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Drugtest In Nightclubs


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BECAUSE ... they are ADULTS!

I don't care if people do drugs! I don't care if people go to jail for doing drugs! I don't care how long they go to jail for for doing drugs! It doesn't bother me!

Though the last case I know of where someone had a few puffs ... they were stuck here for about 2 weeks ... paid a tidy fine ... then were sent packing and black-listed. Fortunately for farang is that if you are caught here and sentenced to a long time you will likely be transferred back to your home country after awhile. <to do time there>

But simply ....You DO care ... you think it is acceptable to come to thailand and do drugs with little or no penalty attached.

and simply I don'tcare ... come and do drugs and pay the penalty ... I don't care what the penalty is! A small fine or a long jail term ... it doesn't matter to me! I am an adult and I live with the consequences of my actions. I respect you enough to allow you to suffer the consequences of your actions. I respect the random drug user to allow them to be an adult too!

Nice .. very compassionate aren't you !!

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Yes I do think I am compassionate! I personally believe that EVERYthing has consequences. I also believe that an adult is responsible for their choices. We are talking about a conscious choice here!

I don't think it is compassionate to stand between a man and the consequences of his actions!

Edited by jdinasia
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Seems like a mixture of posts here. You have the predictable ones from the "don't do this don't do that" brigade who think that even thinking about drugs should carry a life in prison sentence, but thankfully they are equalled by the more enlightened who believe in the freedom of people to choose what they do with their life .

Unfortunately even Bangkok is populated by too many farangs who just can't mind their own business and get on with their lives. They import the fascist mentality of the countries they come from to Thailand , and thats a shame.

I went to a local nightclub (in the uk) this weekend and the place was full of people secretly handing over drugs and vanishing into the toilets , then returning to the dance floor a minute later having taken them. My point here being , as loads of people are taking them anyway, why go through this farce of having to do it secretly. Why not just let them do it openly. Its the same end result. As i said previously i DON'T take them , but it doesn't bother me at all if others want to exercise their freedom of choice to do so. But others, like the pompous farangs who posted here and on other threads, just can't get on with their lives without imposing their views on others. Giving a couple of examples of drug killings hardly prove the point. Life is unfair and you can be in the wrong polace at the wrong time. Every day millions of people die , how many are killed by drug addicts , 10,20....??

These Thai crackdowns will NEVER stop drugs or even reduce them , it will go on forever. Its a waste of time .. just a show to appease the fascist American and western governments . Thailand should adopt Irans mentality of saying "up yours " to those who try to impose their reactionary views on other countries.

Hmm i feel better for that

Drug related violent crime is a DAILY occurence in Thailand - it's not just one or 2 cases. I hope you aren't the 1 in a million that are affected.

My comments were a reply to the idea that drugs should be legalised. This would not stem violence unless drugs were legalised, and given away for free, only then would the need to commit crime to pay for drugs be taken away.

There is a huge difference between a middle-class farang or Thai taking gear on a Saturday night and a lower class slum dweller taking gear to escape the shitty life they lead. You simply cannot compare recreational drug use with drug use for someone that is desperate to escape. Most people here would be at the recreational end of the spectrum.

The latest class of speed-type drugs such as Meth are very addictive and coming off them is very tough. Add to this the fact that staying on speed for any length of time causes psychosis and you are asking for trouble. Even if drugs were free & legal, you would still have some drug related crime - people driving on drugs, violent crime due to pyschosis BUT I admit that it would be massively reduced.

This is the first time I have read people advocating legalisation that have never taken drugs. Well - I HAVE taken drugs in my youth & I can tell you that the two side effects that all drugs have in common is that they cause serious judgement errors and turn you into a complete ######. If you think drugs should be legalised - go out for a drive to the park, pop a tab of LSD & see how long it is before you are back in that car trying to drive yourself home.


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I personally believe that EVERYthing has consequences. I also believe that an adult is responsible for their choices. We are talking about a conscious choice here!

I would say the government is making the choice: You shall not do drugs. This is not an adult way of living. Its a paternalistic style of government that removes the choice. Don't see how one could argue that we have choices when it comes to drugs. The gov is making the choice.

The position that "Its illegal so don't do it" can lead to absurd results. What if thailand passed a law that said only males born in thailand can have contact with any female residing or visiting in Thailand. What if the gov passed a law that said: Anyone who has gone to college, and any person who is not a farmer, shall give all of their property to the local magistrate and report immediately to one of the government camps set up in the local district.

If I understand the reasoning of law and order types, one must comply or suffer the consequences. Because we are all adults and have choices. And "I don't care if you rot in jail."

Something is not right with that reasoning.

