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Help! Wireless Internet Connection


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Hi everyone!

At the moment I am in France studying and I have just subscribed for unlimited connection internet. However, it says "MAX 3GB/MONTH". What does this mean exactly? Does this mean that if the 'packets received' exceed 3gb i wont be able to use the internet? If so, how is this even call unlimited internet?

Your help would be appreciated!


ps. On the Wireless Network Connection Status window, is the packets received displayed in bytes or kb??

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Welcome to the real world.

Unfortunately it means just what you suspect. :o

You can stay on line all the time, but ONLY download 3 Gbytes a month.

I read an advert like this in the UK.

It was for a 4Gb/sec link, and in small print it said the first Gbyte of download is free.

I calculated that would last 17 minutes at full speed...........

You will have to find out what happens if you go over the limit.

Do you get cut off, or charged extra?

I agree that such advertising is very bad.

I feel sure France has an Advertising Standards office.

You might try reporting the ISP to them.

On the practical side I suggest you download Dumeter this will allow you to track how much you dowload each day, week and month.

You can set it to warn you when you are getting near this ridiculously low limit.

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Hi everyone!

At the moment I am in France studying and I have just subscribed for unlimited connection internet. However, it says "MAX 3GB/MONTH". What does this mean exactly? Does this mean that if the 'packets received' exceed 3gb i wont be able to use the internet? If so, how is this even call unlimited internet?

Your help would be appreciated!


ps. On the Wireless Network Connection Status window, is the packets received displayed in bytes or kb??

That s exactly that ... Belgium had this set up since the begining of ADSL in belgium. Internet through tv cable (UBC like) in france had this as well. It s not a bad idea if you think about it. The company who set those restriction have a limited bandwidth capacity but they arent lying about it. So in order to be fair with every customer they set the rule that high consummer have to pay the bill. (Generally if you go over your quota you start paying a fee / mb you download). Wonder why we dont have a similar system in thailand :|

Ps: you should try to get an ADSL connection using free or orange, if you have a phone line check http://www.degrouptest.com . If you need help with the french feel free to pm me.

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