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New team appointed to whitewash 2010 crackdown, mother of victim says

Lite Beer

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Not unreasonable, just breaking the law, one of many.

And having the RTP to defend them, not to mention catch and prosecute their attackers, a bloody good idea.

Your so blinded in your hatred for all things shin that you keep missing the woods for the trees.

Sure the RTP were useless. But the RTA were also on the streets very early on and set up checkpoints and patrols and were armed with bigger guns, and still the attacks happened so would you agree that logic also dictates that the RTA were also useles, and inefective at protecting protestors too?

Now lets have a closer look at what you wrote having rh RTP to defend them? Hmmm let me have think about that for a nano second, surely the job of the police by dedinition are there to enforce the law? And it's the Armys responsibility to protect the The Monaechy, the Nation and the people?

I'm not excusing the police, I just look at them from a different perspective than you do. I have heard all the claims, and until they're substantiated and proven, are still claims that they aided and abetted the attackers, by turning blind eyes, it's very very easy to quarter back from an armchair and be a keyboard warrior, and think you know what goes on on the ground, without ever having been there, maybe you have I don't know, the police have always been problems in such countries as Thailand and Asian countries, bribery corruption extortion it's rife, can so ask you how many counties you've lived or worked in where rhe cops were nothing more than uniformed crooks?

I've been in quite a few, lived in a couple too, it's not just a Thai thing. I'm sure you found out very early on in your life here that the cops here were the complete opposite of what you had back at home, and you just got on with it, making sure you never gave them the opportunity to stiff you over.

You knew then they we're rotten, did you expect a miracle and it would all of a sudden get better? Not all cops are bent, and there are some very good ones, you lambast them just like I do the army and yet they the police catch rapists, murderers drug dealers child abusers, to name but a few, so they have done their jobs well on many an occasion, but they are rheir own worst enemy too.

The trouble with being a good cop in a bad crowd is that sooner or later something gives and peer pressure takes over or you quit the job you love. is it fair to label the entire RTP crooks? Not really, is it fair to say the stigma of the bad ones overshadows the good cops, for sure.

You keep saying that those guilty of corruption need to face the full force of the law, well the law is not flexible, you either accept all of it or none of it, you cannot pick and chose which broken laws are alright and no big deal, and say which laws must be enforced with rigour ?

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Yes, and the yellows had their own masked men guarding their sit ins. Neither side shied from the use of violence.

What the yellows have to do with the present subject? We are talking abour Red shirts possible crimes in this investigation.

actually the OP is about possible whitewashing of the crackdown, .... whistling.gif

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When is the trial going to be of the "men in black" who were paraded before the media, why have there been no arrests of senior UDD members based on their "confessions and testimonies" ?

Why does the popcorn gunmans case keep getting put back? I read that there a chance he is going to be charged with murder after one of the victims hit, died, not sure if his charges have been revised ?

How is that LM charges are dealt with so swiftly by the military and the less serious charges of rioting, possession of illegal weapons, and anything to do with 2010/2014 protests and riots are taking their time?

Edited by Fat Haggis
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The problem here is you have one side dismissing the other sides witnesses and the farangs with political leanings are falling into the same mantra, no open minds, not a single doubt in their minds, they fall for the propaganda drink the red or yellow kool aid and they're not wrong, can't be wrong on their minds eye.

But the picture clearly shows.... Pure Mince, pictures can be manipulated to suit whatever agenda your pushing.

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forget your 'politics' she was a Mother... killed in a temple? anyone who defends this here, in this place, is evil... go look you to yourselves RiP

Killed in a temple or on temple grounds? Killed in would be more like an old English tradition.

Jokes aside, I don't think there are even a handful to defend the killing. More try to explain why it could happen. Of course, some may not like the implications of that.

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