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Bali Nine: Indonesia court rejects last-ditch appeal by Australian drug convicts on death row


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Bali Nine: Indonesian court rejects Andrew Chan, Myuran Sukumaran's last-ditch appeal against execution
By Indonesia correspondent George Roberts

JAKARTA: -- An Indonesian court has rejected Bali Nine ringleaders Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran's appeal against president Joko Widodo's refusal to grant them clemency.

Three judges from Indonesia's state administrative court said clemency fell under the constitution but not under administrative law, and so was not in their jurisdiction.

The court said it could only hear matters to do with regulations created by parliament or government.

Chan and Sukumaran had argued that Mr Widodo did not give proper consideration to their pleas for clemency.

The pair were convicted in 2005 of being the ringleaders in a plot to smuggle heroin out of Indonesia.

Full story: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-04-06/court-decides-on-bali-nine-pair-appeal-against-execution/6373032

-- ABC News 2015-04-06

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They only have themselves to blame, most of us go out to work each day and save and save and save, others want money quick and these two are going to pay with their lives.

Yep, and the rest of us are paying with our taxes.

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They only have themselves to blame, most of us go out to work each day and save and save and save, others want money quick and these two are going to pay with their lives.

Yep, and the rest of us are paying with our taxes.

And spare a thought for all the addicts suffering from drug abuse because people like this made them available.

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Now it becomes a political in this case.

I belive it is barbaric to send people to death for such things not to mention at all.

We human have this ability for whole existence to kill as punishment revenge or religious bases.

Not far back in time people burned other for belives and is no difference at all at our times just in more colorfull style.

Just in one example....why none dares to shout openly in any country ...to shut down ciggarete factories???

They are potential killers too but none dares to say ...why?

Because tax paid is so high that every government in the world is happy.! but people are dying every hour every day because of this habbit.

Indonesia produce ciggaretes too but somehow have blind eye on this..(???) but is so concerend to kill in another case and subject as a punishment.

Whole world is fed with poisonous food by factories who knows exactly that this type of food is not safe for humanity and not mention future generations

Just for example ; try to get information ..if soya is safe for humanity....(USA health regulation have soya as unsafe !)

Just look on the list what kind of problems (permanent) soya can cause for consumer.. it is just enbelivable how much money is made on soya product and for irony how it is advertised as are better product like eg. milk ...

The list of unsafe food is very very long which is nicely advertised on TV everywhere on daily bases.

Hence, who is killing who and it is always in the name of money and being richer.

Not everyone is smart to predict consequences and specialy young people . They need money too and quick , but to punish them with death is just human cruelty.

People all over the world are sitting in jails for murder and are not punished by death....

Maybe I am crazy too but why Australian government created law to punish those citizenswho goes to fight against "islamic state" nad come back to Australia ??

But other hand is so much fuzz against "islamic state" in the same time????????

They did not joined bad guys ! they even got killed fighting them and those who had enough and coming back home will be punished? Is it something weird ??

Same with those who wants to use drugs ....they know or don't care to know of consequences and whole wolrd in having no answer how to deal with this problem .

The truth is easy to see but this day majority prefer to watch TV and not to use own brain what is normal and what is not.

First of all...;

Australian officials did not ask Indonesian governmet to let them go... just not to kill them but Indonesia always was stubborn and always will be. They think they can reach rest of the world level but they are more and more behing in time that's all.

They even do not want to talk to officials from other countries ... and it is nothing about law ... (any law is bend to even not reasonable level if comes to even more drustic measures on daily basis around the world)

The motto is;

IF you don't give someone a second chance then never expect it from anyone.

The truth is there but this days is nearly impossible to find it. (because none cares) ...and we are living in times where human have modern mobilephone in one hand and axe in other ready to kill.

Nothing really changed in human behaviour ..at least in many...

I am old but one thing I know for sure....; everything what was good and normal times ago now became opposite and bad and abnormal is even advertised as good and normal this days.

At least I know what should be normal and now I learned how to stay aside from all this crup and mess because there is not many who use own brain anymore.


Edited by gigman
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Let it be a lesson for others. If that is the law in Indonesia then just don't break it and you will be safe.

Well, safe enough.

Foreign Jakarta International school teachers jailed on bogus child sex claims, without any evidence.

