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1. Over 200 million Chinese have never even seen a tooth brush......!!...fact

2. And what sought of education does one recieve under a communist regime.....

1. you know quite a lot of Chinese, Fly, don't you...? :o where on earth did you read or hear about such nonsense?

2. Have you any idea how MANY students graduate every year from the universities in China?

3. Have you ever been to China; if yes, how many times in how many years?

If no: refrain from your comments and study a bit more about China before making them.


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1. Over 200 million Chinese have never even seen a tooth brush......!!...fact

2. And what sought of education does one recieve under a communist regime.....

1. you know quite a lot of Chinese, Fly, don't you...? :o where on earth did you read or hear about such nonsense?

2. Have you any idea how MANY students graduate every year from the universities in China?

3. Have you ever been to China; if yes, how many times in how many years?

If no: refrain from your comments and study a bit more about China before making them.


The tooth brush was a in Time magazine, about three years ago on the health of China.....look it up if u want...

Around 1 million students gradute with degree's in China each year....most of them ( not all ) are useless to western companies.......ask any private bank on that one ( of course u will be or know a CEO of a private bank in ur next post ).....

Read all this thread, not just what u want to hear ( typical of the Left ) and u would not be asking that question.....

Hope that u do not have an opinion on anywhere that u havent been.....Middle East, USA etc....

If u have ever sat down to eat with a rural Chinese person ( of cousre u would have many times ), u would know that they have never seen a tooth brush, its like having transported a hungry cave man into 2006 and giving him a hot plate of food to eat.....it an experience to see......

Edited by Siam_superfly
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Let the games begin, China arent that bad, they will be the new super power in 20 years, so we better be nice to them

America will always be the number 1 superpower ( thank God )....

India will be the second....

China will go through massive change over the next 20 years..who knows what will happen there...

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Let the games begin, China arent that bad, they will be the new super power in 20 years, so we better be nice to them

America will always be the number 1 superpower ( thank God )....

India will be the second....

China will go through massive change over the next 20 years..who knows what will happen there...


are you serious? :o

India :D:D:D:D

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India are the have the fastest growth in industry ( i think i have that right) in the world. Theyre going to get huge successes in the future years. I cant have a day at home without 5 indians calling me from overseas, wanting to sell me something Australian.

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Anyone notice the right wing OP defended Hitler for being "democratically" elected. Hitler was a genocidal dictator.

I personally think it is absurd, arrogant, and doomed to failure, for the USA to push "democracy" on other countries at the barrel of a gun (if you even believe that lame rationale).

whats absurd, is people who have a world view like u......

u may think differently if u were tumbling out of the sky from 38000 feet over the atlantic.....

Its the USA, Britian, Australia etc who keep our way of live alive......yes that includes u Thaiquila

do u think for a minute that an unchecked China wouldnt march on Tawian......

You still havent defended your point about Hitler! maybe you dont want to!

No real point arguing with the likes of you anyway, you are so far right you probably thought Pauline Hanson was too liberal.

It is a fact that China, Vietnam and Cuba - (all evil commies!!) have made greater strides to reduce

starvation, create a real public health service and improve education levels than almost anywhere else on the planet - certainly better than any neighbouring countries from a similar geographical and historical position!

The nation health system in China is a no go, needs massive cash injections, which it doesnt get because of Party spending to prop up failing state industries.....

Over 200 million Chinese have never even seen a tooth brush......!!...fact

And what sought of education does one recieve under a communist regime.....

ur belief that those states can out spend western goverments on education is wrong.....and to say that a uni student in Australia is worse of than the same in Cuba, Vietnam, China...ur in dreamworld commrade Mittheimp, not unusual for the Left.....to even compare the standards of education in those countries is a joke....

Remember that the world turned a blind eye to a tyrant named Stalin in World War 2, just because he wasnt Hitler...and look at the results....

Please read my posts a few times before commenting as you clearly have a problem understanding basic English! I clearly never said a uni student in Australia is worse off than one in Vietnam, Cuba and China - i said these countries have made great improvements in their education level, - this clearly doesn't mean they are now the best!!

