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Moral Authorities Encourage Songkran Attendees to Dress Appropriately

Jacob Maslow

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It's a cultural thing. Here (in Thailand), if one dresses in sexual attire they are usually sex workers. That's why they call it a uniform!. In the West- woman can dress any which way they please! They know full well that self expression is part of their cultural heritage- it is enforced by the Police and judiciary.


Cultures that supress their emotions, often have emotional outlets in the form of celebrations in which simple revelry quickly turns to madness and all those pent up emotions come out.

The resultant conditionn is that, murders, sexual assaults, and all manner of mayhem usually abound during these "celebrations".

Throw in a bunch of drunk foreighners and you have a recipe for distaster.

We surmise that we have all these freedoms because we live in the "East"- Really we don't!

Women can't dress as they wish without sending a signal to the indigenous population that they are, "Up for it"

and ya call that freedom!

Ya can't have freedom without some type of durable Imperial control.


Edited by bobthomas
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It is both worrying and shocking that a state official would publicly blame sexual assaults on women on the clothes they wear.

The attitude that men cannot control their sexual desires is utterly wrong, and is dangerous.

Any man who sexually assaults a woman is a scumbag. Full stop. There's never an excuse for it.

Instead of blaming female clothing for sexual assaults, more focus should be given to educating children in schools about correct behaviour and appropriate sexual conduct. Just because a certain behaviour is culturally engrained that doesn't make it right.

Without a proper national schools PSHE programme, along with media support, I see little hope of sexual assaults decreasing significantly in Thailand in the near future. However, in Bangkok I have noticed that women are becoming more empowered and are more likely (I think) to not allow such advances from men. Bangkok, however, represents a monoculture that is distinct from the rest of Thailand.

With the advent of the AEC and the growth of ASEAN's powers, one can only hope that Thailand will mature into a developed, civilised country where women feel safe.

Fingers crossed.

You sumarise well but you miss the point. The woman are not being blamed- it is, simply the way things are ...here! How many women in Bangkok let their boses molest them? The number is pretty high. It's a system! and until this system is dismantled, nothing will change!

Edited by bobthomas
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I learned they sent legal experts to Europe to discover democracy (good luck for that).

Now I am curious how many teams they already sent to Malaysia to ponder the chances how to copy and implement the concepts of RELA. This religious police with sometimes 17 year old boys has the authority arresting 60 something year old foreign couples in their rented houses for not producing a marriage certificate under Khalwat (being together without marriage).

Check out your local sweatshop if they are working on SS-like uniforms for the burqa cops over here

Exactly my first thought: 'Holy crap, what if this shower end up with legal powers?' Thailand currently has the potential to become extremely sterile and boring the way things are progressing. Imagine if Thai cities became copies of Butterworth in Malaysia? You'd be better off in Scunthorpe...??????

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"The Moral Promotion Center has laid out “7 Values” that they’re encouraging the public to adhere to. Following these values will help attendees enjoy the festivities safely.

1. Show Discipline: Follow the law. Obey traffic laws and drive within the speed limit. Stand in line when waiting for public transportation.

2. Be Kind: Show kindness and compassion to others by lending a hand and offering support.

3. Be Patient: Tolerate anger from individuals who are drunk to avoid unnecessary disputes. Avoid gambling.

4. Be Responsible: Know your duties in society to safeguard the safety of others.

5. Be Giving: Share and give to others. Be helpful to others.

6. Exercise Caution: Be cautious in everything that you do. Avoid doing anything that would bring harm to you or others.

7. Consciousness: Know the consequences of your actions; not drinking and driving. "

What a flamin joke these are:

1. Obey traffic laws and drive within the speed limit. - WHAT TRAFFIC LAWS, There aren't any, and as for drive within the speed limits WHY INSIST ON THIS NOW when for the rest of the year it's a full speed ahead grand prix race, and as for motorbikes, they would make excellent kamikaze pilots because all they are interested in is themselves. They have no consideration for other road users.

3. Tolerate anger from those who are drunk. HOW CAN THEY GET DRUNK IF IT'S ALCOHOL FREE ZONES?

As far as dress being the cause of rapes, what a lot of BS. This culture minister seems to know very little about her own culture and the way women dressed. If she is such a prude why was Bang Rajun allowed to be shown on tv with bare breasted women. The boobs weren't even pixelated out. yet further instances of hypocrisy can be seen regularly on Channel V in video clips where female dancers butts and bikini or bra covered boobs are pixelated out. PERHAPS THIS MINISTER IS A MUSLIM. That might account for these ridiculous dress codes she is trying to impose.

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Those of us who grew up in the 70's know that banning the wearing of bras would be appropriate for appropriate attire on Songkran.

Having a three day national water fight and wet t-shirt contest is rather pointless when bras are under the t-shirts.

Yes, pun is intended.

Get the point(s)???


She is beautiful!!wub.png

Agreed! ...she also would be in "appropriate" attire!

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This image used to be on the Ministry of Culture website (until the 2011 Songkran episode):


That image was a portion of this original painting by the Thai artist Sompop Budtarad:


The offending image was changed after the MoC condemned topless revellers during the 2011 celebration and a flurry of people pointed out that the MoC had an image of topless girls on their website !


Perhaps what is "appropriate" depends largely on how it looks when you wear it (or don't) yourself !

