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Thailand to continue tackling human-trafficking problem in spite of US assessment


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Foreign Minister: Thailand to continue tackling human-trafficking problem in spite of U.S. assessment

BANGKOK, 15 April 2015 (NNT) - The Foreign Minister has assured that Thailand will continue to fight human-trafficking no matter how the U.S. will assess the country’s efforts.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Gen. Tanasak Patimapragorn said that Thailand has already sent its latest report on the progress on the tackling of human-trafficking problems to the U.S. at the end of March.

Gen. Tanasak said that the report was in response to the U.S. government’s earlier downgrade of the country’s ranking on its annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report to Tier 3 — the lowest level shared by such countries as North Korea, Cuba and Iran.

He assured that, no matter how the latest assessment will turn out, Thailand is determined to do its best to solve this problem for humanitarian and national security reasons.

The Foreign Minister added that, after the downgrade, Thailand has inquired assistance from the U.S. to send its specialist to help solve the problem effectively although such a request is yet to be responded.

-- NNT 2015-04-15 footer_n.gif

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Thailand has inquired assistance from the U.S. to send its specialist to help solve the problem effectively although such a request is yet to be responded.

If this or any one of the previous governments had ever bothered to read the report, past the ranking, there is always a section near the bottom of the report that says "recommendations".

That might be a good place to start .

Edited by dcutman
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Since when has Thailand ever accepted advice from people who don't understand their Thainess? I can recall many times offers were given for advice and then blatantly refused by the Thai gov. This report reeks of propaganda intended to show the world that Thailand is really doing something and that they really care about this problem yet, I have not read about any ring leaders or business owners who have been caught with young Laos women being convicted and imprisoned. Maybe it has happened that I did not read about but I doubt anyone important has been crucified the way they should be.

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Since when has Thailand ever accepted advice from people who don't understand their Thainess? I can recall many times offers were given for advice and then blatantly refused by the Thai gov. This report reeks of propaganda intended to show the world that Thailand is really doing something and that they really care about this problem yet, I have not read about any ring leaders or business owners who have been caught with young Laos women being convicted and imprisoned. Maybe it has happened that I did not read about but I doubt anyone important has been crucified the way they should be.

A good example here:


Flood-hit Thailand declines offer of help: US Navy

WASHINGTON, October 25, 2011 (AFP) - The US Navy has withdrawn several ships sent to help with relief efforts in flood-hit Thailand after receiving "mixed" messages from the Bangkok government, a defense official said Monday.

The USS George Washington aircraft carrier and other ships were deployed to the area on October 16 for potential disaster relief work as Thailand faced massive flooding from monsoon rains, said Navy spokesman Lieutenant Commander John Perkins.

But the US military never received a formal request from the Thai government and the three-ship aircraft carrier group along with a fourth ship, the USS Kidd, were released and left the area on Friday, said Perkins, spokesman for the US Pacific Fleet based in Hawaii.

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Since when has Thailand ever accepted advice from people who don't understand their Thainess? I can recall many times offers were given for advice and then blatantly refused by the Thai gov. This report reeks of propaganda intended to show the world that Thailand is really doing something and that they really care about this problem yet, I have not read about any ring leaders or business owners who have been caught with young Laos women being convicted and imprisoned. Maybe it has happened that I did not read about but I doubt anyone important has been crucified the way they should be.

A good example here:


Flood-hit Thailand declines offer of help: US Navy

WASHINGTON, October 25, 2011 (AFP) - The US Navy has withdrawn several ships sent to help with relief efforts in flood-hit Thailand after receiving "mixed" messages from the Bangkok government, a defense official said Monday.

The USS George Washington aircraft carrier and other ships were deployed to the area on October 16 for potential disaster relief work as Thailand faced massive flooding from monsoon rains, said Navy spokesman Lieutenant Commander John Perkins.

But the US military never received a formal request from the Thai government and the three-ship aircraft carrier group along with a fourth ship, the USS Kidd, were released and left the area on Friday, said Perkins, spokesman for the US Pacific Fleet based in Hawaii.

Ah but that was the Yingluck government, guided by the great caddy himself.

She promised there would be no flooding - then cocked up the management allowing crucial decisions to be made that favored certain people not the country as a whole.

