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Ordinary and Limited Parnerships, where to get definitive answers

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I have consulted 2 lawyers about the legality of me entering into an Ordinary Partnership with two Thais for the purpose of selling used cars. I have no work permit but I only want to be the investor; not to work.

One lawyer says I can do it, (he even drafted me an agreement) the other says I can't..

What government department should i consult on this subject to get clarity because I don't know if one or both of these lawyers are advising me to their interests or mine.

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Department of Business Development in your town. DBD. Its have also a web site in English. Because the ruled about foreigner doing business in Thailand limits the trades in what foreigners can work, it is possible that selling cars is not permitted for foreigners, but may be an exception if the dealer will sell just foreign cars, or you can probe that your participation and knowledge is important for the business.

In any case you only can hold 49% of the company shares. Is the company will be a limited company and not a limited partnership, may be the possibility to be just an investor. The best source, is to consult the DBD, hoping that somebody there speaks English, better go with a Thai friend to translate your concerns.

Edited by Muzarella
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