If someone supports these drug laws because they strongly believe drug use is harmful to society, that is one thing. But to simply say: "Its the law and that is the end of it" is not a thoughtful way to approach these issues.

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I personally believe that EVERYthing has consequences. I also believe that an adult is responsible for their choices. We are talking about a conscious choice here!

I would say the government is making the choice: You shall not do drugs. This is not an adult way of living. Its a paternalistic style of government that removes the choice. Don't see how one could argue that we have choices when it comes to drugs. The gov is making the choice.

The position that "Its illegal so don't do it" can lead to absurd results. What if thailand passed a law that said only males born in thailand can have contact with any female residing or visiting in Thailand. What if the gov passed a law that said: Anyone who has gone to college, and any person who is not a farmer, shall give all of their property to the local magistrate and report immediately to one of the government camps set up in the local district.

If I understand the reasoning of law and order types, one must comply or suffer the consequences. Because we are all adults and have choices. And "I don't care if you rot in jail."

Something is not right with that reasoning.

If someone supports these drug laws because they strongly believe drug use is harmful to society, that is one thing. But to simply say: "Its the law and that is the end of it" is not a thoughtful way to approach these issues.

Not thinking that through very well are we?

I didn't say you have to comply with any law! Just be prepared for the consequences if you don't. Don't like a law?Flaunt it! or try and get it changed! But your reasoning would apply to murder or incest or driving etc etc etc

Edited by jdinasia
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Seems like a mixture of posts here. You have the predictable ones from the "don't do this don't do that" brigade who think that even thinking about drugs should carry a life in prison sentence, but thankfully they are equalled by the more enlightened who believe in the freedom of people to choose what they do with their life .

Unfortunately even Bangkok is populated by too many farangs who just can't mind their own business and get on with their lives. They import the fascist mentality of the countries they come from to Thailand , and thats a shame.

I went to a local nightclub (in the uk) this weekend and the place was full of people secretly handing over drugs and vanishing into the toilets , then returning to the dance floor a minute later having taken them. My point here being , as loads of people are taking them anyway, why go through this farce of having to do it secretly. Why not just let them do it openly. Its the same end result. As i said previously i DON'T take them , but it doesn't bother me at all if others want to exercise their freedom of choice to do so. But others, like the pompous farangs who posted here and on other threads, just can't get on with their lives without imposing their views on others. Giving a couple of examples of drug killings hardly prove the point. Life is unfair and you can be in the wrong polace at the wrong time. Every day millions of people die , how many are killed by drug addicts , 10,20....??

These Thai crackdowns will NEVER stop drugs or even reduce them , it will go on forever. Its a waste of time .. just a show to appease the fascist American and western governments . Thailand should adopt Irans mentality of saying "up yours " to those who try to impose their reactionary views on other countries.

Hmm i feel better for that

Drug related violent crime is a DAILY occurence in Thailand - it's not just one or 2 cases. I hope you aren't the 1 in a million that are affected.

My comments were a reply to the idea that drugs should be legalised. This would not stem violence unless drugs were legalised, and given away for free, only then would the need to commit crime to pay for drugs be taken away.

There is a huge difference between a middle-class farang or Thai taking gear on a Saturday night and a lower class slum dweller taking gear to escape the shitty life they lead. You simply cannot compare recreational drug use with drug use for someone that is desperate to escape. Most people here would be at the recreational end of the spectrum.

The latest class of speed-type drugs such as Meth are very addictive and coming off them is very tough. Add to this the fact that staying on speed for any length of time causes psychosis and you are asking for trouble. Even if drugs were free & legal, you would still have some drug related crime - people driving on drugs, violent crime due to pyschosis BUT I admit that it would be massively reduced.

This is the first time I have read people advocating legalisation that have never taken drugs. Well - I HAVE taken drugs in my youth & I can tell you that the two side effects that all drugs have in common is that they cause serious judgement errors and turn you into a complete ######. If you think drugs should be legalised - go out for a drive to the park, pop a tab of LSD & see how long it is before you are back in that car trying to drive yourself home.


I disagree that it would reduce it massively.

I taken drugs alot myself when i was young, on speed you think you can take on any bloke and not get hurt. Im sure alot of prople would be willing to steal and mug people being on speed when there flat broke.

If drugs were legalised there would be alot more people usung it and people would be operating machines, flying planes etc off there face.

I believe more people would be killed if you legalise it.

Pot probaly wouldnt make much of a difference, but all the other stuff would

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So ... back to the topic .... anyone remember a BIG raid when they urine tested EVERYONE in the last 2 years? Q bar was just over 2 years ago

Anyone remember a more current case?

I think that is the last time a whole farang orientated club was tested. The staff in bars get tested from time to time, and I remember CM2 was also done, lights on and everyone tested, I think just before the Q raid.