Not unusual for right wing nutters to deliberately misquote and deliberately misinterpret opposing views!

No u didnt say that...but what did u mean ???.....so we shall take a look at what u said....

Cuba, Vietnam, China have made great improvements in their education levels.....is what u said....ok....so that sounds really good to someone reading that, until u look into it....even u, the defender of the communists, cant hide the fact when it comes to the crunch that their ecomonies are failures and their people are the ones that suffer.....

So what u forgot to post was that Cuba, Vietnam, China have gone from dirt floor classrooms to concrete floor classrooms.....

What else could u mean ??? hmmmmmmmm.....so in the end, u have nothing to stand on with education, but nice try to fool some off the people, comrade mittheimp...

What about health....were u not telling us all how great the communists are at giving their people a health system......compared to the west, that is a joke........So where would u go for an operation out of Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, China, Myanmar.........the last five having been or still are communist nations...hmmmmmm comrade...yes u would pick American backed Thailand for an operation....so dont keep posting ur left wing bull*hit, and go back to reading ur chairman Mao books and watching CNN........

I am not a communist, funnily enough! But i do recognise that the argument is far more complicated one than good versus evil as presented by both sides during the height of the cold war! Clearly you haven't got over this. Now i know you probably wont try this as the source comes from the communist BBC and so downloading might infect your computer with left wing spy ware - but this is a recent link from Newsnight - a fairly highbrow news programme on BBC2 in the UK. It examines Cuba's health service and i think gives it a balanced appraisal. There are clear problems in Cuba, but the USA's policy towards it for the last 40 years has been nothing short of disgraceful and totally hypocritical.

here is the link - third one down on the left 'Cuba's health care examined'

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but there is money for new product launches in China, so thats where the advert dollar wants to go....hmmmm

I think the USA and Australia should boycott these games.....

The games are meant to be apolitical and open to all. Boycotting them would defeat that purpose. Better to have cultural exchange and make an impact then say that they are less then you and walk away.

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1. Over 200 million Chinese have never even seen a tooth brush......!!...fact

2. And what sought of education does one recieve under a communist regime.....

1. you know quite a lot of Chinese, Fly, don't you...? :D where on earth did you read or hear about such nonsense?

2. Have you any idea how MANY students graduate every year from the universities in China?

3. Have you ever been to China; if yes, how many times in how many years?

If no: refrain from your comments and study a bit more about China before making them.


The tooth brush was a in Time magazine, about three years ago on the health of China.....look it up if u want...

Around 1 million students gradute with degree's in China each year....most of them ( not all ) are useless to western companies.......ask any private bank on that one ( of course u will be or know a CEO of a private bank in ur next post ).....

Read all this thread, not just what u want to hear ( typical of the Left ) and u would not be asking that question.....

Hope that u do not have an opinion on anywhere that u havent been.....Middle East, USA etc....

If u have ever sat down to eat with a rural Chinese person ( of cousre u would have many times ), u would know that they have never seen a tooth brush, its like having transported a hungry cave man into 2006 and giving him a hot plate of food to eat.....it an experience to see......

1. so, what Time magazine writes is right....? :o

2. look up your facts a little better (about students)

3. I have read all of 'your' thread; Oh, BTW, I have been in the middle east and USA (built my own businesses there... :D ) and, opposite to you: I do not have an opinion like you have about people/countries I have not been to...

Your opinion is based on what you hear from a few people or what you've seen/read in the media.

Brainwashed my fellow-member? :D

4. stop talking nonsense about 'China/rural China' and also stop your anti-China behaviour. It's discriminating and against forum-rules.


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Anyone notice the right wing OP defended Hitler for being "democratically" elected. Hitler was a genocidal dictator.

I personally think it is absurd, arrogant, and doomed to failure, for the USA to push "democracy" on other countries at the barrel of a gun (if you even believe that lame rationale).

whats absurd, is people who have a world view like u......

u may think differently if u were tumbling out of the sky from 38000 feet over the atlantic.....