They didn't want to work, they wanted others to smuggle heroin for them, without touching it themselves, so they could get rich off the misery it creates.

Karma's a bitch, but really, a few bullets to the heart is better than months of wasting away with itchy blood through heroin addiction.

Edited by Happy Grumpy
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Lots of good comments but again nobody really addressed the effects their drug smuggling had on the victims. These people effectively bring about misery and death to thousands of innocent families. Like it or not this is yet two more scumbags that the world can do without.

Pull the trigger, let's have done with it.

Probably nobody addressed this aspect because it is so obvious. The 'victims' you talk about are usually old enough to want, to desire, to plan, to execute the plan, to pay for the dangerous drugs they already know will harm them, take delivery of them and put them into their own body, usually themselves.

How does that make them a victim of anything more insidious than their own folly?

How can you be a victim of drug smuggling? The truth is you can't. Drug smuggling is simply against the law.

That some people take advantage of being part of a supply and delivery chain does not make them murderers, any more than publicans are indicted by the alcohol in road accidents, unless they are sticking the drugs into the end users without their permission or knowledge.

A law is a law. Ridiculous or not. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.


''Probably nobody addressed this aspect because it is so obvious.''

What is obvious to me is that most of those people who get into these drugs are uneducated, fragile people, and ignorant about the effects of these drugs.

Then they get hooked on these drugs, and then have to lie and steal to get some more. So they become criminals in their own ways...

And then, they damage themselves physically and psychologically and cerebrally.

Get rid of the suppliers please...

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Yeah, how about the death penalty for the ones using the drugs.

Just another way of looking at it.

Do you realise just how true your statement is? Many have given themselves the death penalty by taking certain drugs. You only have look around the world and see how many are falling off the perch, daily.

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Life is unfathomable- I hate heroin, I've seen it destroy healthy people in their 20s- through their own willingness mind you,- nobody forced them to snort or inject the stuff, they could have stuck to beer, whisky or remained on the grass- but due to weakness, greed or foolishness, they chose that self destructive path.

So what the Bali 9 did was terribly wrong, but hey! they were just stupid kids, just youngsters hoping to make a quick buck- stupid- but they've done their best to turn their lives around since, then, teaching and helping in the prison.

What is right and what is wrong?

In the video below, the fishermen kill, whilst laughing, what some claim were vicious pirates, whilst others say they were innocent shipwrecked sailors- for sure nobody gave them a day in court- just some deadly bullets in the sea.

Humans kill- we're no better than the sharks in the sea.


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Australia's PM will retaliate 10 fold. He may/will not exchange lives but

simply draw an X thru Indonesia on his " no-No " map & that small gesture may well cost Indonesia BILLIONS plus, fewer visas, free migrant education and a host of other things Australia has done freely.

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Yeah, how about the death penalty for the ones using the drugs.

Just another way of looking at it.

Do you realise just how true your statement is? Many have given themselves the death penalty by taking certain drugs. You only have look around the world and see how many are falling off the perch, daily.

That option is always there for them, and I got no sympathy for them either,

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What is obvious to me is that most of those people who get into these drugs are uneducated, fragile people, and ignorant about the effects of these drugs.

Strange. The only people I know personally who've ruined their lives with drugs are highly educated and otherwise successful.

That junk will take anyone down if they let it.

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I love that the rhetoric here on thaivisa is so vastly different to what you'll find elsewhere on the net, particularly from Australians. I can't bear to read some of the threads about how Australia should stand up to Indo on this issue.

Indonesia has had capital punishment for ever. Yet suddenly when the scumbags being lined up are Australian it's "inhumane". I understand that it sucks to be these two guys, but they were completely aware of the consequences of their actions.

Frankly, it's kind of embarassing that a horde of Australian bookface idiots think that their armchair activism might influence the actions of a proud and sovereign nation like Indonesia. It's even more embarassing that our prime minister would pander to those idiots by trying to get involved in something which really isn't anything to do with him. Imagine the outrage if widodo was making public statements about the stupidity of some of the policies our asshat polititians were trotting out.

Seriously, <deleted> was the tsunami comment?! They could routinely execute 100 Australian drug smugglers every christmas, and we would still be morally obliged to send aid if they were struck by another tsunami.

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