I should imagine they won't be doing that again, on the night of the Q bar raid they had TV cameras and were expecting to have people test positive, when no one did they had to find something and when they tried that (I think it was the work permits) no one was guilty of that eigher, they went for the passports.

One of those arrested had a diplomatic passport!

So to say the whole event backfired is a bit of an understatement!

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  • 2 years later...

Hi Donz,

Yes you are very perceptive, i did feel the need to get that out. :D

Its just that i remember Thailand , specifically Bangkok, in the 1990's when Chuen Leekpai and Chavalit and Banharn were in charge and they really didn't care about interfering in tourists lives (or indeed Thai lives) they just let it all happen. Whatever.

Bangkok was fun , fun fun. Now the last few times i have been back its much more dull, cant do this , cant do that , and all my Thai friends still there are telling me what an awful , controlled place its becoming.

Anyway i'll say no more .. unless of course you want me to :D

Dull because you can't take drugs? :D ?

As others have said if you fancy a long holiday at the BKK Hilton just carry on "speeding".

Are your Thai friends yaabaa dealers by any chance..... :)

I don't think he meant taking drugs, but the new laws are annoying to everyone whether you take drugs or not.

Thailand is more controlled and it is less fun in some ways. Having to go home at 1am unless you want to drink on a street side. Not being able to smoke in Public places (this is coming in nov 06, it's been shown in the royal gazette already, post dated.). Random drugs tests in bars, your night ruined just for being in a legal nightspot regardless of whether you take drugs or not.

Difficulty being able to drive at night due to closure of petrol stations. Purchase of alcohol during day time difficult due to sales restrictions.

Toned down shows in the nightlife areas. Not a big deal, but I have more fun looking at a girl in her birthday suit than a swim costume.

However many things have improved since the 90's. Such as better nightlcubs, better music, more things to do in bkk, and much better shopping. Although many items still too expensive. :D

It's obvious to all that control is greater now than the late 90's. IMHO that makes it less fun, although the city itself is better.

If when Thaksin is gone enforcement of certain laws is relaxed, or new laws made to extend opening hours etc then I think Bangkok will once again be the most fun city in the world.

I do believe we'll go back to how it was sooner or later.

Yes a mean a take drugs

done this many times in Thailand and will contine

just want to know how they do this pee test

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I vaguely remember the Q bar raid about 2 years ago August ....

2 people tested positive <both girls with no nationality listed ... probably Thai ... said it was legal diet pills> and a BUNCH of farang that didn't have passports with them taken to Immigration until they could get their original passports down there. They were fined 1000 baht and released ...

EVERYONE took the pee test ... over 300 people

so did you pee privat or have some person who check you dick when you pee?

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this is nuts...

I agree: I have not taken any illegal drugs since I was a foolish student, 20 years ago.

It does seem unfair, if you indulge in your home country, and then are detected in the L.O.S. by the B.I.B. following compulsory micturation into a test tube.

Bad luck for THC enthusiasts: {it} has a long half-life: you need six weeks off the weed, to be negative in the wee'd.

They aren't testing for weed, they are testing for ya ba.

You could be stoned when they test you and still pass.

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Losers do drugs. Losers get busted.Losers winge and moan.Losers are always looking for a loophole or an excuse.Losers lose.Be a winner and avoid the issue all together.

Is this part of your stand-up comedy routine? It's great!

Famous people and their drug use

There are so many losers I hardly know where to begin...Ray Charles and his heroin? Salvidor Dali and his hash? Charles Dickens and his opium? Jimi Hendrix and the kitchen sink? Jules Verne and his coca wine? Or Van Gogh's absinthe?

Oh, right, they were all LOSERS!

By the way, is alcohol a drug? Oh, yes, it is...ergo, the world if full of losers!

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NO! I will not take any drugs in Thailand. I'm not crazy!!!

But if somebody took drugs in the US or Europe and goes to Thailand and is test in a nighttclub, wht happens then?

Losers do drugs. Losers get busted.Losers winge and moan.Losers are always looking for a loophole or an excuse.Losers lose.Be a winner and avoid the issue all together.

Agreed. I would include those who frequently drink alcohol to excess as well. It still comes down to being responsible for your own actions no matter where you live in the world.

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The vast majority of people i know both in Thailand and their native country who do drugs are far from losers,ALL,without exeption have led,and live a fulfilling family life,been/are still successful in business,and continue to use drugs in a sensible manner whenever they deem appropriate.

The biggest losers i have met in Thailand and in their native country have been alchohol addicts,their lives shattered,relationships ruined,and suffering major health problems due to this wonderful taxable drug.

Lets not start on cigarettes.


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