Its the USA, Britian, Australia etc who keep our way of live alive......yes that includes u Thaiquila

do u think for a minute that an unchecked China wouldnt march on Tawian......

You still havent defended your point about Hitler! maybe you dont want to!

No real point arguing with the likes of you anyway, you are so far right you probably thought Pauline Hanson was too liberal.

It is a fact that China, Vietnam and Cuba - (all evil commies!!) have made greater strides to reduce

starvation, create a real public health service and improve education levels than almost anywhere else on the planet - certainly better than any neighbouring countries from a similar geographical and historical position!

The nation health system in China is a no go, needs massive cash injections, which it doesnt get because of Party spending to prop up failing state industries.....

Over 200 million Chinese have never even seen a tooth brush......!!...fact

And what sought of education does one recieve under a communist regime.....

ur belief that those states can out spend western goverments on education is wrong.....and to say that a uni student in Australia is worse of than the same in Cuba, Vietnam, China...ur in dreamworld commrade Mittheimp, not unusual for the Left.....to even compare the standards of education in those countries is a joke....

Remember that the world turned a blind eye to a tyrant named Stalin in World War 2, just because he wasnt Hitler...and look at the results....

Please read my posts a few times before commenting as you clearly have a problem understanding basic English! I clearly never said a uni student in Australia is worse off than one in Vietnam, Cuba and China - i said these countries have made great improvements in their education level, - this clearly doesn't mean they are now the best!!

Not unusual for right wing nutters to deliberately misquote and deliberately misinterpret opposing views!

No u didnt say that...but what did u mean ???.....so we shall take a look at what u said....

Cuba, Vietnam, China have made great improvements in their education levels.....is what u said....ok....so that sounds really good to someone reading that, until u look into it....even u, the defender of the communists, cant hide the fact when it comes to the crunch that their ecomonies are failures and their people are the ones that suffer.....

So what u forgot to post was that Cuba, Vietnam, China have gone from dirt floor classrooms to concrete floor classrooms.....

What else could u mean ??? hmmmmmmmm.....so in the end, u have nothing to stand on with education, but nice try to fool some off the people, comrade mittheimp...

What about health....were u not telling us all how great the communists are at giving their people a health system......compared to the west, that is a joke........So where would u go for an operation out of Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, China, Myanmar.........the last five having been or still are communist nations...hmmmmmm comrade...yes u would pick American backed Thailand for an operation....so dont keep posting ur left wing bull*hit, and go back to reading ur chairman Mao books and watching CNN........

I am not a communist, funnily enough! But i do recognise that the argument is far more complicated one than good versus evil as presented by both sides during the height of the cold war! Clearly you haven't got over this. Now i know you probably wont try this as the source comes from the communist BBC and so downloading might infect your computer with left wing spy ware - but this is a recent link from Newsnight - a fairly highbrow news programme on BBC2 in the UK. It examines Cuba's health service and i think gives it a balanced appraisal. There are clear problems in Cuba, but the USA's policy towards it for the last 40 years has been nothing short of disgraceful and totally hypocritical.

here is the link - third one down on the left 'Cuba's health care examined'

Mittheimp......In all that has been posted, u come up with a BBC doc on Cuba.....and u say that the USA policy towards Cuba has been disgraceful......right now, Cuba has the longest serving poticial prisoner in the world in its jails...thats disgraceful...

But at least u can present an arguement, not like LoaPo...who just is just always right and seems to forget that u dont have to put ur hand in the fire, to know thats its going to burn u......

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1. Over 200 million Chinese have never even seen a tooth brush......!!...fact

2. And what sought of education does one recieve under a communist regime.....

1. you know quite a lot of Chinese, Fly, don't you...? :D where on earth did you read or hear about such nonsense?

2. Have you any idea how MANY students graduate every year from the universities in China?

3. Have you ever been to China; if yes, how many times in how many years?

If no: refrain from your comments and study a bit more about China before making them.


