow up. I told him that if she had stolen his money that he needed to tell the police. He said the cops wouldn't listen to him, that now they would just lock him up. I told him, no, they would listen, he just needed to talk to him. I just figured that if the guy thought that someone understood him, and sided with him, he might wind it down a notch.

I was totally winging it. I just wanted to keep the guy talking, to get his mind off of jumping. He was totally wired, and I was really afraid that he was going to shove those kids over. In the link below you can see a cop walking in front of him. I'm out of sight off to the left. I couldn't see the little dude in the red jacket because the farang was between me and him. I just tried to keep the guy talking, and then the guy in red came up and pulled him away from the railing. You can see me in the white t-shirt and white ball cap. The kids were whisked away to their mom. I later saw them downstairs with their mom, and she thanked me. Several posters have indicated that it was no big deal, that the kids weren't in danger. Trust me, it was a very big deal. And yeah, it took twenty people to hold him down. He may have been on something, but he was very strong. The cops finally got the cuffs on him and led him away. I was shaking like a leaf, lol. Took me several SangSoms to wind down.

Here's a better angle. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1414161595560173

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Trust me, it was a very big deal. And yeah, it took twenty people to hold him down. He may have been on something, but he was very strong. The cops finally got the cuffs on him and led him away. I was shaking like a leaf, lol. Took me several SangSoms to wind down.

Here's a better angle. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1414161595560173

Well done and shown "moral courage". Thanks for sharing, surely the "heavy" part of the incident was on the beginning and before the mobile-cameras started. blink.png

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