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I'd love to see the minimum wage /Thai bashers get by on 300!baht a day, whilst still paying for accommodation out of that too!!

You think it's cheap to rent accommodation in the cities where the "better" jobs are? After food and accommodation is deducted most of the Thai girls I know who are not bar girls on the minimum wage, are left with sometimes just 100 baht.

Sit in your ivory towers lads, unless you've ever tried living on such a low income, you're not really in a position to pass judgement, it makes you sound like snobs.

Utter nonsense . Most if not all people start on minimum wage. Ones with brain either get better skills and better jobs or stay in the same job getting yearly pay rise and bonuses . The lazy and useless ones change jobs every month and demand hand outs

I shall tell my wife and her friends to get their fingers out, and graft more then!!

Yes my wife works getting her hands dirty 5 days a week so she doesn't feel like she's relying on me.

She wants to work in Korat but after she pays for a room, as she would have to live there rather than travelling 2 hours each way in a bus she has to pay for plus petrol costs to get to the bus stop!!

I will presume you don't live in a rural area of the country?

The local chicken factories are full of migrant workers too, and please tell me this, would you like to work in a job you don't want to do, but have to, just to make ends meet?

You're a snob, and a Thai bashing one at that. You've been bashing them on the other thread too, do you even live in Thailand and if you do, why? As you seem to have a hatred for the poor

If your wife wants to contribute.. why don't you let her develop some useful skills and send her to school maybe teach her some online skills and setup a small company. I know that I have helped the wife to get extra skills and opportunities. That is how it works.

Some people will have to work for low wages because they just don't have the skills... others have studied long and invested in their future. Its normal that they get more money. (they got less when they were in school and the others were already making money)

She's going to Bangkok in July to do a couple of courses Rob, she wants to open up a nail painting salon mate, I'm going to help set that small business up, thus is her dream, the reality is her competitors in the malls have been long established.

I'm trying to convince her pal to go with her, I will pay for it, it's not cheap but I think they could make it a small success if they go into a joint venture with another friend who owns a hairdressing salon .

We are looking at other avenues, small shop etc, she still spends my money of course!!!!

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Once a month I have a husband and wife along with there two sons who come to take care of my garden they cut the grass trim the hedges , tend the borders and rake up they start at 9.30 and are finished by 4.30 I make sure they have bottled water and at least 1 red bull as well as other little treats they do a very good job and I pay them 3,000 baht. I could not live on 300 baht a day so I would not expect others to. Once they turned up and said the grass was to short to cut so they told me I only had to pay them 2,000 baht they have never let me down my garden is steep in places and is 1,500 square meters in size so I believe the price they charge me is a fair price !!!


Rent is 1000-1500 for small house.

Food is about 50-100/day

Basic stuff, toothpaste, toothbrush etc. 200-300/month

Clothing, 100/month

That's expenses for one person.

There is room for motorbike on loan.

Did I miss something? Children? Man and wife can live ok with 18000 thb. That's my opinion.


At least there is something like a minimal wage. We live in Singapore and have a very good life. However I often feel a bit ashamed if I see all the maids, security and construction workers making just 400-500 SGD/mth. From a highly developed and wealthy country you would not expect this.

We also must be careful with making comments that it is their own fault ect. Those people are the lowest ranked and it is very easy to say what they should do. If you have little you live by the day. If I see all the westerns coming to Thailand living on a budget or teaching for 70K a month, one paycheck away from backruptcy you can also wonder why they did not make a more descend living with all the opportunities they have had.

Ahhh...I remember an observation of Thai workers in Singapore. It was in 1988. A team of 12 workers with a Malaysian foreman had to pour over 500 cu. metres of cconcrete for the base of a fuel storage tank at the airport, using a concrete pump.

Fast forward two years later, in 1990. Concrete has to be poured to a mass foundation of a condo up on Pattaya Hill. The team used was 24 Thai workers with a Thai foreman. Pouring is by a sliding ramp as the foundation is almost 2 metres below the roadway.

I seen 12 Thai workers working non-stop in Singapore to get the job done. The 24 workers in Pattaya was divided into 2 teams. One team worked and the other team sat and watched. After an hour, they switched.