The tooth brush was a in Time magazine, about three years ago on the health of China.....look it up if u want...

Around 1 million students gradute with degree's in China each year....most of them ( not all ) are useless to western companies.......ask any private bank on that one ( of course u will be or know a CEO of a private bank in ur next post ).....

Read all this thread, not just what u want to hear ( typical of the Left ) and u would not be asking that question.....

Hope that u do not have an opinion on anywhere that u havent been.....Middle East, USA etc....

If u have ever sat down to eat with a rural Chinese person ( of cousre u would have many times ), u would know that they have never seen a tooth brush, its like having transported a hungry cave man into 2006 and giving him a hot plate of food to eat.....it an experience to see......

1. so, what Time magazine writes is right....? :o

2. look up your facts a little better (about students)

3. I have read all of 'your' thread; Oh, BTW, I have been in the middle east and USA (built my own businesses there... :D ) and, opposite to you: I do not have an opinion like you have about people/countries I have not been to...

Your opinion is based on what you hear from a few people or what you've seen/read in the media.

Brainwashed my fellow-member? :D

4. stop talking nonsense about 'China/rural China' and also stop your anti-China behaviour. It's discriminating and against forum-rules.


The Fly is not anti Chinese.....The Fly objects to the communist Party who claim China as their own......

What about the Singapore journalist who has just been jailed for 5 years in China for publishing what the Party doesnt like ????.....

what does that tell u about what u see coming out from China in thwe media...hmmmmm ....

What about the recent none event of Chairman Mao's birthday....the party is so scared of whipping up hatred in the population, by reminding them of the Partys past, nothing but a few lines in a Party journal.......hmmmmmmmmm

Do u think that Singapore journalist will enjoy wacthing the games......?

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Superfly, laopo is right on this one.

Donz....Laopo is wrong...and that would mean that u are as well......

Are u aware that India now has its first aircraft carrier ?......state of the art weapon systems etc...

So just take care when u laugh at India......its a growing gaint, a nuclear gaint.....

Edited by Siam_superfly
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Superfly, laopo is right on this one.

multiple personality


A highly disputed psychological disorder in which a person exhibits two or more disassociated personalities, each functioning as a distinct entity. Also called dissociative disorder


Chon.....Donz is not The Fly........when it comes to the Fly, there can be only one.....jing jing naa

Could be posting about Lampard and Pie Boy though ????? :D .....but that would be insulting Pie Boy way to much, even though Pie Boy deserves it......The Fly awaits the Ashes....

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1. Over 200 million Chinese have never even seen a tooth brush......!!...fact

2. And what sought of education does one recieve under a communist regime.....

1. you know quite a lot of Chinese, Fly, don't you...? :D where on earth did you read or hear about such nonsense?

2. Have you any idea how MANY students graduate every year from the universities in China?

3. Have you ever been to China; if yes, how many times in how many years?

If no: refrain from your comments and study a bit more about China before making them.


The tooth brush was a in Time magazine, about three years ago on the health of China.....look it up if u want...

Around 1 million students gradute with degree's in China each year....most of them ( not all ) are useless to western companies.......ask any private bank on that one ( of course u will be or know a CEO of a private bank in ur next post ).....

Read all this thread, not just what u want to hear ( typical of the Left ) and u would not be asking that question.....

Hope that u do not have an opinion on anywhere that u havent been.....Middle East, USA etc....

If u have ever sat down to eat with a rural Chinese person ( of cousre u would have many times ), u would know that they have never seen a tooth brush, its like having transported a hungry cave man into 2006 and giving him a hot plate of food to eat.....it an experience to see......

1. so, what Time magazine writes is right....? :o

2. look up your facts a little better (about students)

3. I have read all of 'your' thread; Oh, BTW, I have been in the middle east and USA (built my own businesses there... :D ) and, opposite to you: I do not have an opinion like you have about people/countries I have not been to...

Your opinion is based on what you hear from a few people or what you've seen/read in the media.

