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UN chief appeals to Indonesia to stop planned executions

Lite Beer

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Not forgetting the Indonesian sentenced to be shot because a colleague from work stashed some grass in his house or the Filipino housewife gone to Malaysia for work as a maid only to be told there was no job by her son's godfather relative but'There's a job in Indonesia and take this suitcase too'.

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Why? Druggie scum gotta pay the price.

You are sick. What if they were your kids???

Hopefully my kid wouldn't be a drug trafficking scum. Hopefully some drug trafficking scum won't play a part in him being an addict. If my son did it and knew the rules, I'd be sad that I didn't raise him to know right from wrong….but I'd hope he'd realise he <deleted> up at the end of the day

I feel very sad when I see there are many cold hearted people around, totally lacking in any sympathy or compassion, devoid of any empathy, happy to see another human being being pointlessly murdered. I feel sad when my football team doesn't win. I think totally devastated would be a little more appropriate if it was my son being murdered. Would you say to your son as they drag him away, Oh well son, you are scum, I am sad I didn't raise you to know right from wrong, they will take you away now and shoot you, but you knew the rules and deserve your punishment? Maybe it would be fairer to take you away to be shot because it was you that didn't raise him properly.

Edited by aussiebrian
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I feel very sad when I see there are many cold hearted people around, totally lacking in any sympathy or compassion, devoid of any empathy, happy to see another human being being pointlessly murdered.

Perhaps the people who deal in drugs are totally lacking in in any sympathy, empathy or compassion and contribute to the deaths of some people and much pain and suffering to others.

Dealing drugs isn't victimless otherwise there wouldn't be so much misery in this world within the addicts, their friends and their families.

The only guy who ever tried to break into my house and steal things was a drug addict who was beyond holding down a job, and he started stealing for a living. Did I mention that he "tried"?

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Why? Druggie scum gotta pay the price.

You are sick. What if they were your kids???

I have seen first hand how heroin destroys family and lives, and the Bali nine was smuggling enough to ruin thousands and lives and families, and they were NOT ignorant mules. They are scum indeed.

No brewery ever made me an alcoholic. That was my choice.

No big tobacco ever made me a nicotine addict. That was my choice.

No other car driver ever gave me road rage. That was my choice.

No drug manufacturer ever made me a drug addict. That was my choice.

No Thai lady ever ripped me off. That was my choice.

We have choices to make while we live and breathe in this world.

Many may think that this is simplistic, but we can choose "Yes" or "No."

These men and women made the wrong decision. Whatever "silver lining" clouded their judgement, they said "Yes" to crime, knowing full well the consequences if caught, and now must face the punishment. It is that simple.

I don't call breweries, or big tobacco, or Thai ladies "scum" and I won't call these people "scum" either.

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I feel very sad when I see there are many cold hearted people around, totally lacking in any sympathy or compassion, devoid of any empathy, happy to see another human being being pointlessly murdered.

Perhaps the people who deal in drugs are totally lacking in in any sympathy, empathy or compassion and contribute to the deaths of some people and much pain and suffering to others.

Dealing drugs isn't victimless otherwise there wouldn't be so much misery in this world within the addicts, their friends and their families.

The only guy who ever tried to break into my house and steal things was a drug addict who was beyond holding down a job, and he started stealing for a living. Did I mention that he "tried"?

You have it all wrong. It is the laws that cause the problem, not the importers. If it was legal, and the junkies could get it from their doctor, and didn't have to break into your and other peoples houses, and mug you in the street, rob banks, steal and sell their grandmother, for their next hit, or die because some dealer needed to make greater profits by cutting his heroin with ajax, so he could pay the police not to be busted and to also have his next hit and his supplier didn't need to screw him tighter as to pay off the judge, or for protection from the police.

And all these dealers didn't have to turn your children into junkies, so they have new clients to sell their drugs to, only so they can either buy drugs to support their craving or their lavish lifestyle, if there wasn't so much money involved then the dealers would dry up.. WHY is it so expensive? Because it is illegal!!

Then your insurance policy will go down, the junkie wouldn't need to break into your house and instead of trying to get enough money for his next hit, to put the largest amount of money in the hands of a mister big, he or she could be holding down a job.

If you think that is fantasy, look what happened to the Victorian drug squad, or try reading about the NSW Woodward Royal Commission into drugs, Look at what happened during prohibition of alcohol in the USA in the 20's and 30's. Not much difference with what is happening with illegal drugs around the world now. so then you may get a greater understanding of what you are talking about.