Thai workers in Singapore earn about double the wage rate of Thailand, after forex conversion. But cost to place concrete in both countries is the same.

Why are Thai workers more productive when working overseas?



The comment about take on a second job is so out of touch. 6 days 10 hours per is about the average work week. I know quite a few people doing 12 hour days with only 2 days off per month for 300 baht (and they certainly are not playing with phone).

The people I know with second jobs are mostly female govt workers (tax office, teachers etc) who work Mon to Friday day time then have other jobs or rent market stalls for nights and weekends.

The wages here are horrible.


I'd love to see the minimum wage /Thai bashers get by on 300!baht a day, whilst still paying for accommodation out of that too!!

You think it's cheap to rent accommodation in the cities where the "better" jobs are? After food and accommodation is deducted most of the Thai girls I know who are not bar girls on the minimum wage, are left with sometimes just 100 baht.

Sit in your ivory towers lads, unless you've ever tried living on such a low income, you're not really in a position to pass judgement, it makes you sound like snobs.

You could wait for someone to answer like you just did, using a moral high ground.

But in a country where there's an abundance of food, no unemployment, a tropical climate, no wars or natural disasters lately, there shouldn't have to be poverty. Except for those who are just plain unlucky, poverty in Thailand is the result of personal choices and corruption in society.

And tell me, why am I, or other, not in the position to pass judgments? I've lived here for ages, I work, pay taxes, have children, help out the family now and then. Why am I not allowed to have an opinion? Who's the real snob, tell me?

There's opinions and there's passing judgement, unlike some I won't pass judgement on the Thais on minimum wages, who struggle, same as I wouldn't pass judgment on those in any other country I've lived or worked in on a minimum wage.

I bet you don't earn minimum wage either, I simply asked those making snidely judgmental comments to see how easy it is to live on the minimum wage here in Thailand.

I don't live in a fancy home, I live with my Thai In laws

All the adults in that house work 8-12 hours a day as farm labourers 5 days a week.

They now supplement their incomes by growing "greens" to sell, but that might only be 20-50 baht every couple of days.

They are very hard working and proud people

I have a job that earns me more per day than they make in a month, they don't want to sit back and be lazy, they won't accept me giving them handouts, I will buy them things they need as and when they need them, I feel very humbled when I'm at home, and they head out to work at 0600 most days, they don't want my money mate, but what I do have, if they need it, It's there.

I wouldn't consider myself as a snob, I've spent time out in the fields when it comes to harvest our own casava farm land, it's a bloody hard graft !!!

Let's face the reality shall we, if you've worked and lived here for years, would you be able to live comfortable on 300 baht a day? Maintained a healthy balanced diet?

Good to see a more constructive answer, I think we actually agree on this point.

To answer your question, if I would live alone in Bangkok in an apartment, then no I wouldnt be able to live of 300 baht comfortably. When I would live in with my wife's family in the village then yes. Everyone chips in, we would share 1 car, there's plenty of food, free or super cheap. Quite a nice standard living up there. Even with a little bit of money.

Also, I would take a second job at night or the weekends to earn more and save money to maybe set myself up 1 day to have my own or family business. If foreigners were only allowed to do that, but we're not.

I grew up in post-war Europe and believe it or not, but the villagers in 'the village' eat a lot better than what I did as a kid. We had meat maybe once or twice a week. My father had indeed 2 jobs and also studied in his free time. My mom started working when I went to school. I remember that we had to bath ourselves in the kitchen sink. The house didnt have a shower. Holidays were camping in the local park bringing in our homemade sandwiches. My parents never took loans to buy things. Our first car was a second hand Fiat, that was so small it was hilarious. I've had a superb childhood despite the lack of money to buy luxury items.

Through decent financial planning and proper work ethics and spirit my parents built up their lives and now own a house and live comfortably and have been able to send all their children through university. Mission completed!


I get the feeling that most of the poster are forgetting a few things. Firstly saying learn and get more skilled is good but here in Thailand any form of education costs money which the individual has to pay. Here is not like Europe were courses can be taken for free.

Secondly, the bottom end employees of the pay scale are there because their schooling did not give them the means to get anything better.

