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Agency update re:-renewing UK Passport


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Ok went to agency friday didn't have a countersignatory fill in passport form was tol'd it was required, ok so home i went got the form filled in by friend.

So back to agent monday got the thumbs up that all was well and it would take 3-4 weeks to get new passport, sweet news and only 5 k for service.

I'm well happy to pay that price and yeah it is being done at the trendy building bangkok, not as some would have it somewhat illegaly done.

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5000 baht and they could not tell you as you are RENEWING your passport DO NOT need a countersignature,

Unless your appearance has changed dramatically since your last photo.

Good point, that was my understanding of the note when I re-newed my passport last year.

Was this Easy Visa ?

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Just renewed my passport in the UK,arrived here,phoned the passport office ,got An appointment for 4 days later,called in paid my 128 pounds,picked up the passport 4 hours later, easy peasy,that is if your on holiday here lol

Edited by i claudius
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Just renewed my passport in the UK,arrived here,phoned the passport office ,got An appointment for 4 days later,called in paid my 128 pounds,picked up the passport 4 hours later, easy peasy,that is if your on holiday here lol

I renewed my passport about a couple of months ago via the British Embassy Bangkok route online, after the first appointment at the Embassy, presenting all the paperwork and payments, they gave me a DHL tracking number, I saw that it was sent to the UK that day, received a phone call from them less than two weeks later asking me to collect my new passport. I was pleasantly surprised as to the ease and speed of the service.

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Key visa not easy visa the latter can't do as i was tol'd by the gentleman there who actually pointed me in the direction of key visa whom he stated was the only one who has permission to deal with trendy, as for the 5k part two trips to bangkok in hired drivers car 3 k plus time and stress involved, ok 1 can do it on the cheap by bus nah thanks so in my eyes well worth the money.

Counter signature of payee required for sure as my friend did so also when he renewed his.

Edited by Brit_Doggie
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Pity Trendy or the Embassy do not publish this new procedure. It is certainly NOT what they say on the website.Why can someone in Pattaya do it but not elsewhere?

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Pity Trendy or the Embassy do not publish this new procedure. It is certainly NOT what they say on the website.Why can someone in Pattaya do it but not elsewhere?

It's not just Pattaya, plus the British Embassy are no longer in the loop, it's only HMPO Liverpool and trendy BKK..

There was a subtle change of policy last autumn by HMPO regarding passport applications in Thailand, now any third party with authorisation from you, the applicant, can apply to trendy on your behalf, here is the key aspect of the policy revision from HMPO's website:

Making your application

You must apply in person. If you’re unable to, someone else can go on your behalf. You must bring photo ID with you.

The other half of the equation is more ambiguous, trendy currently allow a third party collection with authorisation, this directly flaunts HMPO procedures as quoted below, but may well be being done with their tacit approval:

Getting your passport.

Your passport will be delivered to the UK Visa Application Centre where you applied - you must collect it in person.

Whereas trendy state in their advice on collection:

b. Please note that passports cannot be couriered. You may however arrange for a third party to collect your passport on your behalf. If a third party representative will be collecting the passport on your behalf, they will be required to bring the following with them:

i. Your previous passport(s) (for cancellation)

ii. Photo ID of the third party

iii. An authority letter signed by you giving the third party authorisation from you, stating his/her name and that you are permitting him/her to collect the passport on your behalf.

iv. If a third party representative is collecting a child's passport the letter of authority must be provided and signed by the person who has parental responsibility, and who signed the declaration when the application was made.

So long the tall and short is that an 'agent' (any third party whatsoever) can now both make a passport applications and also collect the completed passports on one's behalf - have done it my self already for friends.

This is certainly most convenient for many UK expats based in Thailand faced with grotesquely long journeys, cost and inconvenience.

However this process make a sick joke of the reasons we have been given for not being able to apply online with the replacement passports being couriered to our homes (Risk of ID Theft and the 'need' to hold one's passport at all times).

Edited by digitalchromakey
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