Brainwashed my fellow-member? :D

4. stop talking nonsense about 'China/rural China' and also stop your anti-China behaviour. It's discriminating and against forum-rules.


The Fly is not anti Chinese.....The Fly objects to the communist Party who claim China as their own......

What about the Singapore journalist who has just been jailed for 5 years in China for publishing what the Party doesnt like ????.....

what does that tell u about what u see coming out from China in thwe media...hmmmmm ....

What about the recent none event of Chairman Mao's birthday....the party is so scared of whipping up hatred in the population, by reminding them of the Partys past, nothing but a few lines in a Party journal.......hmmmmmmmmm

Do u think that Singapore journalist will enjoy wacthing the games......?

So what, we jail people for overstaying there visa sometimes up to 10 years.

Starve people in detention centres on a few occasions, doesnt mean we shouldnt of hosted our games

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1. Over 200 million Chinese have never even seen a tooth brush......!!...fact

2. And what sought of education does one recieve under a communist regime.....

1. you know quite a lot of Chinese, Fly, don't you...? :D where on earth did you read or hear about such nonsense?

2. Have you any idea how MANY students graduate every year from the universities in China?

3. Have you ever been to China; if yes, how many times in how many years?

If no: refrain from your comments and study a bit more about China before making them.


The tooth brush was a in Time magazine, about three years ago on the health of China.....look it up if u want...

Around 1 million students gradute with degree's in China each year....most of them ( not all ) are useless to western companies.......ask any private bank on that one ( of course u will be or know a CEO of a private bank in ur next post ).....

Read all this thread, not just what u want to hear ( typical of the Left ) and u would not be asking that question.....

Hope that u do not have an opinion on anywhere that u havent been.....Middle East, USA etc....

If u have ever sat down to eat with a rural Chinese person ( of cousre u would have many times ), u would know that they have never seen a tooth brush, its like having transported a hungry cave man into 2006 and giving him a hot plate of food to eat.....it an experience to see......

1. so, what Time magazine writes is right....? :o

2. look up your facts a little better (about students)

3. I have read all of 'your' thread; Oh, BTW, I have been in the middle east and USA (built my own businesses there... :D ) and, opposite to you: I do not have an opinion like you have about people/countries I have not been to...

Your opinion is based on what you hear from a few people or what you've seen/read in the media.

Brainwashed my fellow-member? :D

4. stop talking nonsense about 'China/rural China' and also stop your anti-China behaviour. It's discriminating and against forum-rules.


The Fly is not anti Chinese.....The Fly objects to the communist Party who claim China as their own......

What about the Singapore journalist who has just been jailed for 5 years in China for publishing what the Party doesnt like ????.....

what does that tell u about what u see coming out from China in thwe media...hmmmmm ....

What about the recent none event of Chairman Mao's birthday....the party is so scared of whipping up hatred in the population, by reminding them of the Partys past, nothing but a few lines in a Party journal.......hmmmmmmmmm

Do u think that Singapore journalist will enjoy wacthing the games......?

So what, we jail people for overstaying there visa sometimes up to 10 years.

Starve people in detention centres on a few occasions, doesnt mean we shouldnt of hosted our games

No Australia gives them the option of being flown back to their country of origin, or they get people like u to help them appeal to the High Court of Australia, which can drag on for years ( 10 ) and cost the tax pay'er millions, and hold up the court system....do u know that over 80% of all cases bought before the High Court of Australia are these type of appeals.......

thats why the goverment rightly started processing people off-shore, so they do not step on Australian soil and therefore cant abuse our legal system like they are.....

Or they just rip up there passport and claim to come from some bad place, and people like u believe them......its sad that so many do this, while people who wait in refugee camps in Africa and do the right thing by the law to come here, starve......

Edited by Siam_superfly
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The Fly is not anti Chinese.....

1. The Fly objects to the communist Party who claim China as their own......

2.What about the Singapore journalist who has just been jailed for 5 years in China for publishing what the Party doesnt like ????.....

what does that tell u about what u see coming out from China in thwe media...hmmmmm ....