With education, a change in the laws and rehabilitation programs for anyone who wanted to use them, we wouldn't have a drug problem.

Alcohol is a legal drug, which you most likely use, that kills far more people than all illegal drugs combined, same with tobacco. Alcohol causes far more violence in the community and family breakdowns. If the laws were changed, and it was a medical problem. rather than a legal one, there would be no more drug importers, fewer junkies as proved in countries like Holland and Portugal. The only reason why there are importers is the price is brought up higher and higher because the laws become more draconian. It is a very vicious circle.

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If hard drugs were legalized and controlled by the government, they would be so cheap that addicts would not need to turn to crime. I am with Rand Paul on this.

Totally agree, not only that but if governments spend as much money on education and rehab as they do on so called fighting drugs there surely would be less addicts and over dose , not even mentioning huge reduction in crime from both users and sellers.

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Just hurry up and kill them, I am fed up of hearing about it all the time, they knew what would happen so don't sissy about it now, shit the human rights crap

Attention people, Cookee68 is sick of listening about this, so for his benefit the 10 or now 8 people should be taken away and murdered, tied to a tree and shot and human beings shouldn't have any rights. I can see the human rights will have no bearing on you as you don't quite fit into this category.

Edited by aussiebrian
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If hard drugs were legalized and controlled by the government, they would be so cheap that addicts would not need to turn to crime. I am with Rand Paul on this.

There would still be crime, the drugs mess your head.

They legalised alcohol yet people still commit crimes when on it.

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Why? Druggie scum gotta pay the price.

You are sick. What if they were your kids???

I have seen first hand how heroin destroys family and lives, and the Bali nine was smuggling enough to ruin thousands and lives and families, and they were NOT ignorant mules. They are scum indeed.

No brewery ever made me an alcoholic. That was my choice.

No big tobacco ever made me a nicotine addict. That was my choice.

No other car driver ever gave me road rage. That was my choice.

No drug manufacturer ever made me a drug addict. That was my choice.

No Thai lady ever ripped me off. That was my choice.

We have choices to make while we live and breathe in this world.

Many may think that this is simplistic, but we can choose "Yes" or "No."

These men and women made the wrong decision. Whatever "silver lining" clouded their judgement, they said "Yes" to crime, knowing full well the consequences if caught, and now must face the punishment. It is that simple.

I don't call breweries, or big tobacco, or Thai ladies "scum" and I won't call these people "scum" either.

Big tobacco is indeed scum. Yes they did make people addicts. They witheld the truth about tobacco being addictive. So yes, i blame big tobacco for making people addicts.

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If hard drugs were legalized and controlled by the government, they would be so cheap that addicts would not need to turn to crime. I am with Rand Paul on this.

There would still be crime, the drugs mess your head.

They legalised alcohol yet people still commit crimes when on it.

Alcohol releases inhibitions thus emotions like anger which are normally suppressed may be given full vent in some individuals. Cannabis on the other hand makes playing a game of chess an infinitely monumental task as the options for each move appear countless whilst heroin seems to turn people into passive bores ( at least to outsiders).

Surely alcohol and methamphetamines are the drugs most likely to make someone violent whilst they are on them?

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If hard drugs were legalized and controlled by the government, they would be so cheap that addicts would not need to turn to crime. I am with Rand Paul on this.

Totally agree, not only that but if governments spend as much money on education and rehab as they do on so called fighting drugs there surely would be less addicts and over dose , not even mentioning huge reduction in crime from both users and sellers.

I disagree. I was a child of the 60's and I saw too many of my friends get hooked on drugs and literally drop out. These guys and gals dropped out of work and any productivity and they:

Turned to crime to support themselves for food, shelter and so on. They just stopped functioning.

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I see a few liberals here whining on about how cruel this is and yet not one of them giving a shit about the poor families whose lives are destroyed by drug dealers.

Joko Widodo has it right ... execute them and send a clear message. Still if you're a greedy moron who doesn't care about destroying the lives of others and is willing to try smuggling drugs go right ahead and hopefully you too will me caught and executed.

Joko Widodo is doing the world a favor and I for one applaud him.

I suspect that you are in minority and I applaud that.

Capital punishment does not work.

The only thing that works is catching people.

State sanctioned executions just brutalise everyone. Do you understand that?

The more executions the more people are de-sensitised and the more murders occur.

I can give some leeway as Indonesia is developing and have an immature civilisation (look at the way they torture animals there....)

My nephew died of a an overdose.

Do I want the people executed.

No, but I would like them caught.

Drugs are a complex problem. I don't have all the answers.....