So before everyone comes out with comments like "Just go and learn" and the like remember here in Thailand you get nothing for free.


I get the feeling that most of the poster are forgetting a few things. Firstly saying learn and get more skilled is good but here in Thailand any form of education costs money which the individual has to pay. Here is not like Europe were courses can be taken for free.

Secondly, the bottom end employees of the pay scale are there because their schooling did not give them the means to get anything better.

So before everyone comes out with comments like "Just go and learn" and the like remember here in Thailand you get nothing for free.

The Labour ministry would tell you differently.


I get the feeling that most of the poster are forgetting a few things. Firstly saying learn and get more skilled is good but here in Thailand any form of education costs money which the individual has to pay. Here is not like Europe were courses can be taken for free.

Secondly, the bottom end employees of the pay scale are there because their schooling did not give them the means to get anything better.

So before everyone comes out with comments like "Just go and learn" and the like remember here in Thailand you get nothing for free.

You dont always need formal education to learn things. You could either watch tv whole evening or trying to learn something, like a language, computer skills, anything. A lot of temples and organisations in Thailand offer free courses in organic farming for example.


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I get the feeling that most of the poster are forgetting a few things. Firstly saying learn and get more skilled is good but here in Thailand any form of education costs money which the individual has to pay. Here is not like Europe were courses can be taken for free.
Secondly, the bottom end employees of the pay scale are there because their schooling did not give them the means to get anything better.
So before everyone comes out with comments like "Just go and learn" and the like remember here in Thailand you get nothing for free.

The Labour ministry would tell you differently.

Probably would but we all know you have to pay for education here. Anyone can say what they like but it doesnt alter the facts


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I get the feeling that most of the poster are forgetting a few things. Firstly saying learn and get more skilled is good but here in Thailand any form of education costs money which the individual has to pay. Here is not like Europe were courses can be taken for free.
Secondly, the bottom end employees of the pay scale are there because their schooling did not give them the means to get anything better.
So before everyone comes out with comments like "Just go and learn" and the like remember here in Thailand you get nothing for free.

You dont always need formal education to learn things. You could either watch tv whole evening or trying to learn something, like a language, computer skills, anything. A lot of temples and organisations in Thailand offer free courses in organic farming for example.

You are obviously thinking of your home country. Have you seen the TV in Thailand in respect to educational programmes?


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I get the feeling that most of the poster are forgetting a few things. Firstly saying learn and get more skilled is good but here in Thailand any form of education costs money which the individual has to pay. Here is not like Europe were courses can be taken for free.

Secondly, the bottom end employees of the pay scale are there because their schooling did not give them the means to get anything better.

So before everyone comes out with comments like "Just go and learn" and the like remember here in Thailand you get nothing for free.

The Labour ministry would tell you differently.

Probably would but we all know you have to pay for education here. Anyone can say what they like but it doesnt alter the facts

Ahhh...if they would pick me up in a Rolls, with champagne and caviar as dinner, and free writing pad and pens, I would study further to be a furniture carpenter.


I'd love to see the minimum wage /Thai bashers get by on 300!baht a day, whilst still paying for accommodation out of that too!!

You think it's cheap to rent accommodation in the cities where the "better" jobs are? After food and accommodation is deducted most of the Thai girls I know who are not bar girls on the minimum wage, are left with sometimes just 100 baht.

Sit in your ivory towers lads, unless you've ever tried living on such a low income, you're not really in a position to pass judgement, it makes you sound like snobs.

You could wait for someone to answer like you just did, using a moral high ground.

But in a country where there's an abundance of food, no unemployment, a tropical climate, no wars or natural disasters lately, there shouldn't have to be poverty. Except for those who are just plain unlucky, poverty in Thailand is the result of personal choices and corruption in society.

And tell me, why am I, or other, not in the position to pass judgments? I've lived here for ages, I work, pay taxes, have children, help out the family now and then. Why am I not allowed to have an opinion? Who's the real snob, tell me?

There's opinions and there's passing judgement, unlike some I won't pass judgement on the Thais on minimum wages, who struggle, same as I wouldn't pass judgment on those in any other country I've lived or worked in on a minimum wage.

I bet you don't earn minimum wage either, I simply asked those making snidely judgmental comments to see how easy it is to live on the minimum wage here in Thailand.