She promised that she'd cure the human trafficking problems too - and recently claimed again on FB what great strides her administration achieved.

Who needs help with marvelous leaders like this that can solve any kind of problem instantly?

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Yes, the US are experts in trafficking, except of course they call it rendering, and they have a special place outside the durastiction of US law to carry out the unlawful retention of people like Shaker Aamer - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaker_Aamer - held without trial for nearly 13 years.

Team America - <deleted> yeah!

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Just get on and do it that's the way forward, stop boring the international community by showing us what you can do , if you were so good you wouldn't be in this situation , shows the character of a country when everyone supposed to be all equal, I wont push the buttons but that's not really a fact or accurate , just get it down to a zero limit and you will be fine. coffee1.gif

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Foreign Minister: Thailand to continue tackling human-trafficking problem in spite of U.S. assessment

really? Good News They are not just going to give up? The Farang refuse to understand Thainess, so what is the point?

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The US has it's own human-trafficking problem and deflect attention at home by calling attention to other countries problems...

The reason Thailand should continue tackling their human-trafficking problem is because it is the right thing to do for a humane society and culture...

The US ability to force their will on other countries is in decline...and that is a good thing...

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The US has it's own human-trafficking problem and deflect attention at home by calling attention to other countries problems...

The reason Thailand should continue tackling their human-trafficking problem is because it is the right thing to do for a humane society and culture...

The US ability to force their will on other countries is in decline...and that is a good thing...

The USA has many problems. But they do allow the press to be transparent about the problems, and they are proactive about correcting the problems. The USA is a large, diverse country, and any laws passed, any actions taken, must be considered carefully. The world judges the USA more than any other country. They do their best to ensure fair treatment of their legal citizens.

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The US has it's own human-trafficking problem and deflect attention at home by calling attention to other countries problems...

The reason Thailand should continue tackling their human-trafficking problem is because it is the right thing to do for a humane society and culture...

The US ability to force their will on other countries is in decline...and that is a good thing...

The USA has many problems. But they do allow the press to be transparent about the problems, and they are proactive about correcting the problems. The USA is a large, diverse country, and any laws passed, any actions taken, must be considered carefully. The world judges the USA more than any other country. They do their best to ensure fair treatment of their legal citizens.

Possibly you have that round the wrong way, how about :

"The US judges other countries more than any other country"

And if other countries don't do what the US considers they should do they will be either sanctioned or attacked.

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The US has it's own human-trafficking problem and deflect attention at home by calling attention to other countries problems...

The reason Thailand should continue tackling their human-trafficking problem is because it is the right thing to do for a humane society and culture...

The US ability to force their will on other countries is in decline...and that is a good thing...

The USA has many problems. But they do allow the press to be transparent about the problems, and they are proactive about correcting the problems. The USA is a large, diverse country, and any laws passed, any actions taken, must be considered carefully. The world judges the USA more than any other country. They do their best to ensure fair treatment of their legal citizens.

Possibly you have that round the wrong way, how about :

"The US judges other countries more than any other country"

And if other countries don't do what the US considers they should do they will be either sanctioned or attacked.

Possibly you should consider Thailand is completely F@#ed when it come to human trafficking. But your hatred for another country clouds your judgment.

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The US has it's own human-trafficking problem and deflect attention at home by calling attention to other countries problems...

The reason Thailand should continue tackling their human-trafficking problem is because it is the right thing to do for a humane society and culture...

The US ability to force their will on other countries is in decline...and that is a good thing...

The USA has many problems. But they do allow the press to be transparent about the problems, and they are proactive about correcting the problems. The USA is a large, diverse country, and any laws passed, any actions taken, must be considered carefully. The world judges the USA more than any other country. They do their best to ensure fair treatment of their legal citizens.

Possibly you have that round the wrong way, how about :

"The US judges other countries more than any other country"

And if other countries don't do what the US considers they should do they will be either sanctioned or attacked.

Possibly you should consider Thailand is completely F@#ed when it come to human trafficking. But your hatred for another country clouds your judgment.

Could it be that your hared for Thailand is what clouds your judgment. I have read your rants before.

You should also consider what has been done in the past few months, try to put the hatred aside, and compare with what has been done in the past.

Incidentally I have no hatred for the US but I do despair at its policies and the way it treats others, do I really need to give examples ?

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