I tell you what though, if you got rid of all the people who take ice, cocaine, heroin and the rest from Phuket it would be a MUCH nicer place.........

And what do you do with them once they are caught? Have people like me spend our tax dollars on supporting them for the rest of their lives? Are there not more constructive uses for tax dollars?

I would agree to keeping them in the penal system if all the bleeding hearts would allow the punishment in some form of labor etc that benefits mankind, but not to have them sit in a cell with their color TV and hunger strikes.

It is my opinion that the penal system needs the overhaul, then the sentencing system can be revised.

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I see a few liberals here whining on about how cruel this is and yet not one of them giving a shit about the poor families whose lives are destroyed by drug dealers.

Joko Widodo has it right ... execute them and send a clear message. Still if you're a greedy moron who doesn't care about destroying the lives of others and is willing to try smuggling drugs go right ahead and hopefully you too will me caught and executed.

Joko Widodo is doing the world a favor and I for one applaud him.

I suspect that you are in minority and I applaud that.

Capital punishment does not work.

The only thing that works is catching people.

State sanctioned executions just brutalise everyone. Do you understand that?

The more executions the more people are de-sensitised and the more murders occur.

I can give some leeway as Indonesia is developing and have an immature civilisation (look at the way they torture animals there....)

My nephew died of a an overdose.

Do I want the people executed.

No, but I would like them caught.

Drugs are a complex problem. I don't have all the answers.....

I tell you what though, if you got rid of all the people who take ice, cocaine, heroin and the rest from Phuket it would be a MUCH nicer place.........

And what do you do with them once they are caught? Have people like me spend our tax dollars on supporting them for the rest of their lives? Are there not more constructive uses for tax dollars?

I would agree to keeping them in the penal system if all the bleeding hearts would allow the punishment in some form of labor etc that benefits mankind, but not to have them sit in a cell with their color TV and hunger strikes.

It is my opinion that the penal system needs the overhaul, then the sentencing system can be revised.

Deary me!

How depressing........

I will not bother replying.

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I hope UN would do the same to the U.S. and their executions. But guess UN would not interfere with the U.S. Republicans, it may back fire since UN is so hated by them.

Could you name someone executed in U.S. for taking drugs out of US or mentally ill?

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If hard drugs were legalized and controlled by the government, they would be so cheap that addicts would not need to turn to crime. I am with Rand Paul on this.

Yep and there would be thousands more addicts hooked on the cheap easy to get legal drugs who could never hold down a job who would still need to get money to feed their addiction.

But to get back on topic :

I see in Indonesia that the first execution was carried out 1973 and on average 10 death sentences are handed down per year but very few are carried out.

In more recent times 4 executions were carried out in 2013 and none in 2014. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment_in_Indonesia

Indonesia is being made out as an barbaric state in this while other countries which are far worse are all but ignored, for instance Saudi Arabia has executed (beheaded) on average 80 per year in recent times with 45 so far this year but they don't seem to get the same attention as Indonesia.

Soft target ?

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I hope UN would do the same to the U.S. and their executions. But guess UN would not interfere with the U.S. Republicans, it may back fire since UN is so hated by them.

Could you name someone executed in U.S. for taking drugs out of US or mentally ill?



IQ 61



The intellectual disability community, which has strongly supported Mr. Hill's case for many years, joined his legal team in the belief that the Supreme Court would step in and prevent Georgia's flagrant disregard of the Constitution on behalf of the rights of people with disabilities," said Kammer.


Although Atkins's case and ruling may have saved other mentally retarded inmates from the death penalty, a jury in Virginia decided in July 2005 that Atkins was intelligent enough to be executed on the basis that the constant contact he had with his lawyers provided intellectual stimulation and raised his IQ above 70, making him competent to be put to death under Virginia law.

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If hard drugs were legalized and controlled by the government, they would be so cheap that addicts would not need to turn to crime. I am with Rand Paul on this.

Totally agree, not only that but if governments spend as much money on education and rehab as they do on so called fighting drugs there surely would be less addicts and over dose , not even mentioning huge reduction in crime from both users and sellers.

I disagree. I was a child of the 60's and I saw too many of my friends get hooked on drugs and literally drop out. These guys and gals dropped out of work and any productivity and they:

Turned to crime to support themselves for food, shelter and so on. They just stopped functioning.

You may have missed the point both of us 'quoted" made.

If drugs were not illegal, it would not only be cheaper but help would available.

Your friend would not need to turn to crime to make money for drugs, because it would have been affordable for him and may be if there was endless education and help centers, he would not have turned into a junkie.