3. What about the recent none event of Chairman Mao's birthday....the party is so scared of whipping up hatred in the population, by reminding them of the Partys past, nothing but a few lines in a Party journal.......hmmmmmmmmm

4. Do u think that Singapore journalist will enjoy wacthing the games......?

1. You are entitled to object any 'party' in the world.

I am, for instance, objecting the role the US Administration is playing around the world as the 'Policeman' of the world...now THAT's scaring the sh_t out of me :D

2. I agree; It's sad that these cases happen; it's also sad and scary that the US is holding prisoners WITHOUT any legal possibilities for them (Guantanamo Bay for instance); and what about the lying of the US administration towards the World about their secret prisons?

3. Mao Zedong: Maybe it was a 'non-event' in the rest of the World, not so in China. And, as you don't know anything about China, you really have no idea HOW people still remember and think of Mao...

Whether he was good or bad for China....it's not up to me to judge that; it's up to the Chinese themselves and history will tell the truth but it will not come from you...or me!

BTW it was not about Mao's birthday; it was about the day he died. September 9th 1976. That so for the facts.

5. No, he will probably not be able to enjoy the Olympics, and that's sad enough. The same counts for numerous prisoners like I mentioned in point 1. :D

As for the Omlympics, since that was you OP-topic:

Have you been in Beijing recently and saw with your own eyes what's happening there....? I was there 2 1/2 months ago and will be there again next week.

NO? You will be amazed :D

I am not saying here that China is a true democracy yet, but it will be in the future but give the Chinese people the time to overcome one of the most difficult centuries in their more than 5.000 years of culture.

Now, I suggest you watch the US-government a little better.....closer and better than other governments around the Globe :o


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1. Over 200 million Chinese have never even seen a tooth brush......!!...fact

2. And what sought of education does one recieve under a communist regime.....

1. you know quite a lot of Chinese, Fly, don't you...? :D where on earth did you read or hear about such nonsense?

2. Have you any idea how MANY students graduate every year from the universities in China?

3. Have you ever been to China; if yes, how many times in how many years?

If no: refrain from your comments and study a bit more about China before making them.


The tooth brush was a in Time magazine, about three years ago on the health of China.....look it up if u want...

Around 1 million students gradute with degree's in China each year....most of them ( not all ) are useless to western companies.......ask any private bank on that one ( of course u will be or know a CEO of a private bank in ur next post ).....

Read all this thread, not just what u want to hear ( typical of the Left ) and u would not be asking that question.....

Hope that u do not have an opinion on anywhere that u havent been.....Middle East, USA etc....

If u have ever sat down to eat with a rural Chinese person ( of cousre u would have many times ), u would know that they have never seen a tooth brush, its like having transported a hungry cave man into 2006 and giving him a hot plate of food to eat.....it an experience to see......

1. so, what Time magazine writes is right....? :o

2. look up your facts a little better (about students)

3. I have read all of 'your' thread; Oh, BTW, I have been in the middle east and USA (built my own businesses there... :D ) and, opposite to you: I do not have an opinion like you have about people/countries I have not been to...

Your opinion is based on what you hear from a few people or what you've seen/read in the media.

Brainwashed my fellow-member? :D

4. stop talking nonsense about 'China/rural China' and also stop your anti-China behaviour. It's discriminating and against forum-rules.


The Fly is not anti Chinese.....The Fly objects to the communist Party who claim China as their own......

What about the Singapore journalist who has just been jailed for 5 years in China for publishing what the Party doesnt like ????.....

what does that tell u about what u see coming out from China in thwe media...hmmmmm ....

What about the recent none event of Chairman Mao's birthday....the party is so scared of whipping up hatred in the population, by reminding them of the Partys past, nothing but a few lines in a Party journal.......hmmmmmmmmm

Do u think that Singapore journalist will enjoy wacthing the games......?