I don't live in a fancy home, I live with my Thai In laws

All the adults in that house work 8-12 hours a day as farm labourers 5 days a week.

They now supplement their incomes by growing "greens" to sell, but that might only be 20-50 baht every couple of days.

They are very hard working and proud people

I have a job that earns me more per day than they make in a month, they don't want to sit back and be lazy, they won't accept me giving them handouts, I will buy them things they need as and when they need them, I feel very humbled when I'm at home, and they head out to work at 0600 most days, they don't want my money mate, but what I do have, if they need it, It's there.

I wouldn't consider myself as a snob, I've spent time out in the fields when it comes to harvest our own casava farm land, it's a bloody hard graft !!!

Let's face the reality shall we, if you've worked and lived here for years, would you be able to live comfortable on 300 baht a day? Maintained a healthy balanced diet?

So, what are you proposing is the solution?

You can blame others for being born lucky, or you can suggest a way to solve the plight of those not born so lucky.

So, assuming you took Economics 101 in college, tell us how you are going to solve the plight of the Thai workers.


I'd love to see the minimum wage /Thai bashers get by on 300!baht a day, whilst still paying for accommodation out of that too!!

You think it's cheap to rent accommodation in the cities where the "better" jobs are? After food and accommodation is deducted most of the Thai girls I know who are not bar girls on the minimum wage, are left with sometimes just 100 baht.

Sit in your ivory towers lads, unless you've ever tried living on such a low income, you're not really in a position to pass judgement, it makes you sound like snobs.

You could wait for someone to answer like you just did, using a moral high ground.

But in a country where there's an abundance of food, no unemployment, a tropical climate, no wars or natural disasters lately, there shouldn't have to be poverty. Except for those who are just plain unlucky, poverty in Thailand is the result of personal choices and corruption in society.

And tell me, why am I, or other, not in the position to pass judgments? I've lived here for ages, I work, pay taxes, have children, help out the family now and then. Why am I not allowed to have an opinion? Who's the real snob, tell me?

There's opinions and there's passing judgement, unlike some I won't pass judgement on the Thais on minimum wages, who struggle, same as I wouldn't pass judgment on those in any other country I've lived or worked in on a minimum wage.

I bet you don't earn minimum wage either, I simply asked those making snidely judgmental comments to see how easy it is to live on the minimum wage here in Thailand.

I don't live in a fancy home, I live with my Thai In laws

All the adults in that house work 8-12 hours a day as farm labourers 5 days a week.

They now supplement their incomes by growing "greens" to sell, but that might only be 20-50 baht every couple of days.

They are very hard working and proud people

I have a job that earns me more per day than they make in a month, they don't want to sit back and be lazy, they won't accept me giving them handouts, I will buy them things they need as and when they need them, I feel very humbled when I'm at home, and they head out to work at 0600 most days, they don't want my money mate, but what I do have, if they need it, It's there.

I wouldn't consider myself as a snob, I've spent time out in the fields when it comes to harvest our own casava farm land, it's a bloody hard graft !!!

Let's face the reality shall we, if you've worked and lived here for years, would you be able to live comfortable on 300 baht a day? Maintained a healthy balanced diet?

So, what are you proposing is the solution?

You can blame others for being born lucky, or you can suggest a way to solve the plight of those not born so lucky.

So, assuming you took Economics 101 in college, tell us how you are going to solve the plight of the Thai workers.

We learn in Economics 101 the difference between consumption and investment. Taking a loan to buy a smartphone and paying for a 3G package is consumption. Using the same money to obtain a trade certificate is called investment.


Same old story. I earn minimum wages. I have wife and children to feed. Cost of living is too high to support my wife and kids on minimum wages.

Yes we all know. But why are you still earning minimum wages? Why do you not aquire more knowledge or skill to be productive and climb the wage ladder?

And why do you get married and have children when you can barely support just yourself?

Should society be responsible for you and your foolish acts?

Society should be responsible for the next generation. Maybe a guranteed minimum per capita income. Capitalism might soon be finished if only the rich are allowed to have children.