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I hope UN would do the same to the U.S. and their executions. But guess UN would not interfere with the U.S. Republicans, it may back fire since UN is so hated by them.

Could you name someone executed in U.S. for taking drugs out of US or mentally ill?



IQ 61



The intellectual disability community, which has strongly supported Mr. Hill's case for many years, joined his legal team in the belief that the Supreme Court would step in and prevent Georgia's flagrant disregard of the Constitution on behalf of the rights of people with disabilities," said Kammer.


Although Atkins's case and ruling may have saved other mentally retarded inmates from the death penalty, a jury in Virginia decided in July 2005 that Atkins was intelligent enough to be executed on the basis that the constant contact he had with his lawyers provided intellectual stimulation and raised his IQ above 70, making him competent to be put to death under Virginia law.

Thank you, only in both cases, executed were killers not drug smugglers.,

Furthermore, from your second link "Twice-convicted murderer Warren Lee Hill was executed Tuesday'

Little different to drugs, is not it?!

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If hard drugs were legalized and controlled by the government, they would be so cheap that addicts would not need to turn to crime. I am with Rand Paul on this.

Yep and there would be thousands more addicts hooked on the cheap easy to get legal drugs who could never hold down a job who would still need to get money to feed their addiction.

But to get back on topic :

I see in Indonesia that the first execution was carried out 1973 and on average 10 death sentences are handed down per year but very few are carried out.

In more recent times 4 executions were carried out in 2013 and none in 2014. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment_in_Indonesia

Indonesia is being made out as an barbaric state in this while other countries which are far worse are all but ignored, for instance Saudi Arabia has executed (beheaded) on average 80 per year in recent times with 45 so far this year but they don't seem to get the same attention as Indonesia.

Soft target ?

When they started the picture on cigarette boxes and heavy advertising campaigns, apparently according to all stats worldwide, number of smokers has reduced dramatically.

Price rises did not affect smokers rate.

See where i am going with this?

I think you will find the reason for outcry is the fact that all people on death row in current line up have good reasons NOT to be executed and yet they are.

All people have made world news with number of offers from respective nations.

Hardly any cases from Saudi or China make world news and hardly any of them have PM's and Presidents of other countries asking NOT too.

If you really believe Indo is not barbaric, you should read up a little.

Were you aware that one of the bombers in Bali has already been released? He is responsible for deaths of at least 25 people and he is already walking free, while say Australians who were smuggling OUT of Indo and served 10 years are getting killed.

Which crime deserves death? murder of 25 people or drugs being taken OUT FROM the country?

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I hope UN would do the same to the U.S. and their executions. But guess UN would not interfere with the U.S. Republicans, it may back fire since UN is so hated by them.

Could you name someone executed in U.S. for taking drugs out of US or mentally ill?



IQ 61



The intellectual disability community, which has strongly supported Mr. Hill's case for many years, joined his legal team in the belief that the Supreme Court would step in and prevent Georgia's flagrant disregard of the Constitution on behalf of the rights of people with disabilities," said Kammer.


Although Atkins's case and ruling may have saved other mentally retarded inmates from the death penalty, a jury in Virginia decided in July 2005 that Atkins was intelligent enough to be executed on the basis that the constant contact he had with his lawyers provided intellectual stimulation and raised his IQ above 70, making him competent to be put to death under Virginia law.

Thank you, only in both cases, executed were killers not drug smugglers.,

Furthermore, from your second link "Twice-convicted murderer Warren Lee Hill was executed Tuesday'

Little different to drugs, is not it?!

I was responding to your question, "Could you name someone executed in U.S. for taking drugs out of US or mentally ill?" Mentally ill - not drugs. If you don't want an answer don't ask the question.

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I was responding to your question, "Could you name someone executed in U.S. for taking drugs out of US or mentally ill?" Mentally ill - not drugs. If you don't want an answer don't ask the question.

1 of your cases killed 2 people, spared life the first time.

second of your cases said he was glad he killed someone.

Little different to not know what is going on, do not you think?

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I was responding to your question, "Could you name someone executed in U.S. for taking drugs out of US or mentally ill?" Mentally ill - not drugs. If you don't want an answer don't ask the question.

1 of your cases killed 2 people, spared life the first time.

second of your cases said he was glad he killed someone.

Little different to not know what is going on, do not you think?

You asked if anyone who was mentally ill was executed in the USA and the answer is yes. That's all I wrote.

I don't agree with the death penalty for anyone regardless of IQ or mental condition.

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