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tourists spots attracting dumb dumbs

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You come to their country and, fail to learn to communicate in their language.

You decide to play Tonto and invent your own sign language and they fail to understand you.

Now tell me, who is the "Dumb Dumb" ??coffee1.gif

( Milk = nome, No + Mai )

pretty simple huh?

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so im in the wrong that another human in incompetent??

seems like most asia is possibly run by people who have no idea what there doing.

wow... so eloquent.. educated... know all..

should we already now bow to you for your superiority and should we all wait for some more troll posts to come??? coffee1.gif

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so im in the wrong that another human in incompetent??

seems like most asia is possibly run by people who have no idea what there doing.

Educate the ignorant of your superiority.

All will respect you then.

Why not volunteer to 'run' Asia by yourself and make the place better?

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crikey, a simple mis-communication over a 30 baht cup of coffee gets you so het up you have to post here.

the vendor is not stupid. you didnt not make your requirements clear. its you who does not speak the language here. the work for milk is 'nom', the word for no 'mai'. not difficult.

or you could point at the milk and say 'no'.

for the stupid party in this exchange i suggest a quick look in the mirror.

and for your own well being you need to calm down, or as they say here, 'jai yen yen'.

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