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Thailand is among countries with world's most beautiful girls


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“We agree that every women is beautiful regardless of country she lives in”.

I despise mediocre thinking like that. It's just a lowest common denominator crowd-pleasing inanity that doesn't even make sense once a single brain cell is applied.

It's simply not possible for everyone to be beautiful, even if we were all to agree on what makes someone attractive. Even if beauty was not in the eye of the beholder, if beauty was not subjective, there can be no concept of beauty without a corresponding concept of ugliness.

People who say such things are dishonest.

Of course, being beautiful can be due to more than just physical appearance, but the above logic still applies.

What's far more interesting to me is how certain countries produce so many ugly women, yet where the women from those countries are attractive they tend to be really hot indeed. This is just my own opinion of course, but for example, arabic or indian women generally aren't very attractive yet when they are they really are.

So yeah, sorry ladies but some of you are indeed blummin' ugly.

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Thailand was named by a leading medical tourism expert and global healthcare consultant Dr Prem Jagyasi among the list of 19 countries where visitors can see the world's most beautiful women.

So this is the opinion of one man yes? ok. I see.....

My mother think that the most handsome man in the world, dose that count ?

Edited by metisdead
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. . . until they reach age 30 then downhill at an incredible rate.

Not sure that I can agree here. Thai women seem to age very well compared to those in the West.

In the west you mean the over weight coffee swillers with a cigarette in their hand heading to the neighbors to catch up on the local gossip. Oh I forgot the curlers in their hair.

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When I arrived in Thailand I thought most of the girls were gorgeous. Then I went to Vietnam and when I returned to Thailand the 10s dropped to 7 and 8s.

But a beautiful smile will make most girls look lovely.

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. . . until they reach age 30 then downhill at an incredible rate.

I totally disagree with you

My wife is 36 and she is a head turner still her mother who is in her late 50s is also nice and both look after themselves very well

I think the woman you are talking about just do not look after themselves

Get fat dont look after their skin, wear sloppy t-shirts Yup I know the type

You must have one like that I think

Edited by realenglish1
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When I arrived in Thailand I thought most of the girls were gorgeous. Then I went to Vietnam and when I returned to Thailand the 10s dropped to 7 and 8s.

But a beautiful smile will make most girls look lovely.


Even many of the Thai girls who aren't drop-dead-gorgeous are attractive to me.

Neat, clean and well-mannered. They smell good too.

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