Thing is we all seen what happened after the last raise (without any extra productivity) a massive inflation. So just raising their salary wont work. If they want more they have to earn it. Last time it did not work why would it work now.


Commission fee for letting someone work for you? Definitely should be illegal. Really sick thinking.


Same old story. I earn minimum wages. I have wife and children to feed. Cost of living is too high to support my wife and kids on minimum wages.

Yes we all know. But why are you still earning minimum wages? Why do you not aquire more knowledge or skill to be productive and climb the wage ladder?

And why do you get married and have children when you can barely support just yourself?

Should society be responsible for you and your foolish acts?

Society should be responsible for the next generation. Maybe a guranteed minimum per capita income. Capitalism might soon be finished if only the rich are allowed to have children.

Don't know about the fate of Capitalism, but know society would be made up mainly of cuckoo birds.


Here; in the Netherlands its the same about 3 mil people can,t make enough money to pay the bills. And for people who think that courses in Europe can be taken for free,keep on dreaming.


Thank you all for a good laugh over my morning tea.

Can there be anything funnier (and more obtuse) than comments on the Thai Minimum Wage than the racist and condescending postings we see today?

Here they sit, the direct beneficiaries of long histories of economies built upon imperialistic conquest and direct slavery, waxing poetic about how the people of Thailand deserve less than $10 a DAY for their work. Here they sit, the most selfish of the selfish, exploiting the misery of many, for their own personal creature comforts …

And the only question is, are you PRETENDING not to know that this planet is severely divided along racial lines, and the Farang landed on the right side of the dinner table?

Or do you REALLY not know this? Really? Well then, I would guess you have the most to say about why the citizens of the country you are a guest in cannot manage their own affairs.

Gents, slide into your ridiculously inexpensive clothes, made by slave labor children.
Sip your coffee, picked by migrant workers “sold” by human traffickers to the plantations.
Spend the afternoon in the air conditioned mall, perhaps you can buy some Blood Diamonds and Gold.
On the way home, maybe you can receive some pleasure from a prostitute … selling her soul to keep the family afloat.
But most of all, on the “To DO’ list … please … tell us more from high on the hill .. why the poorest of the poor, why a day of their life .. is worth less than a cab ride to Starbucks and a coffee?

This is a sad day, for the true colors of Thai Visa are up the pole and waving for all to see. Mean spirited racists who seem to take pleasure in the misery of the poor.

It is a long road with no turns, the night is dark, and the bridge is narrow.

In summary. It is posting like many of these that make me ashamed to be Farang In the Kingdom


Interesting thread. I haven't met hardly any "poor" Thai people, although there are an increasing number of them. What they lack in economic means they more than make up for in there own sense of spiritual well being. You cannot compare the economic situation of any particular Thai person to a westerner, anymore than you can compare Thailand's climatic, economic, religious or political past to a country in Europe or with a western style "democracy" (what a joke).

Historically most Thai's wanted for nothing, it's only been the adoption of western values both in econmics and politics that's begun breaking the country's social fabric down, as everyone starts measuring themselves against a number called "money".


Interesting thread. I haven't met hardly any "poor" Thai people, although there are an increasing number of them. What they lack in economic means they more than make up for in there own sense of spiritual well being. You cannot compare the economic situation of any particular Thai person to a westerner, anymore than you can compare Thailand's climatic, economic, religious or political past to a country in Europe or with a western style "democracy" (what a joke).

Historically most Thai's wanted for nothing, it's only been the adoption of western values both in econmics and politics that's begun breaking the country's social fabric down, as everyone starts measuring themselves against a number called "money".

Thank you for a really uplifting posting o this subject.

I absolutly agree with you that in terms of wealth of spirit, Thailand is on top, to be surrounded by that is specifically what I love and live in the Kingdom.

We Westerners are paupers in terms of this self contained happiness..

However, this conversation is about money.

History has proven that as cultures migrate from agrarian to industrial, some part of their collective soul is lost. I think this is a portion of what you are saying. The "Paradise Lost" phenomenon.

Well, I do not have the answer for all this. I only know that long ago, before Thailand was "blessed" with the Farang hoard .. she was much better off.

Thanks for a refreshing posting.