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It's a cultural thing. Here (in Thailand), if one dresses in sexual attire they are usually sex workers. That's why they call it a uniform!. In the West- woman can dress any which way they please! They know full well that self expression is part of their cultural heritage- it is enforced by the Police and judiciary.


Cultures that supress their emotions, often have emotional outlets in the form of celebrations in which simple revelry quickly turns to madness and all those pent up emotions come out.

The resultant conditionn is that, murders, sexual assaults, and all manner of mayhem usually abound during these "celebrations".

Throw in a bunch of drunk foreighners and you have a recipe for distaster.

We surmise that we have all these freedoms because we live in the "East"- Really we don't!

Women can't dress as they wish without sending a signal to the indigenous population that they are, "Up for it"

and ya call that freedom!

Ya can't have freedom without some type of durable Imperial control.


Interesting thought process.... I may be wrong but I think you are saying that we should accept the cultural mores and values of any country because it is 'their culture' .. not ours. Perhaps up to a point.... but I sure as hell can't accept honour killings or dousing your new bride in acid because the dowry wasn't high enough. And I sure as hell refuse to accept the concept that rape is the fault of women. I am not clear as to what counts as 'sexual attire'...I'm guessing it is the same thought process that led Victorian Britain to cover the legs of tables lest males become aroused at the thoughts it may conjour up.

'In olden days a glimpse of stocking was seen as something shocking'... thats how the song goes doesn't it ?

Maybe Thailand will mature one day.

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I learned they sent legal experts to Europe to discover democracy (good luck for that).

Now I am curious how many teams they already sent to Malaysia to ponder the chances how to copy and implement the concepts of RELA. This religious police with sometimes 17 year old boys has the authority arresting 60 something year old foreign couples in their rented houses for not producing a marriage certificate under Khalwat (being together without marriage).

Check out your local sweatshop if they are working on SS-like uniforms for the burqa cops over here

Exactly my first thought: 'Holy crap, what if this shower end up with legal powers?' Thailand currently has the potential to become extremely sterile and boring the way things are progressing. Imagine if Thai cities became copies of Butterworth in Malaysia? You'd be better off in Scunthorpe...
I suspect that the vast majority of Thais treat the pronouncements of these uptight clowns with as much derision as we do. They are largely ignored.

Incidentally I've been to both Butterworth and Scunthorpe, and on balance I think you're wrong. Butterworth is dull, but Scunthorpe on a wet Sunday in March plumbs the utter depths of desperate tedium!

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not knowing how many individuals are on the payroll within this group, for what is being passed off, as realistic human thinking/reasoning the entire goup could be used as live targets by new military concripts. whatever the final result, it would be a inprovment for the surviviors.

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wearing smart stylish, sexy dress does not cause sexual assault. Only pig men cause such assault. Any lady no matter how dressed or even undressed should be free from terrorism and assault. A naked lady can walk the streets of Damascus in Syria . No one will harras her, at best offer covering and local transportation.W hat is wrong in Pattaya or Bangkok or other city. Please demonstrate HONOR and Manliness!

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I learned they sent legal experts to Europe to discover democracy (good luck for that).

Now I am curious how many teams they already sent to Malaysia to ponder the chances how to copy and implement the concepts of RELA. This religious police with sometimes 17 year old boys has the authority arresting 60 something year old foreign couples in their rented houses for not producing a marriage certificate under Khalwat (being together without marriage).

Check out your local sweatshop if they are working on SS-like uniforms for the burqa cops over here

Exactly my first thought: 'Holy crap, what if this shower end up with legal powers?' Thailand currently has the potential to become extremely sterile and boring the way things are progressing. Imagine if Thai cities became copies of Butterworth in Malaysia? You'd be better off in Scunthorpe...
I suspect that the vast majority of Thais treat the pronouncements of these uptight clowns with as much derision as we do. They are largely ignored.

Incidentally I've been to both Butterworth and Scunthorpe, and on balance I think you're wrong. Butterworth is dull, but Scunthorpe on a wet Sunday in March plumbs the utter depths of desperate tedium!

Whitley bay, then. Don't you dare knock the Bay...?

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To start at square one:

what is wrong with a country where moral authorities (apostles) are needed to tell men that rape should not be their favorite past time?

But if you really have to go for it- get a couple of bonus points in court blaming it on the fact the victim was not wearing what the guardians of moral call appropriate attire.

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This image used to be on the Ministry of Culture website (until the 2011 Songkran episode):


The offending image was changed after the MoC condemned topless revellers during the 2011 celebration and a flurry of people pointed out that the MoC had an image of topless girls on their website !

When my kids have grown up and left home I'm going to hang this in my bedroom if the wife is okay with it smile.png

Why if the wife is OK with it? Is she a member of the Thai Moral Authority? or feeling inadequate? As for the kids, I am sure that they have seen more pornography on the internet than you have. I find this very beautiful and would love to hang it on my wall.thumbsup.gif

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Dear all Thailand bashers!

as I've red in this topic and many others - you hate Thailand, Thais, Thai government etc.

so why do you torture yourself so fiercely? why don't you go back to your wonderful civilized Western countries?

is it a kind of kinky weird pleasure - to hate a place, suffer and still live here?

thumbsup.gif Dear all Thailand bashers! cheesy.gif

Edited by Tchooptip
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