So what, we jail people for overstaying there visa sometimes up to 10 years.

Starve people in detention centres on a few occasions, doesnt mean we shouldnt of hosted our games

This is the worst post The Fly has ever seen......

U are a disgrace Donz....

u must be joking.......

Waiting for u or LaoPo to comment on the Singapore journo that has been jailed for 5 years...?

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1. Over 200 million Chinese have never even seen a tooth brush......!!...fact

2. And what sought of education does one recieve under a communist regime.....

1. you know quite a lot of Chinese, Fly, don't you...? :D where on earth did you read or hear about such nonsense?

2. Have you any idea how MANY students graduate every year from the universities in China?

3. Have you ever been to China; if yes, how many times in how many years?

If no: refrain from your comments and study a bit more about China before making them.


The tooth brush was a in Time magazine, about three years ago on the health of China.....look it up if u want...

Around 1 million students gradute with degree's in China each year....most of them ( not all ) are useless to western companies.......ask any private bank on that one ( of course u will be or know a CEO of a private bank in ur next post ).....

Read all this thread, not just what u want to hear ( typical of the Left ) and u would not be asking that question.....

Hope that u do not have an opinion on anywhere that u havent been.....Middle East, USA etc....

If u have ever sat down to eat with a rural Chinese person ( of cousre u would have many times ), u would know that they have never seen a tooth brush, its like having transported a hungry cave man into 2006 and giving him a hot plate of food to eat.....it an experience to see......

1. so, what Time magazine writes is right....? :o

2. look up your facts a little better (about students)

3. I have read all of 'your' thread; Oh, BTW, I have been in the middle east and USA (built my own businesses there... :D ) and, opposite to you: I do not have an opinion like you have about people/countries I have not been to...

Your opinion is based on what you hear from a few people or what you've seen/read in the media.

Brainwashed my fellow-member? :D

4. stop talking nonsense about 'China/rural China' and also stop your anti-China behaviour. It's discriminating and against forum-rules.


The Fly is not anti Chinese.....The Fly objects to the communist Party who claim China as their own......

What about the Singapore journalist who has just been jailed for 5 years in China for publishing what the Party doesnt like ????.....

what does that tell u about what u see coming out from China in thwe media...hmmmmm ....

What about the recent none event of Chairman Mao's birthday....the party is so scared of whipping up hatred in the population, by reminding them of the Partys past, nothing but a few lines in a Party journal.......hmmmmmmmmm

Do u think that Singapore journalist will enjoy wacthing the games......?

So what, we jail people for overstaying there visa sometimes up to 10 years.

Starve people in detention centres on a few occasions, doesnt mean we shouldnt of hosted our games

This is the worst post The Fly has ever seen......

U are a disgrace Donz....

u must be joking.......

Waiting for u or LaoPo to comment on the Singapore journo that has been jailed for 5 years...?

There was a case at villawood detention centre where a Thai girl was trafficed into australia, she was told she would be a maid but was not, the people got jailed for the trafficing at they put her in there and treated her like a dog (according to a whistle blower) she died from malnutrition and the gaurds would allow her any food because they didnt like her.

The guards got the sack and the centre was getting sued last time I heard.

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Surely its a good thing that there was little fuss about Mao?

Evolution not revoltion would seem to be the sensible pragmatic approach to turning China around - and there are some signs that this is happening. An olympics there which makes it the spotlight of the world can only be positive thing - greater freedom and information is inevitable. Eventually freedom of information will improve - just look at all the thousand sof Chinese students that study abroad each year - they dont do it in a vacuum!

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:D I'm out of here since this debate leads nowhere. Wasn't it about the Olympics in Beijing? :o

The fact Mr. Fly is talking about 'refugee camps' in Africa and forget about Australia's own disgraceful refugee camps*, closes the door for me.

I prefer a more intelligent 'conversation' instead of wasting my time....Bye bye and greetings from China...:D

* http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=r...G=Google+Search

and, although 'old' news, the 'system' continues....



Edited by LaoPo
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