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Issan Video Conferencing On The Web


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Sawadee Issan. I am a ham radio operator and there are a bunch of us into web video conferencing in the evenings.. sometimes 6 or 7 of us on at the same time... We see photos of all present and the video changes... quite quickly if only two of us on but the video refresh slows down as more join the conference. The program gives priorietly to voice which is understandable. As the ISSAN group is so spread out, I thought it might be a good media to use to discuss various issues. There could be several groups meeting at established times... ie one on farming and so on... and one just for social yacking away in the evenings...or daytime for that matter.

You need to have a video camera connected to your video card..usually by firewire + a headset to stop echo. You can also use a webcam. There are many webcams available now at low cost and some with microphones built in. There is a good cheapie out of HK and Nong has one in Buriram if you would like to see how it performs. In this case a set of headphones or earbuds will work in lieu of the headset to prevent echo. If any of you have the setup already, I can invite you to join one of our conferences. You dont have to say a word... Its probably boring anyway but all will at least say hi to you and might get you telling your life's story too 55. You will learn how it works and that is the thing about joining our ham group of grumpy old men for a while 55

I would like to see some chatter on this subject and help where I can. The programs needed are free for download... SKYPE which you can use to voice chat and make calls to telephones around the world and now its companion video conferencing program FESTOON. Google know them both.

If you need any help setting this up you can email me direct or post here and share with all. I am also on msn voice chat in the evenings.. Not retired yet!!

All the best, Lyman Duggan Tampa Florida USA Buriram/Surin visit in Oct 2006

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So you're running Skype and Festoon over something like an AX.25 link? I didn't think you could get that kind of speed out of it. Who knew such interesting things were going on out there in the "jungle"!

You might be right.. one way to find out... do you want to give it a try? I do video chat on msn with my friend in Buriram and it works well. I think she has dsl but she is not sure what it is just speed :-) on festoon, as more people come in, the video refresh suffers but no one seems to care a lot... who ever is talking has their name lit up in red so you know who has the mic so to speak. I know that a lot of the Farang group are using high speed via satellite. Even 3 or 4 of us on makes for an interesting time. I have cable modem here. Some of the guys are dsl. I am on msn a lot with my girlfriend on one to one video chat almost every day. rgds, ly

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