Here's this Isaan woman, university degree, still had to work in a bar because no other jobs available. Now about to open a small shop, 20k rent per month, maybe 3 months before breakeven point is reached. And no bank will give her credit for investment.

She has a daughter who finished high school now. College costs 80k a year, must be paid in advance. Instalments would be fine. But again: no credit from a bank.

"Credit" comes from trust and faith.

What are banks good for if they have no faith in the people that are their customers?


I do not pretend to know about the situation in Bangkok and some of the larger cities in the south.

There are a few things about minimum wage I know to be true here in the north I have never seen mentioned on a TV post before that I think should be known.

1) Most people who work for Min wage are required to work 12 hours per day to get that 300 baht


2) Most min wage jobs require the worker to work 6 days per week.

That breaks down to 25 baht per hour.

A 72 our week pays 1800 baht

or 7,200 baht per month

3( Another important fact I never hear mentioned is that farm labor (working in the hot sun 12 hours per day ) does not pay 300 baht per day.

Farm labor is only paid 200 baht per day....legal or not, that is the fact in northern Thailand.

Can you imagine trying to support yourself on these wages with only one day per week off to take care of business at home?

Now, try to imagine supporting a family on these wages...even with two adults working 6 days per week!

No all of course, but I have seen plenty of these labor who do in 12 hours what other labor would do in 4 hours. And the one that are active usually get paid more or quickly find a better job, or get foreman.....


I'd love to see the minimum wage /Thai bashers get by on 300!baht a day, whilst still paying for accommodation out of that too!!

You think it's cheap to rent accommodation in the cities where the "better" jobs are? After food and accommodation is deducted most of the Thai girls I know who are not bar girls on the minimum wage, are left with sometimes just 100 baht.

Sit in your ivory towers lads, unless you've ever tried living on such a low income, you're not really in a position to pass judgement, it makes you sound like snobs.

You could wait for someone to answer like you just did, using a moral high ground.

But in a country where there's an abundance of food, no unemployment, a tropical climate, no wars or natural disasters lately, there shouldn't have to be poverty. Except for those who are just plain unlucky, poverty in Thailand is the result of personal choices and corruption in society.

And tell me, why am I, or other, not in the position to pass judgments? I've lived here for ages, I work, pay taxes, have children, help out the family now and then. Why am I not allowed to have an opinion? Who's the real snob, tell me?

There's opinions and there's passing judgement, unlike some I won't pass judgement on the Thais on minimum wages, who struggle, same as I wouldn't pass judgment on those in any other country I've lived or worked in on a minimum wage.

I bet you don't earn minimum wage either, I simply asked those making snidely judgmental comments to see how easy it is to live on the minimum wage here in Thailand.

I don't live in a fancy home, I live with my Thai In laws

All the adults in that house work 8-12 hours a day as farm labourers 5 days a week.

They now supplement their incomes by growing "greens" to sell, but that might only be 20-50 baht every couple of days.

They are very hard working and proud people

I have a job that earns me more per day than they make in a month, they don't want to sit back and be lazy, they won't accept me giving them handouts, I will buy them things they need as and when they need them, I feel very humbled when I'm at home, and they head out to work at 0600 most days, they don't want my money mate, but what I do have, if they need it, It's there.

I wouldn't consider myself as a snob, I've spent time out in the fields when it comes to harvest our own casava farm land, it's a bloody hard graft !!!

Let's face the reality shall we, if you've worked and lived here for years, would you be able to live comfortable on 300 baht a day? Maintained a healthy balanced diet?

So, what are you proposing is the solution?

You can blame others for being born lucky, or you can suggest a way to solve the plight of those not born so lucky.

So, assuming you took Economics 101 in college, tell us how you are going to solve the plight of the Thai workers.

Errrr isn't the very topic not about raising the minimum wage to be more in line with the rise in inflation and the cost of living?

Of course that doesn't suit those with business as it eats into THEIR profit margins.

Who is blaming those "born lucky" ?

I have never had anything handed to me on a plate and I'm sure most expats here all all had to work their &lt;deleted&gt; off to get to where they are today, being born lucky has nothing to do with it.

But posters here are comparing apples to oranges by comparing their home countries to that of Thailand.

