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Flight Safety Concerns May Skew Tourist Arrival Forecast

Jacob Maslow

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This year’s tourist arrival forecast may be skewed if Thailand fails to clear up its current flight safety issues. Initially, the private sector expected to see an influx of tourists after the lifting of martial law. But flight safety concerns are now creating problems for the tourism industry. If the issues are not resolved in a timely manner, the tourism target will need to be “revised down,” Ittirit Kinglake, the Tourism Council of Thailand president, warns.

Issues raised by the Civil Aviation Organization may prevent Thailand from reaching its projected 29 million arrivals and Bt140 billion revenue target.

The first quarter of the year was promising, with 7.8 million international tourists visiting the country (up 23% year-on-year). The Russian market is expected to continue to slow due to economic woes at home. Some tourists from China, Japan and South Korea have canceled their travel plans out of fear of flying.

Despite these setbacks, the Tourism Council is still confident that the country will see 150 million visitors this year.

One big issues is that many hotels were unable to raise their rates during the high travel season because of global economic instability. Many in the tourism industry feel outside economic situations are to blame for the lack of tourists and revenue.

-- 2015-04-17

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I really can't see any good reason to consistently publish these badly-written, ill-thought-out, contradictory and grammatically atrocious articles; they simply provide an excuse for TV bums-on-bar-stools to moan, and they contribute nothing whatsoever to the sum of Happiness in Thailand.

Perhaps that is the intention.

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One big issues is that many hotels were unable to raise their rates during the high travel season because of global economic instability. Many in the tourism industry feel outside economic situations are to blame for the lack of tourists and revenue.

Really? So nothing to do with martial law, article 44, strength of the baht, murders on Koh Tao or all the other issues facing this county ... and if that wasn't bad enough the ICAO tells the world that Thailand continuously fails at meeting flight safety standards. But of course none of this is their fault it's the outside world who are to blame.

I'm actually amazed Thailand has any type of tourist industry at all and if they were ever to enforce the laws and eradicate prostitution then it's likely the numbers would plummet.

Despite these setbacks, the Tourism Council is still confident that the country will see 150 million visitors this year.

What? How many? Look I know the Tourism Council produces a fair amount of BS but 150 million visitors .... surely someone is either completely delusional or can't type.

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I first came out here in 2004. Went home made a contact here to build a house .One of the personel at Lloyds bank said " There is a good exchange rate right now "

Oh really says I . She was right ,when I transferred monet for the build I was getting 73B - 1 pound. Tourists were coming over and spending lots of cash. Now 47B - 1 pound. Say no more.

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