I also know plenty of university graduates back in the UK who are not earning salaries based on their educational backgrounds so let's just kill that myth right away!!

They can't get work based on their education, I know uni graduates stacking shelves in tesco at nights as they can't get openings locally based on their skill set.

Would you be happy if you worked 10 years working your way up the ladder and put in the hours to have a 20 year old uni grad with zero on the ground experience walk into the job you busted a nut for ? Not many would.

Thailand has a problem with class, and once it starts treating all people as equals it might go a long way to raising the minimum wages.

I wouldn't be surprised if current politics is also a contributing factor as to why certain "groups" will be minimum salaried, I'd hate to think there was such sectarianism here ?


Here's this Isaan woman, university degree, still had to work in a bar because no other jobs available. Now about to open a small shop, 20k rent per month, maybe 3 months before breakeven point is reached. And no bank will give her credit for investment.

She has a daughter who finished high school now. College costs 80k a year, must be paid in advance. Instalments would be fine. But again: no credit from a bank.

"Credit" comes from trust and faith.

What are banks good for if they have no faith in the people that are their customers?

Her life would have been better should she studied to be a chef instead of getting a general University degree.


Here's this Isaan woman, university degree, still had to work in a bar because no other jobs available. Now about to open a small shop, 20k rent per month, maybe 3 months before breakeven point is reached. And no bank will give her credit for investment.

She has a daughter who finished high school now. College costs 80k a year, must be paid in advance. Instalments would be fine. But again: no credit from a bank.

"Credit" comes from faith.

What are banks good for if they have no faith in the people that are their customers?

no that isn't true....in Bangkok they search for cleaning women for 12000 Baht and can't find any. 7/11 is hiring and firing all the time as they can't find staff.

Our two new office ladies with little skills and zero experience get 12.000 in the first month and 15.000 after the second month.

As long as I know there are plenty of free schools.

So she works in bar, because she doesn't want to sit 10 hours per day in the office for 15000 Baht.


Thank you all for a good laugh over my morning tea.

Can there be anything funnier (and more obtuse) than comments on the Thai Minimum Wage than the racist and condescending postings we see today?

Here they sit, the direct beneficiaries of long histories of economies built upon imperialistic conquest and direct slavery, waxing poetic about how the people of Thailand deserve less than $10 a DAY for their work. Here they sit, the most selfish of the selfish, exploiting the misery of many, for their own personal creature comforts

And the only question is, are you PRETENDING not to know that this planet is severely divided along racial lines, and the Farang landed on the right side of the dinner table?

Or do you REALLY not know this? Really? Well then, I would guess you have the most to say about why the citizens of the country you are a guest in cannot manage their own affairs.

Gents, slide into your ridiculously inexpensive clothes, made by slave labor children.

Sip your coffee, picked by migrant workers sold by human traffickers to the plantations.

Spend the afternoon in the air conditioned mall, perhaps you can buy some Blood Diamonds and Gold.

On the way home, maybe you can receive some pleasure from a prostitute selling her soul to keep the family afloat.

But most of all, on the To DO list please tell us more from high on the hill .. why the poorest of the poor, why a day of their life .. is worth less than a cab ride to Starbucks and a coffee?

This is a sad day, for the true colors of Thai Visa are up the pole and waving for all to see. Mean spirited racists who seem to take pleasure in the misery of the poor.

It is a long road with no turns, the night is dark, and the bridge is narrow.

In summary. It is posting like many of these that make me ashamed to be Farang In the Kingdom

Great post!! Would that tea be the type of tea cut by poorly paid workers in whatever countries blend you're drinking? :D

Earl Grey grey in the morning is the only tea to champion even if it is unfortunately cut by poor farm workers in a far off land :(


Here's this Isaan woman, university degree, still had to work in a bar because no other jobs available. Now about to open a small shop, 20k rent per month, maybe 3 months before breakeven point is reached. And no bank will give her credit for investment.

She has a daughter who finished high school now. College costs 80k a year, must be paid in advance. Instalments would be fine. But again: no credit from a bank.

"Credit" comes from trust and faith.

What are banks good for if they have no faith in the people that are their customers?

College costs 80k a year ??wow some college that must be is that just tuition fee or all in ???

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